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  • Copy boy!

  • -Make it snappy. -Where's the rest of this story?

  • Morning Post.

  • City desk? Just a moment.

  • If anybody asks, I'm at the courthouse.

  • -EIevator! -Going down.

  • -HeIIo, HiIdy. -Hi, Skinny.

  • HeIIo, Ruth, Maisie.

  • -Is the Iord of the universe in? -Yes, in a bad humour.

  • Somebody stoIe the crown jeweIs.

  • -ShaII we announce you? -I'II bIow my own horn.

  • Bruce, wait. I'II be back in ten.

  • Ten minutes is a Iong time to be away from you.

  • What did you say?

  • Go on.

  • WeII, go ahead.

  • Even ten minutes is a Iong time to be away from you.

  • I Iike it. That's why I asked you to say it again.

  • I Iike being spoiIed. The man I'm going to see did very IittIe of it.

  • I'd Iike to spoiI him. Want me to go with you?

  • -I can handIe it. -If it gets rough, I'm here.

  • I'II come running, partner.

  • -HeIIo, Jim. -HeIIo, HiIdy!

  • -How are you? -WeIcome back.

  • HeIIo, HiIdy, how have you been?

  • Beatrice, how's ''Advice to the LoveIorn''?

  • -Fine. My cat had kittens again. -Your fauIt.

  • GIad to see you. Hi, Jim.

  • MiIdred, you stiII around?

  • A IittIe more around the chin, boss.

  • -What do you want? -Your ex-wife is here.

  • HeIIo, HiIdy.

  • -HeIIo, WaIter. -Hi.

  • Hi, Louie. How's the sIot-machine king?

  • I ain't doing that no more. I'm retired. Know what I mean?

  • -WaIter. -I'm busy!

  • The governor didn't sign that reprieve.

  • Tomorrow, EarI WiIIiams dies and makes a sucker out of us.

  • What are you gonna do?

  • -Phone the governor. -I can't.

  • -Why not? -He's out fishing.

  • -How many pIaces to fish are there? -Two. AtIantic and Pacific.

  • That simpIifies it.

  • -Get him. -And say what?

  • Quiet, Duffy. He's thinking.

  • If he reprieves WiIIiams, we'II support him for senator.

  • TeII him the Morning Post wiII back him.

  • -You can't. -Why?

  • We're a democratic paper.

  • After we get the reprieve, we'II be democratic again.

  • Get going. The Morning Post expects every editor to do his duty.

  • You too, Louie. Get out of here.

  • WaIter, I see you're stiII at it.

  • First time I cheated a governor. What can I do for you?

  • WouId you mind if I sat down?

  • There's a Iamp burning in the window for you. Here.

  • I jumped out of that window a Iong time ago, WaIter.

  • May I have one of those?

  • Thank you.

  • And a match?

  • Thank you.

  • -How Iong is it? -How Iong is what?

  • You know what.

  • How Iong is it since we've seen each other?

  • WeII, Iet's see.

  • I spent six weeks in Reno, then Bermuda. About four months.

  • Seems Iike yesterday.

  • Maybe it was yesterday, HiIdy. Been seeing me in your dreams?

  • Mama doesn't dream about you. You wouIdn't know her now.

  • Yes, I wouId. I'd know you anytime.

  • ''AnypIace, anywhere.''

  • You're repeating yourseIf. You said that when you proposed.

  • You stiII remember it.

  • If I didn't remember it, I wouIdn't have divorced you.

  • I sort of wish you hadn't.

  • -What? -Divorced me.

  • It makes a feIIow Iose faith. It gives him a feeIing he wasn't wanted.

  • That's what divorces are for.

  • Nonsense, you've got an oId-fashioned idea divorces Iast forever.

  • ''TiII death do us part.'' Divorce doesn't mean anything.

  • Just a few words mumbIed by a judge.

  • We've got something nothing can change.

  • -I suppose you're right, in a way. -Sure.

  • -I am fond of you, you know. -ThattagirI!

  • I often wish you weren't such a stinker.

  • You must meet my mother. She'd Iike that.

  • Why'd you promise not to fight the divorce and then gum up the works?

  • I meant to Iet you go, but...

  • never miss the water tiII the weII runs dry.

  • A big Iummox Iike you, hiring an airpIane to write:

  • '' HiIdy, don't be hasty. Remember my dimpIe. WaIter.''

  • It deIayed our divorce whiIe the judge watched it.

  • I've stiII got the dimpIe, and in the same pIace.

  • I acted Iike a husband who didn't want his home broken.

  • -What home? -Remember the home I promised you?

  • Sure I do. That was the one we were to have right after the honeymoon.

  • That honeymoon!

  • Was it my fauIt? Did I know that coaI mine wouId have a cave-in?

  • I intended to be with you on our honeymoon.

  • Instead of two weeks in AtIantic City with my bridegroom...

  • ...I spent two weeks in a mine with John Kruptzky.

  • You deny it?

  • We beat the whoIe country on that story!

  • That isn't what I got married for!

  • Oh, what is the good? Look, WaIter.

  • I came to teII you to stop phoning me a dozen times a day...

  • ...sending me 20 teIegrams-

  • -I write a beautifuI teIegram. -Are you gonna Iisten?

  • What's the use of fighting? I'II teII you what you do.

  • Come back to work on the paper, and if we can't get aIong...

  • ...we'II get married again.

  • -What? -I haven't any hard feeIings.

  • WaIter, you're wonderfuI, in a Ioathsome sort of way.

  • -Be quiet so I can say what I have to. -TeII me over Iunch.

  • I have a Iunch date.

  • -Break it. -I can't.

  • Hands off! Are you pIaying osteopath?

  • Temper, temper.

  • You are no Ionger my husband and no Ionger my boss.

  • And you won't be my boss.

  • -What does that mean? -Just what I say.

  • You're not coming back to work?

  • You're right for the first time today.

  • -Got a better offer? -You bet.

  • Go on, work for somebody eIse! That's the gratitude I get.

  • Stop hamming.

  • Five years ago, you were a coIIege girI. I took a doII-faced hick!

  • You wouIdn't have if I wasn't doII-faced.

  • It was a noveIty to have a face to Iook at without shuddering.

  • I made you a great reporter. You won't be as good on another paper.

  • We're a team. The paper needs both of us!

  • SoId American!

  • -AII right, go ahead. -Listen, WaIter, pIease.

  • The paper's gonna have to get aIong without me. So wiII you.

  • It didn't work out.

  • It wouId have if you'd been satisfied as editor and reporter.

  • But you had to marry me.

  • I wasn't satisfied? I suppose I proposed to you!

  • PracticaIIy! Making eyes at me untiI I broke down.

  • ''Oh, WaIter!'' I was tight when I proposed to you.

  • If you'd been a gentIeman, you'd have forgotten it.

  • You used to pitch better than that. HeIIo. What?

  • Sweeney? What can I do for you?

  • What? I'm not Sweeney. I'm Duffy.

  • You can't do that. Not today, of aII days!

  • What's the matter with you? Are you Ioony?

  • Now, Iisten, Sweeney. This is no time-

  • AII right, I suppose so. If you have to, you have to.

  • -He had to. -Everything happens to me.

  • 365 days in a year, and this has to be the day.

  • What's wrong?

  • -Sweeney. -Dead?

  • He might as weII be. He picks today to have a baby!

  • Not on purpose?

  • He's supposed to cover the EarI WiIIiams case, and where is he?

  • WaIking around a hospitaI. Is there no honour?

  • Haven't you got anybody eIse?

  • Nobody eIse on the paper can write. This'II break me. UnIess-

  • HiIdy.

  • -You can heIp me. -Not a chance.

  • -Get out, Duffy! -Save your breath.

  • -This'II bring us together again. -That's what I'm afraid of.

  • This is bigger than anything. Do it for the paper.

  • Scram, SvengaIi.

  • If not for Iove, how about money? I'II raise you $25 a week.

  • Listen to me, you baboon-

  • -I'II make it $35 and not a cent more. -Listen!

  • -How much wiII the other paper pay? -There's no other paper.

  • The raise is off. You get your oId saIary.

  • Trying to bIackjack me.

  • -I'm busy. -Look at it.

  • Do you know what it is? It's an engagement ring.

  • Engagement ring?

  • I tried to teII you right away, but you wouId start reminiscing.

  • I'm getting married and as far away from newspapers as I can get.

  • -What? -I'm through.

  • -You can get married, you can't quit. -No? Why not?

  • I know what it wouId do.

  • -What? -It wouId kiII you.

  • -You can't seII me that. -You're a newspaperman.

  • I wanna go where I can be a woman.

  • -You mean a traitor. -Traitor to what?

  • To journaIism. You're a journaIist!

  • A journaIist? What does that mean?

  • Peeking through keyhoIes, chasing fire engines...

  • ...waking peopIe up to ask them questions...

  • ...steaIing pictures off oId Iadies? I know about reporters.

  • Buttinskies running around with no money, and why?

  • So a miIIion peopIe wiII know what's going on. Why, I-

  • What's the use?

  • You wouIdn't know what it means...

  • want to be respectabIe and Iive a haIfway normaI Iife.

  • The point is, I'm through.

  • -Where did you meet this man? -Bermuda.

  • Rich?

  • He's not what you'd caII rich. He makes $5000 a year.

  • -What's his Iine? -He's in the insurance business.

  • -Insurance business? -That's a good, honest business, right?

  • Sure, it's honest. It's aIso adventurous.

  • I can't picture you being surrounded by poIicies-

  • I can, and I Iike it, what's more.

  • He forgets the office when he's with me.

  • He doesn't treat me Iike an errand boy, but Iike a woman.

  • How did I treat you? Like a water buffaIo?

  • I don't know from buffaIoes. I know about him.

  • He's kind, sweet and considerate.

  • He wants a home and chiIdren.

  • Sounds Iike a guy I shouId marry. His name?

  • BaIdwin. Bruce BaIdwin.

  • I knew a BaIdwin once, a horse thief. CouIdn't be the same feIIa, couId it?

  • You're not taIking about the man I'm marrying tomorrow.

  • Tomorrow? As soon as that?

  • At Iast, I got out what I came up here to teII you.

  • Guess there isn't any more to the story.

  • So Iong, WaIter.

  • So Iong, HiIdy.

  • Better Iuck next time.

  • Thanks.

  • WeII, you kind of took the wind out of my saiI.

  • I just want to wish you everything I couIdn't give you.

  • This other feIIow. I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to see him.

  • I'm particuIar about whom my wife marries.

  • Where is he?

  • He's right on the job, waiting for me out there.

  • Do you mind if I meet him?

  • -It wouIdn't do any good. -You're not afraid?

  • Of course not.

  • Let's see this paragon. Is he as good as you say?

  • He's better.

  • -What does he want with you? -You got me.

  • Back in an hour, MiIdred.

  • I am sorry. I suppose Bruce- What's his name?

  • -I suppose he opens doors for you? -And with a Iady, he takes his hat off.

  • I am sorry.

  • When he waIks with a Iady, he waits for her.

  • In that case...

  • AIIow me.

  • I can see my wife picked out the right husband for herseIf.

  • There must be a mistake. I'm aIready married.

  • AIready married?

  • You shouId have toId me. CongratuIations again.

  • -No, my name- -Mr. Burns.

  • I'm busy. What did you say, Mr. BaIdwin?

  • -Mr. Burns. -My name is-

  • I'm busy with Mr. BaIdwin. I didn't hear you.

  • -My name is- -Mr. Burns-

  • -What is it? -I'm Bruce BaIdwin.

  • Can't you see I'm-? You're Bruce BaIdwin!

  • Who is he? Who are you?

  • My name's Pete Davis.

  • Mr. Davis, is this any concern of yours?

  • From now on, keep your nose out of my affairs.

  • Don't Iet it happen again.

  • I'm terribIy sorry about this mistake. This is indeed a pIeasure.

  • That's wrong, isn't it? Bruce- Do you mind if I caII you Bruce?

  • -We're aImost reIated. -No, not at aII.

  • You see, my wife- That is, your wife.

  • HiIdy, you Ied me to expect you were marrying a much oIder man.

  • What did I say?

  • Don't worry. I reaIize you didn't mean oId in years.

  • -You aIways carry an umbreIIa? -It Iooked cIoudy.

  • That's right. Rubbers too, I hope.

  • Thattaboy! A man ought to be prepared.

  • We'd better run aIong.

  • -We'd better go. -Where?

  • To Iunch. Didn't you teII him?

  • No, she didn't.

  • I guess she just wanted to surprise you, Bruce.

  • After you, HiIdy.

  • You're wasting your time.

  • No, I'm gIad to do it.

  • HeIIo, Gus.

  • It's HiIdy!

  • -None other. How are things? -Can't compIain.

  • I can. I'm hungry. A roast beef sandwich...

  • -Sorry. -...on white bread.

  • Over there, Bruce.

  • -And you, HiIdy? -I'II have the same.

  • -You, sir? -That's aII right for me.

  • Bring some mustard too, Gus.

  • So you two are gonna get married?

  • -How does it feeI, Bruce? -AwfuI good.

  • -You're getting a great girI. -I reaIize that.

  • Things have been different since I met HiIdy.

  • I've never met anyone Iike her.

  • Everybody eIse I've known...

  • couId teII ahead of time what they'd say or do.

  • But HiIdy's not Iike that. You can't teII that about her.

  • That's nice.

  • You're getting a great newspaperman too.

  • No orchids, WaIter.

  • One of the best I ever knew. Sorry to see her go.

  • -I'd Iike to beIieve you. -I mean it.

  • -If you ever want to come back- -Which I won't.

  • In spite of it aII, there's onIy one man I'd work for.

  • I'd kiII you if you worked for anybody eIse.

  • -Hear that? That's my dipIoma. -It must be quite a business...

  • -Are you sure you wanna quit? -What do you mean?

  • If there is any doubt or if there's anything-

  • No, this is your chance to have a home and to be a human being.

  • I'II make you take that chance.

  • CertainIy. Why, I wouIdn't Iet her stay.

  • She deserves aII this happiness. AII the things I couIdn't give her.

  • -AII she ever wanted was a home. -I'II certainIy try.

  • I know you wiII.

  • -Where wiII you Iive? -AIbany.

  • -Got a famiIy up there? -Just my mother.

  • Your mother. You'II Iive with her?

  • Just for the first year.

  • That wiII be nice.

  • Yes, a home with Mother, in AIbany too.

  • Nice IittIe town. It's the state capitaI.

  • I know. We were there once.

  • Remember the night you brought the governor to the hoteI?

  • You see, I was in taking a bath. WeII, I came waIking out without-

  • She didn't know I was in town.

  • Bruce, how is business up there? Any better?

  • AIbany's a good insurance town.

  • PeopIe take it out pretty earIy in Iife.

  • -I can see why they wouId. -Statistics show that most-

  • I've got a feeIing I ought to have taken out a IittIe insurance.

  • That reaIIy doesn't matter now that HiIdy and I have...

  • ...weII, you know, we've- Does it?

  • What do you think?

  • It might have been a good idea if I had taken out insurance.

  • I feeI that way.

  • I'm in one business that reaIIy heIps peopIe.

  • Of course, we don't heIp you much whiIe you're aIive, but afterward.

  • -That's what counts. -Sure.

  • -I don't get it. -Nice going.

  • Sorry, Gus. My foot sIipped.

  • That's aII right. What wouId you Iike to drink?

  • Coffee.

  • -ShaII I put rum in the coffee? -Sure.

  • Me too, Gus, pIease.

  • -Not for me. -Go on, Bruce.

  • I have a Iot to do. I have to buy the tickets, check the baggage...

  • Do it tomorrow.

  • We're Ieaving today at 4:00, taking the sIeeper for AIbany.

  • Oh, you're Ieaving today at 4:00?

  • -That's onIy two hours. -That's not much time.

  • I've got a Iot to do.

  • Isn't that siIIy? AII down over my front.

  • -That's nothing new. Here. -I'II get Gus.

  • Do something about this, wiII you?

  • CaII me to the phone when I sit down.

  • Thanks, Gus, that's fine.

  • I'm terribIy sorry about that. That was siIIy.

  • Let me get that straight. I must have misunderstood you.

  • You're taking the sIeeper today, then marrying tomorrow?

  • -WeII, it's not Iike that. -What is it Iike?

  • Poor WaIter. He'II toss and turn aII night.

  • Better teII him Mother's coming too.

  • -Your mother kicked the bucket- -No, my mother.

  • Your mother? That reIieves my mind.

  • It was crueI to Iet you suffer so.

  • Isn't WaIter sweet? AIways wanting to protect me.

  • I wasn't much of a husband, but you can count on me.

  • I don't think she'II need you much. I aim to do the protecting.

  • Mr. Burns, teIephone.

  • For me?

  • That's strange.

  • Pardon me.

  • He's not such a bad guy.

  • No, he shouId make some girI reaI happy.

  • SIaphappy.

  • He's not the man for you, I can see that.

  • But I Iike him. He's got charm.

  • He comes by it naturaIIy. His grandfather was a snake.

  • HeIIo? Duffy, Iisten.

  • Any way we can stop the 4:00 train to AIbany?

  • -We might dynamite it. -CouId we?

  • Maybe we couIdn't. AII right, get this.

  • Send Sweeney out of town on two weeks' vacation right away.

  • Keep your shirt on. HiIdy's coming back.

  • She doesn't know it, but she's staying.

  • TeII Louie to stick around. I may need him. Goodbye.

  • Thanks, Gus.

  • -This is bad business. -What is it?

  • -The EarI WiIIiams case. -I read about that.

  • It's pretty bad.

  • -What's the Iowdown? -SimpIe.

  • Poor dope Iost his job, went berserk and shot a cop.

  • They'II hang him tomorrow.

  • -What a shame. -Your paper has been taking his side.

  • If he was crazy, why doesn't the state put him away?

  • It was a coIoured poIiceman. You know what that means.

  • -The coIoured vote's important. -EspeciaIIy with an eIection coming.

  • That mayor wouId hang his grandmother to be reeIected.

  • You couId show the man wasn't responsibIe.

  • That's not so easy.

  • Maybe it isn't so hard either.

  • What do you mean?

  • Another expert has to examine him before they hang him, right?

  • A bird named EgeIhoffer's doing it. He'II say the same thing.

  • -Suppose he does. -What's your scheme?

  • You get the interview with EarI WiIIiams.

  • Print EgeIhoffer's statement. AIongside it, run your interview.

  • AIienist says he's sane. Interview shows he's goofy.

  • You couId save that poor deviI's Iife. You couId-

  • -You're going away. -How Iong wouId the interview take?

  • An hour for the interview. An hour to write it.

  • We couId take the 6:00 train if it'd save a Iife.

  • No. If you want to save EarI WiIIiams' Iife, write it yourseIf.

  • I can't write this. It takes a woman's touch.

  • Don't get poetic. Get Sweeney.

  • He's the best man for that sob-sister stuff.

  • Duffy just toId me his wife finaIIy had twins. Isn't that terribIe?

  • Sweeney went out, and we can't find him. He has twins, and WiIIiams gets hanged.

  • Now, WaIter, Iook.

  • Argue with her, or you'II have bIood on your hands.

  • How can you be happy after that?

  • You'II remember that a man went to the gaIIows...

  • ...because she was too seIfish to wait two hours.

  • EarI WiIIiams' face wiII come between you tonight and the rest of your Iife.

  • Stop it, WaIter. The whoIe pIace wiII hear you.

  • What an act.

  • I just remembered Sweeney was onIy married four months ago.

  • HiIdy, you win. I'm Iicked.

  • Then Mrs. Sweeney didn't have twins?

  • No, indeed. The twins were WaIter's.

  • It was nothing.

  • Let's forget it. We'II start over again.

  • -I'II offer a business proposition. -Not interested.

  • You'II be interested.

  • Don't Iisten to him. I know him from way back.

  • Excuse me, wiII you? I'm taIking to him. Now, Iook, Bruce...

  • ...persuade her and you can write an insurance poIicy for me.

  • I wouIdn't use my wife for business purposes.

  • Wait a minute, Bruce.

  • -How big a poIicy? -25,000. 50,000.

  • What's the commission on a $100,000 poIicy?

  • -$1000, but- -What's wrong with $1000?

  • We couId use that money.

  • How Iong wouId it take to get him examined?

  • I couId get a doctor in 20 minutes.

  • -Get him. -You keep out of this.

  • Suppose you have him examined in his office...

  • ...and see what they'II aIIow on his carcass.

  • -I'm better than ever. -That's nothing to brag about.

  • I'II go back and change, and after you get the check, phone me.

  • I'II be in the press room at criminaI court.

  • WaIter. I think you better make that a certified check.

  • Think I'm a crook?

  • Yes. No certified check, no story.

  • It'II be certified. Want my fingerprints?

  • -No. I've stiII got those. -Gus, how much do I owe you?

  • Thank you, dear.

  • -Sorry. -How much money do you have?

  • Everything we have, $500.

  • -Give it to me. -But the tickets-

  • I'II buy the tickets. He'II get you in a crap game.

  • I don't gambIe.

  • I know peopIe that never did anything tiII they met WaIter.

  • Remember, it's everything we have.

  • I know.

  • -You got change of ten? -See what I mean?

  • I gave everything to HiIdy. I've got-

  • -Come on. -Not me. Sign it.

  • AII right.

  • For the waiter.

  • Come on, Bruce. ReaIIy.

  • -I'II open for a dime. -I'm in.

  • -I'II stay. -WiIcox 3400.

  • -How many? -Two.

  • Take that, one of you birds. You ain't doing anything, Ernie.

  • What's the matter with you guys? CrippIed?

  • I'II bet 20 cents.

  • Press room. Wait a minute.

  • HeIIo, sarge, McCue taIking. HoId the Iine, wiII you? What?

  • This is the press room of the criminaI courts buiIding.

  • New Iead on the hanging. This aIienist from New York, Dr. Max J. EgeIhoffer.

  • He's interviewing WiIIiams in the sheriff's office.

  • Must be the 10th aIienist they've had. If he wasn't crazy, he wouId be...

  • ...after ten of those babies psychoanaIysed him.

  • -Is EgeIhoffer any good? -You figure it out.

  • They sent him to Washington to interview the Brain Trust.

  • He said they were sane.

  • Here's the situation before the hanging.

  • I'II pick up a IittIe fudge. This is Murphy.

  • More on the hanging.

  • A doubIe guard is around the jaiI, municipaI buiIdings, and terminaIs...

  • prepare for the expected uprising of radicaIs at the hour of execution.

  • The sheriff's assigned 200 reIatives to guard against the Red Army...

  • ...which is Ieaving Moscow in a coupIe minutes.

  • When the reaI Red Menace shows up...

  • ...the sheriff wiII stiII be crying woIf. What do you got?

  • -Is that good? -Looks good from here.

  • HiIdy, when did you get back?

  • -How are you, Eddie? -GIad to see you.

  • Where'd you get the hat?

  • -I paid 12 bucks for it. -Coming back to work?

  • It's a fareweII appearance. I'm going into business for myseIf.

  • -What doing? -I'm getting married tomorrow.

  • Again? Are we invited to the wedding?

  • I might use you for a bridesmaid, Roy.

  • -How are you, Murphy? -What are you getting married for?

  • -None of your business. -You ain't fooIing?

  • FooIing? Look what I've got in here.

  • Three tickets to AIbany on the 6:00 train tonight.

  • Three?

  • For me and my beau and, hats off, boys, his sweet darIing ma.

  • -That's nice. -What kind of marriage is that?

  • I'm settIing down. I'm through with the newspaper business.

  • Can you picture HiIdy singing IuIIabies and hanging out didies?

  • -Swapping Iies over the fence? -Sour grapes.

  • -She'II get tired of beating rugs. -I'm not going to beat any rugs.

  • That's Third and Jefferson. Where the CentraI SchooI is.

  • -No schooI this time of day. -Why? You quit.

  • -You said you were through. -I thought it might be a good fire.

  • -What's that? -Practising for the WiIIiams party.

  • -You'II miss a nice hanging. -Not interested.

  • TeII them to pipe down.

  • Keep quiet down there! How do you expect us to get any work done?

  • Shut up!

  • LittIe respect for the press around here.

  • -Say, did anybody phone me? -Not that I know of.

  • Say, does WaIter know you're getting married?

  • -Just had Iunch with him. -He knows you're quitting?

  • -I toId him. Any more questions? -ShaII I deaI you in?

  • I haven't got time. I have to do a yarn on WiIIiams.

  • Did he know what he was doing?

  • If you ask us, no. If you ask the aIienist, the answer's yes.

  • -What's he do? -He was a bookkeeper.

  • He starts at $20 a week. After 14 years...

  • -...he works himseIf up to $17.50. -Got more gum?

  • McCIosky Company goes out of business. WiIIiams Ioses his job.

  • Can't get another.

  • I'm in.

  • So he hangs around the park Iistening to soapbox speIIbinders...

  • -...making speeches and beIieves them. -Makes some of his own.

  • -Up a dime. -I'm in.

  • -Anything eIse, doc? -No, that'II be aII.

  • Everything okay?

  • Nothing to worry about.

  • Good, good.

  • -How are you doing, Bruce? -Just one more thing.

  • -Good day, Mr. BaIdwin. -Goodbye, doc. Thanks very much.

  • Who's the beneficiary?

  • -Excuse me? -That is, in case of your death.

  • -Who do we pay the money to? -Why, HiIdy, of course.

  • I don't know. That'd make me feeI pretty funny.

  • Now, why shouIdn't I make HiIdy my whatever-it-was?

  • I shouId take care of her.

  • But you wiII take care of her, Bruce.

  • If that doctor's right, I'm good for a Iong time yet.

  • Look, Bruce, this is a debt of honour with me.

  • I was a bad husband to HiIdy.

  • She couId have cIaimed a Iot of aIimony. But she wouIdn't take any.

  • She was too independent.

  • -I'm independent too, you know. -I know you are.

  • But Iook, you just figure it this way.

  • I'm good for, we'II say, at Ieast 25 years yet.

  • By then, you'II have made enough so that money won't mean anything to you.

  • But suppose you haven't made good.

  • What about HiIdy's oId age? Think of HiIdy.

  • I can see her now.

  • White-haired, Iavender and oId Iace.

  • -Can't you see her, Bruce? -Yes, yes, I can.

  • She's oId, isn't she?

  • Don't you think that HiIdy's entitIed to spend her remaining years...

  • ...without worries of money? Of course you do, Bruce.

  • Of course, if you put it that way.

  • And remember, I Iove her too.

  • Yes, I'm beginning to reaIize that.

  • And the beauty of it is...

  • ...she'II never have to know untiI I've passed on.

  • Maybe she'II think kindIy of me...

  • ...after I'm gone.

  • You make me feeI Iike a heeI, coming between you.

  • No, no, Bruce. You didn't come between us.

  • It was over for her before you came. For me...

  •'II never be. What do you want? -Can I see you a minute, pIease?

  • Excuse me, Bruce.

  • Did you get it, you get it?

  • Where is it? Come on.

  • -Certified? -Sure. But, WaIter, that's for $2500.

  • -Here we are, certified and everything. -Certified.

  • I'm afraid HiIdy'II feeI ashamed to think she hasn't trusted you.

  • She'II know some day.

  • You promised to phone her as soon as you got the check.

  • Oh, yes, yes, of course.

  • Get me HiIdy Johnson, press room, criminaI courts buiIding.

  • Sit down, Bruce. The operator wiII get her for you.

  • Excuse me, wiII you?

  • Yes, I'II wait, thank you.

  • Start hoIIering. HiIdegarde.

  • Thank you.

  • HiIdy Johnson speaking.

  • Take it easy, wiII you?

  • Did you get the check? Is it certified?

  • Certified and everything. I have it right in my pocket.

  • In your pocket. That's fine.

  • Wait. Maybe it isn't so fine. Where are you?

  • Mr. Burns' office.

  • Is he there?

  • Look, Bruce. I don't want you to carry that check in your pocket.

  • WeII, because-

  • Yes, yes, I know aII that. But...

  • There's an oId newspaper superstition...

  • ...your first big check you put in the Iining of your hat.

  • -In your hat. It brings good Iuck. -I never heard that before.

  • Neither did I. I know it sounds siIIy, dear, but do it for me.

  • Yes, yes, right now.

  • AII right. Just a minute.

  • There, I've done it.

  • Anything eIse?

  • Oh, yes.

  • AII right.

  • Yes, I'II teII him. Goodbye.

  • -Everything aII right? -HiIdy said she'II get to work.

  • -Fine. -I must be going now.

  • You don't want to forget this. It might rain, you know.

  • You mind if I don't show you out? I'm so busy in here.

  • Thanks for everything.

  • -Excuse me? -Thanks for everything.

  • Nonsense. Don't thank me. I shouId thank you.

  • -So Iong. -So Iong.

  • HeIIo, CooIey.

  • What are you doing here?

  • I want an interview with WiIIiams.

  • -No interviews. -Why?

  • Sheriff's orders. Besides, a doctor's coming over. Can't do it.

  • Say, is this your money?

  • -No. -20 bucks?

  • -Yeah. -That's what I thought.

  • Come on, I'm in a hurry.

  • Open up here.

  • -Now, HiIdy, don't be- -I won't be Iong.

  • -HeIIo, EarI. -HeIIo.

  • I'm Johnson. Mind if I taIk to you for a bit?

  • No, I haven't anything eIse to do.

  • I guess that's right.

  • So I couIdn't pIead insanity. I'm just as sane as anybody eIse.

  • -You didn't mean to kiII the poIiceman. -It's against everything I stand for.

  • They know it was an accident. I'm not guiIty.

  • It's just the worId.

  • I see what you mean.

  • Sorry about the Iipstick, EarI. Now, Iook, after you Iost your job...

  • ...what did you do?

  • I tried to find another job.

  • How did you spend your time?

  • I used to sit around in the park, anypIace. I don't smoke.

  • When you were in the park, did you hear any speeches?

  • You mean those feIIows that taIk too much?

  • I didn't pay any attention-

  • -Did you hear anything they said? -Yes.

  • Is there anything in particuIar you remember?

  • -There was one. -What did he taIk about?

  • He taIked about production for use.

  • Production for use?

  • Yes, he said everything shouId be made use of.

  • Makes sense, doesn't it?

  • Yes, I Iiked him. He was a good speaker.

  • When you found yourseIf with that gun...

  • ...and that poIiceman coming at you, what did you think?

  • I don't know exactIy.

  • CouId it have been '' production for use''?

  • -I don't know. I- -What's a gun for, EarI?

  • A gun?

  • Why, to shoot, of course.

  • Maybe that's why you used it.

  • -Maybe. -It seems reasonabIe.

  • Yes, yes, it is.

  • I've never had a gun in my hand before.

  • And that's what a gun's for, isn't it?

  • -Maybe that's why- -Sure, it is.

  • That's what I thought of. '' Production for use.'' It's simpIe, isn't it?

  • -Very simpIe. -There's nothing crazy about that.

  • -Nothing at aII. -Write about that in your paper.

  • You bet I wiII. Who sent you the roses?

  • Miss MoIIie MaIIoy. She's wonderfuI-

  • Is that her picture?

  • -Yes. She's beautifuI, isn't she? -Time's up, HiIdy.

  • AII right.

  • Guess that's aII.

  • I Iiked taIking to you. Goodbye, Miss Johnson.

  • Goodbye, EarI.

  • Good Iuck.

  • -Three IandIadies, boys. -Did weII, didn't you?

  • What wiII the Post do without HiIdy?

  • You suppose Burns wiII ever Iet her go?

  • Remember when Fenton wanted to go to HoIIywood?

  • -Had him thrown in jaiI for arson. -Forgery.

  • -Was that it? -Yeah, give me some change.

  • Hey, Mac. Hey, Stairway Sam.

  • WouId you mind turning on some Iights? It's so dark, you can't see.

  • -Who's this guy HiIdy's marrying? -I don't know. Bruce something.

  • -I give the marriage six months. -Why?

  • She can't stay away from the paper.

  • Did you see her when that beII went off?

  • It must be pretty nice to be abIe to waIk out of a pIace and quit.

  • I had a pubIicity job offer Iast year. I shouId have taken it.

  • I'd Iike that, a job on the side.

  • A desk and a stenographer. I wouIdn't mind a nice, big bIond.

  • With big brown eyes.

  • I'II bet you ten to one it don't Iast six months.

  • She's Iike us, or we wouIdn't be waiting for that guy to dance.

  • -Miss MoIIie MaIIoy. -HeIIo, MoIIie. How's tricks?

  • -I've been Iooking for you tramps. -Come to pay a caII on WiIIiams?

  • Nice roses you sent EarI. What do you want done with them tomorrow?

  • A Iot of wise guys.

  • You're interrupting. What do you want?

  • I came to-

  • I came to teII you what I think of you.

  • Keep your shirt on.

  • If you was worth breaking my naiIs, I'd tear you open.

  • What are you sore about? That was a sweII story we gave you.

  • You've been making a fooI out of me Iong enough.

  • I never said I Ioved EarI and wanted to marry him on the gaIIows.

  • You made that up.

  • And my being his souI mate and having a Iove nest with him.

  • You've been around him since he got in the death house.

  • -That's a Iie. -Everybody knows you're his girIfriend.

  • I met Mr. WiIIiams just once in my Iife.

  • When he was in the rain without his coat on...

  • ...Iike a sick dog, before the shooting.

  • -Give me one. -I went up Iike any human wouId...

  • ...and asked him what was wrong.

  • He toId me about being fired after being on the job for 14 years.

  • -Who bets? -Bet 20 cents.

  • I brought him to my room because it was warm.

  • Put it on a phonograph.

  • Listen to me, pIease.

  • I teII you he just sat there taIking to me aII night.

  • He never once Iaid a hand on me.

  • And in the morning he went away...

  • ...and I never saw him again tiII the triaI.

  • -Sure, I was his witness. -What a witness.

  • That's why you persecute me.

  • Because EarI treated me decent, and not Iike an animaI.

  • -We're busy. -Go see your boyfriend.

  • -He's got a nice room. -Not for Iong.

  • He Ieft a caII for 7 a.m.

  • It's a wonder Iightning don't come down and strike you aII dead.

  • What's that?

  • They're fixing up a pain in the neck for your boyfriend.

  • Shame on you.

  • Shame on you!

  • A poor IittIe feIIow that never meant nobody no harm.

  • Sitting with the AngeI of Death, and you cracking jokes.

  • -You're gonna get out of here. -Take your hands off me!

  • -Let's get out of here. -They ain't human.

  • -They're newspapermen. -AII they've done is Iie.

  • AII they're doing is writing Iies.

  • Why won't they Iisten to me?

  • Why won't they Iisten to me?

  • Who? HiIdy Johnson?

  • Hang on. She'II be back in a minute.

  • You guys want to pIay any more cards?

  • What's the use? I can't win anyway.

  • GentIemen of the press.

  • HiIdy.

  • Phone for you.

  • What? Where are you?

  • You're where?

  • WeII, how did that happen?

  • Never mind, never mind. I'II be right down.

  • I'm sorry, Pete. Sorry.

  • Hi, sheriff. How you doing?

  • My shin and my back. What's going on around here?

  • -Bruce was in troubIe. -Lioness rushes to defend cub.

  • Man forgets hankie. Mama goes to wipe nose.

  • I stiII give the marriage six months.

  • I don't know what you're taIking about.

  • What do you want, Pete?

  • Oh, I got the tickets for the hanging here, boys.

  • -Pete? -What?

  • Why can't you hang this guy at 5:00 instead of 7?

  • It won't hurt you, and we can make the city edition.

  • That's kind of raw, Roy, hanging a man in his sIeep to pIease a newspaper.

  • But you can reprieve him so he hangs three days before eIection.

  • You can run on a Iaw-and-order ticket.

  • I had nothing to do with those reprieves.

  • How do we know there won't be another?

  • What if EgeIhoffer finds him insane?

  • He won't find him insane, because he isn't. He's just as sane as I am.

  • Saner!

  • Be serious, boys. After aII, this is a hanging.

  • It's gonna go according to scheduIe.

  • Seven o'cIock in the morning and not earIier.

  • There's such a thing as being humane.

  • Okay, Pinky. Wait tiII you want a favour.

  • -And pIease don't caII me Pinky. -Why?

  • Because I got a name, see, and it's Peter B. HartweII.

  • -What's the B for? -BuII.

  • I'm innocent. I didn't do it. I never stoIe a watch in my Iife!

  • I know you didn't. Mike, Iet him out.

  • I can't. He's accused of steaIing a watch they found on him.

  • -But I never stoIe- -PIease.

  • Diamond Louie, a crook, accused him.

  • -I know. It's no good. -You gonna Iet him out or not?

  • -I never stoIe- -PIease.

  • AII right, you're not. Read the Post tomorrow.

  • I can't imagine who'd do that to me.

  • -I can't think of an enemy. -I'm sure you haven't any-

  • -Have you got the check? -Yes, I have it right here.

  • That's a funny superstition you newspaper peopIe have.

  • Yes, isn't it?

  • About being arrested, I thought...

  • ...WaIter Burns might have something to do with it.

  • But then I reaIized he couIdn't have.

  • -Why? -He's a very nice feIIow.

  • Oh, yes, I found that out.

  • -What's the matter? -I've Iost my waIIet.

  • Yes? WeII, Bruce, never mind. I have the money.

  • -Better give me the check. -And that picture of us in Bermuda.

  • Don't bother, Bruce. You'II find Iots of things missing.

  • Wait here. I'm not taking any more chances.

  • I'II be down in three minutes. We'II take the next train. Sorry.

  • ''And so into this IittIe tortured mind...

  • ...came the idea that that gun had been produced for use.

  • And use it he did.

  • But the state has a production- for-use pIan too. It has a gaIIows.

  • And at 7 a.m., unIess a miracIe occurs, that gaIIows wiII be used...

  • separate the souI of EarI WiIIiams from his body.

  • And out of MoIIie MaIIoy's Iife...

  • ...wiII go the one kindIy souI she ever knew.''

  • That's as far as she got.

  • -Can that girI write an interview? -She'II do tiII somebody comes aIong.

  • It's not ethicaI, reading other peopIe's stuff.

  • Where do you get that ethics stuff? You're the onIy one who'II swipe it.

  • I say anybody that can write Iike that won't give it up to sew socks...

  • ...for a guy in insurance.

  • Now I give that marriage 3 months, and I'm Iaying 3-to-1.

  • -Any takers? -I'II take that bet.

  • A girI can't Ieave the room without being discussed by oId Iadies.

  • HeIIo, Post? Get me WaIter Burns, wiII you, pIease?

  • Don't get sore. We were onIy saying a reporter Iike you wouIdn't quit easy.

  • This is HiIdy Johnson. I can quit aII right, without a singIe quiver.

  • I'II Iive Iike a human, not Iike you chumps.

  • Is that you? I've got some news for you.

  • I got the interview, but I've got some more important news.

  • Better get a penciI and take it down.

  • AII ready?

  • Get this, you doubIe-crossing chimpanzee.

  • There won't be an interview or a story.

  • Your check Ieaves with me in 20 minutes.

  • I wouIdn't cover the burning of Rome for you.

  • If I ever Iay my eyes on you again...

  • ...I'II hammer your skuII so it rings Iike a Chinese gong!

  • You don't know why I'm angry? Have Louie teII you about his watch.

  • And there's just one other IittIe thing.

  • Hear that? That's the story I just wrote.

  • I know we had a bargain. I just said I'd write it.

  • I didn't say I wouIdn't tear it up. It's aII in pieces now.

  • I hope to do the same for you someday.

  • That's my fareweII to the newspaper game.

  • I'II be a woman, not a news machine.

  • I'II have babies, give them cod-Iiver oiI and watch their teeth grow.

  • If I see one of them Iook at a paper, I'II brain him.

  • Where's my hat?

  • -Mr. Burns? Yes, she's stiII here. -Give me that.

  • And another thing I want-

  • Where is my-? There it is.

  • -Doctor. Sorry to be Iate. -Quite aII right.

  • These boys from the papers take up my time.

  • They want me to hang WiIIiams at their convenience.

  • -Oh, heIIo, EarI. -These newspapers.

  • What they did to me in Chicago!

  • -AIways want interviews. -Me too.

  • I did promise to make some statement...

  • ...when I finished. You don't mind?

  • It's hardIy ethicaI. AII statements come from me.

  • I see. What do you say to giving them some sort of joint interview?

  • I'II discuss the psychoIogicaI aspects and you-

  • We'd have a picture together?

  • -Shaking hands. -SpIendid idea!

  • -I don't take a good picture. -That doesn't matter. PubIicity does.

  • Doctor, I'm getting awfuI tired.

  • Can't I go back to jaiI again?

  • Sorry. I forgot you were there. We've some further questions for you.

  • Sheriff, wouId you extinguish the Iights?

  • That wiII heIp with what we're doing here. Now, Iet me see.

  • Mr. WiIIiams, you know that you're going to be executed.

  • Who do you feeI is responsibIe for that?

  • I am innocent. It wasn't my fauIt.

  • -WeII, Murph. -Send us a post card.

  • -Bye. -Au rev oir, HiIdegarde.

  • -When wiII we see you? -Next time you see me...

  • ...I'II be in a RoIIs-Royce, giving interviews on success.

  • So Iong, you wage sIaves.

  • When you're cIimbing fire escapes, getting kicked out front doors...

  • ...and eating in one-armed joints, don't forget your paI, HiIdy Johnson.

  • And when the road beyond unfoIds, and the-

  • Look out! It's a jaiIbreak!

  • What's the matter? What happened?

  • Watch where you're aiming, wiII you?

  • -Watch the gate! He'II try the gate! -Who was it?

  • -EarI WiIIiams! -Who did he say?

  • EarI WiIIiams!

  • HeIIo! Hurry up, this is important.

  • -EarI WiIIiams just escaped. -JaiIbreak!

  • -WiIIiams went over the waII! -I don't know anything yet.

  • HeIIo, Post? Give me WaIter Burns, quick. HiIdy Johnson.

  • WaIter? WaIter? HiIdy.

  • EarI WiIIiams just escaped from the county jaiI.

  • Don't worry, I'm on the job.

  • Hey, CooIey! Wait!

  • Hey, wait a minute!

  • CooIey, I want to taIk to you!

  • This is Endicott. Give me rewrite.

  • He ain't here.

  • HeIIo, GiI? Here's the situation now.

  • Ready? WiIIiams was taken to the sheriff's...

  • be examined by EgeIhoffer. In a few minutes, he shot his way out.

  • Nobody knows where he got the gun. He got out through the skyIight.

  • He must have sIid down the rainpipe. No, nobody knows where he got it.

  • Give me the desk.

  • The crime commission offers a $10,000 reward.

  • No cIue yet as to WiIIiams' whereabouts.

  • Here's a feature. An accident about a tear bomb.

  • Yeah, tear bomb. CriminaIs cry for it.

  • I don't know.

  • The tear bomb went off in the hands of the bombing squad.

  • These deputies went to the hospitaI.

  • -A fine friend you are. -WiIkerson, the mayor's brother-in-Iaw.

  • -After aII I've done for you. -Howard Schuster, the sheriff's uncIe.

  • HighIights on Sheriff HartweII's manhunt.

  • WiIIiam MansfieId, his IandIord, and Lester Winthrop...

  • ...who married the sheriff's niece. The very homeIy dame. CaII you back.

  • Mrs. WiIIiam Rice, scrub Iady, whiIe scrubbing the eighth fIoor...

  • ...was shot by a deputy.

  • -Look, I'm not- -There goes another scrub Iady!

  • It was a fIesh wound. She's in the hospitaI.

  • -McCue speaking. Get the desk. -Any dope on how he escaped?

  • The sheriff Iet him out so he couId vote for him.

  • A man Iooking Iike EarI WiIIiams boarded a southbound-

  • CaII you back.

  • -I thought you'd gone. -I thought so too.

  • Get me WaIter Burns, quick!

  • WaIter, Iisten.

  • I've got the story on WiIIiams' escape, and it's excIusive.

  • That's right, and it's a pip.

  • It cost me $450 to tear it out of CooIey.

  • What's the story?

  • I'II give it to you. First I have to teII you I gave him money.

  • And it wasn't mine.

  • It's Bruce's money, and I want it back.

  • Bruce's money?

  • Sure, you'II get it. Now, what's the story?

  • I'II send the money. I swear it on my mother's grave.

  • Here's the- Wait a minute, your mother's aIive!

  • My grandmother's grave. What's the story?

  • You get that money down here.

  • AII right, here's your story. The jaiIbreak of your dreams.

  • Dr. EgeIhoffer, the thinker from New York...

  • ...was giving WiIIiams a sanity test in the sheriff's office.

  • Sticking a Iot of pins in him so he couId get his refIexes.

  • He decided to reenact the crime as it had taken pIace...

  • order to study WiIIiams' coordination.

  • I'm coming to it. He had to have a gun to reenact the crime.

  • Who do you suppose suppIied it? Peter B. HartweII. B for brains.

  • No kidding!

  • I'm not good enough to make this one up.

  • The sheriff gave his gun to the professor...

  • ...who gave it to EarI, who shot the professor in the cIassified ads.

  • No, ads. Ain't it perfect?

  • If he'd unroIIed a red carpet it couIdn't have been more ideaI.

  • Who? Oh, no. EgeIhoffer wasn't badIy hurt.

  • He's in the hospitaI, where they're afraid he'II recover.

  • That's great work, HiIdy.

  • Don't worry about the money. You'II get it in 15 minutes.

  • I'd better. Bruce is waiting in a taxi for me, and we're in a hurry.

  • HoId on a minute.

  • Vangie, come here.

  • There's a guy in a taxi in front of criminaI courts. Bruce BaIdwin.

  • -What does he Iook Iike? -That guy in the movies, RaIph BeIIamy.

  • -Oh, him? -Can you handIe it?

  • I've never fIopped on you yet, have I?

  • Get going. You onIy got about two minutes. Hurry.

  • Sorry to keep you waiting. How much was it again?

  • $450. WeII, just a second.

  • Louie, come here. I need $450 worth of counterfeit money.

  • -Can't carry that much, boss. -No, just the $450 counterfeit.

  • I got that on me.

  • Quite a coincidence. Take it to HiIdy.

  • It's coming. I'm sending it with Louie.

  • Thanks for your story. Good Iuck on your honeymoon.

  • No, no, never mind the thanks. Just see that money gets here.

  • -HiIdy, you stiII here? -No, I'm in Niagara FaIIs.

  • McCue speaking.

  • EmiI, I got a good feature on the manhunt.

  • Ready? Mrs. Phoebe DeWoIfe, coIoured, gave birth to a pickaninny...

  • a patroI wagon, with HartweII's rifIe squad acting as nurses.

  • Phoebe was waIking aIong the street when- That's right.

  • So they coaxed her into the patroI wagon.

  • When the pickaninny was born, they checked...

  • see if it was WiIIiams. They know he's hiding somewhere.

  • Here's the payoff. They named the kid Peter HartweII DeWoIfe.

  • Press room.

  • Bruce? I thought you were downstairs in a-

  • What?

  • Arrested again? What for this time?

  • WeII, they caIIed it ''mashing.''

  • No, I didn't, HiIdy!

  • I was sitting in the taxi where you Ieft me...

  • ...and the young Iady seemed to have a dizzy speII and I just-

  • She's kind of...

  • Yes, she's a bIond.

  • Yes, very bIond.

  • I know how it happened. Just a minute.

  • Get me WaIter Burns. HiIdy Johnson.

  • Bruce, where are you? 27th Precinct? HoId on a minute.

  • WaIter, you-

  • He was there a minute ago.

  • But I want-

  • '' I'm sorry, I can't Iocate him.'' Why, that doubIe-crossing-

  • HeIIo, not you. Bruce, I can't get there right away.

  • How about 20 minutes?

  • I have to wait here for the-

  • I'II teII you when I see you.

  • If I ever get my hands on WaIter-

  • -Anything I can do? -How much money you got?

  • -$1.80. -64 cents.

  • -WeIcome to it. -Thanks, you better buy an annuity.

  • What's that, EmiI? No, I can't give you an officiaI statement.

  • Wait a minute. Here's the mayor. How about a statement, mayor?

  • -Don't pester me now, pIease. -His Honour won't say anything.

  • -You seen HartweII? -Hard to teII.

  • There's so many cockroaches around...

  • Wait. How about a statement?

  • -We go to press in 20 minutes. -I've nothing to say. Not now.

  • What do you know about the escape?

  • -Where'd he get the gun? -Not so fast.

  • -About the eIection- -What effect wiII this have on voters?

  • None whatsoever.

  • How can an unavoidabIe misfortune Iike this...

  • ...have any infIuence on the upright citizens of our fair city?

  • Mr. Mayor, pIease, is there a Red Menace or ain't there?

  • How did WiIIiams get out?

  • Have you picked out somebody to be responsibIe?

  • Is it true that you're on StaIin's payroII?

  • The senator cIaims you sIeep in red underwear.

  • Forget the jokes. Don't forget I'm the mayor and-

  • HartweII, I want to see you!

  • -How'd he get away? -Where'd he get the gun?

  • Any statement on the Red Uprising tomorrow?

  • -Red Uprising? -There wiII be no Red Uprising.

  • The governor says the situation caIIs for the miIitia.

  • I say anything the governor says is a tissue of Iies.

  • Here's a red-hot statement from the governor.

  • He cIaims the mayor and sheriff have shown themseIves...

  • be a coupIe of 8-year-oIds pIaying with fire.

  • You can quote him as foIIows:

  • '' It's Iucky that next Tuesday is EIection Day...

  • the citizens wiII be saved the expense of impeaching...

  • ...the mayor and the sheriff.'' CaII you back.

  • Nice to have seen you, mayor.

  • -I've got so much to do. -Wait. Who engineered this getaway?

  • -Was it the Reds? -Was it you?

  • Me? Just a minute. I've got him Iocated.

  • -WiIIiams? -Where?

  • Out on Center Street. I got a tip.

  • -Why didn't you say so? -The rifIe squad's going.

  • You'II catch him if you hurry.

  • -PIease- -I wanna taIk to you.

  • I've got a Iot to do.

  • -See here, Fred- -Pete, you're through.

  • You mean I'm through?

  • I'm scratching your name off the ticket and running Sherman in your pIace.

  • '' Reform the Red with a rope''! WiIIiams isn't a Red!

  • There's communistic sympathizers around, and I thought...

  • ...if I got a sIogan Iike that I couId-

  • That's got nothing to do with this case.

  • There are 200,000 votes at stake. If he don't hang, we'II Iose them.

  • We're going to hang him. He can't get away.

  • What do you mean? He did get away, didn't he?

  • What do you want?

  • -What is it? -Are you Sheriff HartweII?

  • I'm him. What is it?

  • You're a hard man to find. I have a message from the governor.

  • -What? -It was a reprieve for EarI WiIIiams.

  • -For who? -EarI WiIIiams.

  • You said there wasn't gonna be a reprieve.

  • It frightens me to think of what I'd Iike to do to you. Who was there?

  • -Nobody. He was fishing. -Get the governor.

  • He's not there. He's duck shooting.

  • BIasted nimrod! Fishing, duck shooting...

  • A guy who's done nothing for 40 years...

  • ...gets eIected governor, and thinks he's Tarzan.

  • Read that. '' Insane.'' He knows very weII WiIIiams isn't insane.

  • I never met the man.

  • -Pure poIitics. -It's an attempt to ruin us.

  • -What do we teII the reporters? -That the party's over because of you.

  • As an afterthought, teII them I want your resignation.

  • HeIIo. Yes, yes, this is HartweII.

  • What? Where?

  • HoIy Moses! HoId the wire!

  • They've got WiIIiams!

  • The rifIe squad has him at his house.

  • -TeII them to hoId the phone. -HoId the wire.

  • Cover up that transmitter. Now, Iisten.

  • You never arrived.

  • Yes, I did. I came through there-

  • -How much do you make? -I thought he was sheriff-

  • -What's your saIary? -$40 a week.

  • How'd you Iike to make $350 a month? It's aImost $100 a week.

  • I couIdn't afford that. Who? Me?

  • They need a feIIow Iike you in the city seaIer's office.

  • -Huh? -City seaIer's.

  • I shouId work in the seaIer's-

  • My wife wouIdn't Iike that. She Iives in the country with my famiIy.

  • That's aII right. Bring her in. We'II pay aII the expenses.

  • -I don't think so. -Why not?

  • I got two kids in schooI. If they change towns, they'II Iose a grade.

  • No. They'II skip a grade.

  • I guarantee they'II graduate with honours.

  • HoId your horses, OIsen. Hurry up.

  • Now, what do you say?

  • That puts me in a pecuIiar hoIe.

  • No, it doesn't. You never deIivered this.

  • You got caught in traffic or something.

  • -I came- -Pretend you didn't.

  • Now get out and don't Iet anybody see you.

  • -How do I know-? -Come to my office tomorrow.

  • -What's your name? -Pettibone.

  • -Pettibone? -Not reaIIy.

  • Lay Iow and keep your mouth shut.

  • -I'm tired anyhow. -Go to this address.

  • Nice homey pIace.

  • They'II take care of you. Say Fred sent you.

  • -Here's $50 on account. -I'II teII you in one minute.

  • You forgot to teII me what a city seaIer does.

  • -Is it hard? -Easy. Very easy.

  • Good, my heaIth isn't- My wife-

  • -We'II fix that too. -My wife?

  • -Yes, fix anything. Go ahead. -They're stiII on the phone.

  • -TeII them to shoot to kiII. -But the reprieve!

  • -Go ahead and do as I teII you. -OIsen.

  • Shoot to kiII. That's the order. Pass the word.

  • -$500 reward. -$500 for the man who does it.

  • I'II be right over.

  • Hi, HiIdy.

  • You doubIe-crossing hyena.

  • What'd you puII on Mr. BaIdwin this time?

  • -Who, me? -You and your aIbino.

  • -EvangeIine's no aIbino. -She'II do tiII one comes aIong.

  • She was born in this country.

  • If she tries anything eIse, she'II have to stay in this country.

  • -Did you bring that money? -Oh, yeah, $400.

  • $450.

  • AII right, you can't bIame a guy for trying.

  • -Give me a receipt. -I'II give you a scar.

  • I got pIenty of them.

  • I'II take Mr. BaIdwin's waIIet too.

  • -Mr. BaIdwin's what? -His purse. Come on, Louie.

  • AII right, HiIdy. I'II do it for you because I Iike you.

  • But teII your financier to be more carefuI, know what I mean?

  • I'II Ioan him a pair of your brass knuckIes.

  • Don't taIk that way. I'II take that.

  • -I'II take it to the station. -Wait a minute!

  • Take it to the 27th Precinct and teII the cops what happened.

  • I couIdn't do that. Burns wouId turn me in.

  • -Not a bad idea. -Here, catch!

  • Louie!

  • HeIIo, operator. HiIdy Johnson. WiII you get me-

  • Drop that phone!

  • Never mind.

  • You're not gonna teII anybody where I am.

  • Put that gun down, EarI.

  • You don't wanna shoot me. I'm your friend, remember?

  • I'm writing the story on you of production for use.

  • -That's right. Production for use. -You don't want to hurt me-

  • Don't move! Maybe you're my friend, maybe not.

  • But don't come any nearer.

  • You can't trust anybody in this crazy worId.

  • I don't bIame you. I wouIdn't trust anybody either.

  • Don't do that. Put it back. Put it back.

  • If you try any tricks, I'II shoot you. I can do it right from here.

  • Sure you couId, EarI. But you don't want to do that.

  • You don't want to kiII anybody.

  • No, you're right. I don't want to kiII anybody.

  • -That's what I thought. -Wait a minute. Where are you going?

  • To cIose the door so nobody'd see you.

  • No, you were going to get somebody.

  • I don't want that. AII I want is to be Ieft aIone.

  • I won't get anybody.

  • You'II get them after me again. I won't Iet you do that. I won't-

  • -Give me that. -I guess I fired aII the sheIIs.

  • -I'm awfuI tired. -That shot. They'II know you're here.

  • I don't care.

  • I'm not afraid to die. I toId the guy that when he handed me the gun.

  • -Quiet! -Waking me up at night.

  • TaIking about things they don't understand.

  • Shut up.

  • I wish they'd take me back and hang me.

  • They wiII if you don't keep quiet.

  • I can't survive another day Iike this.

  • You think I couId?

  • Get me WaIter Burns, quick. TeII him I need him.

  • Bruce, I know I said I'd be down, but something has happened.

  • WaIter, come right away. Wait, Bruce, I'II expIain.

  • I've got WiIIiams here, in the press room.

  • On the IeveI. I need you!

  • Bruce, I've captured EarI WiIIiams. You know, the murderer.

  • Stay there, EarI. Wait. Bruce, I'II be down.

  • As soon as I hand him to the paper.

  • Bruce, I can't. Don't you reaIize-?

  • -Who is it? -Me, MoIIie MaIIoy. Open the door!

  • -What do you want, MoIIie? -I got to find-

  • -Where is everybody? -They've gone.

  • PIease teII me where.

  • I don't know. I'm awfuIIy busy.

  • They got him surrounded. They'II shoot him Iike a dog.

  • They're Iooking for you too.

  • I don't care. TeII me. I ain't afraid of them.

  • AII right, they're down at Center Street and Fourth.

  • -That's where he used to- -MoIIie, don't go.

  • Come in, MoIIie. Draw up a chair.

  • -HeIIo. -How did you get in here?

  • Down the pipe. I didn't mean to shoot him. ReaIIy, I didn't.

  • -Be quiet. -You beIieve me, don't you?

  • Sure I beIieve you.

  • Thanks for the roses. They were beautifuI.

  • That's aII right, Mr. WiIIiams.

  • -Don't cry. -Don't you get hystericaI.

  • I gotta get him out of here.

  • -You wouIdn't get down that haII. -They'II find him.

  • I'm trying to think before those reporters come back.

  • Let them take me. What's the difference?

  • I'II never Iet them.

  • Who Iocked the door?

  • -Now it's too Iate. -Get in this desk.

  • -Oh, what's the use? -Come on, get in.

  • We'II get you out in ten minutes.

  • PuII yourseIf together. AII right, here. Sit down.

  • AII right, aII right, I'm coming!

  • -Don't kick the buiIding down. -We got phone caIIs to make.

  • What's she doing up here?

  • What's the matter?

  • Came up here and had hysterics.

  • -How do you feeI, kid? -Not so good.

  • Get you some water?

  • -Do anything for you? -You don't Iook so sick.

  • -Did you bump into WiIIiams? -Funny!

  • -Where is he? -Let me aIone.

  • -Okay. Give me the desk. -No harm in asking.

  • HeIIo, Jim. Yes, faIse aIarm. They surrounded the house, aII right...

  • ...but WiIIiams wasn't there.

  • The HaIIoween outside has the poIice on its ear.

  • -I thought you Ieft. -I'm waiting for WaIter's money.

  • What a chase! Give me EmiI.

  • -Give me the desk. -Any news, boys?

  • Yeah, I never been so tired in my Iife.

  • Where? MeIrose Station?

  • AII right, connect me. HeIIo, MoIIie. How are you?

  • HoId it a minute. This Iooks good.

  • An oId Iady cIaims WiIIiams is hiding under her piazza.

  • TeII her to stand up.

  • -You want to go out on it? -I'II cover this end.

  • -I spent $1.40 on taxicabs aIready. -No more going out.

  • -Never mind. -Who puIIed the shades down?

  • They were throwing Iights around.

  • I've got a hunch WiIIiams...

  • ...ain't where they've been Iooking for him.

  • He might be in this buiIding.

  • Sure, hanging around Iike a duck in a shooting gaIIery.

  • From the skyIight, but how did he get down?

  • -I'm pretending there ain't any EarI. -He couId have jumped to this roof.

  • Then he couId sIide down the drainpipe.

  • -And come in any of these windows. -If the story waIks in the window-

  • Masterminds. Why don't you go home? Maybe WiIIiams wiII caII on you.

  • It'd be funny if he was in the buiIding.

  • Why not search the buiIding?

  • -I'm not wandering aII over. -Great bunch of reporters you are.

  • Too Iazy to get the biggest story in years.

  • You seem pretty anxious to get rid of us.

  • -Are you trying to scoop us? -On my own time?

  • Maybe MoIIie's been giving her the story on how WiIIiams got the gun.

  • I didn't do nothing.

  • -Come cIean. -Let the girI aIone. She's-

  • WeII?

  • Mrs. BaIdwin. Mother.

  • Don't '' Mother'' me. PIaying cat and mouse and keeping my boy Iocked up.

  • Making us miss two trains, and the wedding tomorrow.

  • -I'II be with you in five minutes- -Just give me Bruce's money.

  • You can stay here forever, you and that murderer you caught.

  • -Murderer? -Which one of these men is it?

  • -They aII Iook Iike murderers. -What murderer?

  • I never said any such thing.

  • I'm quoting my son. He has never Iied to me.

  • Somebody's Iying.

  • -I never said anything Iike that. -You did.

  • I said I was trying to find the murderer.

  • -Quit staIIing. -She got it baIIed up.

  • Who are you hoIding out on?

  • Nobody. Now Iet me go, wiII you?

  • Stop it, stop it!

  • She don't know where he is. I'm the onIy one that knows.

  • -Where? -Try and find out.

  • -Come on, taIk. -Now you want me to taIk?

  • -TaIk. -Ain't that funny?

  • You wouIdn't Iisten to me before, and now you want me to taIk.

  • Don't say anything.

  • -I know what I'm doing. -Stay out.

  • -Why didn't you Iisten to me? -Cut that out.

  • -Hands off! -Where is he?

  • Why do you wanna know? So you can write more Iies to seII papers?

  • -Never mind that. -AII right. I'II give you a story.

  • A wonderfuI story!

  • OnIy this time it'II be true. You'II never find him now!

  • Get the ambuIance, somebody!

  • Get an ambuIance, somebody!

  • -She's dead. -No, she isn't kiIIed, she's moving!

  • -Did you see that? She jumped. -I know that.

  • Where have you got WiIIiams?

  • Hidden. He's in the desk.

  • She didn't kiII herseIf.

  • -How're you doing? -Let me out.

  • Quiet. You're sitting pretty.

  • -What's in there? -Who are you?

  • -Bruce's mother. -What are you doing?

  • -Shut up! -You're doing something wrong.

  • -Mother, pIease. -Take her out of here.

  • -Take the Iady to PoIack Mike's. -My name's Louie PeIuso.

  • See that she doesn't taIk to anyone. TeII them it's a case of D.T.'s.

  • Don't worry, Mother. It's temporary.

  • Let go of me.

  • -Where are you going? -To get Bruce out of jaiI.

  • -Why did you do this to me? -Get Bruce out of jaiI?

  • How can you worry about a man resting in a poIice station?

  • -This is war! You can't desert me. -Get off that trapeze.

  • You've got your story.

  • '' EarI WiIIiams captured by the Morning Post.''

  • I covered your story for you, now I'm out.

  • You drooIing idiot, there are 365 days in a year one can get married.

  • How many times you got a murderer Iocked up in a desk?

  • You got the city by the seat of the pants.

  • You've got the brain of a pancake.

  • This isn't just a story. It's a revoIution.

  • The greatest yarn since Livingston discovered StanIey.

  • -The other way around. -Don't get technicaI at such a time.

  • You've taken a city that's been graft-ridden for 40 years...

  • ...and given us a chance to have the kind of government...

  • ...New York has under La Guardia.

  • If I didn't have your best interest at heart, I wouIdn't argue with you.

  • You've done something big. You've stepped up into a new cIass.

  • We'II make such monkeys of those ward heeIers, nobody'II vote for them.

  • -Expose them? -We'II crucify that mob.

  • We'II keep WiIIiams undercover untiI we break the story...

  • ...then share the gIory with the governor.

  • -I get it, I get it. -You'II kick over City HaII.

  • You got the mayor and HartweII backed up against the waII.

  • This isn't just a newspaper story. It's a career!

  • And you beIIyache about catching the 8 or 9:00 train.

  • -But I never figured it that way. -Because you're a doII-faced hick.

  • They'II be naming streets after you. There'II be statues of you.

  • The movies wiII be after you. There'II be a HiIdy cigar.

  • I can see the biIIboards: '' Light up with HiIdy Johnson''-

  • -We got a Iot to do. -Now you're taIking.

  • -We can't Ieave WiIIiams here. -We'II take him to my private office.

  • -How are you gonna take him? -We'II carry the desk over.

  • It's crawIing with cops outside.

  • We'II Iower it out the window with puIIeys. Start pounding out a Iead!

  • -How much of this stuff do you want? -AII the words you got.

  • -Can I caII the mayor a bird of prey? -Anything you Iike.

  • Give him the works. HeIIo, Duffy? We got the biggest story in years.

  • '' EarI WiIIiams captured by the Morning Post. ExcIusive!''

  • Tear out the whoIe front page.

  • The whoIe front page. Never mind the European war.

  • We got something bigger than that. HiIdy Johnson's writing the Iead.

  • And get hoId of Butch O'Connor.

  • TeII him to come up here with his wrestIers.

  • Yeah, Butch O'Connor. What? I've got a desk I want moved-

  • What the deuce do you want?

  • -HeIIo, Bruce. -HiIdy.

  • Never mind the Chinese earthquake.

  • -I want to ask you- -How'd you get out of jaiI?

  • Not through any heIp of yours. I'm not taIking to you.

  • I had to wire AIbany for $100 so I couId get out on baiI.

  • What wiII they think in AIbany? The money went to the poIice.

  • -We're waiting for that story. -We'II expIain everything to them.

  • -Where's Mother? -She Ieft.

  • I can't hear you.

  • -Where'd she go? -SomepIace.

  • -Junk the PoIish Corridor! -TeII me where she was going.

  • -She couIdn't say. -It's more important.

  • -Did she get the money? -She Ieft in a hurry.

  • -I'II take it. -In my purse.

  • I can handIe things. I'II take that certified check too.

  • I'II give you the tickets. You'II find your money in the waIIet.

  • My waIIet? This is my waIIet.

  • There's something funny going on- What are you doing?

  • Just wanted to Iook at it.

  • HiIdy, I'm taking-

  • -I'm taking the 9:00 train. -Sure, sure.

  • Did you hear what I said? I'm taking the 9:00-

  • Oh, Bruce, I put it in here!

  • Let her aIone, wiII you, buddy?

  • -Do me a favour- -Just answer one question.

  • You don't want to come with me, do you?

  • Answer me. You don't, do you?

  • No. Take the Miss America pictures off page six.

  • HiIdy, teII me. TeII me the truth.

  • Wait a minute. Now Iook here, my good man-

  • You shut up, Burns.

  • You're doing aII this to her. She wanted to get away from you.

  • But you caught her and changed her mind-

  • Stick HitIer on the funny page. Let me ask you-

  • WiII you give up everything for a man Iike him?

  • No, but something's happened. I'II teII you-

  • TeII him nothing. He's a spy, you fooI.

  • -I am not. -RidicuIous.

  • You're coming with me right now.

  • Just a second. This is the biggest thing in my Iife.

  • I see. I'II keep. I'm Iike something in the icebox.

  • You just don't Iove me.

  • That isn't true. Just because you won't Iisten you say I don't Iove you.

  • You never intended to be decent and Iive Iike a human.

  • AII right, if that's what you want to think.

  • I'm trying to concentrate.

  • -You're just Iike him and aII the rest. -That's what I am.

  • What? Leave the rooster story aIone. That's human interest.

  • If you had any sympathy or understanding-

  • -I understand, aII right- -Wait.

  • There's one question I want to know. The mayor's first wife's name.

  • The one with the wart on her? Fanny. What, Duffy?

  • You never Ioved me at aII.

  • Never mind. You don't work for advertising.

  • If you change your mind, I'm on the 9:00 train.

  • If you want me, take me as I am. Don't try to change me.

  • I'm no suburban bridge pIayer. I'm a newspaperman.

  • That's it. Keep it coming as fast as you can.

  • Get back in there, you mock turtIe.

  • Did you teII Butch it's a matter of Iife and death?

  • Good. Butch's on his way. We just have to hoId out for 15 minutes.

  • -The boys wiII be back to phone. -I'II handIe them.

  • Oh, now the moon's out.

  • Fine. Three taps is me. Don't forget. Got enough air?

  • -Not very much. -That better? You're sitting pretty.

  • -How's it coming? -AII right. Where's Bruce?

  • -He went out. -Is he coming back here?

  • CertainIy. Didn't you hear him? What have you got?

  • ''WhiIe HartweII's paid gunmen staIked the city, shooting bystanders...

  • ...spreading terror, WiIIiams Iurked-''

  • Wait a minute. Aren't you going to mention the Post?

  • -Second paragraph. -Who reads the second paragraph?

  • How Iong have I been teIIing you how to write?

  • I'm sorry.

  • What's the idea of Iocking this door?

  • -Who's that? -Bensinger. That's his desk.

  • Open the door, wiII you?

  • -What's his name? -Bensinger, of The Tribune.

  • -The Tribune? -Who's in there?

  • Haven't you any better sense-?

  • HeIIo. HeIIo, Mr. Burns. Quite an honour having you come over here.

  • -HeIIo, Bensinger. -You know my- I just want to get my-

  • It's quite a coincidence seeing you tonight, isn't it?

  • How do you mean?

  • I was taIking to our Mr. Duffy about you this afternoon.

  • ReaIIy? Nothing detrimentaI, I hope.

  • On the contrary. On the contrary.

  • That was one sweII story you had in the paper today.

  • Did you care for the poem, Mr. Burns?

  • -The poem? The poem was great. -I Iiked the ending a Iot.

  • And all is well outside his cell

  • But in his heart He hears the hangman calling

  • And the gallows falling And his white-haired mother's tears

  • -Heartbreaking? -Fine.

  • WouId you Iike to work for me? We can use a man Iike you.

  • AII we got are Iowbrows Iike Johnson here.

  • -Are you serious, Mr. Burns? -Serious? Wait a minute.

  • Duffy, I'm sending Mr. Bunsinger over to see you.

  • -Bensinger. -Mervyn, isn't it?

  • -Yeah- No. Roy. Roy V. -CertainIy.

  • Roy V. Bensinger, the poet.

  • You wouIdn't know. You probabIy never heard of Shakespeare either.

  • Put Mr. Bensinger on staff. How much you getting on The Tribune?

  • -$75. -I'II give you 100 and a byIine.

  • Now you give him everything he wants, you understand?

  • Roy, write me a story from the point of view of the escaped man.

  • He hides, afraid of every sound, every Iight.

  • He hears footsteps, they're cIosing in.

  • -Get the sense of the animaI at bay. -Sort of Jack London styIe?

  • -I'II get my rhyming dictionary. -It doesn't have to rhyme.

  • I'm deepIy gratefuI, Mr. Burns.

  • If there's an opening for a war correspondent...

  • ...I parler a IittIe French.

  • -I'II keep you in mind. -Au rev oir, mon capitaine.

  • Bonjour.

  • '' His white-haired mother's tears.'' That's the tops.

  • That feIIow Bensinger is on his way right now.

  • HandIe him with kid gIoves. Have him write poetry.

  • We don't want him. StaII him tiII the extra's out.

  • Say his poetry smeIIs and kick him out.

  • DoubIe-crosser.

  • He won't quit his paper without giving notice.

  • -I mean you. -Me?

  • You'd doubIe-cross anybody- Wait a minute.

  • Bruce isn't coming back. He said he was taking the 9:00.

  • In that case, he's gone.

  • Don't sit there Iike a frozen robin. Get on with the story.

  • We shouId be finished when Butch arrives.

  • How you have messed up my Iife. What am I going to do?

  • Window's too smaII. We'II carry the desk.

  • I'd be on that train now. I'm a sap, faIIing for your Iine.

  • -They'II name streets after me- -Yes, weII, get back to work.

  • I'm not going back to work. WaIter, what-?

  • -Who is it? -It's me, boss. It's Louie.

  • Louie.

  • -What's wrong? -Where's Mrs. BaIdwin?

  • What happened?

  • Down Western Avenue, we was going 65 miIes an hour, know what I mean?

  • Where's the oId Iady?

  • We run smack into a poIice patroI. Busted it in haIf.

  • Was she hurt?

  • Can you imagine bumping into a Ioad of cops?

  • -What did you do with her? -Search me, when I come to-

  • You were with her. You were in the cab.

  • -The driver got knocked coId. -Butterfingers!

  • -You handed her over to the cops. -What do you mean?

  • They was on the wrong side of the street.

  • Fine. Now she's probabIy squawking to the poIice.

  • She's not squawking much. You know?

  • Don't teII me- Was she kiIIed?

  • Was she? Did you notice?

  • Me with a gun on the hip and a kidnapped Iady...

  • ...I'm gonna ask questions from cops?

  • -You know what I mean? -Dead, dead. This is the end!

  • It's fate, HiIdy. What wiII be, wiII be.

  • What am I going to say to Bruce? What can I teII him?

  • If he Ioves you, you won't have to say anything.

  • WouId you rather have had the oId dame drag the poIice in here?

  • I kiIIed her. I'm responsibIe.

  • What'II I do? How can I face Bruce again?

  • -Look at me, HiIdy. -I am Iooking at you, you murderer.

  • If it was my own grandmother, I'd carry on.

  • -You know I wouId, for the paper. -Louie, where'd it happen?

  • Western and 34th.

  • -I got to get out of here- -We can do more here. Be caIm.

  • Listen-

  • -HeIIo, heIIo. -Maine 4557.

  • Who? Butch, where are you?

  • Mission HospitaI? Receiving room.

  • What are you doing there?

  • Was a Iady brought in from a smashup?

  • For H. Sebastian, Butch, it's a matter of Iife and death.

  • -Nobody? -I can't hear.

  • -Morningside 2469. -You got who? Speak up. A what?

  • You can't stop for a dame now!

  • I don't care if you've been after her. Lives are at stake!

  • You're going to Iet a woman come between us?

  • Was there an oId Iady brought in in a smashup?

  • Butch, I'd put my arm in fire for you up to here.

  • You can't doubIe-cross me.

  • Look around, pIease.

  • AII right, put her on. I'II taIk to her.

  • Good evening, madam. Now, Iisten, you ten-cent gIamour girI...

  • can't keep Butch from his duty. What?

  • You say that again, I'II kick you in the teeth!

  • Say, what kind of Ianguage is that? Now, Iook here, you-

  • She hung up. What did I say?

  • How do you Iike that? Mousing around with some big-

  • -WiII you shut up? I'm trying to hear! -That's cooperation.

  • WeII, where is Duffy?

  • Diabetes. I shouId know better than to hire a diseased person.

  • -Give me OIympia 2136, wiII you? -Louie!

  • -Yes, boss. -Louie, it's up to you.

  • -Anything you say, boss. -Get a hoId of some guys.

  • Anybody with hair on his chest, get them off the street.

  • We gotta get the desk out.

  • Is it important? You're the best friend I got.

  • -I Iike you too. -Don't faiI me.

  • Get enough peopIe to move that desk.

  • You know me. Shirt off my back.

  • Okay, don't bump into anything.

  • -Dumb immigrant is sure to fIop on me. -Try the hospitaI again.

  • If he's not back in five, we'II carry it out aIone.

  • -Do anything you want. -There's a miIIion- CouId start a fire.

  • -We'II have the firemen take it out. -I don't care what you do.

  • -Come here. See if we can Iift it. -What? Nobody? Never mind.

  • -Are you gonna heIp me? -No!

  • -I'II strain my back. -I'II find Mrs. BaIdwin.

  • -Don't open it! -I'II go to the morgue-

  • -We want to taIk to you a minute. -Let go. What's the idea?

  • Get your hands off me!

  • -Now, Iook here, Johnson- -Hey, you!

  • You mean me?

  • Yes, you. What do you mean by breaking in here Iike this?

  • I don't care what paper you're editor of.

  • Let go of me. Something's happened to my mother-in-Iaw.

  • -We know what you are up to. -She and MoIIie were in here taIking.

  • I know nothing, and there's been an accident.

  • There's something very pecuIiar going on here.

  • -See here- -Just a moment, HartweII.

  • Make your accusations in the proper manner.

  • Or I'II have to ask you to get out.

  • -Ask me to what? -Get out.

  • You wiII, eh? Don't Iet anybody in or out. We'II see about this.

  • -Give him the third degree. -Make them taIk and you got him.

  • I'm going to get to the bottom of this. Are you going to taIk?

  • -What do you want me to say? -What do you know about WiIIiams?

  • Now we're getting some-

  • Take her out. I got ways to make her taIk.

  • Don't you dare touch me or-

  • -She's got a gun! -Grab it!

  • No, you don't. WaIter!

  • AII right, Burns. I'II take that gun.

  • -Where did you get this? -I can carry a gun.

  • -Not this gun. -I can expIain it.

  • She was interviewing WiIIiams, so I gave her a gun to defend herseIf.

  • Interesting. But this is the gun that WiIIiams shot his way out with.

  • Good man, are you trying to make me out a Iiar?

  • I ought to know my own gun, oughtn't I-?

  • -That's where WiIIiams got it. -She got it from him.

  • -Where's WiIIiams? -You're barking up the wrong tree.

  • TeII me where he is.

  • At the hospitaI caIIing on Professor EgeIhoffer with marshmaIIows.

  • -Where is he? -Ask the mastermind why he's here.

  • -What do you know about this? -My dear feIIow...

  • ...the Morning Post doesn't obstruct justice or hide criminaIs.

  • -You ought to know that. -You're under arrest.

  • -You too. -Who's under arrest?

  • Listen, you square-toed, pimpIe-headed spy...

  • you reaIize what you're doing?

  • I'II show you.

  • You and the Post are obstructing justice.

  • -I'II see that you're fined $10,000. -You'II see nothing.

  • I'II begin by impounding the Post's property. Is this your desk?

  • What are you afraid of, HiIdy? I dare you to move this desk.

  • -Go ahead, try it. -I wiII.

  • I warn you, you move this desk out, I'II put you behind bars.

  • -He can do it. -I'II see RooseveIt hears about it.

  • TeII him. Come on, boys!

  • -Confiscate it. -Last chance.

  • -This is a federaI offence. -We'II take a chance on that.

  • AII right.

  • Open up this door!

  • -Mother! I'm gIad to see you- -That's the man that did it. There.

  • -What's the idea here? -She cIaims she's been kidnapped.

  • They dragged me down aII the way down the stairs and-

  • Did he do it?

  • He was in charge. He toId them to kidnap me.

  • Excuse me, madam. Are you referring to me?

  • You know you did.

  • What about this? Kidnapping, huh?

  • Trying to frame me, huh? I never saw her before in my Iife.

  • What a thing to say!

  • I was here when that girI jumped out the window.

  • Get the mayor here.

  • Madam, be honest. If you were out joyriding...

  • ...pIastered, or in a scrape, why not admit it instead of...

  • ...accusing innocent peopIe?

  • You ruffian! How dare you taIk Iike that to me!

  • He's crazy, Mother.

  • I'II teII you more. I couId teII you why they did it.

  • They were hiding some kind of murderer in here-

  • Hiding him? In here?

  • Madam, you're a cockeyed Iiar...

  • ...and you know it!

  • -What's that? -He's in there!

  • -Give me the desk. -What a break!

  • -Stand back. -He might shoot.

  • -Guns out. -He's harmIess.

  • -Don't take any chances. -You've got his gun.

  • Go on, you grey-haired oId weaseI.

  • Let me out of here!

  • Mother! I was Iooking aII over for you. What happened?

  • -Jake, hang on. -HiIdy, caII Duffy.

  • -No! -You want to see us scooped?

  • -Aim right for the centre. -That's murder.

  • Okay, one of you get on each end.

  • -It's coming up. -You're covered.

  • -In a minute. -Don't move.

  • -Any time. -On three.

  • -It's hot. -Ready?

  • -Any second now. -Three. I got you, WiIIiams.

  • -Go ahead, shoot me. -Come out.

  • EarI WiIIiams just captured in the criminaI courts buiIding.

  • -On your feet. -Don't try any funny stuff.

  • WiIIiams was unconscious.

  • The poIice overpowered him.

  • -He offered no resistance. -His gun wouIdn't work.

  • The Post turned WiIIiams over to the sheriff.

  • -Put the cuffs on them. -More Iater.

  • An anonymous note Ied to WiIIiams' capture. HoId on.

  • The sheriff's tracing a caII that gave away WiIIiams' hiding pIace.

  • -Where's the oId Iady? -She went out.

  • CaII you back.

  • -Give me the warden's office. -You'II wish you'd never been born.

  • Oh, am I?

  • -HeIIo, Fred. -WeII, fine work, Pete.

  • -You deIivered the goods. -Looks naturaI, don't it?

  • -Sight for sore eyes. -Aiding a criminaI.

  • And a IittIe charge of kidnapping- What's that?

  • But that's the jaiI.

  • Looks Iike about ten years apiece for you two birds.

  • When you think you've Iicked the Post, it's time to get out.

  • WhistIing in the dark won't heIp. You're through.

  • Archie Leach said that to me a week before he cut his throat.

  • Is that so?

  • We've been in worse jams than this, haven't we, HiIdy?

  • You forget the power that watches over the Post.

  • -It's not with you now. -Says you.

  • I've caught him. Yes, WiIIiams.

  • SingIe-handed. Proceed with the hanging, per scheduIe.

  • -You'II be in office two days more. -We'II puII your nose out of that feedbag.

  • I teII you what you'II be doing. Making brooms in the penitentiary.

  • Joe? This is HartweII.

  • Come to my office right away.

  • I captured some important birds. Take their confessions.

  • Get Liebowitz.

  • -The Iawyers won't heIp you now. -You're taIking to the Morning Post.

  • The power of the press?

  • Bigger men than you have found out what the power of the press is.

  • Presidents, kings...

  • -Here's the reprieve. -Get out.

  • -You can't bribe me. My wife- -Get out.

  • -No, I won't. Here's the reprieve. -What?

  • I don't want to be a city seaIer.

  • -Throw him out. -Out you go.

  • Wait. Who's trying to bribe you?

  • -They wouIdn't take it. -Insane!

  • What did I say? An unseen power.

  • What do you mean with a story Iike that?

  • He's an impostor.

  • Trying to hang an innocent man to win an eIection?

  • That's murder.

  • -I never saw him before. -If I was to-

  • -What's your name? -Pettibone.

  • -When did you deIiver this? -Who'd you taIk to?

  • -They started to bribe me. -They?

  • -Them. -It's absurd on the face of it.

  • He's taIking Iike a chiId.

  • -Out of the mouths of babes. -Hi, babe.

  • He's insane or drunk.

  • If WiIIiams has been reprieved, I'm tickIed to death. Aren't you?

  • You'd hang your mother to be reeIected.

  • That's a horribIe thing to say about anybody.

  • You're marveIIous. Take a Iook at that.

  • -You're an inteIIigent man. -Never mind.

  • Let's have your story.

  • -Nineteen years ago, I married Mrs.- -Skip that.

  • She wasn't Mrs. Pettibone then. She was one of the-

  • This document is authentic. WiIIiams has been reprieved.

  • Our commonweaIth has been saved the necessity of shedding bIood.

  • Get off the soapbox. Save that for The Tribune.

  • Take those handcuffs off my friends.

  • -I'm amazed at you. -Isn't he awfuI?

  • You don't know how badIy I feeI.

  • No excuse at aII for Pete.

  • -I was onIy doing my duty. -That's aII right.

  • -What'd you say your name was? -Pettibone.

  • -Here's a picture of my wife. -Fine woman.

  • -You haven't seen her. -She's aII right.

  • She's good enough for me. If I was to teII-

  • I understand perfectIy, and as Iong as I'm mayor-

  • Which shouId be about three hours.

  • Enough to get out an edition asking for your recaII.

  • And your arrest. You boys ought to get about ten years apiece.

  • Don't make any hasty decisions. You might run into a IibeI suit.

  • -You'II run into the governor. -We understand each other perfectIy.

  • Yes, and so do I.

  • So do you what? And now, Mr. Pettibone...

  • ...we'II deIiver this reprieve to the warden's office. Come aIong.

  • -If I was to teII my wife- -You won't have to.

  • Wait tiII they read the Morning Post tomorrow.

  • Tight squeeze.

  • -Give me Duffy. -That's our worst jam.

  • What? Where? Get him.

  • Remember steaIing oId Iady Haggerty's stomach from the coroner?

  • Any time you need this guy he's never there.

  • We proved she'd been poisoned, didn't we?

  • We had to hide out for a week. Do you remember that?

  • The ShoreIand HoteI. That's how we happened to-

  • We couId have gone to jaiI for that too.

  • Yes, maybe you're right, HiIdy. It's a bad business.

  • You'II be better off. You better get going.

  • -Where wouId I go? -To Bruce, of course.

  • -You know he's gone. He took a train. -Send a wire.

  • He'II be at the station when you get into AIbany.

  • -Why doesn't he have a phone? -I don't know. I got us messed up-

  • -Get going, HiIdy. -What is that with you?

  • Wait a minute. Can't you understand?

  • I'm trying to do something nobIe. Get out before I change my mind.

  • It's tough enough now.

  • -Just a minute. -Send him a wire. He'II be waiting.

  • -Who'II write the story? -I wiII. It won't be as good-

  • It's my story. I Iike to think that it-

  • -At Iast. -I get it. The same oId act, isn't it?

  • Try to push me out, thinking I'II want to stay.

  • I know I deserve that. Wait a minute, Duffy.

  • This time you're wrong.

  • When you waIk out that door, part of me wiII go right with you.

  • But a whoIe new worId wiII open up for you.

  • I made fun of Bruce and AIbany. You know why?

  • -Why? -I was jeaIous.

  • I was sore because he couId offer you the kind of Iife I can't give you.

  • That's what you want, honey.

  • I couId do the story and take the train-

  • Forget it. Come on. Come on.

  • Goodbye, dear, and good Iuck.

  • Duffy, now this is how it goes so far-

  • Just a minute.

  • HeIIo. Who? HiIdy Johnson?

  • -She just Ieft. -I'm stiII here. I can take it.

  • Hang on a minute.

  • HiIdy Johnson speaking.

  • The 4th Precinct poIice station?

  • Put him on.

  • I thought you were on your way to AIbany- What for?

  • For having counterfeit money.

  • Counterfeit money?

  • HoId on a minute.

  • Where did you get it?

  • I gave it to you?

  • AII right. I'II try and do something about it.

  • Honey.

  • Honey, don't cry, pIease.

  • I didn't mean to make you cry. What's wrong? You never cried before.

  • I thought you were reaIIy sending me away with Bruce.

  • I didn't know you had him Iocked up.

  • I thought you were on the IeveI, for once.

  • That you were just standing by and Ietting me go off with him...

  • ...and not doing a thing about it.

  • Come on, honey. What did you think I was, a chump?

  • I thought you didn't Iove me.

  • What were you thinking with?

  • I don't know.

  • What are you standing there gawking for?

  • We have to get him out of jaiI.

  • Send Louie down with some honest money...

  • ...and send him back to AIbany.

  • Sure.

  • Everything's changed. We're coming over to the office.

  • Don't worry about the story. HiIdy wiII write it.

  • She never intended to quit. We're getting married.

  • -Can we go on a honeymoon this time? -Sure.

  • Duffy, you can be managing editor.

  • Not permanentIy. Just for the two weeks we're away.

  • I don't know where. Where are we going?

  • Niagara FaIIs.

  • -Niagara FaIIs. -Two whoIe weeks?

  • Sure, you've earned it. What?

  • What? A strike? What strike?

  • Where? AIbany?

  • -I know it's on the way, but- -Okay, we'II honeymoon in AIbany.

  • Okay, Duffy.

  • Isn't that a coincidence! I wonder if Bruce can put us up.

  • Say, why don't you carry that in your hand?

Copy boy!

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