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Gavin: Hello everyone. This is Gavin and Geoff. And we've got a Let's Play coming up.
Geoff: 'allo Gavin
Gavin: We've been very busy, we've spent like, what, like twenty hours on this?
Geoff: Twenty to twenty- Well we wanted to uh
Geoff: We- we- we thought it was ridiculous that we spent fifteen hours on "Plan G," so, we thought let's spend more
Geoff: We- we- we thought it was ridiculous that we spent fifteen hours on "Plan G," so, we thought let's spend more Gavin: Yeah
Geoff: We- we- we thought it was ridiculous that we spent fifteen uh hours on "Plan G," so, we thought let's spend more
Geoff: On something even stupider [laughs]
Gavin: Let's work even harder for two weeks more
Geoff: So we built- what did we build Gavin?
Gavin: We built, a "Wipeout" course.
Geoff: Yes. The very popular television show, "Wipeout"
Gavin: It's pretty long. It goes all the way from here to the edge of the world.
Geoff: It does.
Gavin: It's just across the road from Achievement City, which is in that direction.
Geoff: And we are gonna have Ray, and Michael, and Jack go through it and compete to see who has the best time,
Geoff: And the winner gets what?
Gavin: The winner gets the Tower of Pimps
Gavin: outside their house Geoff: That's right.
Gavin: It's the new thing we're gonna do where every week you'll, win the tower of pimps. Geoff: Every week.
Gavin: Ok so, and plus you have to start in this room.
Gavin: and as soon as the door opens, and they bust out
Geoff: then the timer starts. The timer starts Gavin: So, shall we give them a dry run?
Gavin: Yes this is what our contestants are gonna have to do
00:00:50,620 --> 00:00:51,680 Geoff: Go!
Geoff: Except you're playing on peaceful, (I'm on peaceful) for filming sake.
Geoff: Uhh they will be playing on "easy"
Geoff: This is what? This is the.. uhh Latter of Kingdoms?
Gavin: This is the "Ladder of Champions"
Geoff: "Ladder of Champions"
Gavin: This is the waterfall...of
Gavin: I don't know, can't remember the name of that one Geoff: Sploosh
Geoff: Be careful not to get trapped under the ice
Gavin: Right, then we made these uh jumps through lava
Gavin: It's pretty easy at first, then you have to actually go diagnoal
Geoff: Lava Watty, and then down
Gavin: Down under here, now up here we have windows, which we hope people will rise to get air
Geoff: Wh- What do we call those the "Windows of False Hope"?
Gavin: False hope because they are actually full of water, and you can't actually get any air
Geoff: And if you go up there you'll die...
Gavin: Yeah, pretty much
Geoff: Most likely
Gavin: You'll loose- You'll loose hearts for sure cause we made this just...
Gavin: This is the "Ladder of Heroes"
Geoff: "Ladder of Heroes"
Gavin: Slightly different to the "Ladder of Champions"
Geoff: Slightly differnt
Geoff: And once your here you have to make the...
Gavin: That's the "Leap of Kingdoms"
Geoff: "Leap of Kingdoms"
so now this looks preaty scary but there's water on the other side of this so...
get through the lava into the water
got some damage right there..
this is the forest of mystery
you have to bust your way though inside here
interesting thing about the... the.. we found about tree blocks
back to me within four blocks of the void of the wood if it's not within four
blocks will start to disappear so as they they have to to get through this
they have to bust all the wooden blocks and as they do then the floor will start
to disappear animal
we're actually going to do it twice they're going to run it blind
that's the thing I was gonna say yeah they're gonna run it blind first ok and
then they'll be able to run a second time and I want to be a second week
yeah I know that will be the difference will be kind of like a qualifier even
though they're all going to qualify for sure after the finals
all right now this is what we call pumpkin vision yep
you want to die on the pumpkin put the pumpkin on your head
in case you didn't know it makes it look like that now they have to go across the
I don't know the glass of mystery
let's look at the glass of confusion and into what we call the crusher
you can remove your pumpkin and now gather all right there under the ground
0 NE made it into what we call the maze of hatred
so this is all sand on the ground here make sure you go slow she'll never act
on this fire that you actually take damage from five sometimes but you don't
always catch on and there's water there's a pool of water here and there's
also dispenses with buttons
we're gonna be shooting flaming arrows at them so they're almost certainly
gonna do they will they will not make it through this
so we pride two slices of cake they can top up on right then they're gonna be
jumping towards these waterfalls
now there's actually you can't see through them but there's three of them
yeah these are called the waterfalls of the explosion muffled explosion you have
to rise to the top and make it from one war for the next like there's up and
he's made it he's made it
there's another one just here they're gonna have to put their heads out
because you can actually drown in a walk for if you stay in there too long
dad that's a good - technically likes to jump out before you hit the top and I
did it didn't do very well there but that is up jump
that's a tough job you'll almost certainly lose health they're almost
relation in for
ok and pretty soon we'll be there we go
so this is the final piece
I'm drowning this is the final piece of the map where you'll make your way to
the very top layer you can't go any higher
tippy tippy cup and you see down there now there is a 1 x 1 square of water
they're going to jump into its surrounded by flames and never actually
another at is giving all right
oh it's just that simple
just that simple Gavin I made it right a professional that's the end of the
course so now we'll cut to lose our first contestant our first contestant up
is going to be rain come to the future now
alright so r a nice red stone this is jeff and Gavin your life
i'm jeff this is kevin influences the next let's play for Minecraft we have
recreated lovingly crafted a wipeout map in Minecraft for you to compete in so
you can show you got to get to go twice you going to go for once blind
you've never seen the course and then you get to try to improve on your score
second time you'll be competing against Jack and Michael now by blood i can like
use my eyes right in your eyes yeah just now got the Ray Charles it not only
shows in your eyes if you want
so if you win you get the shower sex for a week
I meant for somebody else wants alright so the time starts when you open the
door soon as the door opens time starts all right so get going to make it to the
end as fast fire and I guess it's my first event is the wider
yes okay three two one blast-off
Oh Jeff he's off he's off one track of how long the islands have been going out
been going out for four or five sounds exciting and climb the ladder
all right this is what ok looks like why would I hey tower pimps
there isn't any tariffs all right all right well it's gotta watch out for that
yeah and it over a nice path okay all right just basic lot of jobs i can do
this the jumps you can do this or not good
yeah all right well oh man it's only one was making good pace on to stories about
what we're gonna do a lot of what you got
hard-sex-tube asking its women now he's going under water
all right doing alright so far less you'll think they were peek my head of
all gods a joke no joke
crap i was received that's right i'll need hearts hearts are overrated
what's stopping me okay we're good we're good all right they have no I don't need
those please
how much help do you have I have I lost three and a half oh shit that's not good
ok now it's followed Jesus
okay i guess i gotta jump this all right good job
ok right through it just throw it in the water on the other side
ok oh all right mmm he died i may have died he died
I did die alright so respond and run right up to me okay okay time is wasting
right I know time is wasting your minutes 11 - you didn't run in the
distance coming
all right you can come to me and then climb the ladder that all right there's
like no sprint in this version
ok alright so we're going to pretend that didn't happen small again number
one and see my second i'm looking to make this jump to get it looks so
cinematic oh you got it
he made the jump where's the water your father jesus was a lot of fucking help
go all right now this part you gotta like you gotta bust through the trees
you have ever ever ok the trees you know how you're gonna have to go through
parts we have to bust through actual trees and the leaves will start to
so go higher than lower there is a ceiling but it's pretty close to the
ceiling is possibly have to break every would block
yeah I have gonna break every one ball yet you just go straight you'll break
the wood blocks to be fucking fast but if I break the wood blocks lethal you
gotta get little bit great
the leaves are disappearing where you going to keep moving I mean well I'm
gonna have to have been faster
I'm moving as fast as I got some said hey I'm going right
you know that blinks when this is over you can plant some trees if you want it
won't help your time but ok I'll make you feel better about the apartment
it's true the environment know you halfway through I'm like I'm so going to
get your appearing and reappear and disappear yet that looks like a jungle
in there
it doesn't like to start to see they're disappearing all don't scare the right
other catching up to you o clock is a break investor
we got impressed you lagger or vanessa minnillo or whoever is not pregnant
whose ago
you're jamming want me like that you gotta press Richard have a look
Richard Hammond yeah you see packing right now I think so
banging his head it's not every game show anyone yet oh hey maybe that's all
you drop the subway that was always a I got to go up here
maybe oh god I'm gonna try to make a play I gotta you gotta make it to the
oh great job made it right now there's a pumpkin hit the pumpkin and come on your
head put the pump i like that day this is my idea what am I supposed to do
fucking idea
your dumb idea okay to get part yes oh yeah I'll cross the glass walkway look
at it going to go to Cuba you jump two blocks yeah you can just two blocks
yeah you can if it is my time you're at a three minutes 31 right
ok not great i think that all right yeah take it off and put it on the white will
put a little light will you please
yeah we might work better okay we're gonna make my way up in line all right
make me the question around you
i'm guessing i can't put yeah you got to just go straight through it
go go go time is of the I was ways to do book made it all right
made it through right now you gonna make it a name ar-ar-ar ok
you can't go around obviously there'll be mental there's a spot of water there
it's good to say that this is always a source and yeah this is always watching
over us
oh it's like it's like a book ok
what is that called itself the quicksand
sounds like a fucking fell oh I died you fucking kidding me
all right that'll make your way back i dealing with an arrow happy together
oh you can shoot that's amazing yeah we're okay i didn't know that I'm i got
in touch fucking all right you gonna do you go to come and do this but again one
you could make a minecart could you like the walk of shame we talked about it but
it says that requires effort so do it right in the dictionary
that's awesome we should say after one death with the areas we don't use
everything ok
alright so we don't use anymore tonight at all right just make it through unless
you want to use an area that's another right yet another record yet another
look at him go through the laser fire looks the top in there right it's a
little hot here and something that a lot of Health feel free to eat some cake
that's too . I'm like I'm going calculus
oh my god Nicholas gotta make up for time here we go
right where we get off what
you want to make your way up those waterfalls all right and you want to hop
from one foot to the other
you're sweet you're jumping from waterfall - waterfall - waterfall all
right i need to jump out
take some damage that's the wrong way ok yeah i was gonna drown
where's the other waterfowl and justice for all ok wow I like the fucking help
it down there
we made it nice right good good good
don't know what's the Sun is going down is that bad Robbie's you've been doing
it from to it
oh no I get up I did
so I'm gonna walk back and you're going to film in for out there when he makes
the leap of faith yeah nice of them from down here except that I can't see shit
all right ok took some damage no biggie ok it's pushing me out that's not good
all right and you have to make anyone jumps just all ready for the drug
I'm gonna fucking ground don't try and stick it out I didn't have the option
too much good we're good
maybe saved it so it's like a I up the stairs like I'm starting at the top
ok we're almost at the time soon house at the top you don't have to go all the
way to the top just go up the stairs there's stairs
oh well that's fine you can just come here alright - alright so you gonna
drive us out into a 1 x 1 square of water are you see it sits surrounded by
you gotta move i can i can at least look over the very serious just make it in
- that's it that's how you end up going to jump the cloud all right will do
that's what you want to do this . well fuck me
you get guidance haha what happens now
now you respond and one and jump through it on the ground what might happen
he lived so he can climb up and do it again ok let me living in London do it
again yeah
his job was so terribly missed this he missed three by three
this is good right we're going likewise is great this is great and I did it both
in less than four minutes
well you know what I don't ask you we also made it said yeah I fell higher
schoolmaster to come flying they're going to see that and wipe out here
comes raise second attempt
oh it's clearly with I would only say that week
they have three attempts then it's over yeah right so this is your this your
last attempt a fire if I jump in
hit the fire and I'm just like moved back to second yeah you'll die if you're
the father is a good one huh
the creep on the course the creeper doing the jumps
how did it get there I don't know I bet he makes the jump in one attempt all
right fine example of climbing up the ladder
I'm missing my intelligence if they'd make it on their final attempt to get a
second taken off ok
yeah like making up rules thank you Bruce think all right to raise the thing
he goes nothing this is just for fucking just I guess the bride and also for the
maybe get well I died but it went in to stop 1101
Wow hey nice first time as a lever had not bad at lol one . a so I i hit the
fire and i took a step back and i went in the water
that's perfect alright alright so Kevin ray completed his first track his first
attempt congratulations graduate takes room for improvement right takes first
watch your head and you look around why don't you go ahead and let Jack come on
in now
all right 12 always off all you say 30 seconds in
I want me to get a job oh god four seconds already behind right behind my
he's got to the feel free to add all right what it's like to help my doing
waterside go down a water slide
all right then what when you're going to land in the water and get up and jump
across the traversal lava
yeah time is of the essence Jack don't waste any time
I'm trying not to waste time alright make jump so long out of time
hot so hot i get out
there's water back here oh don't want to die in the water . in the water and the
water so respond and back to get soft weak
it's horrible Wow already did that first time and I was the president right I'll
get the door is fucking up on me the area I you guys again
45 seconds Oh any speed records here so are you uh are you John Henson or
whatever they mine Richard happened in the studio and you can see your Datsun
is that why you dyed your hair yeah
your little patch of how it goes back again it's the lava pit right one
this is platforming at its finest 23 control the barrio you put some area
all right what the hell is that that's right that's bullshit going someone hit
my head
the race come on your time is of the essence here asshole you're gonna lose
all right
I don't want water swim for it make it to the end swim for it leg it and they
say anyone you don't like it at the war she did you do not have legs in order
oh come on
yeah they don't have jokes on your keep moving keep moving
how you gonna shoot around I'm totally gonna drown feel for the oldest trick in
the book
always hated you left the heart - Wow
I've lost three-and-a-half hearts as we can i miss cake no not yet know you'll
see the cake don't you can't miss it
all right there's a lot of a door here is the link run through it
oof leap of goodness nicely no the lava I don't want to run through it you have
to have to tick tick tick tick tick as water directly behind hot
get in the water all gotta have a heart with all right all right I'll go through
not over what does that mean that was in the forest of dreams you going to mind
your way through these troops through these wood blocks and get everyone block
knowing that when you hit with block the trees around you're gonna start to
suppress a high
I'll tell you that they're going to say hi and keep moving fast close to the
ceiling and movies follow I see what you mean okay yeah
the leaves are gonna dismiss that hang around on the same block spatsville was
it four blocks have to be four blocks away from with yams or black and
anything past four blocks away from where the second to spare
it'll be interesting they didn't see it from this perspective yeah it's pretty
interesting right
wait what I'm going something I'm going / - lets go over let's break for every
deal is right for wood blocks as you see him well I'm going over the wood blocks
you gotta break the blocks away party would like a break and let it not be
said right the wood blocks that's what you wanted it might seem to break all of
his yeah I'm cool with life
got it I'm going backwards oh he's losing a lot of time he wasn't explained
very well you know we said raise the wood blocks or disappeared break every
one block
stay high get the room all right jack making pretty far
you're getting close to my favorite part he's at three minutes and eight seconds
it's still love you I was signed not here that's what I'm hitting with those
saplings fooling left and right all right all right you got to make the
judgment make blue platform
all right all the words broken and make it through
oh yeah right now put the pumpkin head on ok this was my idea
so you're crazy idea but fell down again
yeah but the pumpkin head on and then make it across the glass block how you
put the bug you put on your ass like a quick look at home it
oh jesus fuck that you guys this is Jack what's your thought process right now
I'm trying to figure out the path I should take you take any of it
the whole thing get your question you can jump two blocks in Minecraft just
you know a lot of people don't realize that all right so far as a 2a is the two
are you do haha no turn around
I stairs behind you there's a ladder behind you the ladder behind you make
your way back up four minutes even
he's still making good time competitor a metal that's not the right way of issues
all right . issues going so fast that was a ready-made this part first time I
remember to jump that time always looking shit
we need to get out the other that we do the hell is going on over there and make
you worry about if you're gonna get over Russia the crusher dream all right can I
take my helmet off
yes you have to get help put on the web block from the one block west of the
white the white one with the weather and luck
I get working for the light bill okay all right now
ok now make it through you can't be going to walk through the content
privilege to the end up making a walk there
uh-huh is there any trick to this now she's got kind of that there's a trick
this feels like galaxy quest you figure it out just doing wrong
the power of God and I can't jump no now it's my turn around the stairs behind
you got managed all right
I go graphic which it was vanishing animal and no run
I'm looking I'm strategizing me what you're doing
yeah you wait oh god dammit you know my strategy was booked it by me first go to
help you were i was at three times Gavin
yeah you're lucky that you can get up down jump up jump around it
okay since you if you fail and of course three times he gets the penalty going on
alright so now you got to go through the netherrack this is another rat maze is
water in the middle if you get a little Bernie
there may also be areas that come out you see Dad
yeah did we get him yeah I get it now
now that he's died we will actually anymore all right . so you can run down
this path to the right all the way to this track
yeah it's closed right you're in the sauce and you're gonna be moving slower
ya know he's going the right way what they call it soul sand and not slow sand
because there
it's like the faces a translation issue all right sweetheart she got jacked
Oh your fire water slide it back in the water water without internet went in the
I was trying to I was standing on top of the water how you doing arts always on
fire yes
how does that even happen like i was looking straight down probably look at
the fire
that's what's bugging you
I got a trait i can't say i want to double with this been rated at this part
alright so difficult 806 all right
he's about to make it through well there's always a part like I past those
account yet
you can come back up all right there's a piece of cake that's too bad
ok yeah there's a piece of cake or two pieces of cake right here you can meet
at the store three hard I think
yeah alright so now you gotta jump across this you got the cake
ok good cake with you know what
now you gotta jump into the waterfall and there's a behind that waterfall is
the second one
you gotta know what that one is a third go up to the top of this one and leap
into the second waffle no you jumping from waterfall - waterfall
don't chase summer you're right here is n did you should make it there go
chasing waterfalls created all right now you gotta make this last one and then
when you get into the last one assuming you make it just right it all the way
pretty much close to the top they'll be a platform you can hop off on we're
going to be at the end
leap of faith still beating ray score always not made it
oh god I'd rather die I don't know the fall
that's right I did the same thing we gotta go back
come back in and then you have to the waterfalls again and then you get three
chances of the lead god damn it fucking wonderful he died on the third sleep
it's like okay cool is the cake weighs you down go ahead
hey what grade did ok close man right i don't think there was any way that
anybody could do as badly as you did but Jeff I did great we talking about
well this is the blind run together in 42 yeah this is the blind one you guys
get all go again
I can't wait to i do the other run and do worse all right
this is the hard one last 10 to make it up
they got a half a heart so now I Jack spent this entire run the half health
just not around right heart no matter at this point you to the dead or not I
Jackie see where I am
you seem to have stopped off on this platform all right
you're about to jump into a one by one circle earth where of water I'll show
you where Jesus Christ to surround I fucking by which time I can see at the
end well haha that's at the end at the end you make this an alarm at the end
so if you miss this difficult trying can you
yeah yeah I'm gonna die from the fall gonna be a lot of time and a lot of your
okay if you get a first try you take 30 seconds off
oh ok who
recent right jack i do the same thing i have to run all the way down there
in fact my first attempt was worse so you only get three attempts of this and
if you make it on your third attempt would take off 30 seconds from ok
I don't know I returned it was the first step well as my guide wife had one
attempt i'm going for well there's no point I'd like making on the third
attempted because you can attend anyway so yeah might as well have a bonus for
doing it
the sun's coming up perfect time for a jump of a leap of faith here he comes
job of kingdoms lock I'm actually overshooting it all right he's got to
come back last try shooting in 46 yeah all right
it comes is he gonna make it oh god damn it died
alright fifteen twenty five six excellent alright so there you go
should we get that bitch my place down get that you might like you get in there
all right Michael welcome to wipeout I'm excited because your time starts as soon
as you open this door
and yes I'd stand there for a sec yeah winter is obviously the one with the
fastest time that what you get to win is a trophy and it is the Tower of pimps
you get to keep it the Terrapins outside your house for a week
are you serious yeah in a chi minh city intensity and you're bragging rights oh
yeah just over there
fucking chopped ok he did already yeah oh but it closed
I made it he's off what I go go up the other letter on the ladder is going to
follow Gavin's my god
holy shit this is crazy i'm fucking feeling pressure
all right you're at the water slide okay well I think your way down
what a rush down there and then take on the lava jumps Oh golly dalian I got a
sudden you guys I just was like I was drowning
come on oh shit there's a fucking that's a hazard
I like how it looks like safety won't be an issue you guys are going hardcore
time is of the essence Michael yeah your face is of the essence
Chad talk about to the host oh I already fell in
all right now I think I'd think I was just murdered the contestants you put me
in a bunch of it
dude fucking right now . that's a do-over shot
we should go get a little higher land like a pelican house
I heard back in the house I should i have no no go back to how it I don't got
time to kill myself god damn it Kevin you fucking small waist and Rick we have
remained like Evan cameraman trips and we're listening to hear from the trip ok
go to a good guy you just head up that ladder Michael else is it out
no you were the first thank you fucking free all right six seconds such a piece
of shit
splash splash it's true i won't get stuck under the ice this time
that was a total fucking hazard I'm not gonna live and see it ok let's see if I
can make it here without Gavin killing me kill myself of my own accord
ok with somebody else on my camera track and no Miguel was just you fucking idiot
all right yeah threw down across all make all the way the end don't drown
oh shit dude I gotta go I'm I need air
get get get get no go zone it will go well that's a trap keep track
no you fell for it oh my god no no make it make it make it make if I gonna drown
i'm driving it make it make it
thank you Lord almost there come on oh my god my heart city lose me
that's 40 we lost four hearts that's the worst so far
haha fuck is the leap of kingdoms leap of kingdoms again
oh you guys me right now you want to make your way through the lava into the
water directly behind my little very fun run
come on you look a lot like I died all right
so run along the track Gavin help them get back here all right there and the
they're coming let's try not to fucking die this time through the lobby
Oh what are they guys I can survive that time now what you gonna do here
you gotta smash your way through the sign and through the trees gonna break
every would block me quickly because the leaves will start disappearing state
style statement as high as you can will tell you that there's a ceiling but
started trying to get close to you and you have to break all the wood they
didn't tell me that I have to bring we did tell you it is i'm fucking time is
right for to go higher I'd say okay I got it I should go higher
everyone keeps telling me go higher right and fucking make sure to break all
the wood blocks
what if i go over the wood blocks did you get a break break down on him
ok how many are there for I think she knows like five or six times in the
forest of mystery right
three in the forest mr. Avery I take it I'm doing very poorly
well you feel fine do you remember last week when they build that gold block
that's okay
I'm still riding that high yeah he's still riding the high coming third time
in pickaxe
what's that well he went through shut up all right you gonna make the jump onto
the platform
the blue love love the white right
get this pumpkin and put it on your head all right but the pumpkin in your head
you know how to do that no just like armor right pick it up now put it on
like on a like I don't know how to do that
okay all right all right head oh shit pumpkin vision yeah I envisioned
now I jump across the oh my god you're right ready to channel my inner bear
haha doing well
Wow taste it taste it Jack's ass on that one okay take the helmet off okay now go
through the crusher helmet is off
how the hell do i do that just run through it flock okay well that went god
damn it
Wow time what do i do what i do join into the army a maze of a hatred
I have a sign of the bodies of hatred
yes you and you will stand so oh there's water halfway through if you catch on
I did not a little change all right it's a little stingy boo still moving proven
are you shooting at me yes
okay - okay i'm on fire I don't know how I was almost there
alright an hour okay what do we got
read up on come back come right back alright so you'd hope you can help over
the crusher this time now you can just hop over the special like I'm doing okay
you don't watch out for the immense circuitry and head through the the field
of a good men circuitry made it onto the maze of hatred again yes
his time is 5 minutes and one second Wow
all right this is on coming down a puddle of water please water and .
nobody doing i write you this time he's doing and when we do an excellent
well it requires a little bit of fire my helmet back you can watch my God we're
gonna drop the helmet you don't need it and i got what i got here right
ok take a bunch of cake if you want some health okay how do we do that have
triggered on the cake
always have I punched the cake by activating your phone he'll be broken
and bright
we gotta go go go where am I going I'm just follow yeah
bollocks you're gonna want to ride a water fall all the way up to the top
yeah and they jump into the next waterfall ok
the care is that right - is it but i'm still going ahead we could sure
all right and jump to the next waterfall jump forward
everybody chill bollocks meters around not just I'll just walk out of the
ground like you're you got but a dollar
there you go I made it you made it right now I do that again one last look again
like I jumped the fire
I would have put your head out occasionally so you don't drown no don't
tell him that
well as document vice come on everyone else knows how to everyone's comments it
comes to tell you why would you need to tell
oh wow no damage
oh my god never the best jobs ever has to be that what do i do keep trying to
make your way all the way up to the top there's gonna be a platform
ok that's gonna take you to the leap of faith oh my god the little camera lens
whatever man you gotta hang them on the way up to Little Ba Sing this again for
the pork chops rice is a really just like your audio episode of Wipeout
this is like fuck in oh my god this is how you ascend to heaven you ride this
how do you explain Kevin what sense i was there ok so my life is full of that
was okay
jump up there I he's gonna be me to the top time good job far in the other way
that's going to be a tiny you're going to be you're going to see what Al and
what this time job in the one by one the water 648
I'm going ready yeah whoo-hoo egos is gonna make it
I we got all right so run back up to the liars
oh you three opportunities same that fucking camera track damn it
no I didn't go with him skyline 813 Bob classically by the time I know I see
Jeff I'm almost there most of the top 8 19 22 ok I'm ready
Jack you're right in his way I got this ready Jeffrey
yeah my new one who are you coming down their nose
ah i can just a midi - damn it hurry with this scene dude this is like a
spoiler alert this is like Harry Potter like the last book when he's going into
the forest you guys are like my Guardians don't make me cry have this
oh yeah it's like you Jeff I can't you're like you're like serious do the
crusher looks pretty badass from up here ok
yeah because this is my final attempt I mean you don't have a final leap of
faith to the edge of the world
the leap of community said the moon is passing overhead is soon after night 10
this is it Richard Hammond are you happy
jumped he's made the jump oh I died I mean no shake isn't it well I
michael has one what the qualifier he has destroyed the competition
congratulations i get a graduation on the qualifier
all right i'll be on your that means nothing other than you have that you
have the time to beat Michael you are the current leader when everybody gets
to go for their last attempt
everybody your that you've set the pace might have lasted you want here is that
here the you guys are going to go one more time to let go
no what it looks like all right so here's where we are going into part two
round 2 which is the finals right Michael in first place with 10 minutes
6.7 seconds
ok Wow second place is Ray 11 minutes 1.8 seconds
who Jack way behind ya
15 minutes at 5.6 seconds michael has beaten
michael has sixty-six percent faster than that i've had some issues I can get
him seriously like it's seriously i can do some serious improving on my time I I
think you all can
alright so congratulations who's gonna win Gavin I'm so excited a tune in next
part - what - second part of our perps wipe out my craft
who will be victorious