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Lucid dreaming is more talked-about now than ever before
It's incredible ability, and I'll give you a better understanding of what it is if you're not sure in this video
I'll also be giving you some tips on how to achieve a lucid dream and
Talking about something many people do not know about
lucid nightmares
Here are five things. You need to know about this mind-blowing experience
So as always sit back and enjoy
What is lucid dreaming
Lucid dreaming is the proven scientific ability to become self-aware in your dreams
Meaning, you know you're dreaming so have the ability to control. What is going on inside your dream in
a typical dream you're not aware of what is going on you have no control over some of the bizarre things that appear and
The chances are you won't remember all or any of the dream when you wake up
But when you have a lucid dream, you can guide the dream in whatever direction you wanted to go
So in effect you can dream out whatever crazy scenario you want
You can fly meet your hero ride around on a bird run or whatever the thing you crave
Usually the dreamer is enjoying the experience and has no strong desire to wake up or end the dream
Although some people who have had a lucid dream sometimes wake up feeling exhausted or frustrated in
Their lifetime almost 60% of people will have a lucid dream and 20% of them will have more than one per month
But if you've never had one then do not worry this video will guide you through achieving the experience
What is a lucid nightmare if
You've ever had a nightmare then you won't know what makes them
So scary as you seem to have no control over the outcome
And it's not until the terror and stress wakes you up that you realize you're not in any danger at all
Yet with lucid dreaming as you know your mind can willfully guide the dream and make you aware that you are dreaming
however, there is such a thing as a lucid nightmare a
Lucid dream that can take a darker turn and although you are aware of the ominous shift. It is still terrifying
Anyone who's had a lucid nightmare will know that because you are so conscious of what is going on
It will seem more vivid and more real than an ordinary nightmare and although a lucid dream. Can be controlled
Usually in a lucid nightmare that ability is lost as the nightmare and faults
but not all is bad others believe that leisured nightmares can sometimes be our bodies trying to tell us something or
Help us to confront our fears
So do not discount lucid nightmares as although. They are terrifying. They may have a purpose
Similar to any nightmare they are more likely to pop up during times of stress or anxiety or when things are playing on our minds
It's interesting to know that Stephen King is a famous lucid dreamer
And it makes you wonder if some of his memorable characters such as penny wise and Jack Torrance came to him, and he lucid nightmare
Something it seems he's never been asked
Lucid dreaming does not influence real life
for many of us and enjoyable or terrifying experience in our life can sometimes get replicated in our dreams, but
Is the other way around possible do our dreams affect our reality similar to the way reality affects our dreams?
While despite the claimed in numerous articles and portrayals in movies such as Inception and waking life
there is no proof that lucid dreaming has any influence on your life or anyone else's and
there are in fact no proven benefits of lucid dreaming in fact experts have warned against reading too much into the phenomenon and
Blurring the line between dream life and real life
Some people have become convinced that they all get tramped or die in a lucid dream
And this will mean they are going to die in real life
Likewise the dreams are so convincing they believe that they can act them out in real life so although
There is no evidence that lucid dreams can affect our reality
If we have a bad or good dream or the kind of fact is our mood for the rest of the day
The brain during the lucid dream
we all know the brain is a powerful thing and
It's the brain that is responsible for making our dreams lucid because despite the fact that we are fast asleep
Our brain is working at levels resembling full waking consciousness in
An ordinary dream the area of the brain responsible for self-awareness and memory the dorsal atrás prefrontal cortex is usually
deactivated during REM sleep
Which is why we do not always remember our dreams
However during a lucid dream the dreamer treads a fine line between staying asleep
Yet remaining alert enough to remember and control their dreams in effect lucid dreaming is a separate state of consciousness
Scientists from Germany believe they have discovered the neurological key to this ability
after scanning the brains of regular dreamers
And those who are typically lucid they concluded that the region of the brain that facilitates self-reflection
anterior prefrontal cortexes is
larger among lucid dreamers
It's also believed. However that like anything in life these self-awareness skills can be taught
Three steps that can help trigger your first lucid dream if
You've never experienced a lucid dream. Then the good news is you can learn how to?
Let's look at three steps that could trigger a lucid dream
It may not work the first time, but with work everyone has the ability to learn this extraordinary skill
First of all everybody dreams even if they only remember one or two a year
so the first step to lucid dreaming is to keep a dream journal as
Soon as you wake up write down at least one of the dreams you remember
secondly throughout the day you must perform at least ten reality checks a
Reality check is when you remind yourself of the state of things in real life
An example of this would be the realization that despite your moaning you actually have a very good life of
Course the opposite could also apply
Thirdly Dooley's ten minutes of mindful meditation a day it's Thorne's the mindfulness goes hand in hand with lucid dreaming
by improving mind skills such as
visualization and self-awareness
even a simple breathing meditation practice daily will help you achieve profound relaxation and
Enhance your chances of having lucid dreams
these are of course just the basic steps to encourage lucid dreaming and
Are aimed at training your mind to recognize the difference between the real world and a dream world?
So there's five things you need to know about lucid dreams
I hope you've enjoyed and if you need more information on these three basic steps
There is plenty out there on the Internet
I would love to hear how you get on and if you've ever had a lucid dream that I would love to hear your experience
Thanks for watching and as always. I'll see you in the next video