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- So you know we've always sent our producer, Andy Lassner,
to haunted houses 'cause he gets so scared,
and you get scared also, so we sent you two together
to two different haunted houses,
and so far, those two videos on Ellentube
have over 50 million views.
- It's ridiculous. [cheers and applause]
Apparently you have a very popular program.
- Uh huh.
- No, people have come up to me on the street,
and be like, "Oh, you're the guy from the haunted houses."
I'm like, "Yes, and on a TV show!"
[audience laughter]
But let me say, for the record,
there's a camera in your face, it's dark,
and then the light is shining, like, brightly in your face,
so you get very jostled and very startled.
- Uh huh. [audience laughter]
Well, you get jostled and startled easily anyway,
and we've scared you so many times on the show,
and who do you think handled it better during the haunted house,
you or Andy?
- Oh, for sure me. Andy--
I go to hockey games, and Andy is at hockey games,
and I'll just reach to say hi to him as he comes up the aisle,
and he'll jump, like--
He's very startled easy. I mean,
I think you can look at--and people even on Twitter tweeted
that I looked, you know, really manly--
- Yeah. [audience laughter]
- Compared to him. - Okay.
Well, that's not a great example of that, but--
Compared to him, but I did notice, Ellen--
like, if you watch the video, like I have these little--
I have my dinosaur hands up the whole time.
And it's just like-- [audience laughter]
[audience laughter]
That's not a good picture. - That's not good, either.
-- But it's like me--you know,
just me ready to protect my face.
- Right. We've had fun scaring you,
but we have retired it, we are done.
And uh, no one got the word yet,
but Corey, we're not going to do it.
[audience laughter]
[cheers and applause]
So-- It's for his knees.
- So that's how that works.
[audience laughter]
And don't-- hey, get out of the bushes.
We're not gonna do it.
[audience laughter]
- I would've never seen that coming!
- All right, everybody-- I mean everybody.
[audience laughter]
[laughter and applause]
They're so mad. [cheers and applause]
[cheers and applause]
- Adorable. - They're so mad.
All right, since we're not going to scare you anymore,
we thought we'd take a look back at what we've done.
[audience laughter]
[singer on recording] I will remember you
Da, da, da, da, da, da
Will you remember me?
Da, da, da, da, da, da
Don't let your life pass you by
- What's happening? - These are my two best friends,
Paul and Stacy, here to have my back today, Ellen.
[audience laughter]
- No one's coming out, I promise.
- It's fun in the millisecond.
I used to be the person who loved scaring people.
- [yells] - Oh, you--
[audience laughter]
[cheers and applause]
[singer on recording] Will you remember me?
Don't let your life pass you by
[audience laughter]
[cheers and applause]
- I feel like I'm gonna--I'm gonna miss it a little bit, too.
- I know, it's very sad. - Yeah, it's very--
The days, you know.