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  • Hey there and welcome to Life Noggin.

    嗨,歡迎收看 Life Noggin。

  • Just the other day, I was exploring my world with Triangle Bob and we found a place my animator forgot to design.

    就在前幾天,我和 Triangle Bob 一起探索我們的世界,然後我們找到了一個動畫師忘記設計的地方。

  • The end of my world is just a big, scary cliff to nowhere!


  • But you can float around, so it's kinda cool.


  • It did have me wondering though, what's at the end of your universe?


  • If we want to know what's at the end of the universe, we should start at the beginning.


  • There are many different ideas for how our universe began, but the most popular one is the Big Bang Theory.

    對於宇宙的起源有許多說法,其中最主流的學說就是「大霹靂」(註:Big Bang Theory 也是一部美國影集的名字)

  • Nope, guys get out of here!


  • The Big Bang Theory was first proposed in the 1920's, saying that the universe once started out super small.

    「大霹靂」在 1920 年代第一次被提出,它認為我們的宇宙在剛開始非常微小,

  • From its tiny beginnings, the universe stretched and expanded until it became as big as it is now.


  • According to NASA, if we looked at the universe one second after the Big Bang, we would most likely see a 10-billion degree sea of particles, such as neutrons, protons, and electrons.

    根據 NASA 的說法,如果我們觀察大爆炸後一秒的宇宙,我們可能會看到溫度為 100 億 K (克氏溫標) 的大量粒子,如中子、質子和電子等。

  • That's really hot!


  • As everything expanded and took up more space, it all cooled down.


  • Particles grouped together and formed atoms.


  • These atoms gave birth to stars and galaxies and molecules, and eventually the universe was filled with all the planets, people, and lovable internet friends that you have today!


  • And that's not all.


  • Our universe could still be expanding and stretching, and might do so for a very long time.


  • Maybe forever!


  • It's all super cool to think about, but why is the Big Bang the leading theory?


  • Do we have any proof?


  • Well, around the same time that the Big Bang Theory was introduced, no guys!


  • Please get out of here!


  • I'm not talking about you.


  • Edwin Hubble made an interesting observation.

    Edwin Hubble 做了一個有趣的觀察。

  • He noticed that other galaxies were moving away from us in all directions.


  • Not only that, but the farther apart galaxies were from us, the faster they would seem to be moving away.


  • Hubble's observation was so important because it showed that the universe is still expanding.

    Hubble 的發現非常重要,因為它證明了宇宙正在持續擴張。

  • If things are moving apart, it stands to reason they were once closer together.


  • The discovery of the cosmic microwave background, or CMB for short, also helped give credit to the Big Bang Theory.

    而微波背景輻射 (或簡稱 CMB) 的發現,也有助於大霹靂理論的可信度。

  • Since the Big Bang says that our early universe was a very hot place that eventually cooled down, there should be leftover radiation.


  • Robert Wilson and Arno Penzias were the first to find the radiation while they were building a radio receiver.

    Robert Wilson 和 Arno Penzias 在建置無線電接收器時首次發現這個輻射。

  • Since then, we've learned a lot about the CMB from missions such as NASA's Cosmic Background Explorer and the Wilkinson Anisotropy Probe.

    從那時開始,我們從 NASA 的衛星任務中認識了更多微波背景輻射的知識,這些衛星有「宇宙背景探測者」或「威爾金森微波各向異性探測器」等等。

  • We now know that CMB radiation is not only very cold, close to absolute zero in fact, but it's also pretty uniform throughout the universe.


  • This uniformity is why it makes sense that it all came from one place, like the Big Bang.


  • So, if the universe is still expanding, what's at the end of it?


  • Well, we can't know for sure right now and there's a good chance that we never will.


  • That's because the universe doesn't just seem to be expanding, but also getting faster as it does.


  • If it doesn't stop, we'll probably never be able to find a way to go fast enough to reach it, since we believe it's already expanding faster than the speed of light.


  • Maybe one day somehow we'll find out, but until then me and Triangle Bob are going to float in the nothingness.

    或許某天我們會找出探索邊境的方法,但在那之前我和 Triangle Bob 都要一直漂浮在虛無之中。

  • It's really calming!


  • Wait a that my dad?


  • So what do you think is at the end of the universe?


  • Let me know in the comment section below!


  • Curious to know if there are actual parallel universes?


  • Check out this video!


  • As always, my name is Blocko and this has been Life Noggin.

    如同以往,我是 Blocko,這裡是 Life Noggin。

  • Don't forget to keep on thinking!


Hey there and welcome to Life Noggin.

嗨,歡迎收看 Life Noggin。

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