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hi everybody this is Jennifer from Tarle speech and language with your
大家好,我是來自 塔爾語言學校的詹妮弗
question of the week today's question is how do I pronounce the words pour and
本週問題 今天的問題是 "倒 "和 "潑 "這兩個字怎麼讀?
pool let's take a look at these words the word pour is a verb and it means to
讓我們來看看這些詞 pour 是動詞,意思是 "倒"。
take liquid and put it from one vessel into the other poo is an adjective that
把液體從一個容器 是一個形容詞,表示
means lacking in something and pool is a body of water typically in your backyard
意思是缺少什麼,而水池是 水體,通常位於後院
or at a community where kids go swimming in the summer so good news here two
words are pronounced exactly the same pour and poor the word pool is going to
單詞發音完全相同 倒"(pour)和 "窮"(poor)這兩個詞要
be pronounced differently so let's take a look at poor first think of
的發音不同,所以 讓我們先來看看 "差 "的發音。
this word as two sounds p and or make sure for the or part of the word that you
該單詞有兩個讀音 p 和 or,請確保您能讀出該單詞的 or 部分。
round your lips and then you pull them back for the er poor for the next word pool
繞過你的嘴脣,然後把它們 然後你把嘴脣拉回來,因為下一個詞的 "窮 "字池
think of three sounds again start with the P and then we're going to move to
再想三個音,從 P 開始 P 開始,然後我們要轉到
the ew vowel I think this is where people get confused because the words
我認為這就是 人們感到困惑的地方,因為這些詞
look exactly the same at the beginning so if you look back here poor that looks
一開始看起來一模一樣 所以,如果你回頭看,這裡看起來很可憐
pretty similar to pool here's the difference and the trick to make these
與泳池非常相似 區別和製作竅門
words sound different end this word with an L sound by touching the tip of your
單詞讀音不同 用你的
tongue to the back of your top front teeth pool okay so let's look at the
把舌頭伸到上前牙的後面 好了,讓我們來看看
differences pour and pool if you are a person who confuses the R and the L
如果您是一個 混淆 R 和 L 的人
sounds be sure that for the R sound at the end of this word your tongue is down
音時,要確保這個單詞末尾的 R 舌尖向下
and away from your top teeth and for the L sound make sure that you touch your
並遠離你的上排牙齒,發出 L音時,確保觸摸到你的
teeth okay let's give those a try poor poor poor pool pool pool and in a
牙 好吧,讓我們試試這些可憐的 可憐的水池
sentence the poor dog fell into the pool if you liked this video please give us a
可憐的狗狗掉進了水池 如果您喜歡這段視頻,請給我們
like below and share it with a friend don't forget to subscribe so you never
在下面點贊並與朋友分享 別忘了訂閱,這樣你就永遠不會
miss a lesson and if you have any questions we love to hear from you leave
如果您有任何 如果您有任何問題,我們很樂意聽取您的意見。
them in the comment section below and as always visit us at
the link is below and there you can check out our blog and get products to
鏈接如下,您可以 查看我們的博客並獲取產品
really help you along your way with better pronunciation best of luck
真正幫助你的道路 更好的發音 祝你好運