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Taiwan, which is officially known as the Republic of China (ROC), is a state in East Asia.
Its neighbours include China (officially the People's Republic of China) to the west,
與臺灣相鄰的國家包括位在西邊的中國 (正式名為中華人民共和國)、
Japan to the northeast, and the Philippines to the south.
Taiwan is the most populous state that is not a member of the UN with a population of over 23,500,000.
臺灣是非聯合國成員中人口密集度最高的國家,擁有超過 2350 萬人口。
And it also possesses the largest economy of any state outside of the UN.
The Taiwanese government claims to be the legitimate government of china and the reason
for this goes back to the early 20th century.
而其原因得追溯到 20 世紀初
Taiwan had been a Chinese colony until 1895 when it was ceded to imperial japan by the
臺灣被中國長期殖民,直到 1895 年,
Qing dynasty.
While Taiwan was under Japanese rule, the Republic of China (ROC), the government which
still rules Taiwan, was established on the mainland in 1912 after the fall of the Qing
中華民國政府在清朝滅亡後,於 1912 年,
Following the Japanese surrender to the Allies in 1945, the ROC took control of Taiwan.
1945 年,日本向同盟國投降後,臺灣便由中華民國管轄
However, the resumption of the Chinese Civil War, which had stoped because of the war with
japan, led to the ROC's loss of the mainland to the Communists, and the flight of the ROC
government to Taiwan in 1949.
1949 年,中華民國政府逃到臺灣
Although the ROC continued to claim to be the legitimate government of China, its effective
area of control since 1949 has been limited to Taiwan and its surrounding islands, with
但從 1949 年以來,中華民國政府所管轄土地只侷限在臺灣本島及周圍群島,
the main island making up 99% of its territory.
本島就佔其領土的 99%
As a founding member of the United Nations, the ROC continued to represent China at the
United Nations until 1971, when the PRC assumed China's seat, causing the ROC to lose its
直到 1971 年,中華人民共和國佔了中國地位,
UN membership.
Since then most nations officially recognise Taiwan as part of the people's republic
of china but unofficially they have embassies and conduct business with Taiwan as if it
was just another country.
The flag of the Republic of China is red with
a navy blue canton bearing a white sun with twelve triangular rays.
In Chinese, the flag is commonly described as Blue Sky, White Sun, and a Wholly Red Earth to reflect its features.
It was first used in mainland China by the (Kuomintang) KMT, the Chinese Nationalist
Party in 1917 and was made the official flag of the Republic of China (ROC) in 1928.
中國國民黨於 1917 年創立,而中華民國國旗在 1928 年出現
As Taiwan had been under Japanese rule since 1895, the flag began use in Taiwan after the
自 1895 年,臺灣受日本統治,一直到 1945 年回歸中國後,
1945 handover.
The flag is now mostly used within Taiwan and other outlying islands where the ROC relocated
如今,中華民國在 1949 年國共內戰戰敗後,
in 1949 after its defeat in the Chinese Civil War.
The canton known as "Blue Sky with a White Sun" was created by a revolutionary called
Lu Hao-tung in the late 1800s.
是一位名叫陸皓東的革命分子於 19 世紀末時創造的
The twelve rays of the white Sun symbolize the twelve months and the twelve traditional
白日周圍十二個光芒象徵十二個月,以及十二個傳統時辰 (時間) 單位,
units of time (shichen), which correspond to two modern hours.
A fellow nationalist, Sun Yat-sen, added the "Red Earth" to the flag to signify the blood
of the revolutionaries who sacrificed themselves in order to overthrow the Qing Dynasty and
create the ROC.
Together, the three colours of the flag correspond to the Three Principles of the People: Blue
represents nationalism and liberty; White represents democracy and equality; and Red
represents the people's livelihood and community.
Flying of the flag is banned in mainland china and is used as a means of protest against
the PRC government but despite this, the PRC strangely have criticized Taiwan independence
groups for wishing to change or abolish the ROC flag, and has implied that legal steps
to do so would bring a strongly negative reaction from the PRC.
The flag was also recently banned in Cambodia – by Prime Minister Hun Sen in February
中華民國國旗最近在柬埔寨也被禁止了-- 2017 年二月,
2017 who outlawed the display of the ROC flag in Cambodia due to the One-China policy.