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  • The power of a symbol or an icon bears more weight than its equivalent in words or text.

    符號或圖標的力量承擔了更多的責任。 比其同等的文字或文本的重量。

  • A well designed symbol or logo can speak volumes about, for example, a company's values,

    一個精心設計的符號或標誌可以說明問題 例如,關於公司的價值觀。

  • heritage, and objectives.


  • All throughout history mankind has been exposed and has been creating symbols and iconography

    縱觀歷史,人類一直在暴露 並一直在創造符號和圖標

  • for over millennia.


  • From prehistoric cave paintings that tell stories to emojis used to convey thought instrad

    從史前洞穴繪畫中,講述了 故事到表情符號用來表達思想的實例

  • of using words, they all have been an integral part of our development as a species as well

    詞的使用,它們都已經是一個不可或缺的。 我們作為一個物種發展的一部分

  • as our civilizations.


  • And like our species, symbols and icons have evolved andunfortunately for many of

    就像我們的物種一樣,符號和圖標有 演變,並且--不幸的是,對許多人來說

  • themhave lost their true meaning and what they truly stand for.

    他們--已經失去了真正的意義和 他們真正代表的是什麼。

  • In today's video, we are exploring 10 iconic and popular symbols in history that have now

    在今天的視頻中,我們將探討10個標誌性的。 和歷史上流行的符號,現在已經

  • lost their true meaning.


  • 10.




  • Often seen in medical facilities or as part of a logo of a medical organization, the Caduceus

    經常出現在醫療機構或作為一部分 醫療組織的標誌----------------------------Caduceus

  • has been synonymous with doctors and health workers around the world.

    一直是醫生和健康的代名詞 世界各地的工人。

  • Known also as the Staff of the Greek God Hermes, it is often depicted as a winged rod entwined

    也被稱為希臘神赫耳墨斯之杖。 纏枝蓮

  • by two serpents.


  • Unfortunately for Hermes' staff, it has been employed in the wrong context since Hermes

    對於愛馬仕的員工來說,不幸的是,它已經 濫竽充數

  • has no association with health or healing.


  • It was the Greek God Asclepius who is the deity for medicine and healing.

    是希臘的阿斯克勒庇俄斯神。 醫學和治療的神靈。

  • He also bore a staff that only had one coiled snake and no wings.

    他還帶著一根只有一節的法杖。 蛇和沒有翅膀。

  • The confusion came from the honest mistake of a US Army Medical Corps officer who mixed

    混亂來自於誠實的錯誤 美國陸軍醫療隊的一名軍官,他混跡於美國陸軍醫療隊。

  • the two symbols up.


  • Because of this, the Caduceus has been interpreted as the symbol for healing and medicine in

    正因為如此,Caduceus被解釋為 "卡杜斯"。 作為治療和醫學的象徵,在

  • the United States where, in other parts of the world, it is a symbol of commerce since

    美國,而在其他地區 世界上,它是商業的象徵,自

  • Hermes was the patron of merchants and tradespeople.


  • 9.




  • One of the most recognizable symbols in history and popular culture, the Fleur de Lis has

    歷史上最知名的標誌之一 在流行文化中,百合花已被稱為 "百合花"。

  • been part of almost every visual medium you can think of.

    幾乎是所有視覺媒介的一部分,你 能想到的。

  • From architecture to interior design, to letter envelopes, it is certainly one that has endured

    從建築到室內設計,到信 的信封,它肯定是一個經久不衰的。

  • the ravages of time and history.


  • In its original form, the Fleur de Lis was a modification of the Gaulish lily that represented

    在其最初的形式中,"百合花 "被稱為 "百合花"。 高盧百合花的變種

  • the Virgin Juno and was used widely by goddess worshippers in the ancient times.

    朱諾女神 崇拜者在古代。

  • Today, however, the stylized motifthe one we are most familiar withis used


  • to represent French Royalty as well as the nobility.

    代表法國皇室以及 貴族;

  • It has also been employed in fashion and modern art as well as popular culture; avenues that

    它還被應用於時裝和現代 藝術以及流行文化;這些管道的作用是:

  • have, unfortunately, drastically diluted the true symbolic representation of the icon.

    遺憾的是,這極大地衝淡了 圖標的真實符號表示。

  • 8.




  • You would think that something as ubiquitous as the Bluetooth icon on your phone has no

    你會覺得像這樣無處不在的東西。 因為你手機上的藍牙圖標沒有

  • ancient origin but that's where we are greatly mistaken.

    古老的起源,但那是我們極大地 錯了

  • The technology was first invented and introduced to the public by the Swedish telecom company

    該技術的發明和引進 瑞典電信公司向公眾提供的

  • Ericsson.


  • Since then, it has been a great part of our digitally connected lives.

    從那時起,它就成了我們的一個重要組成部分 數字化連接的生活。

  • The symbol itself was composed of two parts: the H rune called Hagall and the B rune called

    這個符號本身由兩部分組成。 一個叫 "Hagall "的H符文和一個叫 "B "的B符文。

  • Bjarkan, letters that echo back to the country's Viking past.

    比亞爾坎,信中回味著國家的 維京人的過去。

  • Incidentally, it was also the symbol of Denmark's first Viking king, Harald Blatand.

    順便說一下,它也是丹麥的象徵。 第一個維京國王,哈拉爾德-布拉坦。

  • And, in a not-so-peculiar-twist-of-coincidence, “Blatandroughly translated from Swedish

    而且,在一個不那麼奇特的巧合中。 "Blatand "粗略地從瑞典語翻譯過來。

  • asBluetooth”.

    作為 "藍牙"。

  • The Bluetooth symbol is, perhaps, one of the ancient icons that have retained a large part

    藍牙符號,也許是其中之一。 保留了很大一部分的古畫

  • of its meaning despite the fact that many of us take the technology for granted.

    意思,儘管許多 我們中的大多數人都認為這種技術是理所當然的。

  • During the lifetime of Harald Blatand during the 10th Century AD, he was exalted as the

    在哈拉爾德-布拉坦的一生中。 公元10世紀,他被尊稱為 "神"。

  • king who managed to uniteor, in terms of the technology, “connect” – all the

    統一的國王--或者說,在這個方面 的技術,"連接"--所有的

  • Danish tribes and take over Norway, where he ruled as King until his death.

    丹麥部落並佔領挪威,在那裡 他以國王的身份執政,直到去世。

  • If you really think about it, how Bluetooth technology connects people is not at all far-fetched

    如果你真的想一想,藍牙如何 科技連接人與人之間的關係一點也不牽強。

  • from the origin of the symbol and why the Swedes made the right choice to represent

    從符號的起源和為什麼 瑞典人做出了正確的選擇,代表

  • the technology.


  • 7.


  • THE ALL SEEING EYE The symbol of the All Seeing Eye is used throughout

    全能之眼(The All-Seeing EYE) 全能之眼的象徵貫穿始終

  • different beliefs and religions but is most strongly associated with the Christian Faith

    不同的信仰和宗教,但是最 篤信基督教

  • as a representation of the all-seeing eye of God.

    渾然天成 上帝的。

  • In other customs, it is used as a symbol of spiritual sight, higher knowledge, inner vision,

    在其他風俗中,它被用作象徵 靈性的視線,更高的知識,內在的眼光。

  • and insight into the occult.


  • Depending on the custom that adopts it, the symbol usually embraces the supernatural and

    根據採用的風俗習慣不同,該。 符號通常包含了超自然和

  • religious aspect of its iconography.


  • These days, however, it has been used mostly as a symbol of surveillance and control; a

    然而,如今,它已被廣泛使用。 作為監視和控制的象徵;a

  • far cry from its religious symbolism.


  • 6.




  • This symbol has two established and widely-accepted meanings in this modern age.

    這個符號有兩個既定的、被廣泛接受的。 在這個現代社會中的意義。

  • One appears as a graphic warning on poison labels and the otherthanks to popular

    一個出現在毒藥上的圖形警告 標籤和其他--由於流行的

  • cultureappears as the universally known symbol for pirates despite the fact that pirate

    文化--出現在眾所周知的 虎頭蛇尾

  • colours or symbols vary from one person or group to another.

    顏色或符號因人而異 組到另一。

  • In Spain in the earlier centuries of the world, the symbol of the Skull and Crossbones is

    在世界早期幾個世紀的西班牙。 骷髏頭的標誌是......。

  • used as a means to mark cemeteries and graveyards.


  • To this day, many early century graveyards and even old churches have traces of the skull

    時至今日,許多世紀初的墓地。 骷髏頭的痕跡

  • and crossbones where they once hador still havecatacombs and crypts.

    和交叉骨的地方,他們曾經有--或。 仍有--墓穴和地窖。

  • 5.




  • It is not a surprise to find a red and white striped pole outside a barber shop.

    紅白相間,並不奇怪。 理髮店外的條紋杆。

  • The symbol has been used for centuries and is, unlike many symbols on this list, still

    這個符號已經使用了幾個世紀,而且 是,與這個列表中的許多符號不同,仍然是

  • directly associated with the profession it represents.

    直系親屬 代表:

  • Today we see it as a harmless means to advertise the establishment.

    今天,我們把它看作是一種無害的宣傳手段。 編制。

  • However, the origin of the pole dates back to earlier centuries where barbers were expected

    然而,極點的起源可以追溯到 早前的世紀,理髮師被認為是

  • to do more than just shave and cut hair.


  • As far back as the Roman times and as late as the Victorian age, barbers were skilled

    早在羅馬時代,晚在... ... 作為維多利亞時代,理髮師是熟練的。

  • surgeons whose most popular procedure was bloodletting.

    最受歡迎的外科醫生的手術是 放血;

  • In some regions, they were also skilled dentists who could offer you to get rid of a toothache

    在一些地區,他們也是熟練的牙醫。 誰能給你祛除牙痛?

  • after a nice trim.


  • The red stripe on the pole was originally a white rag that barbers would use to wipe

    杆子上的紅色條紋原本是 擦拭的白布

  • up blood after a procedure.


  • They would then hang it outside of their shopswhere the wind would sometimes blow hard

    然後他們會把它掛在店外 - 風吹草動

  • to wrap the rag around the pole where it hungto advertise their profession.

    把布條纏在掛著的杆子上 - 來宣傳自己的職業。

  • 4.




  • The pronunciation of the word is a bit tricky because there seems to be two ways to say

    這個詞的發音有點刁鑽。 因為似乎有兩種說法

  • it but however you choose to say it, there is no doubt that you have come across this

    但無論你如何選擇說,有 毫無疑問,你已經遇到了這個

  • symbol at least once in your lifemost probably on the rear end of a car while you're

    在你的生命中至少有一次象徵--最 可能是在汽車的後端,而你是

  • stuck in traffic.


  • The Ichthys Fish is strongly associated with Christianity and with Jesus Christ himself.

    鮟鱇魚與以下幾點密切相關 基督教和與耶穌基督本人。

  • At the height of the Roman Empire, after the death of Christ, the members of the newly

    在羅馬帝國最鼎盛的時候,經過。 基督的死亡,新教會的成員

  • formed secret sect calledChristianswould identify each other by the use of the

    基督徒 將通過使用

  • Ichthys.


  • When two supposedly Christians meet in public, one of them would draw the first arc of the

    當兩個所謂的基督徒在公共場合相遇時。 他們中的一個會畫出第一條弧線。

  • symbol and the other, to confirm his Christian identity, would complete the drawing with

    符號和其他,以確認他的基督教 的身份,將完成畫與

  • the other arc of the Ichthys.


  • While Christians made the symbol more iconic and popular, the Ichthys Fish predates Christianity

    而基督徒則讓這個符號更具標誌性。 而流行的伊氏魚,在基督教之前就已經有了。

  • and was used by Pagans as a symbol they associate with theGreat Mother”, a deity known

    並被異教徒用來作為一種象徵,他們聯想到。 與 "太上老君",即所謂的 "太上老君"。

  • for fertility.


  • After the rise of the early church, Christians fell out of love with the Ichthys and preferring

    早期教會興起後,基督教徒 戀戀不捨,喜歡上了伊克賽斯

  • the crucifix much more.


  • However, in some Christian sects, the symbol is still very much alive.

    然而,在一些基督教教派中,象徵著 還很有生命力。

  • 3.




  • Unlike the symbols on this list, the Peace Symbol has no ancient origin and is one of

    與本清單上的符號不同,"和平號 "是一個 "和平 "符號。 符號沒有古老的起源,是一種

  • the youngest iconographies created.


  • Mostly associated with the Hippie movement of the 60's, the Peace Symbol is universally

    主要與嬉皮士運動有關 60年代,和平的象徵是普遍的。

  • known and used as a means to show pacifism, restraint, understanding, and tolerance.

    眾所周知,並以此來顯示和平主義。 剋制、理解和寬容。

  • While the meanings tacked onto the symbol were well-intended, the real message it delivers

    而貼在符號上的含義 是善意的,但它所傳遞的真正資訊是

  • seems to have been forgotten.


  • Designed by Gerald Holtom, the symbol bore one simple message: British Nuclear Disarmament.

    由傑拉爾德-霍爾託姆設計,標誌為:"我"。 一個簡單的資訊。英國的核裁軍。

  • The symbol, according to Holtom, is of a man standing with his arms stretched outward and

    根據霍爾託姆的說法,這個標誌是一個男人 負手而立

  • downward as if facing a firing squad.


  • Unable to copyright the image, Holtom's symbol then became a popular way to symbolize

    由於無法對圖片進行版權保護,Holtom的 符號於是成為一種流行的象徵方式

  • freedom and, as we now know it, peace.


  • It's not a bad trade-off after all.


  • 2.




  • Seen as the symbol for Satanism and Demonic worship, the Pentagram is perhaps one of the

    被認為是撒旦教和惡魔的象徵。 崇拜,五角星也許是其中之一。

  • most maligned and misunderstood symbols to have existed.

    最被人詬病和誤解的符號,以達到 存在過。

  • As a matter of fact, the Pentagram predates Satanism and Masonry because of records that

    事實上,五角星的出現早於... 撒旦教和共濟會,因為有記錄顯示: 1.

  • trace its use in much more ancient times.


  • The five-pointed star has been discovered scratched on the walls of caves in Babylonia

    五角星已被發現 窟壁劃痕

  • and several historical records show the ancient Greeks believing it to have mystical and magical

    而多處史料顯示,古 希臘人相信它有神祕和神奇的力量

  • properties.


  • In ancient astronomy, the pentagram is believed to have originated from the path that the

    在古代天文學中,五角星被認為是... 發源地

  • planet Venus takes at night in relation to the earth's position in an 8-year cycle.

    金星在夜間與 地球在8年週期內的位置;

  • It would even surprise you to know that the pentagram, for a short time, stood as a symbol

    它甚至會讓你感到驚訝,要知道 曇花一現

  • that represents the five wounds that Jesus Christ received during his crucifixion.

    代表耶穌的五道傷痕 基督在受難時受到了。

  • In art, the Pentagram was seen as a representation of the proportions of the human body.

    在藝術上,五角星被認為是一種代表。 的人體比例。

  • 1.




  • Since the Second World War and the rise of Nazi totalitarianism in Germany, the swastika

    自第二次世界大戰和 納粹極權主義在德國,"卍 "號

  • has become a representation of hate and bigotry.


  • The symbol has been associated so much with the Nazi movement and the horrors that it

    這個符號一直與 納粹運動和它所造成的恐怖事件

  • brought that many European countries have shunned its image.

    帶來了許多歐洲國家已經 避開了它的形象。

  • But before Hitler and his henchmen got their hands on this otherwise geometrically pleasing

    但在希特勒和他的手下得到他們的東西之前... 沾手

  • symbol, the Swastika was a symbol that represented life and creation in the Hindu faith and harmony

    符號,"卍 "字是一個代表著 印度教信仰中的生命和創造與和諧

  • in Buddhism.


  • The swastika was used by ancient civilizations.

    古代文明使用 "卍 "字。

  • A fact that points out that it absolutely predates Nazism.

    一個事實表明,它絕對 在納粹主義之前。

  • Civilizations such as the Romans, Egyptians, and Celts have used different versions of

    羅馬人、埃及人等文明。 和凱爾特人使用了不同版本的

  • the swastika in architecture and art.

    建築和藝術中的 "卍 "字。

  • In the modern times, before the outbreak of the Second World War, the swastika enjoyed

    在近代,在爆發前的 在第二次世界大戰中,"卍 "字商標享受到了。

  • a brief moment of wholesome use such as appearing as symbols in the Finnish and Latvian Air

    一時興起 作為芬蘭和拉脫維亞航空的標誌。

  • Forces, as well as part of the logo of the Danish brewing company Carlsberg.

    部隊的標誌,並作為該部隊的部分標誌。 丹麥啤酒公司嘉士伯。

  • Tragically for the swastika, it may never recover from the dark shroud it was given

    不幸的是,對於 "卍 "字,它可能永遠不會 洗心革面

  • due to the atrocities of the Nazi movement.


The power of a symbol or an icon bears more weight than its equivalent in words or text.

符號或圖標的力量承擔了更多的責任。 比其同等的文字或文本的重量。

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