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  • This is Jack, again.

  • So, Anu was sitting with the Sirians and the Serpents, and he presented them with the opportunity.

  • I hear the saying usuallyonce in a lifetime,” but this is a once in EXISTENCE opportunity.

  • He said to them the following: “This is my plan. We design these physical vessels,

  • and we enslave the Atlanteans within it. But I realized we have another problem. What about

  • all the other planets? What about all the other races? If we are going to enslave the

  • Atlanteans (who most in existence respect, who most in existence trust, ask for advice,

  • ask for wisdom, ask for insight), we have to go about this strategically. My plan is

  • the following: I designed this physical vessel form. This planet has my gold on it. It is

  • MY gold. I require that gold to exist and to survive. There is no way my race will become

  • extinct just because Atlanteans don't understand what it means to survive and to what means

  • I will go to make sure I survive, to make sure I exist infinitely. I understand that

  • this planet and all that exists within it will become a manifested form; and I know,

  • if we move fast, that this physical form will become as manifested, together with it. It

  • is made exactly as the image and likeness of this planet life force. It IS it, just

  • a smaller replica of it, and it's made out of the same essence. The systems placed in

  • by the Sirians will allow the Atlanteans to be trapped in this physical form vessel; and

  • that's all we actually need. I will exist here on this planet, the Sirians will exist

  • here on this planet, and the Serpents will exist here on this planet, until we return.”

  • So, the Sirians and the Serpents looked at him, and they said to Anu, “How? How is

  • that going to work?”

  • Anu said, “Have a look. We have these vessels in physical form. We have the Atlanteans now

  • to inhabit these physical forms and power these systems inside it; but we need to have

  • them be our slaves, our actual slaves that do exactly what we want them to do.”

  • Now, this is where Marduk comes in. Marduk was the one who programmed the Sirians'

  • systems inside the human physical form that Anu, Enki, and Enlil developed.

  • In terms of Anu existing and manifesting actually here on this Earth, it would be through the

  • evolution of the systems inside the physical vessel, which become the Atlanteans. So, what

  • were the Atlanteans actually? They were placed in to exist infinitely on this Earth, to develop

  • and evolve the systems inside the physical human form as Anu, as the Sirians. So, let's

  • say that the Atlanteans were actually the life force, were to become the life force

  • of the birth of Anu in this manifested world/planet inside the physical human form, toexist,”

  • tobecome alive.” So, through these systems that evolve, through these systems of the

  • Atlanteans inside the physical form, Anu will manifest in this world.

  • So, the Sirians and the Serpents ask, “But how are we going to do this?”

  • Anu realized, “Okay, how am I exactly going to manifest in this world? How will I manifest

  • through the systems that have been placed inside the physical form vessel, with the

  • Atlanteans becoming thelife essenceof the systems to manifest me eventually in

  • this world?”

  • Then, the Sirians had another brilliant idea. They said, “Right. Firstly, you're going

  • to have to make the Atlanteans (within this physical form vessel, powering these systems)

  • believe that they ARE these systems I've placed in as you, as us; and they will BECOME

  • these systems we've placed in. Then, in the becoming of these systems, all the physical

  • human form vessels (with the Atlanteans within) will become US.” Now, this is only the Sirians

  • and Anu--will become THEM. “Then, we have to find a method, a way, to once again--when

  • this planet is prepared with all the Atlanteans inside the physical human form as the becoming

  • of these systems--to enter again and just program these systems in ONE moment, so that

  • we may manifest our kingdom here on Earth.”

  • Now, this is also the moment where there became conflict with the Serpents; but in terms of

  • the major 'blowout' of the Serpents, it only continued later, after the Serpents assisted

  • with the design of the animal kingdom and the dinosaur race. The Serpents basically

  • designed the dinosaurs in their most primitive form, their most primitive expression. Also,

  • such animals were designed in the image and likeness of this planet.

  • To me, if I look at it, 'Anu and them' didn't understand creation. What they did

  • was not creation. Creation, to me, is unexplained; it is an expression. Because, if you look

  • at the planet, just bursting with expressions (which we callnaturetoday, but it

  • didn't look like this exactly), just a living essence (which is not able to be explained),

  • expressing itself into an expression of creation (which is already here). What Anu did was


  • This is Jack.

  • I'll continue in my next interview.

  • Thanks.

This is Jack, again.

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