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  • Long Island stretches eastward for 115 miles,

    長島向東延伸 115 英哩長

  • from the New York boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens

    從紐約的布魯克林 與皇后區

  • to the windswept bluffs and rollers of Montauk Point.


  • In many ways, Long Island is the story of America.

    從各方面來說,長島是 美國的歷史縮影

  • It's a story of Native Americans,


  • some of whom welcomed Europeans settlers ashore in 1637,

    1637 年,有一些原住民在岸上 歡迎歐洲來的開墾者

  • and of those who resisted.


  • It's a story of pirate treasure and hardy whalers,

    這裡還流傳海盜寶藏 與刻苦耐勞的捕鯨人傳奇

  • of Revolutionary War and the beginnings of a nation.

    獨立戰爭與美國的建國起源 都可在此看到

  • It's a story of some of the world's greatest industrialists,

    這裡有 世界上最成功的企業家、

  • artists and adventurers.


  • And binding these epic stories together is mile upon mile

    還有綿延無盡的 美麗海灘

  • of some of the nation's best beaches,


  • and the warm summer rays of sunshine.


  • Take the short train ride from Manhattan,


  • take off your shoes, and step onto the sands of Long Beach.

    脫下您的鞋襪,踏上並感受 長灘的細沙

  • For many, Long Beach's iconic 2-mile boardwalk

    許多人說,長灘著名的 2 英哩行人步道

  • and endless rows of volleyball nets is where Long Island all begins.

    還有數不盡的排球網 就是長島的起源

  • From here, Long Island's protective barrier islands continue

    從這裡開始,長島的屏障不斷延伸 像一條剪不斷的長鍊

  • in an almost unbroken chain all the way to Westhampton Island.

    從這裡一路連至 西漢普頓島

  • Halfway along the chain, experience the wild,


  • windswept beauty of Fire Island National Seashore.


  • Take the short hike from Robert Moses State Park to the Fire Island Lighthouse,

    從羅伯特摩西州立公園步行一小段 抵達火島燈塔

  • which for generations of immigrants sailing to New York,

    數個世代的移民 航向紐約時

  • was their very first glimpse of America.


  • Many of those immigrants and their descendants went on to create industrial

    許多移民與他們的後代 建立出一座座

  • and financial empires like the world had never seen.

    前所未見的 工業與金融帝國

  • And it was on the island's Northern Shores where they poured their vast fortunes

    這些帝國霸主投入大量金錢 到長島北岸,建立

  • into mansions and summer retreats that rivalled the great estates of Europe.

    可與歐洲莊園比擬的 豪宅與避暑山莊

  • In 1902, Financier Howard Gould built a medieval castle at Sands Point to impress his wife.

    1902 年,金融家古爾德在沙點 為他的妻子建立一座城堡

  • She wasn't,


  • so a more intimate, tudor-style mansion was quickly built.

    所以古爾德很快地又建了另一座 舒適的都鐸式豪宅

  • Unfortunately that didn't do the trick either and the couple soon parted ways.

    可惜的是,這棟也不得妻子的芳心 這對夫妻不久以離婚收場

  • Not to be outdone, in 1921 the insurance magnate, William Robertson Coe

    1921 年保險業大亨柯伊 不甘他人的莊園更漂亮

  • built his own Tudor-style manor at Planting Fields in nearby Oyster Bay.

    而在靠近牡蠣灣的種植場 建立他的都鐸式莊園

  • Coe spared no expense on the 65-room manor,

    柯伊不惜重金打造設有 65 間客房的莊園

  • even importing the windows from the ancestral home of Anne Boleyn.

    甚至進口 英格蘭王后故居的窗戶

  • During the Prohibition Era,


  • Coe stocked his basement with almost half a million dollars worth of liquor,

    柯伊的地下室藏了價值 相當於 50 萬美元的酒

  • ensuring the good times would never end.


  • It was homes and lifestyles like these, that inspired the settings and characters for

    就是這種生活環境和風格 啟發費茲傑羅寫出

  • F. Scott Fitzgerald's classic, The Great Gatsby.

    經典大作 大亨小傳

  • While some of these great mansions have been preserved as snapshots from a gilded age,

    雖然部分華麗的豪宅受到完整保存 做為鍍金時代的紀念與剪影

  • others have been repurposed.


  • The Vanderbilt Museum and Planetarium is centred around the family's stunning Spanish Revival mansion.

    范德比爾特博物館和自然歷史博物館 即是以該家族令人驚豔的西班牙復興式豪宅為展館

  • While the Nassau County Museum of Art


  • has taken up residence in the Georgian mansion


  • that was once home to members of the Frick dynasty.

    曾一度由弗里克家族 所擁有

  • But it wasn't just tycoons who were drawn to Long Island's Gold Coast.

    不過長島的黃金海岸 吸引的不只是富裕的大亨

  • Sagamore Hill was the much-loved home of one of America's most popular presidents.

    美國歷史上最受歡迎的總統之一 也深愛他位於薩加莫爾山的家

  • Theodore Roosevelt lived here from 1885 until his death in 1919,

    老羅斯福總統從 1885 年 到 1919 年去世前,都居住於此

  • filling his home with trophies from his expeditions to Africa and South America.

    家中堆滿他從非洲和南美洲 帶回的戰利品

  • The house today is much as it was during Roosevelt's lifetime,


  • right down to his famous Roughriders hat which hangs from an elk antler

    就連他著名的莽騎兵帽 掛在鹿角裝飾的樣子

  • as if it was tossed there only yesterday.


  • At the Cradle of Aviation Museum in nearby Hempstead,

    航空搖籃博物館 位於亨普斯特德附近

  • discover how Long Island launched generations of aviators

    在這裡您將了解,長島幾世代以來是如何培育出 無數飛行員

  • into the wild blue yonder, and the stars.


  • From the first barnstormers to the record-breaking flights of Charles Lindbergh,

    從首位飛行特技員 到創下新記錄的飛行員林白

  • from the aerial dog fights of World War Two to those first steps upon the moon,

    從二戰時期的戰機空中纏鬥 到首次登陸月球

  • for over a century, Long Island was at the center of America's aviation and space adventures.

    逾百年來,長島就是 美國航空與太空的重鎮

  • Nearby, continue your flight into aviation's past,

    接著,請飛往位於附近的 前共和航空公司

  • at the historic hangers of the former Republic Aviation Company.

    充滿歷史意義的機庫 繼續巡覽航空業的歷史

  • Here at the American Airpower Museum,


  • war birds from the island's golden years of aviation are lovingly preserved

    展示了長島黃金年代的戰機 這些飛越戰場的大鳥

  • by many of Republic's former staff.


  • Once you've explored the treasures of Long Island's Gold Coast,

    一旦您體驗過長島黃金海岸的 珍貴之處

  • head further west to discover the riches of Suffolk County.

    就可以繼續往西,探索富含人文美景的 薩福克郡

  • In the mid 1800s, well-to-do New Yorkers were drawn to the natural beauty,

    19 世紀中期,富裕的紐約人受到 長島東岸的自然美景

  • unspoiled beaches and restorative air of Long Island's East End.

    以及未受破壞的海灘與新鮮空氣 所吸引

  • The pioneer settlement of Southampton Village soon became a summer retreat.

    開墾先鋒們在南漢普頓村的落腳安頓之處 很快就成了避暑勝地

  • Today it's a place where history and affluence


  • have blended as smoothly as the spirits in a Long Island Iced Tea.

    已完美地融為一體,就像一杯 調製順口的長島冰茶

  • Give your credit card a work out in the exclusive boutiques,

    讓您的信用卡在 主要大街與賈布斯街的

  • galleries and restaurants of Main Street and Jobs Lane.

    精品名店、畫廊和餐廳 大顯身手

  • And if shopping's not your thing,


  • you'll find plenty of history to keep you occupied here too.

    這裡仍有許多歷史景點,將吸引您 駐足停留

  • Take a walk through Southampton's early times at the Historical Museum,

    走進歷史博物館 感受當地的早年風情

  • whose centrepiece is the home of a 19th century whaling captain and his family.

    博物館的主要建築,是 19 世紀一位 捕鯨船長與家人的故居

  • All around the home are smaller structures,


  • which give a window into Long Island life long before the paparazzi came to town.

    讓人們得以一窺早在現代狗仔隊出現之前 長島舊日生活的風貌

  • Today Southampton Village is the heart of The Hamptons,

    現在,南漢普頓村是漢普頓的 心臟地帶

  • the home of some of the USA's most expensive real estate.

    美國許多價格最高昂的房地產 都在此處

  • It's a place where today's movers and shakers

    現在,這裡已成為政經界的名人與 具影響力人士的

  • come to escape behind the 20ft-high hedgerows of their summer homes.

    避風港,他們會躲進灌木叢有 20 吋高的 私人夏日豪宅

  • The real estate here might be out of reach for most folks,

    對大多數人而言,這裡的房地產價格 已高攀不起

  • but thankfully the sun and sand of Cooper Beach is free for all to enjoy.

    但是,幸好庫柏斯海灘的陽光和沙子 仍免費讓任何人享受

  • It's not just vacationers who adore the mild maritime climate of Suffolk County,

    渡假客不是唯一喜愛薩福克郡 溫和海洋氣候的族群

  • the grapes like it here too.


  • Over the last fifty years the potato fields of old have been replaced by vineyards.

    過去 50 多年來,葡萄莊園 已然取代舊日的馬鈴薯田

  • One of the largest is thelffer Estate,


  • a little slice of Tuscany where 50 acres of vines thrive in the South Fork loam.

    這裡就像一小片托斯卡尼 50 畝大的葡萄園在南叉的土中恣意生長

  • Just up the road at the Channing Daughters' Estate,

    在通往錢寧女兒莊園的路上 沿途種植的葡萄

  • the grapes are still picked by hand and crushed by foot.

    依然以人工手摘 並用腳踩碎

  • Here creativity is expressed not just in the daring varietals and blends,

    在這裡,創造力不僅大膽地表現於 葡萄的品種與混合

  • but also in the many sculptures, which dot the estate.

    同時也彰顯在點綴整座莊園的 眾多雕像上

  • Artists, visionaries and dreamers have long been inspired by theHampton Light”.

    藝術家、願景家和夢想家 長久以來都受「漢普頓之光」啟發

  • Spend an inspirational hour or two at the Parrish Art Museum,

    不妨花一兩個小時,參觀深具啟發性的 帕里什美術館

  • which celebrates the artists who lived and worked in the East End,

    這座美術館紀念曾經在長島東端 居住或工作的藝術家

  • such as Andy Warhol, Roy Lichtenstein and Chuck Close.

    像是安迪沃荷、利希滕斯坦 與克洛斯

  • Just a short drive away at the Long House Reserve,

    只要一小段車程 就可以到達長屋博物館

  • the sculptural works of Buckminster Fuller, Yoko Ono and William de Kooning

    這裡有富勒、小野洋子、 與庫寧等人的作品

  • sit in perfect harmony with nature.


  • But for modern art lovers,


  • there is no more hallowed a destination than the former home of Jackson Pollock and Lee Krasner.

    沒有任何地點勝過 波洛克與克拉斯納的故居

  • It was here, on the outskirts of East Hampton


  • where one of the 20th Century's most important artistic couples lived and painted.

    這棟房子是 20 世紀最重要的藝術家夫妻 居住與創作的地方

  • Step into the barn and walk upon the paint splattered floor where Pollock threw himself

    踏進穀倉,走在濺滿顏料的地板之上 波洛克曾在此

  • body and soul,


  • into his visionary masterpieces which shook the art world forever.

    他富含想像力的傑作 徹底撼動了藝術界

  • Another East Hampton house worth visiting is the Home Sweet Home Museum,

    東漢普頓另一棟值得一訪的建築 是溫馨之家博物館

  • where the simple pleasures and practicalities of English settlers in the 1700s come vividly back to life.

    館內生動展現出 18 世紀英國開墾者們 生活中最單純的樂趣與實際的面貌

  • The past has also been beautifully preserved in the nearby town of Sag Harbor,

    附近的薩格港小鎮也 完整保存往日風情

  • an historic whaling port immortalised in Moby Dick.


  • Behind the Old Whalers' Church, pay your respects at the Old Burying Grounds,

    讓我們懷著敬意,拜訪老捕鯨人教堂 後方的舊墓地

  • where American raiders defeated the English redcoats in the battle of Sag Harbour in 1777.

    1777 年的薩格港一役 美國突擊隊在此擊敗英國軍隊

  • Just a 30 minute drive east from Sag Harbour is Montauk,

    從薩格港往東僅 30 分鐘車程之處 就是蒙托克

  • a place that the laid-back locals refer to asThe End”.

    生活步調悠閒的當地人,將這裡稱為 「盡頭」

  • Once the stomping ground of pirate Captain Kidd,


  • today it's the perfect place to catch a wave or fish,

    如今則是衝浪釣魚的 好去處

  • or to hike the coastal trails of Shadmoor State Park.

    沿著珊迪摩州立公園的濱海 步道健行,也是不錯的選擇

  • Fifteen years after the battle of Sag Harbour,

    薩格港一役結束 15 年後

  • America's first president, George Washington,


  • commissioned Montauk Lighthouse on Long Island's easternmost point.

    決定在長島最東端建造 蒙托克燈塔

  • Climb the iron steps to the top to take in the views.

    沿著鐵製階梯,攀爬至最高點 一覽海岸全景

  • But before you descend, close your eyes for a few moments

    在您爬下燈塔前,請花點時間閉上雙眼 並感受

  • and feel the wind turn the pages of this incredible island,


  • a place that has played centre stage in some of America's greatest stories.

    美國歷史上許多重要事件 都在此發生

  • A place that continues to attract dreamers,


  • visionaries and those who appreciate the finer things in life.

    生命中美好事物的人們 前來探訪

  • A place that continues to send its inspirational and reassuring light out into the world.

    長島也不斷將其鼓舞人心且溫暖明亮的光芒 持續照向全世界

Long Island stretches eastward for 115 miles,

長島向東延伸 115 英哩長

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