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*Music playing*
Wengie: Hey guys, it's Wengie, and, unicorn hugs!
Wengie: So, since you guys requested more pranks, today, we're gonna be doing some pranks with candy,
and, right now, I'm running a Mac-Book Air giveaway!
Wengie: So, if you guys want to enter, all you need to do is,
join this wonderful family, here, welcome guys,
and, the only, other thing, you need to do, is,
subscribe to my second channel, ReactiCorns, which is linked down below.
Also, the bell for notifications, and, hashtag #notificationsquad, in the comment section,
if you guys want a shout-out, all the instructions are down below in the description box.
Also, today, we have a like challenge!
Mia's gonna challenge you to go, find the like button,
and click it in three seconds. Ready guys? 3,2,1; have you done it? Awesome!
Wengie: Now, let's get on with the videos, let's go!
*Music playing*
Wengie: Hey, Wendy!
Wendy: Hey, Wengie!
Wengie: Why, the long face?
*Music playing*
Wendy: I've been, working on this science problem, I've been, researching it all day, I don't get it!
*Music playing*
Wengie: Hmm, maybe, you just need to eat some food!
*Music playing*
Wendy: Yep, maybe, I do!
Wengie: Here!
Wendy: Oh, thanks, Wengie, you're a lifesaver!
*Music playing*
Wengie: This may, or, may not be a prank, depending, if you like liquorice.
I don't mind it, but, I know, some people can't stand the taste, so, let me know, if you guys like it or not, in the comments!
*Music playing*
Wengie: Anyways, I found, that just by cutting these liquorice sticks into thin disks,
and then, shaping them with your fingers, they end up
looking, super, similar, to those brown M&Ms,
so I just, took out all the brown M&Ms, an, replace them with these,
and it's best to offer these, when your friend is just, stressed about something else!
*Music playing*
Wendy: Thanks, Wengie, you're a lifesaver!
*Music playing*
Wendy: Mmmmmm!
Wendy: Oh!
Wendy; This tastes like liquorice!
*Music playing*
Wendy: Ohh, I hate liquorice!
*Music playing*
*Music playing*
Wendy: Wengie!
*Music playing*
Wendy: Wengie, it's 9am, you gotta, get up!
*Music playing*
Wendy: Wengie, where are you?
*music playing*
Wendy: Wengie, what did I say about sleeping on the couch?
*Music playing*
Wengie: But, it's so, comfy!
*Music playing*
Wendy: Well, get out, you'll be late for school!
Wendy: Here, I made you, breakfast!
*Music playing*
Wengie: Oohh, looks good, thanks, Wendy!
Wendy: By the way, try the Himalayan rock salt, it's really good!
Wengie: Really, awesome!
*Music playing*
Wengie: Let's eat!
*Music playing*
Wengie: All you need for this prank is some pink, popping candy,
and, Himalayan rock salt, this pink variety of salt, looks super, similar to pink, popping candy!
Wengie: So, just twist off the lid of your salt grinder,
and put some candy in, and, your victim will be in for a funny surprise!
*Music playing*
Wengie: Bon appetite!
*Music playing*
Wengie: Mmmm!
Wengie: Umm! What's happening?
Wengie: It tickles!
*Music playing*
Wendy: Hey Wengie, guess what day it is!
Wengie: Oh no, I forgot your birthday!
*Music playing*
Wendy: You even, forgot my birthday, last month!
*Music playing*
Wengie: Ahh, my birthday!
Wendy: How do you not even know your own birthday?
*Music playing*
Wengie: Okay, fine, I give up!
*Music playing*
Wendy: It's the three-year anniversary of the day we went to Disneyland together!
Wengie: What is that, even a thing, people celebrate?
Wendy: No, we can make it, a thing!
Wendy: And, to celebrate, I bought you a cupcake, enjoy!
*Music playing*
Wendy: That was weird!
Wengie: Oh well, free cupcake!
*Music playing*
Wengie: For this cupcake prank, you'll need some citric acid, or, tartaric acid,
which are both, super, sour powders, that you can find in most supermarkets,
and, don't underestimate these, guys, I tasted a tiny bit, and, it was super, sour!
Wengie: You'll also need some frosting,
just scoop out some frosting into a bowl, and, mix in a good amount of sour powder!
*Music playing*
Wengie: Then, just transfer it into a piping bag,
and, pipe it onto your cupcake. You can even add a few sprinkles to make it look super convincing!
*Music playing*
Wengie: Free cupcake!
*Music playing*
Wengie: Umm, ahhhhhh! It's so, sour!
*Music playing*
Wengie: Wendy!
*Music playing*
Wengie: Umm, I love gummy bears!
Wendy: Me too, I'd offer you some, but, this is my last packet, so, um, yeah!
Wengie: Well, that's okay, I've got my own!
*Music playing*
Wendy: Wow, you got a jumbo one!
*Music playing*
Wendy: Yeah, it was limited edition, nothing, special!
*Music playing*
Wengie: Okay, how about I swap you all of my gummies for your jumbo one?
*Music playing*
Wengie: Ummmm, okay!
Wengie: Yes!
*Music playing*
Wendy: Hmmm, jumbo gummy!
*Music playing*
Wengie: This jumbo gummy bear might look tasty, but, we've added a special ingredient, just for Wendy.
That's right, it's hot sriracha sauce, so, for this DIY, you'll need some strawberry
or, any red, jelly, some gelatine, and, of course, your sriracha sauce.
And, you also need a mold to pour your gummy into,
and, I was, originally, gonna, make one using this mold, magic, but, I randomly, had this giant, gummy, candy at home,
so, I figured, I'd just use the package, instead!
Wengie: First step is to, pour your jelly into some hot water to melt it all!
Wengie: Next, add some sriracha sauce into it, how much you add, will depend on how evil you're feeling, that day!
*Music playing*
Wengie: Next, add three tablespoons of powder gelatin, and,
boil all of it in a pot, until the gelatin is dissolved!
Wengie; For my mould, I use a little blue tac, to plug the part, where the stick was,
because we don't want any liquid, getting in there!
Wengie: Now, pour your mixture into your mould,
and, let it sit overnight, or, in the fridge for a few hours!
*Music playing*
Wengie: When it's set, just remove it from the mould, and, you're done!
*Music playing*
Wengie: Looks pretty, tasty, right!
*Music playing*
Wendy: Hmm, jumbo gummy!
Wendy: Hmmm!
*Music playing*
Wendy: Hmm!
*Music playing*
Wendy: Oh, this is, this is hot, oh, water, give me water!
*Music playing*
Wengie: Whoops, sorry, I drank all the water!
*Music playing*
Wendy: Given me enough!
*Music playing*
Wengie: This salty worm prank is so, simple to set up, it's like taking candy from a baby!
Wengie: Just take some cooking salt, and, pour it all over your sour gummy.
Sometimes, the best pranks are the easiest to pull off!
*Music playing*
*Music playing*
Wendy: Hmm!
Wendy: Umm, ugh, what's wrong with these?
*Music playing*
Wendy: Wengie!
*Music playing*
Wengie: So, I hope you enjoyed this video,
and all the pranks that we did, don't forget to tell me your favourite one is, down below,
and, let's have a look on what happened on ReactiCorns, this week!
*Music playing*
Max: Ahhh!
Wengie: A sponge, washing dishes!
Max: Haha!
Wengie: With a sponge, by the way!
Max: Oh, my god!
Wengie: It just, uses its own face!
Wengie: Wait!
Wengie: And a huge shout-out to my #notificationsquad member of the week,
and, my #wengiecorn of the week, also,
during the week, follow me on social medias,
for the behind-the-scenes, and, other, fun things,
and, until next week, I'm gonna miss you guys, so much, I'll see you guys then.
Bye guys, love you!