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  • How much of this is a selling point to investors right ahead of the IPO?

    公開上市就在眼前,你認為 Spotify 在這時候將服務延伸至聲音節目,會如何吸引投資人?

  • Well, Spotify has tried very hard to convince people that its profit margins are gonna improve.

    Spotify 一直試圖使人們相信他們的毛利率將提升

  • Because the big challenge for them, as successful as they've been in creating this market for on-demand music


  • and really lifting the record industry up after several years of decline,


  • the company itself is not profitable because it pays out so much to rights holders.

    他們最大的挑戰是 Spotify 本身幾乎無利潤可言,因為付了太多版權費給音樂人

  • And all these other types of programming, whether it's news, culture, podcast, video,


  • are ones whereif they're successful in them, they can bring in new customers,


  • maybe sell some ads and they don't have to spend as much and it will improve the margin picture,


  • which is a big concern both for the current investors and for future shareholders.


  • Right, the cost of music rights is incredibly high, Spotify has been steadily diversifying,

    沒錯,音樂版權的成本高得驚人,而 Spotify 也持續多角化經營

  • so what are some of the other projects they've been working on and how successful have they been?


  • It's been mixed, you know, for the past few years they've dabbled in video and then forms of audios that aren't music.

    這有點複雜,過去幾年來,Spotify 已涉足影片與音樂以外的影音服務

  • So they initially hosted videos from media companies like VICE and ESPN, then they funded original video series.

    他們起初引入如 VICE 和體育頻道 ESPN 等媒體公司的短片,而後他們自己開始資助原創影音

  • None of the video projects really worked and the executives are pretty aware of that.


  • Podcasting holds more promise.

    他們了解到 podcasting 的製作更有保障

  • They've had some uptake with some of the big podcasts like the New York Times - The Daily.

    他們從一些規模大的 podcast 像是紐約時報的 The Daily 領悟到了這點

  • And now Spotlight is trying to fuse these two ideas together where you take audio and enhance a little bit with some visual elements.

    而現在新服務 Spotlight 試圖將兩者融合,打造具備視覺元素的聲音內容

  • Because I think Spotify has come to the conclusion that

    因為我認為 Spotify 得出的結論是

  • having the original video and trying to compete the head-to-head and that way with YouTube won't work,

    擁有原創影音,想與 YouTube 正面競爭是不可能成功的

  • but if they can take the thing that people come there to do, which is listen to audio, and make it a little better,

    但如果 Spotify 能掌握人們本來就會在 Spotify 上做的事,也就是聽音樂,然後優化它

  • then that can work and maybe they can sell ads at a higher rate because there's a visual element to it.


  • What do you think consumer adoption will be like for news and political coverage on Spotify?

    你認為消費者會如何接受 Spotify 上推播的新聞和政治報導?

  • I mean there's already a huge competition as you mentioned coming from Apple and Google.

    我是指,誠如你前面提到的,要如何應付來自 Apple 和 Google 的競爭

  • I think there's huge potential for it because if you think about someone, I mean I just think about it personally.


  • On my way to work, I tend to toggle between listening to podcasts, listening to music and listening to the radio.


  • And switching from the podcast app to Spotify for listening to music is kind of a hassle.

    為了要聽個音樂,還必須從 podcast 的應用程式切換到 Spotify,這樣不是很麻煩嗎?

  • So if they can deliver podcast and news in a way where I can do that in the same app where I'm listening to music,


  • that's the behavior that it's replicable for a lot of different people.


  • But they do have a lot of competition and they do have to get the word out there

    但 Spotify 確實面臨許多競爭,也確實需要讓更多人知道

  • that if you want to listen to podcasts, which is a growing medium, you can do so on Spotify.

    如果你想聽 podcast 這種正在發展的媒體,可以透過 Spotify 享受這項服務

  • You don't have to do so using the Apple app, which is still the market leader

    不再只有 Apple 的應用程式才能做到,雖然現在 Apple 仍是市場的龍頭

  • and accounts for fifty or sixty percent of all podcast listening.

    佔了百分之五十或六十的 podcast 服務

How much of this is a selling point to investors right ahead of the IPO?

公開上市就在眼前,你認為 Spotify 在這時候將服務延伸至聲音節目,會如何吸引投資人?

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