Wengie: so, this hack is supposed to make, peeling a hard-boiled egg, easy, all you need, is a jar, some water, and, a hard-boiled egg, or, just like, a tiny, bit of water in like, we don't want a lot, and then, you, just, want to pop your hard-boiled egg in, take it, kind of hot enough, to smack the edges, around a bit, okay, so, first tip, find an airtight jar, okay, it's also, breaking apart, oh, the yolk's out, the water is murky, it is easy to peel, look at that, but, our egg is a bit, broken, okay guys, I'm gonna, try this again, it had lots of promise, seal it up, see that, you peel off, a bit, alright, let's try this, cyclone method, seems to be working, this looks promising, guys, ahh, okay, do it, ohhhh!