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  • macro counting intuitive eating which is best today that's exactly what we're going to cover

  • I get asked this question all of the time many people actually

  • find their way to my website through an article that I was featured on on

  • a while back where I decided to actually use macro counting

  • to reverse diet myself and also including heavy lifting increased my

  • muscle mass while staying really lean it was a self experiment it was really fun

  • and it was one of the things that I just did because I felt like why not it might

  • be fun and so I get asked all the time because a lot of women will come to me

  • and say well it looks like what you teach in your courses and with your

  • clients it's more like intuitive eating so how does macro counting fit in and

  • it's a really really good question so today I want to share with you some

  • of the top questions to ask yourself and some of the pros and the cons related to

  • macro counting versus intuitive eating so you can ultimately discern which is

  • the best for you so let's dive in first for those of you who do not know what

  • macro counting is it's basically tracking your protein, carbs, and fat in

  • grams every single day so this is kind of like calorie counting but you're

  • counting the actual macros instead this is not a new concept it's actually been

  • around for a really long time it's actually just a trend that's sort of

  • coming back into play you may have heard of things like iifym which is if it fits

  • your macros or maybe flexible dieting it's kind of popular right now in the

  • bodybuilding world intuitive eating is something that is not a new concept

  • either and basically what this is is listening to your body and listening to

  • your hunger signals and discerning what it means when you eat certain

  • things and what you need to eat and how your body responds to things and

  • ultimately being able to eventually maintain your ideal body weight and

  • optimal health through listening from the guidance from within now there

  • are experts that back both that support either with research and even case

  • studies tons and tons of case studies so I mean it's clear that there is no one

  • right answer across the board you can argue either way so today I just want to

  • throw some of the pros and the cons of each that I have found on my own journey

  • both using them myself and with my clients so number one both offer

  • flexibility in their own way macro counting offers the flexibility of

  • being able to plan out your meals for the day based on your macros your

  • protein, carbs, and fat those are the goals that you want to hit every single

  • day and you'll have your plan set at the beginning of the day and then you can

  • choose those foods whatever foods you want

  • according to just based on hitting your macros so as long as you hit your macros

  • then you're good the downside of this is that a lot of times people will get

  • carried away and they'll end up eating a lot of packaged foods and they think

  • well I can eat cookies and cake and pop-tarts or whatever else as long as I

  • hit my macros then I'm good right and the answer is no you're not you need to

  • make sure that you are actually getting in those micronutrients that you get

  • from Whole Foods lots of veggies, fruits, things like that

  • because ultimately your body needs those things to thrive to have energy to sleep

  • well to have a good immune system it's very important that you are getting in

  • those micronutrients with intuitive eating it's actually the exact opposite

  • of macro counting so you can eat whatever you want whenever you want and

  • you have the complete freedom to choose in the moment what feels best now the

  • downside of this is that for some people this level of freedom can be way way too

  • much for them to be able to handle especially if in the past they were used

  • to counting calories counting macros even binge eating things like that it's

  • it's like a pendulum and I actually describe it like this we have two

  • different sides we have structure on one end and then we have freedom on the

  • other and the structure would be restrictive

  • eating being very strict with what you're eating being very planned out and

  • then freedom is on the other side and that's where you basically have no rules

  • you just eat whatever you want and it's very intuitive this is very structured

  • this is very masculine this is very feminine in really like leaning back and

  • trusting and so for some people to swing if they were very strict to swing all

  • the way to the other ends and be very free with intuitive eating it can be too

  • much they freaked out and then they feel like they have to go all the way back to

  • the very controlled restrictive way of eating and it can also lead to binges

  • and all kinds of things and so this is where you have to check in with yourself

  • if you know that that level of freedom is going to be way too much for you

  • would be like going from A to Z overnight then you have to know yourself

  • and you have to know that that ultimately is not going to serve you

  • very well and it's not going to lead to you achieving and then sustaining your

  • goals so number two is that both offer an opportunity to learn about your body

  • with macro counting you get to learn what works best for you in terms of

  • protein, carbs, and fat you get to look at what is actually in the foods that

  • you're eating you're looking at the packages you're looking at the

  • ingredients you're looking at how much sugar and how much fiber all of these

  • different things that go into the foods that we eat but a lot of times we really

  • just don't pay any attention to so macro counting can be the next logical step

  • for you if you have never really thought about the foods that you eat and what

  • kind of protein carbs and fats are in the various food options macro counting

  • also can help you to put together balanced meals so again you'll be able

  • to see how much protein is in this how much fat is in this how much carbs is in

  • this and you might even be really surprised about the different foods that

  • you eat on a regular basis so you might then be able to swap things out and plug

  • in other foods that lead to more balanced meals which then lead to more

  • satiety more balance blood sugar so you feel

  • less of both highs and lows with your energy throughout the day so it can

  • actually be a really great learning tool with intuitive eating you have the

  • opportunity to start listening to your body so much in life we are told and

  • taught to outsource you know to someone that is more of an expertise than we are

  • and when it comes to your own body who know you best right so when you practice

  • intuitive eating you're really giving yourself that permission to start paying

  • attention to start really listening to what your body is asking for to start

  • feeling into what foods work best for you and leave you feeling most satisfied

  • now with intuitive eating it's almost like you're giving yourself permission

  • to clear some space to experiment and it is not an overnight process so please do

  • not expect yourself to receive results overnight it will take some time but I

  • promise the more that you practice this tuning in the more you're going to feel

  • in control no matter what I call this mastering your inner expert number three

  • is that both offer you the opportunity to feel in control or on the flip side

  • out of control and here's what I mean both of them are simply a tool it's

  • almost like we're wearing a tool belt and we have all of these different

  • things to choose from based on where we're at in our own unique journey

  • either of them can help to support getting you to your goals but you have

  • to make sure that you're using whatever tools you choose to use from an

  • empowered mindset rather than from a disempowered mindset and when I say

  • disempowered mainly what I'm saying is that if you are using each of these

  • tools because you're scared or because you think you need this in order to

  • achieve your goals and it comes from a very lack base place you're probably not

  • going to get to your goals but if you use some from a mindset of

  • self-discovery self-love and even from this mindset of curiosity or like what

  • if almost like I did when I when I played around with macro counting then

  • that's going to set you up for success on so many levels beyond just the

  • structure part but also on an emotional level too because you're excited

  • versus fear-based and that's a whole another conversation for another video

  • and I talked about that a lot on my website but how do you feel about

  • whatever you're doing makes a huge huge difference another thing to pay

  • attention to with this idea of control versus being out of control

  • is neither one of them is a license to check out and and I see this time and

  • time again with both of them where people will say macro counting is the

  • answer I have to count macros it's it's what freed me from binge eating but then

  • those same people month or a year down the road will then say you know what I

  • realize now that I basically just replaced one addiction with another and

  • I became obsessed with counting macros and I was I was a prisoner to my scale

  • my food scale I was a prisoner to getting online and planning out my food

  • every single day and I wouldn't go out certain restaurants if I didn't know

  • what the macros were going to be in different foods and it becomes a very

  • fear based type of a thing you know where you feel like you need to have

  • control meanwhile you don't really do anything else in your life and to me

  • that does not feel like freedom or fun or any of the other feelings that I want

  • to feel on a daily basis in my life now with intuitive eating it can be very

  • much the same where you start practicing this new way of eating and showing up

  • and you say oh my gosh this is the answer this is my magic pill but then

  • you end up flying way off the wagon way more towards freedom than what you

  • actually feel comfortable with and you might gain weight you might get to this

  • place where you feel like oh my gosh I I don't even know what I'm doing anymore

  • you know is this the right thing and you start to question things and again you

  • feel like oh my gosh I'm just stuck in another diet type of a thing this is not

  • the answer now I need to go find the answer and here's one caveat there and I

  • just want to mention on both of these points so with the macro counting and

  • getting super obsessed and with intuitive eating and getting you know

  • way way way free and feeling like you have no sort of structure or guidelines

  • and you're just kind of flying by the seizure

  • and maybe you're eating cookies all day because that's what you feel like your

  • body is telling you to do I just want you guys to know that in either case

  • it's not wrong to be in that place you are taking the next logical step for you

  • in your own unique journey and I know I've said that a lot but I'm going to

  • keep saying it your journey is unique and only you get to define what what

  • that path looks like because only you know what it is that you want to

  • experience in your life so each of these different situations or experiences

  • although it may seem really bad or it may feel really uncomfortable in the

  • moment it actually is often the next logical step for you in discerning what

  • it is that you actually want we know what we want most when we've experienced

  • what we don't want I'm sure that you have had that before I know I have many

  • times in my life so like I mentioned if you've been restricting and you're way

  • over here on this very structure of rigid side of the pendulum you've been

  • restricting for a really long time maybe if you've been eating eight hundred

  • calories a thousand calories and you know that you want to start eating more

  • and you know that you need to start taking better care of yourself maybe

  • macro counting is the next logical step for you in this pendulum so maybe you

  • know here is structure here's freedom maybe you're right here and that's where

  • macro counting is and that for you is balance right now you know it would not

  • feel comfortable for you to go from eight hundred calories a day to eating

  • cookies and ice cream and all kinds of food all day every day you're going to

  • feel like a crazy person you know that's a A to Z so what's the next logical step

  • for you that might be macro counting and what I say is this like every step

  • is a bridge to the next to the next to the next step where you're at where you

  • are today where you might have been yesterday is not where you're going to

  • be forever that's just where you are right now and a lot of times people will

  • ask me our diets bad you know is Weight Watchers bad and I'll tell them no

  • because a lot of times that really is the first logical step the first step

  • for people in discovering what optimal health looks like for them and we have

  • to have these experiences that help us to discern and discover what

  • it is that we really want for ourselves when it comes to intuitive eating

  • I've had some women say that oh my gosh this is this is my Savior this is what I

  • needed I needed to listen to my body I needed to get into my body but then

  • later on they'll say but I haven't lost the weight yet what do I do like I still

  • want to lose the weight and one of the things I tell my clients is weight loss

  • goals or physical goals they're not bad it's not bad for you to have physical

  • gold I just want you to approach them from this mindset of self love and self

  • discovery versus from that mindset that I mentioned of last you know not good

  • enough miss feeling ashamed of your body that's not going to serve you and that's

  • not helpful so what we do is this if you are on this place on the pendulum swing

  • where you're very much in this intuitive eating space but you're thinking okay I

  • need a little bit more structure you can pull back you know you can look at your

  • macros if you want to but don't do it from this obsessive place do it from

  • this place of curiosity and really understanding like am I getting enough

  • protein every single day you know am I getting in enough healthy fat am I

  • getting in enough fiber maybe you're not you know maybe there are certain things

  • that you can do to just start to discover the area where you might want

  • to fill in the gaps with whole food options you know really making sure that

  • you are getting in those micronutrients and then you'll be at that place where

  • you can set it and forget it and maybe you're over here where it's like you

  • have some level of structure maybe it's Mac accounting maybe it's meal planning

  • maybe whatever it is for you just setting some sort of guidelines but you

  • are more so on this this side of freedom you know more intuitively listening to

  • your body you are very tuned in to what your body is asking for because you've

  • been practicing this stuff and really listening for a while so that you can

  • see that there is a place for both of them neither one of them is wrong and

  • that's I guess the message that I want to get across more than anything else is

  • that none of these tools that we have are wrong just like I say no food is

  • wrong it's all inclusive you know we're at the buffet we get to choose what we

  • put on our plate and what I put on my plate today might be

  • different than what you have on your plate or it might be different than what

  • I had on my plate five years ago or what I'll have on my plate two years from now

  • you know this really it becomes this really fun exciting journey when you

  • start to look at our options not as overwhelming not as oh my god am i doing

  • it right I've got a Google and find out but but like what feels good to me what

  • do I need to do for my body to nourish it back and this is the hybrid approach

  • that I teach and all of my courses with my private clients and it's really the

  • underlying message that you'll see in all the different articles and videos on

  • my website so if you feel like you need more help than I encourage you to head

  • over to my website you can go to and you can jump

  • right into my free video series which is all about breaking free from yo-yo

  • dieting so you can feel amazing in your skin or if you know that you want to get

  • started today then you can begin right away with my rock your dream body feel

  • amazing six week course and that's available on that shop page as well now

  • the last option is if you know that you need one-on-one support and you want to

  • work with me specifically then you can apply for one-on-one private coaching

  • with me now I only have two spots available right now in my private

  • coaching so you can go ahead and apply on that same page as well and if your

  • application is accepted you'll get an email from my team we'll set up a

  • discovery call and we'll go from there so I hope you enjoyed this video I hope

  • you've got so much from it please hit the like button and if you really did

  • get value from it I would love for you to share it with a friend that would

  • benefit from this message too because I really do think it's something that a

  • lot of women are looking for right now and would benefit from and just really

  • helping them to get out of their heads into their body and feeling amazing in

  • their skin you

macro counting intuitive eating which is best today that's exactly what we're going to cover

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計算巨量與直覺飲食|IIFYM飲食|靈活飲食 (Counting Macros vs Intuitive Eating | IIFYM Diet | Flexible Dieting)

  • 36 1
    Hhart Budha posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary