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  • Hi everyone!

  • Welcome back to Lavendaire.

  • Today we're going to talk about how to attract more money into your life in

  • 2018, because I think it's about time we all get financially savvy and smart.

  • I just really want everyone to be equipped to create their dream life, and a big part

  • of that is to be financially well-off and financially stable, and abundant if possible.

  • So we're going to talk about how to change your money mindset,

  • to how to get clear about your money, all the way to how to make a plan

  • on how to exactly save more and make more money in 2018.

  • This video is sponsored by Credit Sesame.

  • I'll talk more about them later, but if you're interested, you could check

  • them out.

  • The link is right down there in the description box.

  • But let's get to it.

  • The first part of attracting money into your life is to take a look at your money mindset

  • because I think everything starts with your mindset.

  • Ask yourself: "Do I have any limiting beliefs that may be

  • cutting off money from my life?"

  • I know a lot of us are raised with some sort of notion that maybe money is evil,

  • money equals greed, money is dirty, all of these negative connotations around money,

  • when in reality, money is just a number.

  • It's just a resource for us to exchange for things that we want.

  • It's just the way that our society functions.

  • So money doesn't have a positive or negative connotation behind it.

  • My personal limiting belief that I had in the beginning of my career

  • was that money and art could not exist together.

  • I thought that, if you wanted to be a good artist, then you

  • would have to sacrifice money.

  • And I believed that, if you were gonna make money, then you're gonna sacrifice

  • art and goodness and all of that.

  • I couldn't see themselves as in the same box.

  • And that kept me from pursuing money because I wanted to pursue art.

  • I told myself I want to help people, so I don't want to focus on money.

  • I just want to help people and make art.

  • And that's exactly what happened.

  • I pursued art, I pursued helping people, and I kind of didn't see the money

  • in the beginning, because I believe that I was limiting myself from letting it come to

  • me.

  • So take time to dig deep and see what those deeply rooted beliefs about money are,

  • and see if there's any beliefs that are possibly holding you back.

  • And instead, replace those beliefs with new affirmations.

  • For example: Money is empowering.

  • Money is good.

  • Money helps me become more of who I am.

  • Money is a tool and a resource.

  • Or you can even repeat affirmations like, “I love money

  • and money loves me."

  • "I attract money easily."

  • "Earning money is easy."

  • Whatever works for you, try to shift those negative beliefs

  • into positive ones.

  • And it might feel weird at first, but it really does

  • make a change in your mindset.

  • And from there, everything follows.

  • A big one that I have to note is: If you always wanting to say, "Oh, I'm so poor,"

  • or "I'm so broke," stop saying that, because the more that you say "I'm poor.

  • I'm broke," the more that you honestly believe it, and

  • the more that you live that life.

  • So if you truly want to attract financial abundance in your life,

  • then definitely shift that mindset.

  • Instead of saying, "I'm so poor, I'm so broke," say "I am rich," or "I will be rich."

  • Usually, with law of attraction, you want to say the statement as present tense,

  • as if it's happening right now, as if you have it already.

  • So say things like, "I am rich," "I am wealthy," "I have everything that I need."

  • If you guys want more inspiration on changing your money mindset, a book that really,

  • really helped me was "You Are a Badass at Making Money" by Jen

  • Sincero.

  • So I highly recommend reading that book.

  • I listened to the audiobook version, so whichever one works for you, listen to

  • it.

  • It will change your life.

  • The next step to attracting more money into your life is to take full responsibility

  • of your power and believe that you can change.

  • I feel like a lot of people, they stop themselves at the beginning.

  • They don't believe that they could be rich.

  • They don't believe that they can change, and so it ends there.

  • But you really have to believe, in order for you to make it happen.

  • Taking responsibility for your life means that you believe in your power

  • to make a change in your life for yourself.

  • It means that you believe that you have the power to gain abundance.

  • It means that you have the power to attract whatever you want to attract into

  • your life.

  • You really do have to believe it for yourself, because all

  • change starts with you.

  • Instead of playing the victim and blaming other people for your problems,

  • instead of always saying "I can't do this.

  • I can't do that," start telling yourself "I can.

  • I do have the power to change my situation.

  • I do have the power to make money.

  • I can make money.

  • I can grow.

  • I can change."

  • You really do have to believe that you can, and that's where it starts.

  • If you want to get inspired at this stage, I highly recommend reading into

  • real life success stories of people who have done it before you, people who have

  • started out exactly where you are, or even worse than where you are,

  • and who have made financial success and created a life of their dreams.

  • After reading story after story and following all these amazing people,

  • you'll really feel that your life can change, just like their life changed in a big way.

  • The next step is to get clear with your money.

  • So if you are feeling disempowered about your money, you might feel scared to

  • look at your bank account or you might feel intimidated by keeping track

  • of your money just because you don't want to face it.

  • The thing is, you do have to face it.

  • The more you face it, the more you get clear about how much money

  • you have, how much you're spending, how much you're saving.

  • That's empowering.

  • It empowers you to make a change, because you can't change something that you

  • don't see.

  • So you have to see it first.

  • You have to know what's going on and have a really clear picture of your money first.

  • I recommend tracking your money with a tool like Mint or even YNAB,

  • which is

  • Regardless of what tool you use, it's important to keep tabs on your money

  • and know exactly what's coming in, what's going out, and how much you have at

  • this moment.

  • So make a habit to keep track on a weekly or biweekly basis.

  • On top of tracking your money, you should also keep track of your credit

  • score because credit is one of those things that's really important in your life.

  • It's something that you have to use for getting student loans, a car, a house.

  • Practically all the big things in life, you'll need to run your credit.

  • And so, if you have to run your credit for these big things,

  • it's important to have good credit and it's important to know how credit works,

  • how to improve your credit, all of that adult stuff.

  • You can use a tool like Credit Sesame to get your free credit score,

  • but also get personalized finance tips and tools updated every month for free.

  • It's so simple to use and it's full of financial information to help you become

  • more financially savvy.

  • And once you sign up for Credit Sesame, you also get

  • $50,000 worth of identity theft protection.

  • So why not?

  • It's free to sign up, you get this insurance.

  • So I think it's a really cool platform.

  • So if you're interested, you can click down below

  • to go to Credit Sesame to get your free credit score and all that information.

  • After getting clear about your money, you might feel a little discouraged,

  • but I'm here to say: Don't let it get you down.

  • It's time to see what you do have and be grateful for what you have.

  • You want to look at your money and think about it in terms of gratitude and

  • abundance.

  • So stop saying, "I don't have that much money.

  • I don't have this much."

  • Tell yourself, "I have this much money.

  • I have abundance."

  • So you want to start cultivating the positive mindset, the abundance mindset.

  • And even though it might not be a lot, it still is something, so be grateful for

  • that something that you have.

  • Be grateful for everything that you already have in your life:

  • your clothes, your home, your computer that you're watching right now,

  • everything you do have is important.

  • So appreciate it and be grateful for it.

  • Alright, the next step to attracting more money into your life in 2018 is to

  • be specific about what you want.

  • It's time to paint your dream life and actually break it down in terms of the

  • money part.

  • So how much money do you want to make in your dream life?

  • How much money supports your dream lifestyle?

  • Maybe write down how much you would need for your dream house,

  • how much money you would need for your dream car and your dream hobbies,

  • your dream vacations.

  • Write down everything that you could possibly think of

  • in your dream life.

  • So you have to paint the picture of what you want

  • and then get specific about how much money you need to support that lifestyle.

  • I believe I first read about this in "The 4-Hour Workweek" by Tim Ferriss.

  • I think he calls it "dreamlining".

  • It's actually financially writing out how much

  • your dream life will cost you.

  • And surprisingly, most of the time you'll realize

  • that your dream life doesn't cost that much.

  • You don't have to make that much money, as much as you thought in your head.

  • The number is gonna be different for everyone, so this is your time to get specific about

  • your life.

  • How much money do you want to attract into your life?

  • Why do you want to attract that money?

  • What is it gonna bring you?

  • What is it gonna support in your life?

  • Now it's time to make a plan on how you're gonna attract this money into your life.

  • So there's only two ways you can get more money.

  • That's 1) Save more, or 2) Make more.

  • It's really as simple as that.

  • So the first way - Save more - is possible for everyone.

  • Basically, all you have to do is get better at budgeting.

  • It's about getting clear about your money, how you're spending, basically

  • just cutting out the excess, seeing where you could spend a little less,

  • seeing where you could make sacrifices.

  • Again, I would recommend the tool YNAB to help you budget and save more.

  • So the second way - Make more - is also possible for everyone,

  • but it depends on where your life situation is.

  • If you have a job that you like and you want to keep, then ways that you can

  • make more are gonna be outside of that job.

  • It's gonna be selling stuff on the side, maybe offering your services to other people

  • as a side business, or maybe just babysitting on the side, Uber-driving on the side.

  • There's a lot of things you can do to make a little extra cash on the side.

  • You just have to be creative and take initiative, and carve out the time to do it.

  • Something random that you could do, that my friends have done to make money in the past,

  • is organizing digital photo albums for moms who are too busy to organize

  • their family photo album.

  • Literally, anything that you can think of, you can do

  • and offer to people and get paid money for it.

  • You just have to put yourself out there.

  • If you are in a job that you don't like, then you have an opportunity here.

  • You can explore, see what else is out there, see if there are other jobs

  • that you like that possibly pay more.

  • See if you could do the same job at a better company,

  • getting paid more.

  • There's other options that you can do to make more money,

  • just by transitioning to a new job or some other situation with your career.

  • Lastly, if you're an entrepreneur or freelancer, then you are lucky

  • because there are a ton of resources out there that will teach you

  • how to make more money.

  • And a lot of stuff out there is free, some are paid courses.

  • But all you have to do is really seek out that information and be willing to learn,

  • be willing to grow, be willing to acquire new skills, or improve your skills

  • and all of that stuff that's related to growing and fine-tuning your business.

  • Whatever your situation, sit down and make a plan on how to actually make it happen.

  • My last tip on attracting more money into your life is to simply trust the universe.

  • Trust that the universe has your back.

  • Trust that the universe is guiding you to exactly where you're meant to go.

  • Trust that you're being protected, because you have to have that faith in the

  • universe, in God, whatever you want to call it,

  • faith in that invisible force that is guiding you along, because a lot of the times,

  • when things go wrong it's because we're leaning on our fear.

  • Maybe you're staying in this current life because you're scared to leave it.

  • You're scared to lose it all.

  • And if you make your decisions based on fear, then you're gonna stay in a very scarce place.

  • You know, the scarcity mindset where the resources are not so abundant.

  • In that state of fear, you operate with this scarcity mindset, the

  • mindset that says "There's not enough to go around, so I have

  • to hold on to what I got and hold it tight."

  • That's the mindset that also believes that, if someone else succeeds,

  • then that's your loss, that there's only a certain pool of resources,

  • and if other people take it, then there's not enough for you and vice versa.

  • But you really have to open up your mind and not live with fear,

  • not live with a scarcity mindset and believe that the universe will protect you

  • and there is more than enough to go around.

  • There's so much abundance in the world.

  • Literally, I truly believe that there are more than enough resources to go around

  • and everybody has the capability to be financially abundant,

  • especially in this day and age where everything's so democratized

  • and everybody has their chance at success.

  • So if you trust in the universe, the universe will bring everything that you

  • need to you and you'll really live in a state of abundance.

  • You'll really start seeing more abundance in your life,

  • if you just shift your mindset, cultivate that more positive, abundance mindset,

  • a mindset of gratitude.

  • So many of those little changes will make a very big difference.

  • And you might not see it immediately, but just stick with it

  • because it's going to happen in the end.

  • Just really believe that you can change your life, really believe

  • that it can happen for you.

  • And pretty soon enough, you'll see change.

  • Bottom line is: Trust in the universe.

  • Live in alignment to your values and your purpose.

  • Follow your light, and stop living in that state of fear.

  • Stop living with the mindset of scarcity.

  • And stop letting your limiting beliefs about money hold you back

  • because we can all be rich, guys.

  • I really believe it.

  • Honestly guys, if you talked to me two years ago and before that,

  • I would not have believed that I could make money with my career and what I'm doing.

  • I really felt like things were happening so slowly, no money was coming in.

  • I just didn't see a lot of money.

  • After graduation, I just never got a real adult job.

  • I was working a lot part-time, freelance gigs that were just barely trickling

  • little bits of income here and there.

  • But now I can honestly, proudly say that I am making a lot of money, more money than

  • I would ever have made if I took a normal job after college.

  • And that's amazing.

  • And it's crazy because now it's a reality for me, and I want

  • to be able to help make it a reality for you.

  • But I know a lot of people are gonna come at me with a lot of "buts" and

  • "You did it because maybe you got help from your parents" or maybe

  • "You're more privileged than me" or "You started off better than me"

  • or "You got an education", all of these excuses.

  • But if you're one of those people saying these excuses, just know that making

  • excuses is disempowering yourself because, like I said earlier - I think it

  • was Step 2 - is you have to take full responsibility for your life.

  • You have to empower yourself and know that you have the power

  • to change your life, no matter where you start in your life.

  • So I think it's important to see all the success stories out there,

  • see that people who started off much worse than you made success.

  • They reached success and so if they could do it, you could too.

  • There's really no excuses for everyone.

  • Obviously, everyone starts out at a different point in the spectrum.

  • Some of us are more blessed than others.

  • But where you start off is not an excuse to where you end up.

  • And I think I'm blessed because I got to see this firsthand

  • with my immigrant parents because my dad came from Communist China.

  • He grew up really dirt poor, literally dirt poor, to the point where

  • one of his aunts died from starvation because she didn't have food to eat.

  • And my mom was a refugee, so she had a life in Vietnam,

  • but when she came here they took everything.

  • They took the business, they took the money.

  • Basically, both of my parents came to America with literally nothing,

  • maybe $20 in their pockets.

  • And they made a life for themselves.

  • I saw so much growth in their life.

  • Just listening to their stories, I cannot believe that they started there,

  • you know what I mean?

  • So seeing all these success stories in your life can really inspire you,

  • really show you that it's real and it's possible for you to create it for yourself.

  • Another example is: Literally, I grew up in this community of a lot of immigrant children.

  • So I see a lot of parents, and seeing the differences in how certain families end up.

  • So they came and started at the same place, with nothing.

  • But seeing in 20 or 30 years, seeing how far some families have gone,

  • the success that some people have reached vs. other families have stayed the same

  • and they're still living, just barely scraping by.

  • That just shows you that it's not where you start, it's really about

  • the mindset, believing that you can change.

  • It's about the journey.

  • It really is about the journey and the journey makes all the difference.

  • So it really is up to you whether you want to stay the same, stay where you are right

  • now, or take that step forward, take your first

  • step forward and make a better life for yourself.

  • So I just want to encourage you to go out there and chase that dream

  • because it's possible.

  • You can attract more money into your life in 2018.

  • Hope you guys liked this video.

  • Thank you so much for watching.

  • Love you all, and have a beautiful day.

  • Bye.

Hi everyone!

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2018年如何吸引更多金錢進入你的生活? (How to Attract More Money Into Your Life in 2018 )

  • 193 9
    Amy.Lin posted on 2021/01/14
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