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  • This is saffron, and just one pound of it can cost you $5,000.

    這是番紅花,一英鎊就要價 5000 美元。

  • It's easily the world's most expensive spice.


  • The next most expensive spice?


  • Vanilla at about $600 a pound.

    一英鎊 600 美元的香草。

  • So, what makes saffron so wildly expensive?

    那麼, 為什麼番紅花這麼貴?

  • For starters, saffron is a complicated spice to harvest.


  • My name is Arash Ghalehgolabbehbahani. I am a post-doctoral research associate at the University of Vermont.

    我是 Arash Ghalehgolabbehbahani。我是佛蒙特大學的博士後研究員。

  • To harvest the saffron, you need a lot of hand work to pick up the flowers, separatesaffron is the dehydrated or dry stigma.

    採收番紅花需要許多手工活, 包括摘除花朵、取出 — 番紅花是脫水或乾燥的柱頭。

  • The stigma is the female part of the flower. You have to separate the stigma, dry that, and for all of these procedures, you need hand works, laborers.

    柱頭是花朵的雌性生殖器官。你得取出柱頭、晾乾, 所有的過程都需要手工勞動者。

  • I prefer to harvest the flowers by hand because I don't like to damage the other parts of the plants.

    我比較喜歡用手採摘花朵, 因為我不想破壞植物的其他部分。

  • Saffron comes from the Saffron Crocus flower, and each flower has three red stigmas.


  • That's the saffron.


  • The yield of saffron is really low. You know, you have to hire a lot of laborers to harvest 4 pounds of saffron per acre. That's nothing.


  • Just one pound of saffron requires 170,000 flowers.


  • The purple flowers bloom over a six week period from late September to early December.

    這些紫色花朵的花期為每年9月到12月初, 開花時間為6周。

  • There's also a specific time of day to harvest them.


  • When we have a higher relative humidity in the air, it can affect the saffron quality.

    空氣中的相對濕氣較高時, 番紅花的質量就會受到影響。

  • Also, sunlight can break the chemical structure in the saffron.

    此外, 陽光也會破壞番紅花中的化學結構。

  • So, we prefer to harvest the saffron early morning every day, or, if you don't have flowers every day, every two days.

    所以, 我們選擇每天一大早採收番紅花, 若不是每天開花則兩天採收一次。

  • 90% of the world's saffron is grown in arid fields in Iran.


  • But harvesting all that saffron comes at a price.


  • Why is Iran the main producer of saffron? Because workers are available and they are cheap.


  • In some parts, it's like slavery, their behavior with laborers. I hate that, I should say.

    某些地方對待勞工的方式, 有點類似奴隸制度。我討厭那種做法。

  • Based on my experience, you know, they usually, the workers came to farms in Iran around 5,6 a.m. and they left around 4 p.m.

    根據我的經驗, 伊朗的工人通常早上5-6點抵達農場, 下午4點左右離開。

  • Most saffron harvesters are women, getting paid a maximum of five dollars a day.

    大多數番紅花採收者是女性, 日薪頂多5美元。

  • Saffron is not only grown in Iran.


  • It's grown in Morocco, Spain, Italy, the Netherlands, Afghanistan, India, and even in the United States.

    摩洛哥、西班牙、義大利、荷蘭、阿富汗、印度, 甚至美國都有種植。

  • Why the US?


  • Though many Americans have never eaten saffron, the US imported 25 tons in 2013 and 46 tons in 2016.

    雖然很多美國人沒有吃過番紅花, 但美國在2013年和2016年分別進口了25噸和46噸的番紅花。

  • I knew that saffron has a good resistance to the cold weather. If you cover Vermont state with a layer of plastic, you will have the same situation that we have in Iran.

    我知道番紅花的抗寒能力不錯。如果用一層塑膠蓋住佛蒙特州, 就能打造出伊朗的種植環境。

  • What's so great about saffron?


  • Over centuries, it's proven useful in many situations.

    幾個世紀以來, 它被證實用途廣泛。

  • Saffron is most commonly used in cooking.


  • As an Iranian, every day we use saffron in our dishes, you know. We cook with saffron a lot. So far, I cannot find an alternative for the taste of saffron.

    身為伊朗人, 我們每天的料理中都會用到番紅花。我們經常用番紅花做菜。到目前為止, 我找不到可以替代番紅花的材料。

  • It gives paella its signature flavor and golden color.


  • It's also used in broths, breads, and marinades.


  • When saffron is broken down, it creates a golden dye.


  • Everything is not just about saffron production procedures.


  • Saffron contains some chemical components, which are really expensive, like picrocrocin, crocin, and safranal.

    番紅花中含有珍貴的化學成分, 如苦番紅花素、番紅花素和番紅花醛。

  • They are three main components or compounds, which are responsible for the taste and color and smell of saffron.

    它們是番紅花的三種主要成分或化合物, 決定了番紅花的味道、顏色和氣味。

  • When we are talking about saffron quality, technically we're talking about these three chemical components. Saffron, inherently, is a valuable thing.

    若論及番紅花的質量, 基本上就是指這三種化學成分。番紅花本身就是很有價值的東西。

  • People have tried passing turmeric, red marigold petals, and lily flower stigmas as saffron.


  • But the flavor and dye is totally different.


  • In large quantities, saffron can be a potent, happiness-inducing narcotic.


  • And research suggests, it may help reduce the symptoms for Alzheimer's, depression, and PMS.

    研究證實, 它有助於減輕阿茲海默症、抑鬱症和經前症候群的症狀。

  • Who knew this little spice packed such a punch?


This is saffron, and just one pound of it can cost you $5,000.

這是番紅花,一英鎊就要價 5000 美元。

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