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>> Hilah: Hey there! I am Hilah, and welcome to Hilah Cooking! Today I am going to show
you how to make Indian frybread, AKA, Navajo frybread, and it’s BFF, Indian tacos, AKA,
Navajo tacos, and if you know what these things are, you are either getting really excited
right now, or you’re getting ready to tell me I’m doing it all [bleep] wrong, but if
you don’t know what I am talking about, then pay attention because we’re about to
get a history lesson too. What? Oh, yeah. Learning.
[Indian Tacos Recipe]
>> Hilah: Alright, first we are going to make our dough, and I’ve just got some dry ingredients
here and some milk and some water, and these were invented in the internment camps, like
in the 1860s when the U.S. government was pushing all the Navajo out of their territory
and making them go live in basically like concentration camps I guess, and then they
made this to eat with the government rations that they had that was like flour and lard
and powdered milk. I’d never heard of these before. Chris took me to Oklahoma and we had
them at the state fair, but they are like a huge deal there, and they’re delicious,
so anyway, now they’ve become kind of like part of the, I don’t know, the lexicon of
the cuisine there. Ok, so we don’t want to knead it, this is similar to the tortillas
that we made before, but not quite the same thing, so get the hands floured. [PAUSE] Get
four chunks out of this. So, just start patting it out. Don’t want to make them too thin,
and we’re just keeping this like, it’s a real tender little dough here. Ok, now that’s
it, like, we’re pretty much done. I am going to turn around to the fryer and we are going
to fry them in some oil, not lard, lard would be more traditional I guess. Alright, I know
my oil’s hot when I put a little wooden spoon in there and it starts fizzing. You
want it to about 350, and delicately place my little frybread with my hands because I’m
living on the edge. You just want to lift up the edges to make sure your bottom is getting,
make sure your bottom is getting browned, and this will just take like two minutes.
Alright, and then once it’s nice and tenderly browned, we are going to carefully flip it,
and it does that, so beware, careful of yourself. Wear a shirt if you can help it, some shoes
too is good. Yup, alright, check it out. We have got an Indian taco here. So, I want to,
I have got a little bowl with some towels in it. I am just going to kind of prop this
upright to drain while I keep frying the rest of them. Oh, hell! You little bugger. So this
could be served for breakfast like with honey on top of it, and then it’s just like frybread,
and but to make a taco, I’ve got some beans. I think it’s always whole beans, like, not
ever refried beans, so throw some of them on, and then I’ve got my taco meat that
I just made, the same recipe that I used in the crispy taco video. I am actually using
bison in this one, just, well, that’s, I don’t know, whatever, keeping it real I
guess, some cheese, and then some tomatoes, some lettuce. Dude, it’s kind of, kind of
hard to eat here, and then like some pickled jalapenos if you want, some hot sauce. You
could put sour cream on it, and I guess you could put whatever you want on it, but this
is how I had it at the fair, so you could also probably roll it up and try to eat it
like that, but that seems a little playing with fire there. I do like that, oh man, that’s
way too big of a bite. Umm hmmm, that is some fine eats! I tell you what! Well, there you
go. There’s an Indian taco. It doesn't look much like a taco. You may not be familiar
with the taco, but it’s delicious indeed, and it’s got a long history behind it, so
I hope you try this recipe, let me know if you have any questions in the comments below,
and I’ll get to them as soon as I can. Thanks so much for watching, and I hope you have
a great day. Bye!
>> Hilah: Taco! Taco! Taco!