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  • The Coliseum, it was in this vaunted arena that the masses satisfied their bloodlust, as they watched lethal and skilled gladiators fight to the death.

    這是羅馬競技場, 群眾正是在這個圓形競技場中, 觀看足以致命、訓練有素的角鬥士格鬥致死, 滿足他們的殺戮慾。

  • As slaves or prisoners of war, these gladiators were forced into battle and had but one choice: win or die.

    角鬥士為奴隸或戰俘出身, 被迫參與格鬥, 不是贏就是死。

  • Sometimes the only hope of a fallen gladiator lie in the whims of the Roman emperor.

    有時候, 倒下的角鬥士存活的唯一希望, 取決於羅馬帝王一念之間。

  • Will this fallen warrior survive to fight another day?

    這個倒下的戰士能否存活, 來日再戰?

  • Or will he be fed to the lions?


  • Actually, gladiatorial contests were way more tame than this.

    其實, 角鬥士競賽遠比這個場景溫和多了。

  • So, whoever told you this version must have been "lion".

    所以, 告訴你這個版本的人肯定是「獅子」(在說謊)。【獅子lion與說謊lying的讀音相近】

  • Oh, God, no! Puns?!

    天啊, 饒了我吧, 諧音雙關?!

  • What are you talking about, Adam?

    Adam, 你到底在說什麼?

  • This was blood sport!


  • Nope.


  • In fact, for most of gladiatorial history, intentionally killing your opponent was against the rules.

    其實, 在大多數的角鬥士競賽歷史中,故意殺死對手是違反規定的。

  • That's why only one in ten matches ended in a death.


  • But I thought gladiatorial combat was pure mayhem!


  • They actually had rules?


  • Yup!


  • As well as umpires to enforce them.


  • All right, gents, I want a good clean fight.

    聽好了, 兩位先生, 我們希望這會是一場光明磊落的競賽。

  • No head shots from behind, no eye-gouging, and be sure to keep those genitals well-covered.

    禁止從後方襲擊頭部、禁止挖眼行為, 並務必保護好生殖器官。

  • We don't want anyone losing their bits.


  • Touch weapons, and fight!

    觸碰武器, 開始戰鬥!

  • And these umpires were scrupulously fair.


  • In fact, if your opponent fell by accident, the umpire would stop the match and let them get up.

    事實上, 如果你的對手意外摔倒, 裁判會先暫停比賽, 等他站起來。

  • Please, let me help.


  • Ah, you're too kind.


  • But the most important rule: No Killing!


  • Gladiators were actually trained to subdue their opponents rather than flat-out kill them.

    角鬥士接受的訓練是制服其對手, 而非卯足全力地殺死對手。

  • Beware of my deadly trident!


  • Which is mostly just for show.


  • I'm really more of a net guy.


  • But if no one dies, how do we know who wins?

    但不爭個你死我活, 我們如何判斷輸贏?

  • Easy!


  • A match would actually end when a gladiator was wounded, got too tired or just held up a finger to tap out.

    角鬥士受傷、太累, 或舉起一根手指認輸時, 比賽就會終止。

  • Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow ow, ow, ow!


  • OK, I give up, I give up!

    好, 我投降, 我投降!

The Coliseum, it was in this vaunted arena that the masses satisfied their bloodlust, as they watched lethal and skilled gladiators fight to the death.

這是羅馬競技場, 群眾正是在這個圓形競技場中, 觀看足以致命、訓練有素的角鬥士格鬥致死, 滿足他們的殺戮慾。

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你不知道的古羅馬鬥劍規則 (Adam Ruins Everything - The Roman Gladiatorial Rule Book | truTV)

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    Cyndi posted on 2023/08/16
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