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What do you want from me?
Your friend, the girl, could have turned me in. Why didn't she?
What is it you want, a lot of money? l don't have any money.
Say something.
Say something! Tell me what you want!
Can you get me that ring back?
No. Tell her to bring it back.
l can't. The police have it by now.
[ Ejects Flash Bulb ]
[ Footsteps Approaching ]
[ Used Flash Bulb Clatters To Floor]
[ Chair Clatters To Floor ]
[Jem] Lisa! Doyle!
[ Woman ] What was that?
Look! Look over at that apartment! They're fighting!
[ Struggling, Gasping ]
[ Man ] Look, he's throwing him out the window?
[Jem ] Doyle!
[JemChoking, Struggling ]
Creele, give me your .38!
[ Woman Screams ]
l'm sory,Jeff. l got here as fast as l could.
Mr.Jefferies-- Don't let anybody touch him. Get my medical bag upstairs.
Lisa, sweetie, ifanything had happened to you--
l'm all right. Gee, l'm proud ofyou.
You got enough for a search warrant now?
Oh, yeah, sure.
Yeah? Is he okay?
- He's alive. - Thorwald's ready to take us on a tour...
ofthe East River.
Did he say what was buried in the flower bed?
Yeah. He said the dog got too inquisitive, so he dug it up.
lt's in a hat box over in his apartment.
Want to look? [ Stella ] No, thanks.
l don't want any part of her.