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  • "Who Says Eggs Aren't Healthy or Safe?"


  • The American Egg Board is a promotional marketing board

    美國雞蛋委員會 是一個由美國政府委任的行銷委員會

  • appointed by the U.S. government whose mission


  • is to " increase demand for egg and egg products"

    蛋商如果想自己辦宣傳活動 他們可以天花亂墜的鬼扯

  • "on behalf of U.S. egg producers."


  • Now if an individual egg company

    也就是說 在聯邦政府的監督下

  • wants to run an ad campaign

    他們可不允許挪用 這些資金來扯謊 人盡皆知

  • they can say whatever they want,

    因此蛋商為了申請補助金 和美國農業部之間往來的信件中

  • but if an egg corporation wants to dip

    關於雞蛋 什麼能說?什麼不能說?

  • into the 10 million dollars the American Egg Board


  • sets aside for advertising,


  • because the board is overseen by the federal government


  • corporations are not allowed to lie with those funds.

    當然大部分我拿到的都不值得一提 比方說

  • What a concept!


  • Which leads to quite revealing exchanges


  • between egg corporations that want to use that money


  • and USDA on what egg companies


  • can and cannot say about eggs.

    整張紙只寫著 「基於環保考量 請斟酌列印本郵件」

  • Thanks to the Freedom of Information Act


  • I was able to get my hands on some of those emails.


  • Of course, a lot of what I got looked like this...


  • "Please note a number of items"

    某蛋商試圖刊載 對孩童健康有益的零食型錄

  • about our salmonella crisis module

    然而法律禁止 虛偽不實或引人誤解的廣告

  • "any questions?"


  • Or even better entire sheets of paper


  • that literally just said this.

    因為「健康」或「營養」等字眼 隱含這些食物對你有益

  • That was the whole sheet of paper.


  • Our tax dollars hard at work.


  • But check this out.


  • This is some egg company trying to put out a brochure

    然而美國農業部建議他們 可以說蛋的「養分密度高」

  • on healthy snacking for kids.


  • But because of existing laws


  • against false and misleading advertising

    因為所謂的「養分密度高」 並沒有明確的法律定義

  • the head of the USDA's poultry

    你也可以說奶油捲心餅 或可口可樂「養分密度高」

  • research and promotion programs reminds them

    但一個食物必須是「營養的」 才能合法地說它「營養」

  • that you can't couch eggs or egg products

    舉例來說 蛋商想推這個廣告

  • as being healthy or nutritious.


  • See the words nutritious and healthy

    ※幾年前FTC(聯邦交易委員會)警告我們不得稱蛋是低卡食物...※ 美國農業部就得提醒他們

  • carry certain connotations

    考量到蛋的脂肪和膽固醇含量 不得描述蛋是「低卡食物」

  • (you know that a food is actually good for you),

    事實上一顆蛋的熱量 幾乎是低卡食物的兩倍

  • but because eggs have the amount of cholesterol they do


  • (plus all the saturated fat)

    蛋商表示「好吧 採取B計畫

  • the words healthy and nutritious are problematic


  • when it comes to eggs.


  • This is the USDA saying this!

    蛋再次因為飽和脂肪及膽固醇 不符合「營養」的定義而被打槍

  • However, the USDA helpfully suggests,


  • you could say eggs are nutrient dense.


  • Wait a second!


  • Why can you say eggs are nutrient dense but not nutritious?

    美國農業部讚賞他們的小聰明: 沒問題 食物吃下肚確實能減少飢餓感

  • Because there's no legal definition of nutrient dense.


  • You can say Twinkies and Coca Cola are nutrient dense,


  • but legally, you can't say something is nutritious


  • unless it's actually... nutritious!


  • So for example, the egg industry wanted to run this ad

    也不得說蛋是豐富的 蛋白質來源——阿它就不是阿!

  • calling eggs a nutritional powerhouse

    ※「豐富的(rich)」定義代表極好的來源,能提供20%每日所需(RDI)※ 也不得說蛋是豐富的 蛋白質來源——阿它就不是阿!

  • that aids in weight loss.

    刊登 「雞蛋營養充沛」不合法

  • The USDA had to remind the industry


  • you can't portray eggs as a diet food


  • because of the fat and cholesterol content.

    不能說「營養」 、 不能說「營養」

  • In fact, they have nearly twice the calories


  • of anything that can be called low-calorie.


  • "Nutritional powerhouse" can't be used either.


  • Fine, the industry said, they'll move to plan B,

    當然也不能說「健康」 沒看到裡面有多少膽固醇嗎?

  • and headline the ad Egg-ceptional nutrition.


  • Nope, because again given the saturated fat and cholesterol


  • you can't legally call eggs nutritious.


  • So, the ad ended up "find true satisfaction"


  • and instead of weight loss they had to go with

    不得稱蛋是「健康」的食材 但可以稱為「辨識度高」的食材

  • "can reduce hunger."

    不能謊稱「蛋對你有益」 不得說「蛋對人有益」

  • USDA congratulated them on their cleverness.

    總之蛋商依法不得使用 「健康」或「營養」這類的字眼

  • Yes, a food that when eaten can reduce hunger

    美國食品藥物管理局 規定產品若要標示為「健康」

  • what a concept!

    必須滿足低飽和脂肪的規範——雞蛋不合格 ※低飽和脂肪: 少於1g/份或10%以下熱量來自飽和脂肪 ※膽固醇: 少於90mg/份

  • You can't even call eggs a food relatively low in calories.

    並且每份膽固醇還要少於90mg ——光是半顆蛋就超標 ※低飽和脂肪: 少於1g/份或10%以下熱量來自飽和脂肪 ※膽固醇: 少於90mg/份

  • Can't say eggs are low in saturated fatthey're not.


  • Can't say they're relative low in fat.

    ※冰淇淋的高脂肪含量被視為增加骨質疏鬆風險的原因之一 就像不能標榜冰淇淋對骨骼有益

  • Can't even call them a rich source of protein,


  • because they're not.

    遠超過膽固醇標準的蛋 也不得標示為「健康」 ※冰淇淋的高脂肪含量被視為增加骨質疏鬆風險的原因之一

  • It's illegal to advertise that eggs pack a nutritional wallop

    遠超過膽固醇標準的蛋 也不得標示為「健康」

  • can't truthfully say that,

    蛋商甚至不得在盒裝上標示 「蛋是健康均衡飲食的一環」

  • or have a high nutritional content.


  • You can't say eggs are "nutritious" at all.


  • Can't say nutritious;


  • cannot say eggs are nutritious.


  • (Sometimes you have to tell the industry a few times).

    不僅是蛋 連蛋雞的真相 業者都無法承擔公開後所帶來的後果

  • Eggs have so much cholesterol

    他們把5-10隻蛋雞硬塞進 檔案櫃大小的籠子內渡過餘生

  • you can't even say they contribute nutritionally.

    當媒體來採訪取材時 雞蛋委員會卻下了指示:

  • Can't say eggs are healthful,


  • certainly can't say they're healthy


  • have you seen how much cholesterol

    換句話說 他們得隱瞞「真相」

  • there are in those things?


  • Can't say healthy.


  • Can't even say eggs contribute healthful components.


  • Since you can't say eggs are a healthy start to the day,

    因為美國境內由雞蛋造成的 沙門氏菌感染每年有十萬起以上

  • the USDA suggests satisfying start.

    針對多起由雞蛋引發的 沙門氏菌感染 雞蛋委員會的回覆是:

  • Can't call eggs a healthful ingredient,


  • but you can call eggs a recognizable ingredient.

    蛋商惟恐造成促銷的反效果 認為沒必要在此多加著墨

  • Can't truthfully say eggs are good for you.

    因為此回覆暗示了除非完全 不吃蛋 否則沒辦法全然迴避沙門氏菌

  • Can't say they're good for you.

    由於沙門氏菌 雞蛋委員會完全不得提及「半熟」

  • By law, the egg industry


  • "needs to steer clear of words like healthy or nutritious."


  • For a food to be labeled "healthy" under FDA rules,


  • it has to be low in saturated fat

    除了沙門氏菌之外 鑒於爆發禽流感的潛在可能

  • eggs fail that test


  • and less that 90mg of cholesterol per serving

    雞蛋委員會的行銷 副總向美國農業部抱怨

  • even half an egg fails that criteria.


  • For the same reason you can't tout ice cream


  • for healthy bones,

    只要不是孕婦 嬰兒 老年人或患有 慢性疾病者 半熟的蛋應該都算是安全的

  • you can't say eggs are healthy because


  • they exceed the limit for cholesterol.

    對任何人來說 只要是半熟的蛋就不安全

  • Egg corporations aren't even allowed to say things like

    美國農業部貼心地建議 把「安全」換成「新鮮」

  • "Eggs are an important part of a well balanced, healthy diet",


  • on an egg carton because


  • it would be considered misleading,


  • according to the USDA's National Egg Supervisor


  • since eggs contain significant amounts of fat and cholesterol,


  • and therefore contribute to the

    所有可能參照到 「健康」的字眼也必須全數撤除

  • leading killer in the United States, heart disease.


  • The industry can't afford to tell the truth about eggs,


  • or even the hens that lay them.


  • The industry crams 5 to 10 birds in cages


  • the size of a file cabinet their whole lives,

    這可是他們的老大 美國農業部說的

  • but when providing footage to the media

  • the American Egg Board instructs

  • "do not show multiple birds in cages-"

  • "they look too crowded "

  • "and open us up to activist criticism."

  • In other words, do not showthe truth.

  • Not only is the industry barred from saying

  • eggs are healthy,

  • they can't even refer to eggs as safe,

  • "all references to safety must be removed."

  • because more than a hundred thousand Americans

  • are salmonella poisoned every year from eggs.

  • The egg board response to this eggborne epidemic is that

  • Salmonella is a naturally occurring bacteria.

  • The egg industry didn't think that should

  • necessarily be the key message,

  • fearing "it may be counterproductive"

  • "by implying there is no avoiding salmonella in eggs"

  • "aside from avoiding eggs altogether."

  • That's why the American Egg Board

  • can't even mention anything but eggs cooked hard and dry.

  • No soft-boiled, no over-easy, no sunny-side up

  • because of salmonella.

  • The American Egg Board's own research showed

  • that the sunny-side up cooking method

  • should be considered unsafe.

  • And because of avian influenza as well, not just salmonella.

  • In light of bird flu viruses eggs must be cooked firm.

  • The VP of marketing for the Egg Board complained

  • to the USDA saying they'd really like to not have to dictate

  • that yolks are firm.

  • What about some Washington Post article

  • saying runny yolks may be safe for everyone

  • except pregnant women, infants, elderly,

  • or those with chronic disease?

  • Turns out that was a misquote

  • they can't be considered safe for anyone.

  • Instead of safe you can call eggs fresh,

  • the USDA marketing service helpfully suggests.

  • But you can't call eggs safe,

  • you cannot say eggs are safe to eat,

  • can't say they're safe,

  • can't even mention safety,

  • can't say they're healthful.

  • All "references to healthfulness must be deleted" as well.

  • Wait a second...eggs can't really be called healthy?

  • Eggs can't even really be called safe?

  • Says who

  • Says the United States Department of Agriculture.

"Who Says Eggs Aren't Healthy or Safe?"


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