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  • hello everyone its Katey here today I would like to welcome you to amping port

    Hello, everyone. It’s Katie here. 哈囉 大家好 我是 Katie

  • which is the place I believe that you all know here so Tainan it's a beautiful

    Today I would like to welcome you to Anping Fort, 今天想帶大家來安平古堡

  • place for history and I hope you enjoyed that today I'm going to welcome you with

    which is the place I believe that you all know here. 我相信大家都知道這個地方

  • me in the early 17th century the Dutch formed military and business force and

    So, Tainan is a beautiful place full of history, 臺南是個擁有豐富歷史的美麗城市

  • occupied burned a and pains they built fort zeelandia as the defense fort the

    and I hope you enjoy that. 希望你也會喜歡

  • fort was completed in 1634 in 1662 after the casino successfully overtook the

    Today I’m going to welcome you with me. 今天讓我帶大家一起玩囉

  • fort it was renamed and in town for trial india was all so long as washing

    In the early 17th century, the Dutch formed a military and business force 17世紀初荷蘭人以軍商結合的隊伍

  • city of the king the fort was gradually abandoned during the Qin Dynasty the

    and occupied current-day Anping (1624). 在1624年占領現今的安平

  • fourth was reconstructed during a Japanese colonial period after world war

    They built Fort Zeelandia as a defense fort. 並建「熱蘭遮城」為防禦要塞

  • ii it was renamed and import the only remaining part from the dutch colonial

    The fort was completed in 1634. 在1634年完工

  • period is the south brick wall at the front of the fort it became an important

    In 1662, after the Koxinga successfully overtook the fort, 1662年鄭成功取荷蘭城後

  • historical site in Tainan each brick and tile tells the tale of yesteryear and a

    it was renamed Anping Town. 改稱安平鎮

  • story of today this wall behind me is the engine wall

    Fort Zeelandia was also known as Wangcheng (City of the King). 熱蘭遮城又被稱為「王城」

  • which remains from the period of Dutch colonial until the date and what is so

    The fort was gradually abandoned during the Qing dynasty. 到了清朝日漸荒廢

  • special is because in the early days there's no cement so they use three

    The fort was reconstructed during the Japanese colonial period. 日治時期重建

  • different kind of ingredients including the shale ashes syrup and the glutinous

    After WWII it was renamed Anping Fort. 到二戰後改稱「安平古堡」

  • rice they used these three ingredients to made up this wall and made a stronger

    The only remaining part from the Dutch colonial period 目前真正的荷蘭時期遺跡

  • and there is also another special thing on this boat do you want to find it out

    is the south brick wall 只剩下古堡前方外城

  • and as you can see behind me this Caesar iron Caesar pattern is the secret that I

    at the front of the fort. 南城垣的磚牆

  • just told you before or you can code it wall watts and what does the Warlocks do

    It became an important historical site in Tainan. 成為了臺南重要的歷史古蹟

  • it attached the beams and the walls together to make this construction

    Each brick and tile 城中每一磚一瓦一

  • stronger to let the walls not being that easy to fold down and which is really

    tells a tale of yesteryear and a story of today. 砌出當年的事蹟與今天的面貌

  • important to build a fort and right now we finish all these historical things we

    This wall behind me is the ancient wall, 在我後面的這面老城牆

  • can go to that Plaza and to find out what else we can find

    which remains from the period of Dutch colonial until today. 從荷蘭殖民時期留續至今

  • during the Japanese colonial period the Japanese wanted to commemorate their

    And what is so special is because in the early days there’s no cement, 這面牆如此的特別原因就在於

  • fight against the Dutch they erected a monument with an inscription that reads

    so they used three different kinds of ingredients, 早期還沒有水泥的時候

  • the site of the heroic action of Hamada high when the national government came

    including the shell ashes, syrup, and the glutinous rice. 他們利用牡蠣殼粉、糖漿還有糯米汁

  • to Taiwan the authorities removed the inscription and carved emping fours to

    They used these three ingredients to make up this wall and make it stronger. 這三種不同的原料蓋這面牆並加以強化

  • memorialize the fact that fort zeelandia was renamed ending town during the

    And there’s also another special thing on this wall. 這裡還有一樣很特別的東西

  • shinga rule since the Dutch built this fort the engine weld here is part of a

    Do you want to find it out? Come with me. 想知道是什麼嗎?跟我來

  • few remains that remains here and people saying that beneath it there's a secret

    As you can see behind me, 在我身後可以看到

  • tunnel that can goes between amping forth and chicken tower to build eternal

    this iron scissor pattern is the secret that I just told you before, 這個鐵剪刀就是我剛剛說的秘密

  • golden castle and repair residence housing during the Ching dynasty towards

    or you can call it wall lock. 或是你也可以稱它壁鎖

  • the land it was almost leveled the only structures led from the Dutch colonial

    What does a wall lock do? 壁鎖是做什麼用的呢

  • period are an old wall and two well follow me to go to our next spot to see

    It attaches the beams and the walls together 它用來鞏固樑壁

  • the memorial oh wow so this is fort zeelandia museum

    to make this construction stronger, 讓建築物更加穩固

  • let's go inside and check it out the legend of the secret tunnel underneath

    to let the walls not be that easy to fall down, 牆壁不會那麼容易就倒塌

  • the well is disproven here the museum parolee explains the landscape terrain

    which is really important to build a fort. 這對於建蓋堡壘來說非常重要

  • and geographical location of Portlandia when you fear the damping force don't

    And right now we finished all these historical things. 現在我們了解完古蹟

  • forget to come here well because the court was damaged so badly the Japanese

    We can go to that plaza and 就可以前往那片廣場

  • they repair and rebuilt this building easily mayor's colonial period so then

    find out what else we can find. 看看我們還能發現什麼

  • it comes this building to preserve the antique things and history the museum

    During the Japanese colonial period, 日治時代

  • also showcases artifact from the Dutch colonial period and the Kasinga rule

    the Japanese wanted to commemorate 為了紀念荷據時期

  • they are weapons from this time period telling a story left behind in history

    their fight against the Dutch. 日本人對抗荷蘭人的事蹟

  • depending Dutch invoice surrendering is also on display given us a visual

    They erected a monument with an inscription that reads, “The Site of the Heroic Action of Hamada Yahei.” 在石埤刻上「贈從五位濱田彌兵衛武勇之趾」

  • representation of that events blue and white porcelain from the Qin Dynasty are

    When the national government came to Taiwan, 在在二戰後

  • preserved here as well alongside artifacts from the Dutch colonial period

    the authorities removed the inscription 政府將原石碑上文字移除

  • and the Sangha rule

    and carved “Anping Fort” 有鑑於鄭成功時期改稱熱蘭遮城為「安平鎮」

  • after seeing so many monuments here now let's go top of this tower to see what

    to memorialize the fact that Fort Zeelandia was renamed Anping Town during Koxinga rule. 故改刻為「安平古堡」

  • else and we can fly to you let's go

    Since the Dutch built this fort, 自從荷蘭人建造了這座堡壘

  • entire city here look out from the tower and you can see surrounding Tainan panel

    the ancient well here is part of a few remains that remain here, 這座古井是少數保留下來的遺跡

  • eternal golden castle amping treehouse timecode merchant house amping

    and people say that beneath it there’s a secret tunnel 據說下面有一條秘密隧道

  • presbyterian church - hall old julius manic merchant house

    that can goes between Anping Fort and Chihkan Tower. 連結安平古堡和赤崁樓

  • time assault japanese-style geometry the buildings and things that remain from

    To build Eternal Golden Castle and repair resident housing during the Qing dynasty, 在清領時期時,為了建造億載金城與修建百姓屋舍

  • the ocean time is always the center of historical monument and I really hope

    Fort Zeelandia was almost leveled. 使當時的熱蘭遮城幾乎剷平

  • you guys can come here and take a look by yourself

    The only structures left from the Dutch colonial period are an old wall and a well. 如今屬於荷蘭時期的建築只剩下一面古城牆與一座古井。

hello everyone its Katey here today I would like to welcome you to amping port

Hello, everyone. It’s Katie here. 哈囉 大家好 我是 Katie

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