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  • So, let me add to the complexity

  • of the situation we find ourselves in.

  • At the same time that we're solving for climate change,

  • we're going to be building cities for three billion people.

  • That's a doubling of the urban environment.

  • If we don't get that right,

  • I'm not sure all the climate solutions in the world will save mankind,

  • because so much depends on how we shape our cities:

  • not just environmental impacts,

  • but our social well-being,

  • our economic vitality,

  • our sense of community and connectedness.

  • Fundamentally, the way we shape cities is a manifestation

  • of the kind of humanity we bring to bear.

  • And so getting it right is, I think,

  • the order of the day.

  • And to a certain degree, getting it right can help us solve climate change,

  • because in the end,

  • it's our behavior that seems to be driving the problem.

  • The problem isn't free-floating,

  • and it isn't just ExxonMobil and oil companies.

  • It's us; how we live.

  • How we live.

  • There's a villain in this story.

  • It's called sprawl, and I'll be upfront about that.

  • But it's not just the kind of sprawl you think of, or many people think of,

  • as low-density development

  • out at the periphery of the metropolitan area.

  • Actually, I think sprawl can happen anywhere, at any density.

  • The key attribute is that it isolates people.

  • It segregates people into economic enclaves

  • and land-use enclaves.

  • It separates them from nature.

  • It doesn't allow the cross-fertilization,

  • the interaction,

  • that make cities great places

  • and that make society thrive.

  • So the antidote to sprawl is really what we all need to be thinking about,

  • especially when we're taking on this massive construction project.

  • So let me take you through one exercise.

  • We developed the model for the state of California

  • so they could get on with reducing carbon emissions.

  • We did a whole series of scenarios for how the state could grow,

  • and this is just one overly simplified one.

  • We mixed different development prototypes

  • and said they're going to carry us through the year 2050,

  • 10 million new crew in our state of California.

  • And one was sprawl.

  • It's just more of the same: shopping malls, subdivisions,

  • office parks.

  • The other one was dominated by, not everybody moving to the city,

  • but just compact development,

  • what we used to think of as streetcar suburbs,

  • walkable neighborhoods,

  • low-rise, but integrated, mixed-used environments.

  • And the results are astounding.

  • They're astounding not just for the scale of the difference

  • of this one shift in our city-making habit

  • but also because each one represents a special interest group,

  • a special interest group that used to advocate for their concerns

  • one at a time.

  • They did not see the, what I call, "co-benefits" of urban form

  • that allows them to join with others.

  • So, land consumption:

  • environmentalists are really concerned about this,

  • so are farmers;

  • there's a whole range of people,

  • and, of course, neighborhood groups that want open space nearby.

  • The sprawl version of California

  • almost doubles the urban physical footprint.

  • Greenhouse gas: tremendous savings,

  • because in California, our biggest carbon emission comes from cars,

  • and cities that don't depend on cars as much

  • obviously create huge savings.

  • Vehicle miles traveled: that's what I was just talking about.

  • Just reducing the average 10,000 miles per household per year,

  • from somewhere in the mid-26,000 per household,

  • has a huge impact not just on air quality and carbon

  • but also on the household pocketbook.

  • It's very expensive to drive that much,

  • and as we've seen,

  • the middle class is struggling to hold on.

  • Health care: we were talking about how do you fix it once we broke it --

  • clean the air.

  • Why not just stop polluting?

  • Why not just use our feet and bikes more?

  • And that's a function of the kinds of cities that we shape.

  • Household costs:

  • 2008 was a mark in time,

  • not of just the financial industry running amok.

  • It was that we were trying to sell too many of the wrong kind of housing:

  • large lot, single family, distant,

  • too expensive for the average middle-class family to afford

  • and, quite frankly, not a good fit to their lifestyle anymore.

  • But in order to move inventory,

  • you can discount the financing and get it sold.

  • I think that's a lot of what happened.

  • Reducing cost by 10,000 dollars --

  • remember, in California the median is 50,000 --

  • this is a big element.

  • That's just cars and utility costs.

  • So the affordable housing advocates, who often sit off in their silos

  • separate from the environmentalists, separate from the politicians,

  • everybody fighting with everyone,

  • now begin to see common cause,

  • and I think the common cause is what really brings about the change.

  • Los Angeles, as a result of these efforts,

  • has now decided to transform itself

  • into a more transit-oriented environment.

  • As a matter of fact, since '08,

  • they've voted in 400 billion dollars of bonds for transit

  • and zero dollars for new highways.

  • What a transformation:

  • LA becomes a city of walkers and transit,

  • not a city of cars.

  • (Applause)

  • How does it happen?

  • You take the least desirable land, the strip,

  • you add where there's space, transit

  • and then you infill mixed-use development,

  • you satisfy new housing demands

  • and you make the existing neighborhoods

  • all around it more complex,

  • more interesting, more walkable.

  • Here's another kind of sprawl:

  • China, high-density sprawl, what you think of as an oxymoron,

  • but the same problems, everything isolated in superblocks,

  • and of course this amazing smog that was just spoken to.

  • Twelve percent of GDP in China now is spent

  • on the health impacts of that.

  • The history, of course, of Chinese cities is robust.

  • It's like any other place.

  • Community was all about small, local shops

  • and local services and walking, interacting with your neighbors.

  • It may sound utopian, but it's not.

  • It's actually what people really want.

  • The new superblocks --

  • these are blocks that would have 5,000 units in them,

  • and they're gated as well, because nobody knows anybody else.

  • And of course, there isn't even a sidewalk, no ground floor shops --

  • a very sterile environment.

  • I found this one case here in one of the superblocks

  • where people had illicitly set up shops in their garages

  • so that they could have that kind of local service economy.

  • The desire of people to get it right is there.

  • We just have to get the planners on board and the politicians.

  • All right. Some technical planning stuff.

  • Chongqing is a city of 30 million people.

  • It's almost as big as California.

  • This is a small growth area.

  • They wanted us to test the alternative to sprawl

  • in several cities across China.

  • This is for four-and-a-half million people.

  • What the takeaway from this image is,

  • every one of those circles is a walking radius

  • around a transit station --

  • massive investment in metro and BRT,

  • and a distribution that allows everybody

  • to work within walking distance of that.

  • The red area, this is a blow-up.

  • All of a sudden, our principles called for green space

  • preserving the important ecological features.

  • And then those other streets in there are auto-free streets.

  • So instead of bulldozing, leveling the site

  • and building right up to the river,

  • this green edge was something that really wasn't normative in China

  • until these set of practices

  • began experimentation there.

  • The urban fabric, small blocks,

  • maybe 500 families per block.

  • They know each other.

  • The street perimeter has shops

  • so there's local destinations.

  • And the streets themselves become smaller,

  • because there are more of them.

  • Very simple,

  • straightforward urban design.

  • Now, here you have something I dearly love.

  • Think of the logic.

  • If only a third of the people have cars,

  • why do we give 100 percent of our streets to cars?

  • What if we gave 70 percent of the streets

  • to car-free, to everybody else,

  • so that the transit could move well for them,

  • so that they could walk, so they could bike?

  • Why not have --

  • (Applause)

  • geographic equity

  • in our circulation system?

  • And quite frankly, cities would function better.

  • No matter what they do,

  • no matter how many ring roads they build in Beijing,

  • they just can't overcome complete gridlock.

  • So this is an auto-free street, mixed use along the edge.

  • It has transit running down the middle.

  • I'm happy to make that transit autonomous vehicles,

  • but maybe I'll have a chance to talk about that later.

  • So there are seven principles that have now been adopted

  • by the highest levels in the Chinese government,

  • and they're moving to implement them.

  • And they're simple,

  • and they are globally, I think, universal principles.

  • One is to preserve the natural environment, the history

  • and the critical agriculture.

  • Second is mix.

  • Mixed use is popular, but when I say mixed,

  • I mean mixed incomes, mixed age groups

  • as well as mixed-land use.

  • Walk.

  • There's no great city that you don't enjoy walking in.

  • You don't go there.

  • The places you go on vacation are places you can walk.

  • Why not make it everywhere?

  • Bike is the most efficient means of transportation we know.

  • China has now adopted policies that put six meters of bike lane

  • on every street.

  • They're serious about getting back to their biking history.

  • (Applause)

  • Complicated planner-ese here:

  • connect.

  • It's a street network that allows many routes

  • instead of singular routes

  • and provides many kinds of streets instead of just one.

  • Ride.

  • We have to invest more in transit.

  • There's no silver bullet.

  • Autonomous vehicles are not going to solve this for us.

  • As a matter of fact, they're going to generate more traffic, more VMT,

  • than the alternative.

  • And focus.

  • We have a hierarchy of the city based on transit

  • rather than the old armature of freeways.

  • It's a big paradigm shift,

  • but those two things have to get reconnected

  • in ways that really shape the structure of the city.

  • So I'm very hopeful.

  • In California, the United States, China -- these changes are well accepted.

  • I'm hopeful for two reasons.

  • One is, most people get it.

  • They understand intrinsically

  • what a great city can and should be.

  • The second is that the kind of analysis we can bring to bear now

  • allows people to connect the dots,

  • allows people to shape political coalitions

  • that didn't exist in the past.

  • That allows them to bring into being the kinds of communities we all need.

  • Thank you.

  • (Applause)

  • Chris Anderson: So, OK: autonomous driving, self-driving cars.

  • A lot of people here are very excited about them.

  • What are your concerns or issues about them?

  • Peter Calthorpe: Well, I think there's almost too much hype here.

  • First is, everybody says we're going to get rid of a lot of cars.

  • What they don't say is you're going to get a lot more vehicle miles.

  • You're going to get a lot more cars moving on streets.

  • There will be more congestion.

  • CA: Because they're so appealing --

  • you can drive while reading or sleeping.

  • PC: Well, a couple of reasons.

  • One is, if they're privately owned, people will travel greater distances.

  • It'll be a new lease on life to sprawl.

  • If you can work on your way to work,

  • you can live in more remote locations.

  • It'll revitalize sprawl

  • in a way that I'm deeply frightened.

  • Taxis:

  • about 50 percent of the surveys say that people won't share them.

  • If they don't share them,

  • you can end up with a 90 percent increase in vehicle miles traveled.

  • If you share them,

  • you're still at around a 30 percent increase in VMT.

  • CA: Sharing them, meaning having multiple people riding at once

  • in some sort of intelligent ride-sharing?

  • PC: Yeah, so the Uber share without a steering wheel.

  • The reality is, the efficiency of vehicles -- you can do it

  • with or without a steering wheel, it doesn't matter.

  • They claim they're the only ones that are going to be efficient electric,

  • but that's not true.

  • But the real bottom line is that walking, biking and transit

  • are the way cities and communities thrive.

  • And putting people in their private bubbles,

  • whether they have a steering wheel or not,

  • is the wrong direction.

  • And quite frankly,

  • the image of an AV on its way to McDonald's to pick up a pack

  • without its owner,

  • just being sent off on these kind of random errands

  • is really frightening to me.

  • CA: Well, thank you for that, and I have to say, the images you showed

  • of those mixed-use streets were really inspiring, really beautiful.

  • PC: Thank you. CA: Thank you for your work.

  • (Applause)

So, let me add to the complexity

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TED】彼得-卡爾索普:建設更好城市的7大原則(7原則建設更好的城市|彼得-卡爾索普)。 (【TED】Peter Calthorpe: 7 principles for building better cities (7 principles for building better cities | Peter Calthorpe))

  • 81 8
    Zenn posted on 2021/01/14
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