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I'm going to read the big-people Bible first
And read the Bible story?
Say, "Read the Bible."
Read the Bible
Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked
But his delight is on the law of the Lord
And on His law he meditates day and night
Can you say, "Day and night?"
Day and night
That's right
Day and night
All done
Now we're going to read the children's Bible
Can you guys say, "Read a book?"
Read a book
Now David loved the Lord with all his heart
He wrote many songs of praise while caring for his sheep
What do the sheep say?
Maaaaaaaaaaa! (Sheep bleating)
Even children and babies sing praises to You, right?
And then this song, it's...
Let the little children come, let the little children come to me...
...belongs to such as these
That's very good
We're all done reading
Say, "Watch TV."
Watch TV!
Ha ha ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha ha!
It's so funny
Wipe your tears
Wipe your tears
Watch TV
Ok, it's getting late now
And there are just a few more things to do before I go to bed
I'm gonna go and get the garbage now
And take it outside
And here is our garbage can in the kitchen
Very full
Another very full garbage can here
We've got garbage
That is one big bag
We've got our garbage here
Now it's time to take it up to the road
The waste management people in our part of town
Ask us to put the garbage across the road
Do not try this at home
Good night Bear, sleep well
And good night to the little chicks
Sleep well
And now it's time to brush my teeth
Put toothpaste on my toothbrush
And start to brush
It usually take 2 minutes to brush my teeth
And then I rinse my mouth
Nice and good
And spit it out
It's been a long day
And now it's time to go to bed
Thank you for watching
Good night
Let's review
Read a book
Read a book
Now you try and say, "Read a book."
You can also say
"I read a book on the bus."
"She likes to read books in her free time."
Watch TV
Watch TV
Now you try and say, "Watch TV."
You can also say
"I don't like to watch TV."
"He's always watching TV."
Take out the garbage
Take out the garbage
Now you try and say, "Take out the garbage."
You can also say
"Please take out the garbage before you go to bed."
"He took the garbage out and put it next to the road."
Brush your teeth
Brush your teeth
Now you try and say, "Brush your teeth."
You can also say
"Please go and brush your teeth."
"I already brushed my teeth."
Go to bed
Go to bed
Now you try and say, "Go to bed."
You can also say
"It's time to go to bed."
"When did you go to bed last night?"
We're all done
Thank you so much for watching
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My name is Stephen
And we'll see you next time