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  • "Going out with my baby. Going out to -- " Hi. James from Excuse me for a

  • second. Don't mean to make you wait, but I've just got to put down Mr. E because he knows

  • something you don't know about. And what he knows is it's story time. See? He's relaxing,

  • in repose, relaxing. Why? We're going to do some business phrasal verbs, okay? And these

  • business phrasal verbs -- I should explain quickly what a phrasal verb is. It's a two

  • to three-word verb, okay? In which the particle modifies the verb. I prefer to teach particles

  • because usually you know what the verb means. You just want to know how the particle changes

  • it. Right? Cool. So in this case, it's for business because these phrases or phrasal

  • verbs are often used in business. And I want to tell you a story. James is going

  • to tell you a story today. Why a story? I'll tell you the story. I will explain the phrasal

  • verbs, and then you can check after if you understood.

  • One time, a long time ago -- say, year 2000 -- in a country called America -- and for

  • some people who are complaining about me saying "America", "America" is what we call the United

  • States of America because we live in Canada. British people also call it "America". Foreign

  • people, you have a different way of calling our country, so it wouldn't be common for

  • you to know this. So I can also say, in "the United States of America" they decided -- or

  • actually, they figured out how to make more money and do less work, which they thought

  • was brilliant. So they decided to contract out all of the work from their country to

  • foreign countries. When they contracted out all of this work, some of the other American

  • people that still lived there thought that they had really -- they had sold them out.

  • They thought the companies were sellouts and had sold them out. The companies just wanted

  • to sell out all of their products -- sell out of all of their products and wanted to

  • do it as cheaply as possible. Now, because of that, what little workers remained had

  • to work extra, extra hard, and they got burned out. It was really, really terrible, but the

  • companies still wanted to make money -- wanted to roll out new products. Eventually, in the

  • year 2008, all of these companies, including the banks, needed bailouts. And that's when,

  • boys and girls, we paid for all of their decisions that they figured out.

  • Now, some of you are going, "What the heck is this guy talking about?" So the first thing

  • I want to do is go over what does "out" mean. Because, I mean, I know you know "contract"

  • or "figure" or "sell", "burn", but maybe you don't know how they are modified by "out".

  • And this is a business -- business phrasal verbs, so let's go to the board, okay?

  • When we look at "out", you can see the arrow is moving. There's a room or something, a

  • building, and the arrow is moving up this way. So the first one we look at is "outward

  • movement". "Ward" means "direction". So it means "direction out", okay?

  • The second means "not being inside". Duh! (In Canada, "duh" means "stupid". So you don't

  • go "duh" because then I'll think you're stupid.) Anyway. Sorry. "You're stupid." -- correct

  • way of doing it. So it means "not being outside". So if you move outside, then you're not inside.

  • Kind of seems obvious, right? It also means "excluding" because anything

  • that's not in the room is not part of the room. So it's "excluded", "not part of", yeah?

  • "Completing": Well, when you close the door, the room is completed, and there's no access

  • to it, "completing". And "doing thoroughly". Okay, you got me.

  • I don't know why "doing thoroughly". It just means "completing". "Doing thoroughly" is

  • similar to "completing". It means "going through the job completely, in all ways". So when

  • you do something "thoroughly", you do it properly, or you do a complete job. They seem similar.

  • Don't worry. I'll explain. First, let's talk about "contract out". What

  • does that mean? Well, a "contract" -- you'll notice I have a contract up here. It's a document

  • between two or more parties, saying they will work together, "con" meaning "with", and "tract"

  • means to "pull together". Well, when we contracted -- sorry, companies contract work. What it

  • means is to give a job to somebody outside of your company. So it means people in your

  • company don't get the work; you give it to someone else, okay? So in some instances,

  • some companies decided to make other countries make the product, and they would just sell

  • the product. So jobs were lost because it was "contracted out" -- given to another company.

  • Go look in the video on layoffs, which is in "phrasal verbs". You'll like it. I'll explain

  • what a "layoff" is. Next, "figure out". "Figure out" means to

  • -- well you can see here, "doing thoroughly". It means to "go through an idea or a problem

  • completely". Not just parts because when you figure something out, someone might say to

  • you, "How did you figure it out?" And they expect you to say, "Well, I did this, then

  • I did this, then I did this." Right? So you go "thoroughly" through the problem and examine

  • it to get the correct answer. So now, you're going to say something like,

  • "Okay, well, what does it have to do with' selling out'?" Well, if you "sell out" of

  • a product -- which is the first meaning, to "sell out of a product" -- it means there's

  • none left. "Thoroughly", "thoroughly" -- completely gone, nothing left, thorough, right? A "thorough"

  • job is a "complete" job -- nothing left, which is good. So you "sell out", and the pasta

  • is "sold out". The second meaning for "sell out" is this.

  • And I should put this here. It means "not being inside". And you'll notice that I put

  • "not being inside" here so you'll see there's one and two. Well, if you're a "sellout",

  • it means you have values or principals, things you think are true that you must do -- when

  • you're a "sellout", you get rid of those, or you exchange those values for money. So

  • when sometimes companies sell out, or, you know, a rock star he's like, rocking out,

  • and then he goes "Pepsi". You go, "what a sellout". He was a rocker. Then he sold out

  • to get a million dollars from Pepsi. Many of our companies sold out their workers

  • because they wanted to make more money, and the value was, "Deal with America, only America."

  • And they went, "But make it in China 'cause it's cheaper." That was a great American value

  • gone, like, "built in America" -- gone. They "sold out". They were outside of their values

  • because values you must stay in to make them true, all right? So being -- sorry. "Doing

  • thoroughly" is when you sell -- get rid of merchandise, so you've reduced your merchandise.

  • "Not being inside" is when you sell out your values, okay? So you notice we're going through

  • here, and you're going, "Oh, my gosh, James, they match up." Of course. Teaching is what

  • I do. Okay, so the next one we're going to do is

  • -- uh-oh, I forgot to put this one because this is a funny one to be honest. It's a little

  • funny because I have to explain it, so I'm going to do this one last, okay? In business

  • meetings, people will often say, "I would like to point out." If you watch them in court,

  • if you want to be a lawyer, always, "Judge, I would like to point out that my client was

  • a good man and is a good man." And you'll go, "What does he mean just pointing? I don't

  • understand. I see fingers going here and here." "Point out" means two things: No. 1, it means,

  • "I want to -- because there is something in here. I want to make your attention come to

  • -- come to it. Or I want to call your attention to it, so please look at it." The second meaning

  • of "point out" is, "I want to make a comment." So if I say to you, "I would like to point

  • out that yellow doesn't look good", I'm making a comment on my opinion. Or I could say to

  • you, "I would like to point out in section B-14" -- I want you to look at it. It's important

  • you look at it, okay? So "point out" has two meanings, and it means "not being inside".

  • So I'm taking the context, or I'm taking subject or the book we're looking at, and I'm taking

  • that information out so it's not inside, so you can be aware of it.

  • "Burn out": Remember we said the word "completing"? Well, when you "burn yourself out", it means

  • to "be physically or mentally fatigued". In this case it means extremely tired. When you're

  • "burnt out", it means you have no more energy to either think or no more energy to work.

  • Your body is -- it doesn't work anymore, so you're "burnt out". Many athletes after playing

  • many, many years, they're "burnt out"; they cannot do the game anymore. It doesn't work.

  • But to "burn out" at work in -- I think it's called "karoshi" in Japanese. Please correct

  • me if I'm wrong. And basically, workers who die from working -- it's crazy, they work,

  • work, work, work, work. It's like, "What happened to Johnny?" "Karoshi. Ha ha ha ha ha!" Now

  • work! Back to work!" Okay? You need some time off. Also, check that video out. So anyway,

  • "burn out". So we talked about "completing". "Burning the candle" -- no more left, okay?

  • And finally, "not being inside", "rolling out". If any of you have the new -- I must

  • look like a sellout because I keep putting Apple products up here. I didn't buy it -- buy

  • it for that. But if you buy an Apple product, and you're waiting for the newest one to come

  • out, you would say "I'm waiting for it to 'roll out'." It means for the company to launch.

  • "Launch" means "start", so when they're going to "roll out" the new product. And "rolling"

  • is this: It means they're going to start selling the new product. I'm waiting for the company

  • to "roll it out", the Apple 7, or to "launch it". Cool?

  • Now the one I took my time on -- and it was very important in my story -- was "bailout".

  • "Bail" is really funny because "bail" means, in English -- let's say there's lots of water,

  • and you need to move the water. Well, you take what's called a "pail", which is something

  • that looks like this, you know. It's got a little handle. I'm sure you've seen these

  • at your house, right? And then you put it in the water, you get the water, and then

  • you throw the water away. And that's called "bailing", okay? So it's really taking something

  • to move something somewhere else. Confusing? It should be. You take something to move water,

  • which is something, and you put it over there. Why is this important? When you "bail someone

  • out", it means they're in a bad situation, you give them some help or some money to move

  • them out of that situation. See? "Outward movement", moving him out of trouble. My man

  • is drowning. The water is over his head. You need to take the water out so he can -- he

  • can breathe. In the year 2008, something strange happened. Multimillion, multibillion, multitrillion-dollar

  • banks were having trouble. They needed to be "bailed out". That means our governments

  • took money from us -- gave it to them to get them out of trouble. Just saying, okay? But

  • you can also use "bail out" not just for money, but if someone needs help. "Jones and Smith

  • are really busy, and I don't think they have the ability to do the work. We're going to

  • need to 'bail them out'". Okay, that means, "help them".

  • Remember the story -- how I talked about bailing out the banks, and they contracted out work?

  • Now, go quiz yourself, right? What's "burn out"? What's "roll out"? Go to -- I just love

  • writing this down for people, especially people who hate this part. Excuse me, Mr. E. Go to

  •, "eng" as in "English", "vid" as in "video", Okay? I'm sure you can figure

  • out how to do it. Unlike other people, we don't contract out the work here. We do it

  • ourselves, okay? And I ain't no sellout because Apple has not paid me. I want my ducats. I

  • want my dollars. Maybe we'll explain one day "ducats" and "dollars". It's another word

  • for "money" if you're a rap guy, okay? Anyway, have a good one. Take care. Mr. E, you sellout.

  • I know you, trying to roll out a product behind my back. Just pointing it out, son, just pointing it out.

"Going out with my baby. Going out to -- " Hi. James from Excuse me for a

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"OUT "短語動詞 - 商務英語 ("OUT" Phrasal Verbs - Business English)

  • 624 129
    吳秉恆 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary