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Hey, guys! So I don't know if it's just me, but I feel like lately
a lot of people have been a lot ruder to other people than they
have been in the past.
Ruder. Ruder.
I'm ruder, but he's ruder.
Ruder--What? Why does that sound so weird?
Quick little spell check...ruder...nope!
No squiggly red lines, so it must be a real word!
Don't act like you guys don't do that.
But anyway, I've kind of noticed that people in general
seem to be getting ruder. More
I feel like, growing up, I didn't witness nearly
as many rude people as I do now.
Then again, I did grow up in Hawaii, and if you're rude there,
most of the time you just get beat up.
I mean, I guess beating up people is a little rude too, but I mean..
Off topic!
Anyway, I feel like the world is becoming a more and more hateful
and negative place lately.
For example, I was at the coffee shop the other day and I witnessed
a guy who slipped and kinda spilled some coffee on another guy,
who reacted pretty rudefully.
Oh! I'm so sorry.
What the f*ck's your problem, bro?!
Yes, if someone spills anything on you it's pretty upsetting,
but you don't have to go and curse them out.
And then, another day, I was at the gym-- it was actually a while back
'cause I was at the gym-- clearly, you know, I don't even lift, bro.
I was walking by these two fairly attractive girls
and being the nosy person that I am, I was kind of ease-dropping
on their conversation.
And basically they were talking about another girl that they were
looking at that was on a treadmill.
Do you see what she's wearing?!
- You do not come in the gym like that. - Mmm-mmm.
Hasn't she ever heard of shaving?
And then most recently, which pretty much inspired me
to make this video, I had to go to a place where there's nothing but
built up anger, frustration, and just all around rudeness and hate
throughout the entire facility.
I said next!
If you're a driver, you know exactly what I'm talking about.
But you get the point.
I mean, I get it. Everyone has bad days, including myself.
I mean, I'm not gonna lie, sometimes I do feel like pushing
back the guy who bumped into me on a crowded street,
or yelling at a waitress who brought me the wrong order
after making me wait an hour, or even flipping off a guy
who cut me off in traffic.
But then I think of a model that I kind of made up and it's helped me
be a much more friendly and positive person.
And we all know all the generic things we heard growing up:
Be nicer to others or treat people how you want to be treated.
But those sayings are so vague and overused that the moment
something bad happens, or if we're having a bad day,
we just completely forget about it.
Which is why I created a new campaign that is even more
straight-forward and hopefully a little less forgettable.
The "Treat People Like They're Dyeing" campaign.
I know it might sound a little negative, but it's the complete opposite.
If everybody treated each other as if they were dyeing,
people would be friendlier and more forgiving.
For example, if you knew a guy was dyeing and he accidentally
spilled coffee on you, I guarantee that you would not yell at him
and you would not curse him out.
Seriously, don't worry about it. It's just a shirt.
Most people would not yell at a guy who's dyeing.
The world would have less mean girls because no one talks
crap behind a dyeing person's back.
She's so inspirational!
Seriously, she's so brave.
In general, people would just be nicer to each other.
Hi! So sorry to keep you waiting. What can I do for you?
But not only will people be nicer to each other,
but when people realize that they're dyeing,
a lot of times that's when people live life to its fullest.
No longer will people have to put off all the things
they wanted to do in life.
No longer will people have to wait until their father's death bed
to hear the words, "I've always been proud of you, my son."
No longer will people wait to chase after their real dreams.
Some people may know their expiration date and some don't,
but in reality we're all dyeing right now
because none of us live forever.
Every second of every day we're one step closer to death.
And I think it's about time we started treating each other like it.
So the next time someone does something bad or upsetting to you
and you feel like responding negatively, just remember:
If you want to make this world a better place, spread the positivity.
Treat people like they're dyeing.
(inspirational music)
Let's make the world a more positive place...
Treat people like they're dyeing...
The hell?! That was so bad. That was so cheesy.
- This entire video was so-- - I'm dyeing.
Inspirational! I wish I had that kind of courage.