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  • Welcome to the Arc de Triomphe; one of Paris and France's most famous monuments. The Arc


  • is located in the middle of Place de Gaulle, the large circular square and the biggest


  • traffic center in Paris. The place, previously known as "Place de l'Etoile", is also called

    巴黎的交通中心。這個地方以前被稱為 "伊託瓦廣場"(Place de l'Etoile"),現在也被稱為 "伊託瓦廣場"。

  • "the Star Square", due to the fact that no less than twelve streets emanates from it.


  • Standing at the end of Champs-Elysées, the Arc is said to link the old Paris and the


  • new Paris, as it is situated between the Louvre on one side, and the financial district with


  • its skyscrapers on the other side. So why was the Arc de Triomphe built in the


  • first place? Not surprisingly, it was built in order to honor military victories. It was


  • commissioned by Emperor Napoleon after his decisive victory of the Russo-Austrian army


  • in the battle of Austerlitz in 1806. As this was during the peak of his fortunes, Napoleon

    在 1806 年的奧斯特利茨戰役中。由於當時正值拿破崙的巔峰時期,拿破崙

  • wanted something to honor, not only the victory at Austerlitz, but also his previous victories.


  • The construction of the Arc began quickly, but the construction process proved to be


  • a long one. Laying the foundations alone took two years. Napoleon never got to see the Arc


  • finished, due to his defeat in the battle of Waterloo 1815. After Napoleon lost the

    由於在 1815 年的滑鐵盧戰役中戰敗,拿破崙的戰爭結束了。拿破崙在

  • battle, he was forced to surrender his throne, and the victorious Coalition force which defeated


  • him installed Louis XVIII in his place. The new king had Napoleon exiled and the construction


  • of the Arc stopped. The construction later began again in 1833 during the reign of Louis-Philippe

    在路易-菲利普統治時期的 1833 年,凱旋門工程再次開工。後來,在路易-菲利普統治時期(1833 年)又開始修建。

  • and was completed 1836. The result is what you can see today; a near 50m high and 45m

    1836 年竣工。這就是您今天看到的結果:一座近 50 米高、45 米長的 "碉堡"。

  • wide masterpiece. It is one of the largest Arc of Triumph in the world, placing second,


  • only beaten by the Arc in Pyongyang, North Korea.


  • The monument was designed by the French architect Jean Chalgrin in 1806. Chalgrin later died

    紀念碑由法國建築師讓-夏爾格林(Jean Chalgrin)於 1806 年設計。沙爾格林後來去世

  • in 1811, and during the construction process a number of other architects carried out his

    1811 年,在建築過程中,其他幾位建築師繼承了他的設計理念。

  • work. The design of the Arc is inspired by the Roman Arch of Titus, located in Rome,


  • but in a more Neo-classical style. As you can see, the Arc is stacked with wonderful


  • reliefs and sculptures. If you take a look on the outside of the arc,


  • above the large vault, you will see the richly sculptured frieze of soldiers which pictures


  • scenes from various battles. Among them are Napoleons victory over the Turkish in the

    各種戰役的場景。這些場景包括拿破崙在 "矛與盾 "戰役中戰勝土耳其人的場景。

  • battle of Aboukir and when Napoleon defeated the Austrians during the Battle of Austerliz.


  • Above this, you can see a row of shields. These shields honor the major Revolutionary


  • and Napoleonic military victories, as each one of the 30 shields carries the name of

    和拿破崙時期的軍事勝利,因為 30 塊盾牌上每一塊都刻有

  • a specific battle. If you later take a look at the inside walls of the Arc, you will see


  • a long list of names. This list is the names of French generals. If you look closely, you


  • will see that some of the names are underlined. This indicates that the general died in battle.


  • Also inscribed, on the shorter sides of the four supporting columns, are the names of


  • the major battles of the Napoleonic Wars. The most prominent feature of the Arc is however


  • the large statues which rests at the base of the columns. If you're looking from Champs-Elysées,


  • you will have the most famous one on the right side; "Departure of the Volunteers of '92"


  • commonly called "La Marseillaise". This sculpture was made by François Rude and depicts the

    俗稱 "馬賽曲"。這座雕塑由弗朗索瓦-魯德(François Rude)製作,描繪了

  • French people rallying against enemies from abroad. The citizens, who you can see is it


  • both nude and in classical armor, are united under the Roman goddess of war, Bellona.


  • One the left side you can see "The Triumph", made by Jean-Pierre Cortot. In the middle

    在左側,您可以看到讓-皮埃爾-科爾託(Jean-Pierre Cortot)製作的 "凱旋(The Triumph")。中間

  • you will see Napoleon, as he just conquered another town who surrenders at his feet. You


  • will also see the Roman goddess of victory, Victoria, crowning Napoleon with a crown of


  • wreath. In the back you can also see a historian, inscribing his new conquering into a stone


  • tablet. On the opposite side of "The Triumph", that


  • is the side of the Arc looking away from Champs-Elysées, you will find "Resistance". This sculpture

    在凱旋門面向香榭麗舍大街的一側,您會看到 "抵抗 "雕塑。這座雕塑

  • shows a naked soldier defending his family, urged on by the Roman goddess of future, Antevorte.


  • The last sculpture of the four is called "Peace". It shows a man show puts his sword back into

    四座雕塑中的最後一座名為 "和平"。它表現的是一個男人將劍放回劍鞘的情景。

  • his scabbard, under the protection of Minerva, the Roman warrior goddess. Behind the man


  • you can see the peasants going back to their ordinary daily work. Since the fall of Napoleon


  • in 1815, this sculpture has been interpreted as a celebration of the peace that followed

    這座雕塑被解釋為慶祝 1815 年之後的和平。

  • his defeat. Beneath the Arc you will also find an interesting


  • grave. This grave provides the final rest for one of the many unidentified soldiers


  • who died during the First World War. It is known as the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.


  • On the grave a flame burns in memory of the dead, not only for this man, but for all unidentified


  • dead soldiers who lost their lives in during the two World Wars. The coffin was put in


  • its final resting place on 28 January 1921. On top of the grave you can read the inscription

    1921 年 1 月 28 日安息。在墳墓的頂部,您可以讀到碑文

  • "ICI REPOSE UN SOLDAT FRANÇAIS MORT POUR LA PATRIE 1914--1918" which means "Here lies


  • a French soldier who died for his fatherland 1914--1918". In 1961, the US President, John

    一名為祖國獻身的法國阿兵哥,1914--1918"。1961 年,美國總統約翰

  • F. Kennedy paid his respect at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, accompanied by French


  • President and war hero Charles de Gaulle. Throughout the years, the Arc has been the


  • place of many other major event and national celebrations. In 1840, Napoleon's body passed

    這裡還是許多其他重大事件和國家慶典的舉辦地。1840 年,拿破崙的遺體逝世。

  • under the Arc on its way to its second and final resting place at Les Invalides. There

    在前往第二個也是最後一個安息之地榮軍院(Les Invalides)的途中,它從凱旋門下穿過。那裡

  • has also been many famous victory marches under the Arc, including the Prussians in


  • 1871 and the French defeat in the Franco-Prussian war, the French in 1918 after the First World


  • War, the Germans in 1940 as they conquered Paris and the French and Allied forces again

    戰爭,1940 年德軍攻佔巴黎,法國和盟軍再次攻佔巴黎。

  • in 1944 and 1945. Today, the Arc de Triomphe is visited my millions


  • of people each year. If you haven't already, I recommend you take a closer look at the


  • arc by going through the underpass. It is also possible to enter the top, which will


  • give you a great view over central Paris.


Welcome to the Arc de Triomphe; one of Paris and France's most famous monuments. The Arc


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