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*Ryan attempts to fix painting*
00:00:01,360 --> 00:00:02,440
*Turns around*
00:00:02,440 --> 00:00:03,500 嘿大家好!
Ryan: Oh hey guys!
So as you can see I'm moving, right?
With all the boxes
Universal symbol for moving.
這只是演戲啦。我只是想要弄出一條路通過 (雙關: 想讓你明白) 實際上我沒有要把這些東西拿走
This is all staged. This is just to get the point across.
I'm not actually taking any of this stuff (lol nice Ryan)
I don't know what I'm talking about, lets get started!
00:00:16,980 --> 00:00:19,060
Dear Ryan, can you jump over a moving car?
00:00:32,140 --> 00:00:32,880 (謎之音: 不~)
*Intense music plays*
*dad joke (老爸的冷笑話): 拔拔的笑話通常不好笑卻自認幽默,故有冷笑話一說法
Ryan:哈哈,我已經輸了,可惡! 等等,剛那個不算啦,不算...
Dear Ryan, would you do a "You Laugh, You Lose Dad Jokes challenge with the crew?
(This is a dad joke?)
Ryan: HA HA-
I'm already losing, damn it!
Wait that doesn't count, that doesn't count
Ryan: You go first.
Paco: Mmmm
Ryan: I can't. I suck at this game already.
*標題: 忍笑挑戰~老爸的冷笑話篇*
It's because I know I can't laugh.
*規則: 笑三次就出局*
Ryan: Alright starting now.
Will: 要怎麼樣才能讓衛生紙跳舞?
Paco: What do you call a thousand dad jokes?
Sean: 我不知道。要怎麼弄阿?
*Ryan and Greg starts laughing*
Will: 放一點鼻屎進去 (*boggie: 雙關,也有隨著音樂跳舞的意思)
Will: How do you make a Kleenex Dance? Sean: I don't know. How?
Will: What?
Sean: 要怎麼稱呼有自己拍入監照片的犯人?
*Will laughs*
Greg: No idea.
Sean: 自拍 (selfies) (*cell: 諧音,指單人牢房)
*Greg and Sean laughs*
Shawn: 要怎麼叫一個長了耳朵的引擎?
*Derrick Shrugs*
Greg: 不知道。
Derrick: Nice..
Sean: 工程師 (*engine: 也有引擎的意思 engine-er: 聽起來像是engine+ear )
Daina: What does he say?
Derrick: Oh.
* Greg 和 Sean 同時笑*(≧∀≦)
Paco: No.
Daina: 要怎麼稱呼有著褐色皮膚的 一隻性感的雞和一隻性感的牛? (翻譯: 雞與牛???)
Paco: You can't do that!
Daina: 棕色的雞和棕色的牛~♪ (*諧音: bow chicka wow wow )
Ryan: You just lost!
*bow chicka wow wow: 啪啪啪的意思 wow wow 指叫床聲,chicka小妞 bow就是低頭前戲...後面自行想像(/ε\*)
Paco: He can't do that!
Derrick: 不錯..
Ryan: That's part of the joke.
Derrick: 你的狗想要在上大號的時候想有點隱私 那牠會跟你說什麼?
(Paco and Greg laughs)
Daina: 牠會說什麼?
Ryan: Man I suck at this game..
Derrick: 把我綁好 (*leash: 綁、拴住。因為常有人放置寵物讓他任意大小便最後導致寵物走失。故有leash me alone一說, 指主人既使放置也不要忘記要看管好自己的寵物)
I laughed at EVERY single one, off camera.
And it's not even funny. I don't even think it's funny.
Ryan: Derrick,你剛笑了:D
Ryan: What?
Derrick: 噢... :(
*Ryan begins laughing*
Greg: 你有看過那部關於便祕的電影嗎?
Paco: WHAT?!
Paco: 沒有
Ryan: Wait, let me try one more, one more. Go again, go again.
Greg: 那可能是因為他還沒有''出來''
*Ryan starts laughing again*
Paco: What?
Paco: 你不能這樣啦!
*Paco laughs while Will facepalms*
Ryan: Paco你輸了!
Ryan: Okayy..
Paco: 他怎麼可以這樣啦!
Why.. don't- uhh ha ha, wait.. scratch that.
Ryan: 那是他笑話的一部分啊
Start over.
*Paco 和 Greg 都笑場*
Why don't.. *chuckles* wait hold on,
Ryan: 矮油~我真的很不擅長這個遊戲啦..
One more.
Ryan: 我聽到的每一個都笑
Derrick: Cause they suck her blood?
Ryan: 而且它甚至不有趣。我根本不認為他很有趣
Ryan: What?
Derrick: 你出生的時候說的第一句話是什麼?
(When no one laughs at your joke)
Ryan: 是什麼?
*Ryan begins laughing*
*Derrick模仿小北鼻哭泣聲* Higa(比嘉) 剛好是Ryan的姓
Derrick: Yeah.
*Ryan開始笑 (*>艸
Paco: 什麼啦?
Dear Ryan, can you brush your teeth and then drink orange juice?
Ryan: 等等,再讓我試一次啦、再一次 再來,再來。
Ryan: Why- I don't understand why people always send me this
Derrick: Rode是從澳洲來的,所以...
and I know this is a challenge from like a while back.
*Ryan又開始笑 (≧艸≦*)
I should know this but I honestly have no idea
what this challenge is and I'm not letting any of the guys tell me.
Will: 你對爸爸的帽子開玩笑了以後,會發出什麼聲音?
I really don't know what's gonna happen
Paco: 什麼聲音?
And I didn't look it up, I promise.
♫ 爸帽ㄑㄩㄝ ♫ ♫ Dad Hat Tsh ♫
So this is a hundred percent genuine reaction.
I guess let's try it?
*Ryan brushing his teeth*
Greg: Ryan,走開啦!
Ryan: Alright I finished brushing my teeth and umm..
* Paco 和 Will 都忍不住笑出聲 *
I guess I'm just gonna try it.
Ryan: 好喔 ..
Why are you smiling like have you-
Ryan: 為什麼..沒有 - 呃有 等..從頭開始
Greg: Your teeth turns yellow.
Ryan: 重來一次
Ryan: Is that what it does?!
Ryan: 為什麼不.. *笑*(>y<) 等等,等一下啦
Greg: Permanent yellow..
Ryan: 再一次。
Ryan: Wait, wait- I'm not gonna do that!
Ryan: 為什麼吸血鬼不會攻擊 泰勒·斯威夫特 (Taylor Swift) ?
Derrick: Permanent orange
Derrick: 因為他們吸她的血?
Sean: You could whiten it.
Ryan: 因為她有壞到底的血 (*Bad Blood 壞到底: Taylor Swift排行榜上有名的歌曲之一)
Ryan: Ready?
Derrick: 如果 Ryan Higa 是女性主義者 那他會在影片的最後面說什麼?
Derrick: Awww..
Ryan: 說什麼?
Sean: How is it?
Derrick: Tee-She(Tee-她) (Ryan影片結尾都是Tee-hee Tee-他)
Aw, does it taste gross?
Ryan: 為什麼雞要過馬路?
Will: Oh, he's gonna throw up.
Ryan: 置入性行銷 (雞過馬路這個笑話並沒有任何特別的意義)
Sean: Eww..
Will: Ugh!
Derrick: 如果 Ryan Higa 是女性主義者 那他會在他其它影片的結尾說什麼?
Sean: Is it that bad?
Ryan: Oh dude..
Ryan: Higa-TeeShe (*Ryan的副頻道結尾都會說 Higa-TV,同為諧音梗)
(That face)
Derrick: 對阿
Ryan: No it's not bad at all.
*Everyone laughs*
Ryan: How is this even a challenge?
為什麼 - 我不懂為什麼人們總是傳給我這個 我知道這就像是前陣子的一個挑戰。
Like what-
我應該要知道這個的,但我真的完全不知道 這個挑戰是什麼,我不會讓其他人先告訴我。
Like what is supposed to happen from drinking this after you-
我真的不知道會發生什麼,我沒有事先查看它。 我答應你們,這將是一個百分之百的真實反應。
*Everyone's in shock*
Dear Ryan, can you do if children songs were realistic?
Ryan: I've always wanted to be children's song writer.
Ryan: 好了,我刷完了牙....
It must be like one of the easiest jobs in the world..
Ryan: 我想我就直接來嘗試它吧
You gotta be like a doctor to write 'Cat in the Hat'
Ryan: 你為什麼在笑啦...
I'd always believe that you should be honest with kids
Greg: 你的牙齒會變成黃色
If I have a kid and he asked me where do babies come from,
Ryan: 那就是它的效果?
I'm not gonna lie to him.
Greg: 永遠的黃色..
And that's how you should be with kids, you make them smarter.
Ryan: 等等,等一下啦 我才不要那樣做!
Daina: Okay boys and girls!
Derrick: 永遠的橙橙色~~
Now lets give our guest performer a nice, warm welcome!
Sean: 你還是可以刷白的啦
Ryan: 準備好...
Ryan: Hey kids! Umm..
Derrick: 噢..
First question,
Sean: 感覺怎麼樣?
Do any of you know how to play the guitar?
Sean: 味道嘗起來很噁心嗎?
No? Okay then, we're just gonna use this.
Will: 他要吐了
♫ The wheels on the bus go round and round ♫
Sean: 好噁心..
♫ The wheels on the bus should change lanes now ♫
Will: 矮額~
(Such an inspirational song)
Sean: 非常不好嗎?
Thank you.
Ryan: 哦,老兄..
To the kid who finally started it.
*那表情( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Next song
Ryan: 不,其實一點也不噁心
♫ Old MacDonald had a cow ♫
♫ There's a reason I said "had" ♫
Ryan: 這是怎麼會是一個挑戰啊? 喝完橙汁應該會發生什麼嗎?
Because they ATE him!
Daina: Okay, maybe let's try the next song?
Ryan: ♫ Twinkle twinkle ball of gas ♫
♫ Thousands of light-years far away ♫
♫ So when you wish upon a ball of gas ♫
你必須至少像個醫生才能寫 “魔法靈貓” (*Cat in the Hat作者為一名醫生 後拍為電視劇,成為邪典的次文化之一)
♫ The gases from your a- ♫
如果我有一個孩子 他問我在哪裡嬰兒來自哪裡,我才不會騙他咧
I think that's enough for today,
We don't use that kind of language in here do we ki-?
Daina: 好,男孩和女孩們! 現在讓我們給我們客人的表演一個好的、熱烈的歡迎!
Oh no no no, I was just gonna say ass,
Like equivalent to the gases from your ass, not
Ryan: 嘿,孩子們!嗯..
Cut me off that fu**ing bi***
第一個問題,你們有任何人知道如何彈吉他嗎?沒有? 那好吧,我們就用這個
♫ 巴士的輪子轉啊轉 ♫
Thank you
♫ 讓路上交通都變得很緩慢 ♫
Dear Ryan, can you kiss Sean?
♫ 使的後方來車都很不滿 ♫
Wait, what?
♫ 公車上的輪子現在應該改變車道 ♫
I never screenshotted that Dear Ryan, did you?
♫ GTF...OUT!! ♫ (get the f*ck out)
Oh yeah, um someone just keeps sending
These over and over I mean just look at it
I thought you could just tell them that it's not gonna happen.
♫ 老麥克唐納曾有一頭牛 ♫ (* MacDonald這邊暗指麥當勞、金拱門 原曲為王老先生有塊地 )
Oh right. Um, yeah sure, sure.
♫ 他是基改牛~ ♫ (GMO'd: Genetically Modified Organisms in food )
I'm serious. People keep spamming it
♫ 拿一塊這邊的作沙朗,另一塊這邊的作肋眼 ♫
You can just like look at my screen right now.
♫ 肋眼作牛扒,前胸肉作牛腩,還有醃製的肋條 ♫
Yeah uh right. Uh...
♫ 老麥克唐納曾有一頭牛 ♫
You know what? I think I have to go...
♫ 我說曾有是有理由的 ♫
Sean: Are-Are you serious?
Ryan, you know that I'm not gay
Daina: 好吧,也許能讓我們聽下一首歌吧?
Ryan: I know I know I'm just- Sean: I have a girlfriend.
♫ 一閃一閃亮晶晶的球狀氣體 ♫ (*星星就是一球的發光氣體和灰塵)
Sean: We've been friends for over ten years!
♫ 氫氣、氦氣還有其他元素 ♫
Ryan: It's- it's something completely unrelated. Sean: Come on! Do you not believe me?
♫ 距離數千光年遠 ♫
Are you serious?!
♫ 你所看到的都是過去的光 ♫
That is one big closet
♫ 所以那些星星現在都已經死掉了 ♫
Dear Ryan, can you write a Dear Ryan to yourself?
♫ 所以當你在對一球氣體許願的時候 ♫
That should be good
♫ 那就相當於對..... 許願 ♫
Ehh, maybe 20 30 more
♫ 那些從ㄆ....的氣體 ♫
Dear Ryan, do a parody of Stephen King's 'IT'
Daina: 好唷!! 我想今天這樣就夠了 我們在這裡不使用髒話,對吧孩子們-?
I don't know if you guys ever saw the first one, but
Ryan: 哦,不,不,不,我只是會說的屁股 就像從氣體從你的屁股,不是...
I remember watching it when I was a little kid
Ryan: 居然打斷我,真是該*的*子
and I was terrified of it
謝謝 ༼ ◉ᗜ◉༽┌∩┐
and when I was watching the new "IT" movie
親愛的Ryan,你可以親 Sean 嗎?
The sequel, the 2017 version,
等等,什麼?我從來沒有截圖這個Dear Ryan的問題啊?是你做的嗎?
I kind of thought to myself "This movie doesn't really work anymore."
*Child laughing*
已經發好多遍了。我就想說,你看其實只要你跟他們說 這是不可能會發生的事不就好了?
我是認真的。大家總是亂發這個,你可以... 像是看看我現在的螢幕(多乾淨)
Hiya Georgie,
what a nice boat.
Sean: 真的嗎?Ryan你知道我不是甲甲吧 Ryan: 我知道我知道,我只是- Sean: 我還有個女朋友而且我跟你是超過十年的朋友了!
Do you want it back?
Ryan: 這、這跟現在我離開完全無關啦 Sean: 不要這樣啦!你不相信我嗎?
What are you doing in the sewer?
Oh well a storm blew me, away?
這真是個很大的櫃子啊 (*come out of the closet: 公開出櫃)
Blew the whole circus away.
親愛的 Ryan,,你可以寫一個Dear Ryan給自己嗎?
-Can you smell the circus, Georgie? -Um...
There's peanuts,
留言: 親愛的Ryan,你可以親 Sean 嗎?
cotton candy, hot dogs and...
親愛的Ryan,可以模仿史蒂芬金的《牠 /小丑回魂》嗎?
no... steak?
我不知道你們有沒有看過1990年的舊版本 但我還記得當我還是一個小孩子有看過
no, no...
我非常害怕,但當我在看2017新續集電影版本的“牠” (*1990年的牠實際上是迷你電視劇,並非電影)
It's a circus, It's a f*cking circus, Georgie.
我心裡想: ( 對我來說 ) 這部電影 並沒有真的像以前那麼恐怖了
-Popcorn? -Popcorn!
-Is that your favorite? -Yeah!
Mine too! Cause they go pop pop pop!
*Child laughs*
你好啊 Georgie,你真是有個好紙船啊
I think I should leave now...
小丑: 你想要拿回去嗎? Georgie: 你在下水道做什麼? 小丑: 哦~颱風把我吹走了
Ooh, without your boat?
小丑: 把整個馬戲團都吹走了 Georgie 你能聞到馬戲團的味道嗎?有花生...
Take it.
Take it.
No, that's okay I have a Xbox
沒有... 牛排?
是馬戲團,他*的馬戲團 爆米花?爆米花!
So leave your questions in the comments below,
那是你的最愛? 是啊!
and you could be responsible for the next video.
我也是! 因為他們會彈來彈去砰砰砰砰的爆!
Ryan: Oh that hurt.
Paco: What?
Old MacDonald had a cow...
I forgot the end
*Ryan laughs* Dammit!
*Everyone laughs*
Cotton candy
Hot dogs...
所以在下方的評論留下你的問題 可能下次會抽到你的問題唷~
00:08:55,800 --> 00:08:56,300
*laughs* Hmmmmmm...
00:09:23,370 --> 00:09:26,989
00:09:29,580 --> 00:09:36,169
pop pop pop pop pop pop...
Well I'm Japanese Pennywise,
Also known as Yenwise (Ha Ha get it)
The Japanese clown..