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Sinhua used to be called Tavocan, 新化的古名為大目降
which means "the forest." 意思是"森林
Just as its name implies, there are beautiful views in Sinhua. 顧名思義新化有美麗的山景
It is also a place with profound culture. 也是有著深厚文化底蘊的地方喔
Hello, everyone! I'm Jane. I'm now in Sinhua. 哈囉, 大家好! 我是珍, 我現在在新化
There are Sirayan cultures 這裡有西拉雅文化,
and beautiful tribes in the forests 森林中有美麗的部落
as well as well-preserved valuable culture. 還有保存良好的重要文化資產
There are not only the old streets in Sinhua. 新化不只有古老的街道
Sinhua also has a lot of renovated Japanese buildings. 還有很多翻新的日式建築
Today, let me show you the beauty of Sinhua. 今天 就讓我帶你瞧瞧新化的美
Let's go! 走吧!
Sinhua not only engages in preserving its culture 新化除了積極保存文化外
but also brings culture and creativity into its agriculture. 也將文創帶進農業裡
This is a group of people in Sinhua 新化有一群人
that speaks out for the land 幫土地說話
and local farmers. 幫農民發聲
Furthermore, these people bring traditional culture to life. 更在生活中實踐傳統文化
Let's check out their stories. 一起來看看他們的故事吧
This is the store manager. 這是店經理
Hello, manager! 哈囉 經理你好
Hello, everyone! 你好 大家好
Could you introduce the shop for us, please? 可以幫我們介紹這間店嗎?
Sinhua used to be a trading center, 以前新化是交易集散地
and we want to restore its ancient glory. 所以我們也希望回復那時候的光榮
We collected items from the farmhouses, 那我們把各地農村的好物集結在這邊
and we want to share them with 希望可以分享給其他
visitors. 來到這個地方的人們
We hope we can use this place 我們希望可以透過這個地方
to share good people, good things, and good stories. 把好人 好物 好故事傳遞出去
It is a learning space for agriculture and creativity. 所以它是一個農創共學空間
We also invite local farmers to share their experience upstairs. 我們也會請小農來樓上分享
During the Japanese colonial period, 日治時代的
Sinhua County of Tainan Prefecture 臺南州新化郡,
included Shinhua Town, Shanhua Town, 包含了新化街、善化街、
Shinshi Village, Anding Village, 新市庄、安定庄、
Shanshang Village, Yujing Village 山上庄、玉井庄、
Nanxi Village, Nanhua Village, and Juojhen Village. 楠西庄、南化庄、左鎮庄
It was a popular trade center at that time, 新化是當時的貨物集散地
and its range was extensive. 涵蓋範圍非常廣
The goal of this store is to revive the prosperity of Sinhua County 這家店以復興新化郡的繁榮景象為目標
and gain the cooperation of farmers 集合這九個街庄的小農
from these nine historical villages. 的小農合作
So, it was named with this in mind. 並以此命名
There are two main goals here. 他們也希望透過這裡達成兩個目標
One is to revive the shop's prosperity 第一 希望商業貿易
by making it look the way it was before. 能夠恢復以前的榮景
The second is to restore this place as a trade center. 第二 讓這裡再次成為交易集散地
Merchants from the mountains brought 一直以來 山區的商人
their goods here to do business. 都會帶著貨物到這裡交易
Therefore, a trade center began forming. 所以就形成了交易集散場所
This store was refurbished by one idle pharmacy. 這間店是由閒置的西藥房改造而成
We kept the old counter of the pharmacy, 保留了當時的櫃檯
the words on the old shop sign, 門面上的招牌字
the benches, and some other items. 還有長椅及一些用品
Although it sells products from local farmers nowadays, 雖然店裡賣的是小農的產品
it does not create a stark contrast. 卻毫無違和感
The spirit of reusing old houses 老屋再利用
and reviving the prosperity of Sinhua County is the same. 與復興新化郡的精神一致
Wow! Here are some stuff from back in the day 哇! 這裡有些
when Japanese colonial period. 日治時期的東西
Like this is the sign of the pharmacy, 像這個, 藥房的招牌,
notebook, medicine, even the shelf itself. 筆記本, 藥品, 甚至是這個櫃子
It's all from back in the day. 都是從前的東西
Reviving prosperity is not easy. 重回繁榮不是一件容易的事
Simply running one store doesn't resolve all the issues. 不是開一間店就可以解決所有的問題
At the beginning, they went to these nine villages 一開始他們先到這九個地方
to provide agricultural consultation. 輔導農村發展
They have been doing community building for 6 to 7 years 社區營造至今有6-7年的時間
and have met many independent farmers 在輔導的過程中發現
and communities with great products. 很多小農的產品很好
The farmers had no clue about packaging and marketing, 卻不懂得包裝 不會行銷
so they started to help them through various projects. 所以他們發起各種計畫來協助小農
But they realized that 但後來發現
if the industry could not stand on its own, 如果產業沒有發展起來
there will be no income. 就沒有收入
Without business support and decent income, 沒有產業支撐 又沒有收入
young people would have no reason to return and support the community. 年輕人也就不願意回鄉發展
So, they decided to open a specialty shop 所以才決定開一間店
to help the community sell its products 協助他們把好的東西
and tell its stories, 好的故事 傳遞出去
to create a space for communication and sharing knowledge. 並且創造一個可以交流共學的空間
This place is full of love and memories. 這個地方充滿了愛與舊時記憶
There are also lots of stories behind each products. 每個產品背後都有很多故事
I think it's very touching. 讓我非常感動
They take care of every farmers, 他們照顧每一位農民,
the people's health, even the place itself here. 人們的健康, 地方的交流
So it worths for a visit if you come to Sinhua. 來新化很值得造訪這間店
Walk down Sinhua Old Street 只要沿著新化老街走
and you will see Butokuden. 就可以看到武德殿
Butokuden is on Heping Street. 武德殿位於和平街上
There is a lot of renovated Japanese architecture 和平街也有大量整修後的
on Heping Street as well. 日式建築
Many people hear of Butokuden 很多人聽到武德殿
and immediately think of Beiji Temple or Ling Xiao Hall. 就聯想到北極殿或凌霄寶殿
But, the exteriors of these buildings are quite different. 其實光是外觀就差很多
Now I'm at the Butokuden. 現在來到了武德殿
It kinda looks like a temple, 外觀也許看起來像廟
but it is actually for the Japanese police officers. 但在日治時期 是提供日本警察
to practice martial arts when Japanese colonial period. 練習武術之用
Now let's go take a walk! 讓我們進去看看吧!
Butokuden is a dojo from the Japanese colonial period. 武德殿是日治時期
It is where the Japanese police practiced martial arts. 警察練習武術的一個道館,
At that time, the Japanese believed that, 當時日本人認為
for governing purposes, 基於統治的目的
military or police were needed 必須要有一些軍隊或者是警察
to rule Taiwan. 來統治臺灣
Police enforce the law by arresting criminals. 警察依法逮捕罪犯
Learning martial arts became necessary for the police. 必須本身學有武術
Therefore, Butokuden is connected to the police station. 因此武德殿就和警察局連結在一起
There are always police units near Butokuden. 武德殿附近都會有警察單位
There are mainly two martial arts practiced here. 道館裡主要是練兩種武術
One is judo, 一種是柔道
and the other is kendo. 另外一種是劍道
Butokuden judo dojo in Sinhua has 新化武德殿柔道場 有著全臺灣
the only bouncing floor in Taiwan. 唯一保留下來的彈跳地板
The floor is supported by springs. 地板下有彈簧
The purpose of the springs is to absorb 目的就是為了
the impact of being thrown in judo, 減輕摔倒時的衝擊
to avoid injuries. 避免受傷
That's why Japanese police placed springs under the floor, 所以練習的時候地板下裝置彈簧
to reduce the impact from a judo throw to a minimum. 減低受傷程度
You can see the springs right here. 在這裡還可以看到彈簧喔
There are beautiful flowers and trees around Butokuden. 在武德殿周圍有美麗的花朵和樹木
It's good to take some nice pictures. 很適合拍照
So if you ever come down here, 你如果來這裡
don't ever miss the chance to look at these beautiful sceneries. 別錯過看這些美麗景色的機會
Apart from Butokuden, 除了武德殿
what else can we show you? 還有哪裡值得去瞧瞧呢?
Just follow Jane and you'll see. 只要跟著珍你就會知道了
This is Tavocan Story House. Let's go check it out! 這是大目降故事館, 走吧, 一起去看看!
Tavocan Story House 大目降故事館,
was a dormitory for government employees. 原來是郡役所公務人員的宿舍
We renovated it into Tavocan Story House. 宿舍重新整修後為「大目降故事館」
The original Japanese-style architecture remains. 保留日式建築的風格
Tavocan Story House 大目降故事館成立時
in the beginning, it was opened to public in the hopes that parents 是希望家長可以利用假日
could bring children here on holidays 帶小孩子來這裡
to tell stories and read story and picture books. 說故事、看故事書、讀繪本
Now, because Sinhua has a lot of cultural and creative merchandise, 現在因為新化有許多文創商品
the story house has been converted into an exhibition hall. 為了符合需求改變為展示場所
This is President Wang. 這是王理事長
Hello, President Wang! 王理事長您好!
Hi, Jane. Welcome to our Sinhua community. Jane你好, 歡迎來到我們新化社區玩
Could you please show us around? 你能帶我到處看看嗎?
Yes, let me show you around. 我帶你去參觀
Okay, let's go! 好的, 一起走吧!
As you know, this abandoned space was Sinhua Land Office. 這個閒置空間以前是新化地政事務所
After the landoffice moved out, 地政事務所遷移之後
it was converted into Yang Kuei Literary Memorial Hall. 改成楊逵文學紀念館,
Yang Kuei's life story, literary works, 這裡有他的生活故事 文學創作
and participation in social activism are showcased here. 以及參與的社會運動
Tavocan is Yang Kuei's birth place. 楊逵出生在大目降
He witnessed things like Japanese tanks 從小就目睹日本戰車和軍隊
and soldiers passing by his door. 從家門口經過
When the Tapani Incident happened, 那時候發生噍吧哖事件,
the military wanted to put down anti-Japanese fighters in Yujing. 日本打算鎮壓玉井的抗日人士
He witnessed Japanese tanks put down civilians, 他目睹了日本坦克大隊鎮壓平民
and he hated the Japanese for that. 因此他很痛恨日本人
Yang Kuei spent most of his life in prison, 楊逵大部份的時間都在監牢度過,
so he didn't leave much behind. 他留下的文物不多
He was locked up in prison 12 times! 他被關12次了!
Yang Kuei was put in prison 10 times during the Japanese colonial period 日治時期被關了10次
and 2 more times after the ROC government retreated to Taiwan. 國民政府來了以後被關了2次
Yang Kuei was always a voice for the people, 不管經歷任何時代
regardless of the time period. 楊逵總是為人民發聲
We can tell how deeply he cared about this society and his country. 可見他對社會 國家的關心
When he studied in Japan, 楊逵在日本求學時
he worked a part-time job. 半工半讀
By day he was a newspaper boy and a plasterer. 白天送報 做水泥工
At night he studied. 晚上讀書
Because of this, his quality of life was bad, 因此楊逵的生活過得不好
and that his boss was always taking advantage of him. 又被老闆壓榨
He felt that Japanese society was tense with conflict 那時候他感覺日本的社會
between workers and capitalists. 充滿著資本家和勞工的對立
He decided to speak out for laborers 也因此他下定決心
after he came back to Taiwan. 回到臺灣以後要好好為勞工發聲!
The people of Sinhua 對新化人來說
admire not only Yang Kuei's talent 楊逵的貢獻 不只是文學上的才華
but also his love of this land, 更多的是他對土地的情感
his voice for people, 為人民發聲
and his fight against injustice. 為社會的公平正義堅持奮戰
His sincerity is the most touching aspect of all. 他的那份真心最令人動容
So, if you really come down to Sinhua, 來新化的時候
don't forget to really look into it. 別忘了過來參觀喔!
Jane, here is Ou Wei movie house. 珍, 這裡是我們歐威的電影館,
He has won the Golden Horse Award for Best Leading Actor. 他是我們金馬獎最佳男主角.
Wow! There is a movie star from here. 哇! 這裡有位電影明星呢!
Let's show you around. 珍, 我帶你去參觀!
OK! 好
Ou Wei's real name is Huang Huang-ji. 歐威,本名黃煌基,
He was born in 1937 in Sinhua, Tainan. 1937年出生於臺南新化,
He starred in more than 80 popular movies, 曾拍過「秋決」、「養鴨人家」等
including Execution in Autumn and Beautiful Duckling. 早年膾炙人口的電影80多部,
Throughout 13 years of his movie career, 從影13年
he won 5 grand prizes at home and abroad, 拿下5座國內外影展大獎,
including the 5th and 10th Golden Horse Best Leading Actor awards. 包括第5、10屆金馬影帝。
As we walk into Ou Wei Movie house, 進到歐威電影館可以看到
we can see a ticket booth from the olden times. 早期的電影售票房場景,
It's decorated like the Electric Princess House in Madou. 售票房造型就是麻豆電姬館的模樣,
There is a small movie theater inside. 電影館內有個小小的電影院,
You can ask the staff to play his movies. 可以請館方人員播放歐威的電影作品
It's quite interesting here. 感覺真的好有趣
But remember, they close on Monday. 但要記得 這裡星期一休館喔
Wow! Check out the police station in Sinhua. 哇, 看這棟位於新化的警察局
The whole building is shaped like a police officer's cap. 這整座建築外觀像是一個警察的帽子
Isn't that adorable? 不覺得它很可愛嗎?
It's surprising to learn that there are cardboard cutouts 沒想到警察局還有提供
in the police station for people to take photos. 民眾拍照的人形立牌
This motorcycle looks awesome. 這台機車看起來很厲害喔
Now I'm in the Ecomusuem of Sweet Potato. 我現在在地瓜生態故事館
I can smell the sweet potato already. 在這裡已經可以聞到地瓜香了
Let's go check it out! 一起去看看吧!
This is the chairman of Ecomuseum of Sweet Potato. 這是地瓜生態故事館的館長
Hello, Chairman Liu. 劉館長你好
Hello. Hello, everyone. 主持人好 各位觀眾大家好
Would you show us around? 館長可以帶我們去參觀一下嗎?
Okay! No problem. OK 沒有問題
Jane, we are standing at 珍,今天我們來到這邊是
the entrance to the Ecomuseum of Sweet Potato. 地瓜生態故事館的入口
Here you will learn 來到這裡你會認識
a lot about sweet potatoes. 許多關於地瓜的知識
If you have any questions about sweet potatoes, 對於地瓜的疑問
Such as "Are sweet potato sprouts edible?" or 例如「地瓜發芽了還可以吃嗎?」
"What's the difference between a sweet potato and a potato?" 「地瓜和馬鈴薯一樣嗎?」
All the answers are here. 這些問題都可以得到解答喔
Will we gain weight if we eat sweet potato? 吃地瓜會變胖嗎?
Wow, we will not gain weight if we eat sweet potato. 哇, 我們吃地瓜不會變胖
Actually, you might lose weight if you eat it right. 事實上若你吃得對還可以減肥
More answers are waiting for you! 更多的答案就等你自己來探索囉!
There are also DIY events. 這裡還有DIY的活動喔
You can also make the sweet potato tart 來這裡你也可以
yourself if you come down here. 自己做地瓜塔
So we got a pastry tart over here 我手上的是地瓜塔皮,
and some mashed sweet potato. 還有一些地瓜泥
Squeeze the mashed sweet potato into a pastry. 把地瓜泥擠入塔皮裡
It's done when it looks like ice cream. 用力擠成霜淇淋的樣子完成了
It will take some time to finish one. 完成一個需要花點時間
It looks simple, 看起來很簡單
but it is a bit difficult to make a beautiful sweet potato tart. 但是要弄出漂亮的地瓜塔有一點難度
Alright, finished! 好了, 完成了!
Now that we got to put it in the oven. 現在我們要把它放進烤箱
It is finished after baking in the oven. 完成後拿去烤箱烤就可完成囉!
Wow! There are so many sweet potato products here. 哇!這裡的地瓜產品好多喔
There are cold baked sweet potatoes and cookies 沒有到除了冰烤地瓜、餅乾外
as well as so many other products. 還有這麼多不一樣的產品
If you ever come down here, 如果來這裡
don't miss the chance to take this delicious baked sweet potato 記得品嚐美味的烤地瓜
and other sweet potato products. 還有地瓜周邊產品喔!
Now let me taste this out. 讓我來嚐嚐看
They said the skin is edible as well. 他們說地瓜皮也可以吃
Mmm, that's not too dry like other places. 嗯,吃起來不乾,和其他地方不一樣
Now let's try the sweet potato chips. 現在讓我們來試這個地瓜片
A little sweet and crispy. 有點甜有點脆
I like it. 我喜歡
There is also sweet potato tea. 還有地瓜茶,
It's a product that I've never seen or tried before. 我從來沒看過呢
Let's taste it out. 來喝喝看吧
Mmm, that's quite smooth, 很滑順
and it goes well with the sweet potato chips. 適合搭配地瓜片.
Sweet potato tea with a sweet potato 地瓜做的茶配上甜甜的地瓜
are perfect for a healthy afternoon tea. 也是健康的下午茶組合
After we put it in the oven for ten minutes, 放進烤箱後十分鐘,
this is it! 完成了!
Let me try this out. 讓我嚐嚐看
It's crispy outside and soft inside, just a little sweet. 外皮脆, 內心軟, 一點點甜
It seems like a pretty healthy dessert. 感覺是健康的甜點呢
If you come down to Sinhua, 來到新化
don't miss the chance to visit the Ecomuseum of Sweet Potato. 別錯過參觀地瓜生態故事館的機會
On the way to Ecomuseum of Sweet Potato, 在往地瓜觀光工廠的路上
we happened to find a beautiful view. 意外發現一個美景
It's Sinhua Green Riverside Park 原來是南圳綠堤堤岸公園
It's so beautiful, 夕陽灑落在這片堤岸上
the radiant sunset over this green bank. 真是太美了
I've never known there are so many interesting stories 我從來都不知道新化有這麼多
and historical buildings in Sinhua. 有趣的故事和歷史建築
If you ever come to Tainan, 假如你來臺南,
Sinhua is definitely the place that you can't miss 新化絕對是你不可錯過的地方,
and enjoy beautiful sceneries over here. 享受這片美麗的景色