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  • >> Hilah: Hey there! I am Hilah, and welcome to Hilah Cooking! Today I am going to show

  • you how to make Indian frybread, AKA, Navajo frybread, and it’s BFF, Indian tacos, AKA,

  • Navajo tacos, and if you know what these things are, you are either getting really excited

  • right now, or youre getting ready to tell me I’m doing it all [bleep] wrong, but if

  • you don’t know what I am talking about, then pay attention because were about to

  • get a history lesson too. What? Oh, yeah. Learning.

  • [MUSIC]

  • [Indian Tacos Recipe]

  • >> Hilah: Alright, first we are going to make our dough, and I’ve just got some dry ingredients

  • here and some milk and some water, and these were invented in the internment camps, like

  • in the 1860s when the U.S. government was pushing all the Navajo out of their territory

  • and making them go live in basically like concentration camps I guess, and then they

  • made this to eat with the government rations that they had that was like flour and lard

  • and powdered milk. I’d never heard of these before. Chris took me to Oklahoma and we had

  • them at the state fair, but they are like a huge deal there, and theyre delicious,

  • so anyway, now theyve become kind of like part of the, I don’t know, the lexicon of

  • the cuisine there. Ok, so we don’t want to knead it, this is similar to the tortillas

  • that we made before, but not quite the same thing, so get the hands floured. [PAUSE] Get

  • four chunks out of this. So, just start patting it out. Don’t want to make them too thin,

  • and were just keeping this like, it’s a real tender little dough here. Ok, now that’s

  • it, like, were pretty much done. I am going to turn around to the fryer and we are going

  • to fry them in some oil, not lard, lard would be more traditional I guess. Alright, I know

  • my oil’s hot when I put a little wooden spoon in there and it starts fizzing. You

  • want it to about 350, and delicately place my little frybread with my hands because I’m

  • living on the edge. You just want to lift up the edges to make sure your bottom is getting,

  • make sure your bottom is getting browned, and this will just take like two minutes.

  • Alright, and then once it’s nice and tenderly browned, we are going to carefully flip it,

  • and it does that, so beware, careful of yourself. Wear a shirt if you can help it, some shoes

  • too is good. Yup, alright, check it out. We have got an Indian taco here. So, I want to,

  • I have got a little bowl with some towels in it. I am just going to kind of prop this

  • upright to drain while I keep frying the rest of them. Oh, hell! You little bugger. So this

  • could be served for breakfast like with honey on top of it, and then it’s just like frybread,

  • and but to make a taco, I’ve got some beans. I think it’s always whole beans, like, not

  • ever refried beans, so throw some of them on, and then I’ve got my taco meat that

  • I just made, the same recipe that I used in the crispy taco video. I am actually using

  • bison in this one, just, well, that’s, I don’t know, whatever, keeping it real I

  • guess, some cheese, and then some tomatoes, some lettuce. Dude, it’s kind of, kind of

  • hard to eat here, and then like some pickled jalapenos if you want, some hot sauce. You

  • could put sour cream on it, and I guess you could put whatever you want on it, but this

  • is how I had it at the fair, so you could also probably roll it up and try to eat it

  • like that, but that seems a little playing with fire there. I do like that, oh man, that’s

  • way too big of a bite. Umm hmmm, that is some fine eats! I tell you what! Well, there you

  • go. There’s an Indian taco. It doesn't look much like a taco. You may not be familiar

  • with the taco, but it’s delicious indeed, and it’s got a long history behind it, so

  • I hope you try this recipe, let me know if you have any questions in the comments below,

  • and I’ll get to them as soon as I can. Thanks so much for watching, and I hope you have

  • a great day. Bye!

  • [MUSIC]

  • >> Hilah: Taco! Taco! Taco!

>> Hilah: Hey there! I am Hilah, and welcome to Hilah Cooking! Today I am going to show

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流口水!正妹教你做印第安捲餅和炸麵包 Homemade Indian Tacos and Indian Frybread Recipe

  • 2946 162
    Halu Hsieh posted on 2014/10/16
Video vocabulary