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Brian: Merge with one of the larger groups. Lois: That's a great idea Brian, maybe you
can join Peta. Peter: Join me for what?
Lois: No Peta, the organization. Peter: What organization?
Lois: PETA! Peter: WHAT?!
Lois: Peta is a acronym Peter. Peter: No I'm not, I'm Catholic.
Stewie: Are we really doing this? Lois: No, Peter I'm just saying, maybe if
this meeting goes well, Brian can be part of a Peta Rally.
Peter: Somebody's having a rally for me now? Lois: No, for Peta.
Peter: That's me I'm Peter! Lois: I'm not talking about you Peter, I'm
talking about Peta. Peter: somebody better have something to say
to me pretty damn soon, or I'm ganna have something to say to them. I am very busy.
Chris: I think Betty White is in Peta. Peter: that doesn't even make any sense.