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Autism Therapy: Solving Sensitivity Issues There are many things, often referred to as
a “sensory diet,” that can help kids with sensory issues.
Simply put, some kids are under receptive to sensory information, and need to engage
in activities like spinning, balancing, running, rolling on a ball and so on to get themselves
going and start “feeling okay.”
Others are too sensitive to this information and there are activities that can help re-engineer
the brain so that they can process it better. Often something that looks like play can actually
be changing the way a child's brain works.
Occupational therapy helps a person learn to cope with their specific difficulties in
a way that works best for them.
One area that kids with Autism have many problems with is sensory issues. Things are too loud,
too bright, too chaotic, clothes are too tight. Occupational therapists can do different forms
of sensory integration therapy to help the child with these issues.
When we say that kids with Autism have sensory issues, we mean that they have trouble processing
sensory information.
All around us, every day, we receive tons of sensory information. People with a normal
system will tune out most of the things they do not need to be aware of at any given time.
People with sensory issues, though, cannot process or filter out ANYTHING.
Everything is too loud, too bright, too tight, too distracting, their nervous system reacts
over and over again to all of the sensory stimuli in their environment.
If your loved one has a lot of problems wearing certain clothing, here are some suggestions.
Try and try again. Buy different clothes. Materials make a huge difference. Maybe cotton
is bad but a blend of multiple fabrics works OK. Wool should be avoided.
How tight are the clothes? Looser fitting clothes often work much better than anything
Short or long sleeves? My son cannot stand long sleeve shirts, so we buy him short sleeve
shirts. The same can be said for pants.
Skirts instead of pants. Perhaps your daughter can wear skirts and avoid jeans (notoriously
Buy used clothes. Many parents have shared with me this secret. They go to second hand
stores or thrift stores to buy their loved one's clothing. By this time the clothes are
well worn, have been washed many times and are much softer.
Wash, wash, wash. If you buy new clothes, you may have to wash them many times before
they become soft enough to wear.
Socks can be a real problem. Clinging to ankles can be very distracting. But again, there
are white sport socks that are very short. They are barely visible above the shoes. This
may not be very appropriate with dress shoes but works fine with sports shoes.
Wear beach "flip flops". Sandals may be a solution for the chronic shoe/sock hater.
Above all, use creativity. If one set of clothing does not work, try something else.
This is just one successful strategy to help you and your loved one thrive with autism.
For additional successful strategies to help you and your loved one live a fuller happier
life, see my latest book," New Hope for Autism, 15 Successful Strategies Moms Don't Know".
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