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  • Thousands of years ago, Egypt was home to one of the richest and most powerful civilizations

  • in the world.

  • Their art and culture continue to fascinate people even today, and one of the most impressive

  • legacies they left behind is their pyramids.

  • The great Pyramid of Giza is the only surviving Wonder of the Ancient World, and the complex

  • of pyramids and other structures on the Giza plateau near Cairo, Egypt, is a World Heritage

  • Site for its importance to history.

  • You might be surprised to learn that these famous pyramids are not the only pyramids

  • in Egypt.

  • In fact, there are more than a hundred of them, most much smaller than the great pyramid,

  • and many very damaged.

  • Ancient Egyptians believed that after death, people would continue to live very much like

  • they had when they were alive, and so they buried people with things that they thought

  • they would need.

  • At first, people were buried in the dry desert sand, but the graves were dug up by wild animals

  • and people who wanted to steal the things they were buried with.

  • Egyptians began to build flat tombs called mastabas out of mud bricks or stone.

  • Then, about four and a half thousand years ago, an architect named Imhotep had the idea

  • to build a stack of mastabas on top of each other, each one smaller than the last.

  • The result was what we call a step pyramid - a giant stairway meant to help the soul

  • of the Pharaoh climb into the heavens.

  • So began a period of nearly a thousand years of pyramid building in Egypt.

  • After the first step pyramids were constructed, a pharaoh named Sneferu decided that he wanted

  • a smooth-sided pyramid for his tomb.

  • This proved difficult to accomplish, and Sneferu had three pyramids built before he was satisfied.

  • This third pyramid, the Red Pyramid, is believed to be the first true pyramid built in Egypt.

  • The pharaoh who followed Sneferu, Khufu, decided to build his own pyramid, bigger and better

  • than the Red Pyramid.

  • The result was the Great Pyramid of Giza, the largest pyramid ever built.

  • Construction of the Great Pyramid likely took between 10 and 20 years.

  • It was originally 481 feet or 146.5 meters high, making it the tallest man-made structure

  • on earth for nearly 4,000 years.

  • The building of such an enormous pyramid was a monumental feat.

  • People have wondered for thousands of years how it was possible to build something so

  • huge with the technology available to the ancient Egyptians.

  • The Great Pyramid is estimated to be made of 2.3 million blocks of stone.

  • The largest of these blocks weigh between 25 and 80 metric tons and were transported

  • from more than 500 miles or 800 kilometers away.

  • The pyramid was originally encased in polished white limestone.

  • Most of these stones have been removed over the millennia, meaning that when the pyramid

  • was new, it would have looked very different than it does today.

  • Khufu had other things built on the Giza plateau, including two mortuary temples, to honor him

  • after his death, and three small pyramids for his wives to be buried in.

  • The other two large pyramids on the Giza plateau were built by Khufu's son, the pharaoh Khafre,

  • and his grandson, the pharaoh Menkaure.

  • Khafre's pyramid complex includes a unique feature: the Great Sphinx, a huge guardian

  • statue with the head of a man and the body of a lion.

  • It is one of the oldest and largest statues in the world, measuring nearly 240 feet or

  • 73 meters long from paw to tail, and 66 feet or 20 meters high.

  • Deep inside the pyramids lay burial chambers for the Pharaoh's body and any treasures and

  • items they would need for the afterlife.

  • The pharaohs knew that their treasure would be desired by robbers, and so they tried to

  • guard it.

  • Sometimes they used fake burial chambers or hidden passages to try and keep thieves out,

  • but unfortunately, most of their treasures were stolen long ago.

  • Still, the pyramids themselves remain, and stand as monuments to these long-dead pharaohs.

  • Millions of people visit them each year to marvel at the ancient tombs, and learn about

  • the history of Egypt.

  • I hope you enjoyed learning about Egyptian pyramids today.

  • Goodbye till next time!

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埃及的金字塔和吉薩高原。孩子們的古埃及歷史 - FreeSchool. (The Pyramids of Egypt and the Giza Plateau: Ancient Egyptian History for Kids - FreeSchool)

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    chung posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary