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What's up guys this song is called don't worry you be happy it's by Bobby McFerrin and it's a super fun song
It's easy to learn and I think this song is gonna help you with your English a lot
So let's get started on the first verse
Now Bobby has kind of a unique
Accent so I'm going to repeat each line word-for-word
And then I'm going to repeat it again at normal speed
here's A
Little song I wrote
you might want to
Sing it note for Note
Here's a little song I wrote you might want to sing it note for note
Now pay attention to the way I pronounced all the words that ends with t wrote
want it
note note
I really don't even pronounce the t at the end of the words
And it's the same with the g at the end of song and sing now
let's talk a little bit about the phrase little song this song is almost five minutes long, so
It's not little what Bobby is saying here
Is that this is not the greatest song in the whole world? It's not really that important
It's just a little song and then he says sing it note for a note
Now that just means you're gonna sing it one note at a time
And this is comparable to the phrase
Word for word and word for word it just means you're going to speak
One word at a time
Don't worry
be happy
Don't worry be happy
Don't worry be happy
This is the Chorus, and it's two simple
Commands don't worry
be happy
this is two things he's telling you to do and
There's really not a whole lot more I can say about this so let's move on to the next verse in every life
We have some problem
When you letter you make?
In every life we have some trouble
But when you worry, you make it double
In every life we have some trouble, but when you worry you make it double
trouble just means problems or some bad things that might happen to you and
double means times two
so he's saying
everybody has
Problems, but when you worry you make it even worse in fact you make it two times as bad
It got no place to lay your head
Somebody came into your bed
ain't got no Place to
Lay your head
somebody came and
Took your bed
Ain't got no place to lay your head somebody came and took your bed
Now this is a very incorrect
sentence in the English language
Your english teacher might have a heart attack if she heard you say this sentence
But people do talk like this, so it's not wrong and what he's saying is
You don't have any place to lay your head?
He didn't include the subject in this sentence
And he didn't have to we know that the subject is supposed to be you because he says the word
You're later in the sentence
Ain't is a slang word for don't?
gut means have and
Since ain't is already in negation
We now have a double negative so that no should be any so what he's really saying is
you don't have any place to lay your head and
that just means you don't have a place to sleep and
then he says somebody came and took your bed and
that is a little bit of a silly sentence because it sounds like there was a thief that came and
Stole your bed, so I don't understand but that's what he says
Landlord say your rent is late. He may have to litigate
The landlord say your rent is late. He may have to litigate
Now the most important thing. I want to say about this sentence is that word say?
because that would drive your english teacher crazy if she heard you say that and
It really bothers me to but first. I want to talk about the word land Lord
The land Lord is the person that owns your apartment or your house
And you have to pay him in order to live there
In other words you rent your apartment or house
from him now normally rent is used as a verb but in this case rent is a noun and
It means the money that you pay to your landlord in
Order for him to let you live at his house
Now let's get back to that word say
Because the landlord is the subject of this sentence
So we should be using a third-person
verb now in English third-person verbs almost always end with an s
So instead of say this should be says
Now there are English speakers who talk like this, so I don't want to say it's wrong
But it's not real common, and I don't recommend you talk like this
so when you're listening to this song
And you hear this line just to remember to yourself that it should be says and not say
Now when he says that the rent is late
All he means is that you were supposed to pay the rent already
But you didn't so now it's late and don't worry too much about the word litigate
This is not a common word
Basically it means that the landlord might have to sue you because the rent is late, but again
It's fine, if you don't know what that word means now
I want to keep these videos nice and short
So I'm gonna stop here and have this be the end of part 1 but I will be making
more parts that cover the other
Verses in this song in the meantime keep listening to this song and keep practicing your english. I'll see you guys later