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Rocking her to sleep. Which is great like that was a thing
oh by the way. How's your Sarah?
Oh shes... shes actually cheated on Steven
Oh is THAT what happened?
Oh that must be quite hard for you because
shes you're sister and you're supposed to love her but she -
At the thing is the whole family is really torn because at the end of the day
Your kind of bad person. Yeah, you know you're a bad person though
how am I supposed to support you through this
Because we all know Steven quite well and he's kinda like family to us as well
That is really tough - it must be hard for you guys
Everyone knew him quite well!
How long had they been together?
They'd been together about 5 years
And so it's kind of obviously she's getting a bit kind of bored.
What - say?
and she just got bored of it
what? say that again
they've been together for 5 years
Say that again.
they've been together for five years
Repeat yourself
They've been together for FIVE YEARS
Oh ah press mute - control M
Oh wow, that's much better. Whose side are we supposed to be on in this situation. he's like a brother -
oh here we go