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hi there I'm drew badger the
hi there I'm drew badger the world's number one english
world's number one english
world's number one english fluency guide it is a pleasure
fluency guide it is a pleasure
fluency guide it is a pleasure to welcome you to another
to welcome you to another
to welcome you to another advanced listening practice
advanced listening practice
advanced listening practice lesson today i wanted to talk
lesson today i wanted to talk
lesson today i wanted to talk about let's see what shall we
about let's see what shall we
about let's see what shall we talk about today we're going to
talk about today we're going to
talk about today we're going to talk about reading writing and
talk about reading writing and
talk about reading writing and fluency and how these things
fluency and how these things
fluency and how these things work together and I want to give
work together and I want to give
work together and I want to give also a bit of background about
also a bit of background about
also a bit of background about education in general and kind of
education in general and kind of
education in general and kind of why you're watching these videos
why you're watching these videos
why you're watching these videos hopefully this should be an
hopefully this should be an
hopefully this should be an interesting video for you and it
interesting video for you and it
interesting video for you and it will explain a lot about fluency
will explain a lot about fluency
will explain a lot about fluency and what you can do what you
and what you can do what you
and what you can do what you should do in order to get fluent
should do in order to get fluent
should do in order to get fluent and how you can build those
and how you can build those
and how you can build those skills with reading and writing
skills with reading and writing
skills with reading and writing as well anyway let's get into
as well anyway let's get into
as well anyway let's get into the video so today i get
the video so today i get
the video so today i get actually quite a few kind of
actually quite a few kind of
actually quite a few kind of questions in general questions
questions in general questions
questions in general questions and comments emails from people
and comments emails from people
and comments emails from people when they're asking about how
when they're asking about how
when they're asking about how can i improve my reading or my
can i improve my reading or my
can i improve my reading or my writing and also just to
writing and also just to
writing and also just to obviously about getting fluent
obviously about getting fluent
obviously about getting fluent in general but I wanted to
in general but I wanted to
in general but I wanted to explain something kind of going
explain something kind of going
explain something kind of going on dates it's a it's it's almost
on dates it's a it's it's almost
on dates it's a it's it's almost like a tricky topic but
like a tricky topic but
like a tricky topic but something that has many
something that has many
something that has many different pieces and hopefully I
different pieces and hopefully I
different pieces and hopefully I can explain it in a very simple
can explain it in a very simple
can explain it in a very simple way i'll try to do that i might
way i'll try to do that i might
way i'll try to do that i might not succeed but we'll find out
not succeed but we'll find out
not succeed but we'll find out so in general you kind of got
so in general you kind of got
so in general you kind of got two paths for learning the
two paths for learning the
two paths for learning the language you've got the native
language you've got the native
language you've got the native path for learning the language
path for learning the language
path for learning the language and then you've got the
and then you've got the
and then you've got the non-native path or the
non-native path or the
non-native path or the traditional way that you would
traditional way that you would
traditional way that you would learn a language in school so
learn a language in school so
learn a language in school so the traditional language
the traditional language
the traditional language education versus the native way
education versus the native way
education versus the native way of learning a language now the
of learning a language now the
of learning a language now the native way of learning the
native way of learning the
native way of learning the language is a holistic way of
language is a holistic way of
language is a holistic way of learning so the word holistic
learning so the word holistic
learning so the word holistic just means that you've got all
just means that you've got all
just means that you've got all of the things together as one
of the things together as one
of the things together as one connected piece of information
connected piece of information
connected piece of information or one connected system and this
or one connected system and this
or one connected system and this means that you've got grammar
means that you've got grammar
means that you've got grammar and phrases and the speed of the
and phrases and the speed of the
and phrases and the speed of the language intonation
language intonation
language intonation pronunciation all of these
pronunciation all of these
pronunciation all of these things that you're learning as a
things that you're learning as a
things that you're learning as a complete unit as an example my
complete unit as an example my
complete unit as an example my daughter now aria
daughter now aria
daughter now aria she is about one year and she's
she is about one year and she's
she is about one year and she's a little over a year old at the
a little over a year old at the
a little over a year old at the time of this video and so when
time of this video and so when
time of this video and so when I'm speaking with her sometimes
I'm speaking with her sometimes
I'm speaking with her sometimes I'm indicating a particular
I'm indicating a particular
I'm indicating a particular words waiver vocabulary word
words waiver vocabulary word
words waiver vocabulary word like moon or bag or dog or cat
like moon or bag or dog or cat
like moon or bag or dog or cat but when I'm talking with her i
but when I'm talking with her i
but when I'm talking with her i may give her a specific set of
may give her a specific set of
may give her a specific set of instructions in these
instructions in these
instructions in these instructions about please stand
instructions about please stand
instructions about please stand up or go over there bring a book
up or go over there bring a book
up or go over there bring a book to me or do something
to me or do something
to me or do something those things all come from they
those things all come from they
those things all come from they kind of begin with like oh look
kind of begin with like oh look
kind of begin with like oh look it's a book and i'm showing her
it's a book and i'm showing her
it's a book and i'm showing her something but then i'll use more
something but then i'll use more
something but then i'll use more like could you bring me that
like could you bring me that
like could you bring me that book over there could you bring
book over there could you bring
book over there could you bring me that book over there so I'm
me that book over there so I'm
me that book over there so I'm already from the very beginning
already from the very beginning
already from the very beginning when I'm teaching her she's
when I'm teaching her she's
when I'm teaching her she's almost learning the the quick
almost learning the the quick
almost learning the the quick way to say something rather than
way to say something rather than
way to say something rather than the opposite which is what a
the opposite which is what a
the opposite which is what a non-native speaker would do
non-native speaker would do
non-native speaker would do where they would begin with the
where they would begin with the
where they would begin with the could you bring me a book or
could you bring me a book or
could you bring me a book or could you please bring me a book
could you please bring me a book
could you please bring me a book i'm already beginning and I'm
i'm already beginning and I'm
i'm already beginning and I'm doing that intentionally now
doing that intentionally now
doing that intentionally now most people when they're
most people when they're
most people when they're speaking with their kids they
speaking with their kids they
speaking with their kids they don't really realize they're
don't really realize they're
don't really realize they're doing this but this is how we
doing this but this is how we
doing this but this is how we teach children to speak and
teach children to speak and
teach children to speak and understand native dialect and
understand native dialect and
understand native dialect and native speed native
native speed native
native speed native pronunciation intonation so what
pronunciation intonation so what
pronunciation intonation so what I'm saying hey could you bring
I'm saying hey could you bring
I'm saying hey could you bring me a book could you bring me a
me a book could you bring me a
me a book could you bring me a book that she understands the
book that she understands the
book that she understands the she doesn't even understand
she doesn't even understand
she doesn't even understand grammatically what I'm saying
grammatically what I'm saying
grammatically what I'm saying but she understands this
but she understands this
but she understands this complete phrases one thing where
complete phrases one thing where
complete phrases one thing where I'm saying hey could you bring
I'm saying hey could you bring
I'm saying hey could you bring me a book and I'm indicating is
me a book and I'm indicating is
me a book and I'm indicating is a book over there and she
a book over there and she
a book over there and she understands this phrase i'm
understands this phrase i'm
understands this phrase i'm using means i would like you to
using means i would like you to
using means i would like you to bring me a book so grammatically
bring me a book so grammatically
bring me a book so grammatically she doesn't really understand
she doesn't really understand
she doesn't really understand what each of the words are and
what each of the words are and
what each of the words are and she obviously can't speak really
she obviously can't speak really
she obviously can't speak really well yet she can indicate or
well yet she can indicate or
well yet she can indicate or even say specific words like
even say specific words like
even say specific words like moon or dog or sound effects or
moon or dog or sound effects or
moon or dog or sound effects or if we look at a clock you know
if we look at a clock you know
if we look at a clock you know I've taught her to say like
I've taught her to say like
I've taught her to say like which is pretty cute so she can
which is pretty cute so she can
which is pretty cute so she can look at that off together on a
look at that off together on a
look at that off together on a video and do an update if you'd
video and do an update if you'd
video and do an update if you'd like to see that let me know in
like to see that let me know in
like to see that let me know in the comments below i'll put a
the comments below i'll put a
the comments below i'll put a knot like an update video of re
knot like an update video of re
knot like an update video of re again how she's doing
again how she's doing
again how she's doing but anyway so when you're kind
but anyway so when you're kind
but anyway so when you're kind of teaching a child like that
of teaching a child like that
of teaching a child like that most people don't realize
most people don't realize
most people don't realize they're doing this because
they're doing this because
they're doing this because they're just native speakers and
they're just native speakers and
they're just native speakers and they don't really think about
they don't really think about
they don't really think about the language but when they're
the language but when they're
the language but when they're teaching their own children this
teaching their own children this
teaching their own children this is what they're doing they're
is what they're doing they're
is what they're doing they're kind of doing these two things
kind of doing these two things
kind of doing these two things one is explicitly teaching the
one is explicitly teaching the
one is explicitly teaching the particular word for something
particular word for something
particular word for something like water or toast or milk and
like water or toast or milk and
like water or toast or milk and then they're also using longer
then they're also using longer
then they're also using longer phrases that because they use
phrases that because they use
phrases that because they use them over and over again just
them over and over again just
them over and over again just become understood as one
become understood as one
become understood as one complete unit so could you bring
complete unit so could you bring
complete unit so could you bring me a book or could you bring me
me a book or could you bring me
me a book or could you bring me that book over there she
that book over there she
that book over there she understands what I'm talking
understands what I'm talking
understands what I'm talking about
about so there's there's kind of a
so there's there's kind of a
so there's there's kind of a bridge between these two things
bridge between these two things
bridge between these two things where you're using maybe
where you're using maybe
where you're using maybe individual words to teach these
individual words to teach these
individual words to teach these longer phrases but still year
longer phrases but still year
longer phrases but still year using the complete phrases
using the complete phrases
using the complete phrases you're using them over and over
you're using them over and over
you're using them over and over again because the child hears
again because the child hears
again because the child hears that they understand these
that they understand these
that they understand these things so this is the kind of
things so this is the kind of
things so this is the kind of foundational difference between
foundational difference between
foundational difference between the way a non-native speaker
the way a non-native speaker
the way a non-native speaker would learn and the way a native
would learn and the way a native
would learn and the way a native speaker with learned so what I
speaker with learned so what I
speaker with learned so what I really want to make clear with
really want to make clear with
really want to make clear with this video in addition to other
this video in addition to other
this video in addition to other points i will make later is that
points i will make later is that
points i will make later is that if you want to get fluent you
if you want to get fluent you
if you want to get fluent you have to understand that you have
have to understand that you have
have to understand that you have to learn the way native speakers
to learn the way native speakers
to learn the way native speakers learn in order to speak the way
learn in order to speak the way
learn in order to speak the way native speaker speed so it makes
native speaker speed so it makes
native speaker speed so it makes complete sense in anything else
complete sense in anything else
complete sense in anything else if you want to learn how to make
if you want to learn how to make
if you want to learn how to make money go learn from people that
money go learn from people that
money go learn from people that know how to make money don't
know how to make money don't
know how to make money don't learn from people they don't
learn from people they don't
learn from people they don't know how to make money that are
know how to make money that are
know how to make money that are just talking about making money
just talking about making money
just talking about making money so it's the difference between
so it's the difference between
so it's the difference between learning from a teacher vs
learning from a teacher vs
learning from a teacher vs learning the native way like and
learning the native way like and
learning the native way like and that's the way I teach as an
that's the way I teach as an
that's the way I teach as an English fluency guide so I don't
English fluency guide so I don't
English fluency guide so I don't want to just give you a whole
want to just give you a whole
want to just give you a whole bunch of rules because that's
bunch of rules because that's
bunch of rules because that's not how the that's not how the
not how the that's not how the
not how the that's not how the system works you have to learn
system works you have to learn
system works you have to learn the whole thing as one unit but
the whole thing as one unit but
the whole thing as one unit but kind of from a small simple way
kind of from a small simple way
kind of from a small simple way and take steps to get from where
and take steps to get from where
and take steps to get from where you are to where you want to be
you are to where you want to be
you are to where you want to be so lots of people because
so lots of people because
so lots of people because they've learned the traditional
they've learned the traditional
they've learned the traditional way there now watching videos
way there now watching videos
way there now watching videos like this on youtube and now
like this on youtube and now
like this on youtube and now hopefully trying to retrain the
hopefully trying to retrain the
hopefully trying to retrain the habits they have but kind of one
habits they have but kind of one
habits they have but kind of one thing I'll mention specifically
thing I'll mention specifically
thing I'll mention specifically about this and this is something
about this and this is something
about this and this is something I'm I kind of struggle with as a
I'm I kind of struggle with as a
I'm I kind of struggle with as a teacher I know there are lots of
teacher I know there are lots of
teacher I know there are lots of people around the world maybe
people around the world maybe
people around the world maybe even including yourself if
even including yourself if
even including yourself if you're a teacher
you're a teacher
you're a teacher maybe you're a
maybe you're a
maybe you're a non-english-speaking teacher
non-english-speaking teacher
non-english-speaking teacher maybe you you know the language
maybe you you know the language
maybe you you know the language but you are not a native speaker
but you are not a native speaker
but you are not a native speaker you're not from America or
you're not from America or
you're not from America or another english-speaking country
another english-speaking country
another english-speaking country but you teach the language in
but you teach the language in
but you teach the language in your country as well
your country as well
your country as well these people can be like really
these people can be like really
these people can be like really great sources of information
great sources of information
great sources of information specifically for maybe let's say
specifically for maybe let's say
specifically for maybe let's say I am a a native Spanish speaker
I am a a native Spanish speaker
I am a a native Spanish speaker and I'm living animal maybe I'm
and I'm living animal maybe I'm
and I'm living animal maybe I'm in Argentina or you know Brazil
in Argentina or you know Brazil
in Argentina or you know Brazil or I'm living in Mexico and i'm
or I'm living in Mexico and i'm
or I'm living in Mexico and i'm speaking Spanish and i'm
speaking Spanish and i'm
speaking Spanish and i'm teaching English to my students
teaching English to my students
teaching English to my students now these teachers can do a
now these teachers can do a
now these teachers can do a great job of saying like well
great job of saying like well
great job of saying like well Spanish kind of has this piece
Spanish kind of has this piece
Spanish kind of has this piece of information and maybe it's a
of information and maybe it's a
of information and maybe it's a bit more appropriate to learn it
bit more appropriate to learn it
bit more appropriate to learn it in a specific way but you have
in a specific way but you have
in a specific way but you have to be really careful about this
to be really careful about this
to be really careful about this because you want to make sure
because you want to make sure
because you want to make sure that you're not training your
that you're not training your
that you're not training your students the opposite way where
students the opposite way where
students the opposite way where your true we're kind of teaching
your true we're kind of teaching
your true we're kind of teaching them to translate in their head
them to translate in their head
them to translate in their head before you speak or before they
before you speak or before they
before you speak or before they speak so I I think it's a great
speak so I I think it's a great
speak so I I think it's a great idea to have lots of teachers
idea to have lots of teachers
idea to have lots of teachers and even on youtube there are
and even on youtube there are
and even on youtube there are lots of teachers all over the
lots of teachers all over the
lots of teachers all over the were there many teachers in like
were there many teachers in like
were there many teachers in like Germany or Brazil or other
Germany or Brazil or other
Germany or Brazil or other countries that are trying to
countries that are trying to
countries that are trying to help their students are help
help their students are help
help their students are help people from their own country
people from their own country
people from their own country learn the language but really
learn the language but really
learn the language but really they can only do so much before
they can only do so much before
they can only do so much before you start trying to teach them
you start trying to teach them
you start trying to teach them to translate in their head so if
to translate in their head so if
to translate in their head so if you're using Portuguese to learn
you're using Portuguese to learn
you're using Portuguese to learn English or using Chinese in
English or using Chinese in
English or using Chinese in order to learn English you might
order to learn English you might
order to learn English you might be doing it online but really
be doing it online but really
be doing it online but really you're just making the same
you're just making the same
you're just making the same mistake that most people do so
mistake that most people do so
mistake that most people do so you can learn a lot of great
you can learn a lot of great
you can learn a lot of great tips from teachers like that and
tips from teachers like that and
tips from teachers like that and if you are a teacher like that
if you are a teacher like that
if you are a teacher like that I'm glad to have you like
I'm glad to have you like
I'm glad to have you like actually helping people learn by
actually helping people learn by
actually helping people learn by helping them with that kind of
helping them with that kind of
helping them with that kind of information especially if it's
information especially if it's
information especially if it's like one language to another one
like one language to another one
like one language to another one but really the English language
but really the English language
but really the English language like any other language it can
like any other language it can
like any other language it can be taught without using any
be taught without using any
be taught without using any other language as a support for
other language as a support for
other language as a support for that thing
that thing
that thing so the best really thing you can
so the best really thing you can
so the best really thing you can do is to help people learn
do is to help people learn
do is to help people learn English in English and that's
English in English and that's
English in English and that's why everything I do is in
why everything I do is in
why everything I do is in English and like leaving the app
English and like leaving the app
English and like leaving the app that we're making now scroll
that we're making now scroll
that we're making now scroll phonics our ultimate guide to
phonics our ultimate guide to
phonics our ultimate guide to pronunciation it takes
pronunciation it takes
pronunciation it takes everything that were teaching
everything that were teaching
everything that were teaching all the steps to pronunciation
all the steps to pronunciation
all the steps to pronunciation all the vocabulary words lots of
all the vocabulary words lots of
all the vocabulary words lots of things that you need to speak
things that you need to speak
things that you need to speak and to be able to pronounce
and to be able to pronounce
and to be able to pronounce things like a native speaker and
things like a native speaker and
things like a native speaker and it teaches everything in English
it teaches everything in English
it teaches everything in English so even from the very first word
so even from the very first word
so even from the very first word the very first sound you get
the very first sound you get
the very first sound you get there are no explanations in
there are no explanations in
there are no explanations in another language of any kind
another language of any kind
another language of any kind because we don't want any of
because we don't want any of
because we don't want any of that information to get into
that information to get into
that information to get into your head and a lot of people
your head and a lot of people
your head and a lot of people think that will you kind of have
think that will you kind of have
think that will you kind of have to use the like the level one or
to use the like the level one or
to use the like the level one or like the the first level the
like the the first level the
like the the first level the native level language to teach a
native level language to teach a
native level language to teach a new one but it's just really not
new one but it's just really not
new one but it's just really not true and all you do when you
true and all you do when you
true and all you do when you learn that way is you train
learn that way is you train
learn that way is you train yourself to hesitate and
yourself to hesitate and
yourself to hesitate and translate and that's why so many
translate and that's why so many
translate and that's why so many people have it's like they want
people have it's like they want
people have it's like they want to say something but then they
to say something but then they
to say something but then they get stuck when they speak they
get stuck when they speak they
get stuck when they speak they say aah and that's what happened
say aah and that's what happened
say aah and that's what happened to me when I was first learning
to me when I was first learning
to me when I was first learning Japanese so i would be kind of
Japanese so i would be kind of
Japanese so i would be kind of learning things like okay this
learning things like okay this
learning things like okay this phrase means this and I would be
phrase means this and I would be
phrase means this and I would be trying to translate that in my
trying to translate that in my
trying to translate that in my head and I want to say something
head and I want to say something
head and I want to say something and then I wouldn't come out but
and then I wouldn't come out but
and then I wouldn't come out but when i stopped learning that way
when i stopped learning that way
when i stopped learning that way and started learning japanese in
and started learning japanese in
and started learning japanese in japanese and then just
japanese and then just
japanese and then just practicing what I was learning
practicing what I was learning
practicing what I was learning then everything became more
then everything became more
then everything became more clear and I started to train
clear and I started to train
clear and I started to train myself to actually speak the
myself to actually speak the
myself to actually speak the same way a native Japanese
same way a native Japanese
same way a native Japanese speaking child would speak
speaking child would speak
speaking child would speak anyway so you've got two
anyway so you've got two
anyway so you've got two different systems that are ways
different systems that are ways
different systems that are ways of learning and I really want to
of learning and I really want to
of learning and I really want to make it clear that it's not you
make it clear that it's not you
make it clear that it's not you as a learner that's either a
as a learner that's either a
as a learner that's either a good learner or a bad learner
good learner or a bad learner
good learner or a bad learner it's just the system that you're
it's just the system that you're
it's just the system that you're using that makes you a
using that makes you a
using that makes you a productive speaker or an
productive speaker or an
productive speaker or an unproductive speaker so a lot of
unproductive speaker so a lot of
unproductive speaker so a lot of people you know they learn the
people you know they learn the
people you know they learn the traditional way and then they
traditional way and then they
traditional way and then they get really disappointed and
get really disappointed and
get really disappointed and depressed and confused because I
depressed and confused because I
depressed and confused because I why can't I speak the language
why can't I speak the language
why can't I speak the language properly well it's because the
properly well it's because the
properly well it's because the system screwed you up it's
system screwed you up it's
system screwed you up it's because the system kind of made
because the system kind of made
because the system kind of made it difficult and actually
it difficult and actually
it difficult and actually trained you to do the opposite
trained you to do the opposite
trained you to do the opposite of what you should be doing so
of what you should be doing so
of what you should be doing so trained you to translating your
trained you to translating your
trained you to translating your head before you speak instead of
head before you speak instead of
head before you speak instead of actually getting yourself to
actually getting yourself to
actually getting yourself to express yourself the way you
express yourself the way you
express yourself the way you want to in an automatic way
want to in an automatic way
want to in an automatic way anyway so this is kind of a
anyway so this is kind of a
anyway so this is kind of a background but to get back to
background but to get back to
background but to get back to reading and writing specifically
reading and writing specifically
reading and writing specifically just when i talked about earlier
just when i talked about earlier
just when i talked about earlier about following native speakers
about following native speakers
about following native speakers if you want to learn how to
if you want to learn how to
if you want to learn how to speak like native speakers you
speak like native speakers you
speak like native speakers you can do the same thing with
can do the same thing with
can do the same thing with writing now writing is a really
writing now writing is a really
writing now writing is a really simple thing you can do by just
simple thing you can do by just
simple thing you can do by just reading what other people have
reading what other people have
reading what other people have actually written it's like
actually written it's like
actually written it's like native English content and
native English content and
native English content and depending on the kind of content
depending on the kind of content
depending on the kind of content the the way you want to express
the the way you want to express
the the way you want to express yourself maybe if you have a
yourself maybe if you have a
yourself maybe if you have a very factual way of speaking and
very factual way of speaking and
very factual way of speaking and you want to just pronounce
you want to just pronounce
you want to just pronounce everything and see everything
everything and see everything
everything and see everything clearly and you're not talking
clearly and you're not talking
clearly and you're not talking about things like poetry or
about things like poetry or
about things like poetry or novels you're just trying to
novels you're just trying to
novels you're just trying to give information then you could
give information then you could
give information then you could read books that are like how-to
read books that are like how-to
read books that are like how-to books about you know
books about you know
books about you know self-development or how to fix a
self-development or how to fix a
self-development or how to fix a car or anything else like that
car or anything else like that
car or anything else like that and i want you to this is
and i want you to this is
and i want you to this is exactly what you should be doing
exactly what you should be doing
exactly what you should be doing literally copy that information
literally copy that information
literally copy that information by hand so you would take a
by hand so you would take a
by hand so you would take a pencil or a pen and write in a
pencil or a pen and write in a
pencil or a pen and write in a notebook the actual words that
notebook the actual words that
notebook the actual words that you're reading
you're reading
you're reading yes this takes time but this is
yes this takes time but this is
yes this takes time but this is slowing down the language so
slowing down the language so
slowing down the language so that it makes it much easier for
that it makes it much easier for
that it makes it much easier for you to read that thing and to
you to read that thing and to
you to read that thing and to speak that thing later on so
speak that thing later on so
speak that thing later on so when I talk about slowing down
when I talk about slowing down
when I talk about slowing down the language this is the
the language this is the
the language this is the difference between you have two
difference between you have two
difference between you have two people in the front of a car one
people in the front of a car one
people in the front of a car one is the driver and one is the
is the driver and one is the
is the driver and one is the passenger now the driver and the
passenger now the driver and the
passenger now the driver and the passenger are typically looking
passenger are typically looking
passenger are typically looking at the same thing but it's not
at the same thing but it's not
at the same thing but it's not going into both of their minds
going into both of their minds
going into both of their minds the like the information about
the like the information about
the like the information about that is not going into their
that is not going into their
that is not going into their minds in the same way because
minds in the same way because
minds in the same way because the passenger knows that they
the passenger knows that they
the passenger knows that they don't have to think and they
don't have to think and they
don't have to think and they don't have to remember really
don't have to remember really
don't have to remember really where they're going they can
where they're going they can
where they're going they can just kind of sit back and enjoy
just kind of sit back and enjoy
just kind of sit back and enjoy the view maybe look at a book or
the view maybe look at a book or
the view maybe look at a book or something else but the driver
something else but the driver
something else but the driver has to actually pay attention
has to actually pay attention
has to actually pay attention and nose
and nose
and nose we're going so the reader of a
we're going so the reader of a
we're going so the reader of a book in that case like the the
book in that case like the the
book in that case like the the analogy here the person who's
analogy here the person who's
analogy here the person who's reading a book versus the person
reading a book versus the person
reading a book versus the person who's writing the book they get
who's writing the book they get
who's writing the book they get a much different experience of
a much different experience of
a much different experience of that thing
that thing
that thing so even if you read something
so even if you read something
so even if you read something and then try to write something
and then try to write something
and then try to write something different later it's going to be
different later it's going to be
different later it's going to be much more difficult in the same
much more difficult in the same
much more difficult in the same way that if you see it as a
way that if you see it as a
way that if you see it as a passenger in a car and let
passenger in a car and let
passenger in a car and let someone else drive you and then
someone else drive you and then
someone else drive you and then they say oh could you drive me
they say oh could you drive me
they say oh could you drive me there tomorrow and you say i
there tomorrow and you say i
there tomorrow and you say i don't know how to get there and
don't know how to get there and
don't know how to get there and it's exactly the same process so
it's exactly the same process so
it's exactly the same process so you learn how to get there when
you learn how to get there when
you learn how to get there when you actually start writing the
you actually start writing the
you actually start writing the same thing they're writing so if
same thing they're writing so if
same thing they're writing so if you want to become a good writer
you want to become a good writer
you want to become a good writer or a better writer such that it
or a better writer such that it
or a better writer such that it will also help you become better
will also help you become better
will also help you become better as a fluent speaker then you
as a fluent speaker then you
as a fluent speaker then you should actually take a pencil
should actually take a pencil
should actually take a pencil and paper just take like 20
and paper just take like 20
and paper just take like 20 minutes find maybe one page of a
minutes find maybe one page of a
minutes find maybe one page of a book and actually write that
book and actually write that
book and actually write that down
down so again try to pick whatever it
so again try to pick whatever it
so again try to pick whatever it is you're interested in it could
is you're interested in it could
is you're interested in it could be like i was saying before how
be like i was saying before how
be like i was saying before how to or if you like poetry than
to or if you like poetry than
to or if you like poetry than right like poetry or if you want
right like poetry or if you want
right like poetry or if you want to learn how to sell better than
to learn how to sell better than
to learn how to sell better than right sales letters like
right sales letters like
right sales letters like actually go online and find
actually go online and find
actually go online and find copies of advertisements and
copies of advertisements and
copies of advertisements and sales letters and physically
sales letters and physically
sales letters and physically copy those and that's what kind
copy those and that's what kind
copy those and that's what kind of trains you to think in a
of trains you to think in a
of trains you to think in a particular way the kind of way
particular way the kind of way
particular way the kind of way of the language the flow of the
of the language the flow of the
of the language the flow of the language for that particular use
language for that particular use
language for that particular use and that will help you become a
and that will help you become a
and that will help you become a much better speaker so even
much better speaker so even
much better speaker so even myself I am a native speaker but
myself I am a native speaker but
myself I am a native speaker but I was a horrible writer until
I was a horrible writer until
I was a horrible writer until halfway through college so up
halfway through college so up
halfway through college so up through maybe like high school I
through maybe like high school I
through maybe like high school I was a really bad reader i hated
was a really bad reader i hated
was a really bad reader i hated reading and even up until
reading and even up until
reading and even up until college I was a really bad
college I was a really bad
college I was a really bad writer until I just started
writer until I just started
writer until I just started writing over and over again and
writing over and over again and
writing over and over again and I think I told this story
I think I told this story
I think I told this story recently but I talked with a
recently but I talked with a
recently but I talked with a professor of mine and I asked
professor of mine and I asked
professor of mine and I asked him if I could write extra work
him if I could write extra work
him if I could write extra work over the summer one year because
over the summer one year because
over the summer one year because I just wanted to practice more
I just wanted to practice more
I just wanted to practice more and actually improve that I felt
and actually improve that I felt
and actually improve that I felt stupid in class that I couldn't
stupid in class that I couldn't
stupid in class that I couldn't I couldn't write better so i
I couldn't write better so i
I couldn't write better so i felt like i needed more time and
felt like i needed more time and
felt like i needed more time and he was happy enough to help me
he was happy enough to help me
he was happy enough to help me do this
do this
do this so in that case when you're
so in that case when you're
so in that case when you're taking the opportunity to try to
taking the opportunity to try to
taking the opportunity to try to do something more to try to add
do something more to try to add
do something more to try to add more information to try to make
more information to try to make
more information to try to make use of something like that it
use of something like that it
use of something like that it can actually help you a lot so
can actually help you a lot so
can actually help you a lot so in that case he was fortunate
in that case he was fortunate
in that case he was fortunate enough well I was fortunate
enough well I was fortunate
enough well I was fortunate enough i should say that he was
enough i should say that he was
enough i should say that he was willing to help me out and
willing to help me out and
willing to help me out and because i was able to write more
because i was able to write more
because i was able to write more trained me to become a better
trained me to become a better
trained me to become a better writer so it's one of those
writer so it's one of those
writer so it's one of those things that like you
things that like you
things that like you can't get beyond the practice of
can't get beyond the practice of
can't get beyond the practice of it and this is one of the most
it and this is one of the most
it and this is one of the most fundamental things to understand
fundamental things to understand
fundamental things to understand about learning languages it's
about learning languages it's
about learning languages it's not knowledge that you get any
not knowledge that you get any
not knowledge that you get any just put in your head and you
just put in your head and you
just put in your head and you think I ok I understand that
think I ok I understand that
think I ok I understand that grammar . logically it's almost
grammar . logically it's almost
grammar . logically it's almost like an emotional thing it's a
like an emotional thing it's a
like an emotional thing it's a thing that's a connective thing
thing that's a connective thing
thing that's a connective thing in your mind that you have to
in your mind that you have to
in your mind that you have to train yourself just like
train yourself just like
train yourself just like learning an instrument or
learning an instrument or
learning an instrument or learning to play a sport because
learning to play a sport because
learning to play a sport because if you don't do that then you
if you don't do that then you
if you don't do that then you won't actually be able to use it
won't actually be able to use it
won't actually be able to use it so i might understand if I go
so i might understand if I go
so i might understand if I go watch like that like a baseball
watch like that like a baseball
watch like that like a baseball training camp i might say I
training camp i might say I
training camp i might say I might hear from someone hey
might hear from someone hey
might hear from someone hey here's how you throw a curveball
here's how you throw a curveball
here's how you throw a curveball and he just he shows me the
and he just he shows me the
and he just he shows me the motion and I think okay
motion and I think okay
motion and I think okay logically I understand what he's
logically I understand what he's
logically I understand what he's talking about that's pretty easy
talking about that's pretty easy
talking about that's pretty easy that took me five minutes but it
that took me five minutes but it
that took me five minutes but it might take me you know two years
might take me you know two years
might take me you know two years to master the actual throwing of
to master the actual throwing of
to master the actual throwing of a curveball just because i have
a curveball just because i have
a curveball just because i have to watch somebody doing at first
to watch somebody doing at first
to watch somebody doing at first but then I have to spend all the
but then I have to spend all the
but then I have to spend all the time practicing and getting
time practicing and getting
time practicing and getting myself to the point where i can
myself to the point where i can
myself to the point where i can do it automatically or fluently
do it automatically or fluently
do it automatically or fluently so fluent just refers to being
so fluent just refers to being
so fluent just refers to being able to do something without
able to do something without
able to do something without thinking about it and so it's
thinking about it and so it's
thinking about it and so it's the same thing with reading and
the same thing with reading and
the same thing with reading and writing so writing is really the
writing so writing is really the
writing so writing is really the first step you can read
first step you can read
first step you can read information but I say even begin
information but I say even begin
information but I say even begin writing more information first
writing more information first
writing more information first but actually copy just a mean
but actually copy just a mean
but actually copy just a mean you take your favorite book
you take your favorite book
you take your favorite book whatever it is you want to do
whatever it is you want to do
whatever it is you want to do and then right you know lines of
and then right you know lines of
and then right you know lines of harry potter or some other
harry potter or some other
harry potter or some other how-to book and that will help
how-to book and that will help
how-to book and that will help you get better not only at
you get better not only at
you get better not only at writing the information but it
writing the information but it
writing the information but it reading the information much
reading the information much
reading the information much faster as well because one of
faster as well because one of
faster as well because one of the things that native speakers
the things that native speakers
the things that native speakers can do and you can do this in
can do and you can do this in
can do and you can do this in your own language is you
your own language is you
your own language is you anticipate what other people are
anticipate what other people are
anticipate what other people are going to say maybe what will
going to say maybe what will
going to say maybe what will happen in a movie or what will
happen in a movie or what will
happen in a movie or what will happen in a book we pretty much
happen in a book we pretty much
happen in a book we pretty much have formulas for things and as
have formulas for things and as
have formulas for things and as you start writing and reading
you start writing and reading
you start writing and reading more you get much faster and you
more you get much faster and you
more you get much faster and you become much better at
become much better at
become much better at anticipating what people will
anticipating what people will
anticipating what people will say so you begin with writing
say so you begin with writing
say so you begin with writing and reading the things that
and reading the things that
and reading the things that you're interested in reading and
you're interested in reading and
you're interested in reading and when you're reading something
when you're reading something
when you're reading something typically you should be reading
typically you should be reading
typically you should be reading something that you understand at
something that you understand at
something that you understand at least eighty to ninety percent
least eighty to ninety percent
least eighty to ninety percent of and that way you can
of and that way you can
of and that way you can understand all the new
understand all the new
understand all the new information maybe one or two
information maybe one or two
information maybe one or two words on a page or maybe a few
words on a page or maybe a few
words on a page or maybe a few words more than that but you can
words more than that but you can
words more than that but you can understand all that from context
understand all that from context
understand all that from context without having to look at a
without having to look at a
without having to look at a dictionary so you want to be
dictionary so you want to be
dictionary so you want to be able to read information that's
able to read information that's
able to read information that's at your level and then level up
at your level and then level up
at your level and then level up to start improving and then it
to start improving and then it
to start improving and then it prove your fluency that way so
prove your fluency that way so
prove your fluency that way so in the same way when you're
in the same way when you're
in the same way when you're actually getting to fluency your
actually getting to fluency your
actually getting to fluency your training yourself with these
training yourself with these
training yourself with these lower levels by writing and
lower levels by writing and
lower levels by writing and reading but then you actually
reading but then you actually
reading but then you actually have to take the next step of
have to take the next step of
have to take the next step of going out and practicing and
going out and practicing and
going out and practicing and this is what I've talked about
this is what I've talked about
this is what I've talked about before in this series about
before in this series about
before in this series about stumbling forward where you
stumbling forward where you
stumbling forward where you don't necessarily know exactly
don't necessarily know exactly
don't necessarily know exactly how you're going to say
how you're going to say
how you're going to say something but you begin opening
something but you begin opening
something but you begin opening your mouth and just start
your mouth and just start
your mouth and just start speaking about something so this
speaking about something so this
speaking about something so this is something i do in Japanese
is something i do in Japanese
is something i do in Japanese and i recommend you do in
and i recommend you do in
and i recommend you do in english as well you might not
english as well you might not
english as well you might not know exactly what you want to
know exactly what you want to
know exactly what you want to say or be able to even say it
say or be able to even say it
say or be able to even say it correctly but you just start
correctly but you just start
correctly but you just start speaking and you develop the
speaking and you develop the
speaking and you develop the flow of speaking in the language
flow of speaking in the language
flow of speaking in the language and then over time you begin
and then over time you begin
and then over time you begin developing a like a good
developing a like a good
developing a like a good understanding of the way you
understanding of the way you
understanding of the way you should be speaking but often you
should be speaking but often you
should be speaking but often you can get this just by shadowing
can get this just by shadowing
can get this just by shadowing people so in the same way that
people so in the same way that
people so in the same way that you would be reading a book or
you would be reading a book or
you would be reading a book or writing the actual like
writing the actual like
writing the actual like transcribing another book again
transcribing another book again
transcribing another book again just take a page take maybe five
just take a page take maybe five
just take a page take maybe five or ten minutes a day and do that
or ten minutes a day and do that
or ten minutes a day and do that I promise you see a lot of
I promise you see a lot of
I promise you see a lot of improvement if you're willing to
improvement if you're willing to
improvement if you're willing to take the time I bet a lot of
take the time I bet a lot of
take the time I bet a lot of people watching this will want
people watching this will want
people watching this will want to improve but they will not
to improve but they will not
to improve but they will not take the time
take the time
take the time hey I can't help you if you
hey I can't help you if you
hey I can't help you if you don't work but for the people
don't work but for the people
don't work but for the people that do you really going to see
that do you really going to see
that do you really going to see a lot of improvement very
a lot of improvement very
a lot of improvement very quickly so in the same way that
quickly so in the same way that
quickly so in the same way that you would copy that you would
you would copy that you would
you would copy that you would watch movie scenes or watch me
watch movie scenes or watch me
watch movie scenes or watch me even speaking right now and just
even speaking right now and just
even speaking right now and just try to take maybe a couple lines
try to take maybe a couple lines
try to take maybe a couple lines from what I'm saying right here
from what I'm saying right here
from what I'm saying right here and try to speak along with me
and try to speak along with me
and try to speak along with me and if you can do that you get
and if you can do that you get
and if you can do that you get the tone of my voice and you can
the tone of my voice and you can
the tone of my voice and you can get the flow of my language and
get the flow of my language and
get the flow of my language and this will help you become a much
this will help you become a much
this will help you become a much more fluent speaker again we
more fluent speaker again we
more fluent speaker again we have patterns in the way that we
have patterns in the way that we
have patterns in the way that we communicate Chinese as a
communicate Chinese as a
communicate Chinese as a different general pattern than
different general pattern than
different general pattern than english and other languages as
english and other languages as
english and other languages as well so if you listen more to
well so if you listen more to
well so if you listen more to english and you actually start
english and you actually start
english and you actually start using it you have to become the
using it you have to become the
using it you have to become the driver of the car not the
driver of the car not the
driver of the car not the passenger of the car in order to
passenger of the car in order to
passenger of the car in order to get fluent anyway i hope this
get fluent anyway i hope this
get fluent anyway i hope this video has been informative for
video has been informative for
video has been informative for you if you have enjoyed it to
you if you have enjoyed it to
you if you have enjoyed it to click that like button and share
click that like button and share
click that like button and share this video with other people
this video with other people
this video with other people it's got a lot of great
it's got a lot of great
it's got a lot of great information and hopefully give
information and hopefully give
information and hopefully give too much i tend to give too much
too much i tend to give too much
too much i tend to give too much information there's a lot of
information there's a lot of
information there's a lot of things i want to share because
things i want to share because
things i want to share because really there are a lot of things
really there are a lot of things
really there are a lot of things required to get fluent but
required to get fluent but
required to get fluent but hopefully you have enjoyed it
hopefully you have enjoyed it
hopefully you have enjoyed it anyway i look forward to seeing
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sounding like a native English speaker the guide reveals the
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speaker the guide reveals the three most important kinds of
three most important kinds of
three most important kinds of conversational English must
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