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♪ Hercules ♪
♪ Hero of song and story ♪
♪ Hercules ♪
♪ Winner of ancient glory ♪
♪ Fighting for the right ♪
♪ Fighting with his might ♪
♪ With the strength of ten
ordinary men ♪
♪ Hercules ♪
♪ People are safe when
near him ♪
♪ Hercules ♪
♪ Only the evil fear him ♪
♪ Softness in his eyes ♪
♪ Iron in his thighs ♪
♪ Virtue in his heart ♪
♪ Fire in ever part
of the mighty Hercules ♪
(Thunder crashing)
>> NARRATOR: The forest outside
Caledon echoes as Newton the
Centaur prances along for a
rendezvous with his friend,
>> Oh!
So, this is where your new
secret cave is.
Herc will sure be glad to know
that, to know that.
>> Think so, you stupid centaur?
Then summon Hercules!
That's just what I want you to
>> You mean you're not afraid of
>> Not anymore.
Now that I have this!
>> Suffering Psyche!
What's that?
What's that?
>> Watch and you will find out.
>> Aah!
(Daedalus laughing)
>> Go on, Newton.
What are you waiting for?
Summon Hercules!
(Daedalus chuckling)
Just imagine, Newton.
Just imagine.
When Hercules arrives and I aim
the Lamp of Electo at him,
naturally, he will put on the
ring that gives him his great
But his ring won't help him this
No more Hercules!
>> No, no, Daedalus!
Please don't harm Herc.
>> Why shouldn't I?
>> Please!
I'll do anything you say.
>> Well, I can use a strong
willing worker around here.
>> That's me, that's me!
>> Very well, into the cave!
(Hooves clopping)
And get to work.
>> I'm working real hard,
Real hard.
>> Not hard enough!
I noticed my statue is still
>> HERCULES: Newton!
>> Hercules!
Remember your promise-- get rid
of him.
>> Oh, there you are.
What were you doing in that
>> Nothing, Herc.
No one's in there, not even
Please go away.
Far away.
Nothing's wrong, really, really!
>> Something is wrong.
And I'm going to find out what.
>> Newton was only trying to
protect you, Hercules, from
Now it is too late.
>> HERCULES: Great Zeus!
The Lamp of Electo!
>> It will get him sooner or
later, Newton.
(Thunder crashing)
>> I knew you could whip that
thing all along, Herc.
Didn't you, Daedalus?
Didn't you?
>> HERCULES: Olympia!
♪ Join us at his side ♪
♪ Standing there with pride ♪
♪ Victory is here ♪
♪ Raise a mighty cheer ♪
♪ At the sight of Hercules! ♪