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Um who are we playing again? Playing Jinx, right?
Jinx in the jungle with the new skin Ambitious Elf Jinx. That's actually kind of an interesting name. I like it.
*Intro music*
We good
Alright dude so Ambitious Elf Jinx check it out boys
Uh wait uh. Wait what the heck is that? Oh she's got elf ears and everything dude
What is this?
Let's train dude
That's actually pretty cool. I like that that is pretty neat all right cool. Let's check out the recall real quick since we got time
That is sick
That is really cool
Don't run over the Penguins. Aw, thought she was gonna run them over
All right, dude her hat is so long what the heck. What kind of Santa hat is this?
Okay, let's go let's gank
Let me skip this sad song first no Bible fun allowed. Alright what's up teeto
Let's get'em! Wait what the heck am I doing
Whoa my brothers and sisters the monkeys
Look at them there
I love that E actually it's so cool. You know what's funny about Jinx jungle?
Is Jinx jungle was actually the first thing I did on my twitch channel that like really kick-started like
This stream like literally like when Jinx first got released. That's when my stream like kinda started like getting bigger pretty insane dude
Wait what's on my back? What is that his eyeballs?
What is that thing? Oh? That's my gun? Oh what the heck
It's so weird
What the heck dude that is so creepy?
That's what like got people watching this stream
Like why is this challenger idiot playing Jinx in the jungle dude?
I'm here bro! I got my eyeball thing
Okay that W it landed the E it landed. Okay, KS in the chat boys KS
You got popular playing versus Silvers
Oh really, I didn't know I got popular playing versus you
You get it? cuz your a bunch of silvers talking trash in twitch chat?
Anyway um
No, I was actually Jinx in the jungle in challenger buddy in challenger
Alright let's go get red buff and gank, gunk. I'm gonna gunk somebody real hard here dude. Oh god
Okay Alright
Oh god
We good boys
Are we gucci?
Get outta my jungle
Literally get out of my jungle seriously
CY@ stop saying she why at shine? It's CY@. You know I saw a meme the other day
I'm gonna retweet it actually you guys know the brain meme
See you
Monkey brain. See ya, eh human brain
CYA, like that, get a little smarter
CY@, next level, out of this world
Right sweet, she why at shine, get your she why at shine outta here dude
Your just jealous that I have a 200 solid IQ right now
okay, you know what let's kill this while we're waiting
I mean, it's a good idea.
Wait I got this I got this I got this
Should I just guess
Aw f*ck I can't believe you've done this.
BOOM We got her boys
Sign me up for FaZe Clan, let's go dude
My ult is already back up. That's pretty nice
Hold on 72 seconds not bad at all. Let's avoid the bush. I'm pretty sure this is a shroom there
Oh, we hit a shroom anyway. Oh oh
Oh the monkeys!
Yes, and I got a kill finally whoa so many shrooms wait yo, is this gonna, will this kill em?
What if that'll kill em should I go for it? I'm gonna go for it here. We go.Boom. Oh another one another one ladies and gentlemen
Oh I hit em, I actually hit em!
Didn't kill em though dude
Why the rageblade? cuz I went uh lethal tempo
So I really want that rageblade for that extra attack speed oh
Okay alright, you're dead see ya
Wait a second wait a ready ready watch. He's gonna Q. He's gonna Q. He's gonna Q. And then right here right here ready and
Wait you knew he knew
Okay, I'm actually trolling you guys
We got him boys we got him anyway
Dude I thought he was gonna Q over the wall I thought he was gonna be clever like a poggers play dude all right, let's actually go uh
Let's, I don't want to finish ie right away. I don't think it's smart wait what am I building?
Wait a second my build's kinda stupid
Are you crazy? Are you out of your mind? like finish an item first bro? What are you doing? You building seven items at the same time?
Wait do you think I can kill this guy see if like I just don't have the damage
I just don't got the damage for it, but I'll try anyway cuz sometimes
Sometimes you have to try to exceed your limits
Oh you got zhonyas right you good you good you good you good you good right there right there what yes teamwork
Wait a second I got him I got him bro none should worry
Genius level. Here's like my little little train. Choo, choo
Boom the infinity edge completed, and then I think we should go hurricane right hurricane and then statik that'll be really nice
Noiseu, what's the ulti cooldown dude? So low feel like it's always up
Okay, let's go
I got flash coming up dude. Oh, we got the little rat thingy. Okay wait. That's actually the rat thingy like literally
Yeap, that's me. You're probably wondering how I ended up in this situation
Oh flash flash flash*basically repeats flash because he physically can't flash*
Come on
Oh I played that like a moron
Oh no
Dude I kind of one just keep farming until I get my items.
Is that bad? Yeah, also do a top get a hurricane. I like that idea
That's a good idea cuz once I get hurricane dude that is the pentakill item
Get this red buff
We do damage now dude beat your damage now
Let me in there boys put me in coach, okay ready?
Oh should my ulti disengage dude that blitzcrank gonna get so fast. That's scary
I know. I just had to w there Oh
Got em that's two - let me get the third
Wait let me get it dang it man
Oh man Heimer tried to let me get it
Alright whatever, dude
I'm just keeping my rageblade stacks up
It's so important to keep those rageblade stacks up dude because people don't expect your damage when you have them
Let me get up
Should we end?
Can we end?
Oh bye bye teeto
Oh Oh I got em
I got two
Right that's pretty good kiting dang
Dude she's so tanky why are supports so unkillable this meta?
Oh my gosh see their so unkillable
Ran out of minions
All right, let's get let's get statik shiv well
Do you guys think statik shiv or rapid fire I'm gonna go statik shiv. Yeah, let's do statik shiv dude more damage
All right boys it's time for the Penta now now. It's serious time
Now I'm serious, dude
Get away from me you freak. I'm out of here, dude
Okay we're fine okay now. Can we kill the great boss the raid boss Leona?
We got her
Wait dude someone took my Quadra alright whatever man
Come here, Kayn get over here dude wait what was my attack speed did you guys catch my attack speed there?
And we Gucci boys, we Gucci fam alright GG boys
Yeah, I think maybe some armor shred could've helped a bit this game, it's all good though GG
Not bad not bad. I really like the skin. No. It's really nice
Finally done trying out subbing for this video might have made mistakes here and there but pls forgive me :D