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  • jbjb Examiner: Good afternoon. My name is James. Could you tell me your full name please?

  • Pedro: My name is Pedro Tiago __________ Examiner: And Pedro, can I see some identification,

  • please? Pedro: Of course. Examiner: Thank you. Here you are. Pedro: Thank you. Examiner:

  • Pedro, let s talk about what you do. Do you work or are you a student? Pedro: I m a student.

  • Examiner: Ok, and, erm, what subject are you studying? Pedro: I m studying law at university.

  • It s very interesting and it s the thing that I, I, I want very much to do well in my future.

  • Examiner: Ok, ok. Is it a difficult subject? Pedro: Yes, some subjects are very difficult

  • (uh-huh), er, such as er, administrative law, it s very difficult, cos we have more laws

  • to, to, to, to see, to compare with some other, other readings and stuff like this. Examiner:

  • Ok, and what s, what s the most interesting aspect of your subject? Pedro: The most interesting

  • aspect. Ok, it s very, it s very interesting because we, we can see the reality outside

  • and erm, do, do some things that normal people that, that aren t studying law cannot do.

  • Examiner: And why did you choose law? Pedro: Er, in parts, because my family (ok) and it

  • s just because I, I like very much that political passions and questions and stuff like that.

  • Examiner: Ok. Let s talk about sport. (Sport, yes.) Erm, are you interested in sport? Pedro:

  • Yes, since I was a child. Examiner: Ok, and what sports did you do as a child? Pedro:

  • Er, football, table-tennis and swimming. Examiner: Ok, and, erm, what sports are popular in Portugal?

  • Pedro: The number one is football, (uh-huh) but we have another kind of sports that has

  • been development, there s types such as basketball, handball. Examiner: Ok, and erm, which sports

  • do you think are the most difficult to learn? Pedro: To learn? Table-tennis, I think, in

  • my case. It s very difficult because we have a lot of techniques to, to, to, to play with

  • another, er, another person and we have to have great skills to, to do that kind of sport.

  • Examiner: Next, I m going to give you a topic and I d like you to talk about it for one

  • or two minutes. Before you talk, you ll have one minute to think about what you are going

  • to say. You can make some notes if you wish. Do you understand? Pedro: Yes. Examiner: Here

  • s some paper and a pen. And I d like you to describe someone who works hard. For Parts

  • 2 and 3, please visit the HYPERLINK "" iPass IELTS website hkrB hkrB Examiner: Good

  • afternoon Jenny Bedwell Normal Jenny Bedwell Microsoft Word 11.6.1 PICT kZg9V $kZc kZg9V

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  • Word Document NB6W Word.Document.8

jbjb Examiner: Good afternoon. My name is James. Could you tell me your full name please?

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iPass雅思口語視頻2 (iPass IELTS Speaking Video 2)

  • 145 38
    田立瑋 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary

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