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Yo, yo yo what's up guys we are back with some buffed
Master Yi in the jungle his alpha strike and his "E", the true damage Got some decent buffs. This patch
We're gonna go dark harvest precision try this out
ooh is Nidalee gonna get a kill
Nahh we good.
We can I counter that
Would you LeBlanc's coming in?
Yo, I'm so down should you get one chain?
Get on boys
First oh we got him nice the flash alpha
00:00:51,350 --> 00:00:53,500 Let's get yeah, let's get Nasus where are you going Doge?
Red buff and come on ks It kill secure it KILLSECURE!
00:01:01,010 --> 00:01:03,010 Wait why would you see flash bro, okay?
Yo, I'm actually so fat easily three minutes then
So let's go for skirmishers Sabre
I'm gonna call fields Warhammer as well the reason. I'm gonna go warrior
This game is because the thing that got buffed was his alpha strike
And his Wuju style the ad ratios, so I kind of want to see how warrior feels over blood razor. We'll try this out
You're having these items at four minutes is insane
105 already goodness oh we gonna kill buy, you know they're kind of low
Don't mind me
Comment for some free LP do that rhyme hello rapper here, let's actually let's actually kill Nami
What was that damage
Okay, that's one can we get two come on come on come on?
Okay, never bite their minds my bad. I should have saved my alpha dude. I think it could have gotten both of them
Dude problem. Let's hit level 6 at 6 minutes. Oh
That is so not good for them, right
Did I think I didn't kill her on your money now. They know too much
They know too much, but they do not know the way you know what this person offer here
Actually wait unless we want to dive I'm down to dive. What are you guys down?
Okay, I'm going in oh, this is so risky
Hello that
Okay nevermind we could and we do chi boys get me out
Do look how cool my sword looked in the altie forum?
I love that. I think this is my favorite you skin to be honest with you like even more than eternal
I really like the look of it
Okay warrior
Let's go
Look at my item said eight minutes ended. I'm gonna go for statics if next but look at this
Can my ulti is almost back up right, dude, we just used my like use the ulti and it's already back up. That's insane
Good cool down on that calm down double kill a double kill come on Leblanc. Let's get him, dude. Oh
My now full
But never mind Noelle fucking don't need an L funny
What was that damage Oh
What is this
What just happened to them right is that the buff master you with dark harvests are like my E
Is doing like seven inch of damage Prato? Which is really really strong, but also? I think it was also the dark harvest pickups there
Cuz I kept picking up dark harvest and doing massive damage to these guys
Wait a hello to the leave
Okay, this is busted new this is busted
Can I dive on her Tower you may be risky okay? Never mind give me. I'll get me. I'll give you I'll give you
Dude, this is insane
buffed mastery boys
All right boys here we go
eleven minutes in static ship
Completed. What kind of boots to be watch?
Prisoner curse what's your berserkers out? I guess whatever. Why not you'd already have 94 dark harvest X guys
Are boys we are about to hit level?
Level 11 here we go
Dude oh my gosh we could get an easy triple mint oh, hey go for it, I'm going for it
I'm going for it easy triple, baby
What's up dummy
Okay, I'm fine who's gonna die to that spirited?
No bad. That's your Chevy. I didn't get the triple, but I've got two. I'll take it
Eating some little face check media could we just wait here be all sneaky
Ivor's gonna go mid. What are you gonna? Say? Hello to Nami again? Hello Nami?
This Pournami, dude, what could she even do against this? What could she even do?
Alright, let's see we could get these guys to oh come on. Oh come on. Oh
Another one wait who's left I saw Highlander oh
It's about to run out it's about to run out though. Ah
Man, okay, we only got two it's fine. Hi boys
172 CS is 17 minutes infinity-edge
This is not normal these are not the items you should have in 17 minutes, but we do
Let me see if I can kill Nasus Oh
Nasus this is very rude
Ohyeah exploded this guy got shredded
Nice I feel like my true damage my true damage is zinc for 118 for auto
Dude that's the e-book that I'm talking about that's
Those gonna kill me. Let's see if we can get someone to facecheck here
That's one
I'm client come on Nessa's I
accidentally killed the wave, dude oh
My gosh I accidentally killed the wave that was gonna alpha 2
It was so funny. Actually all right. Let's get on let's get phantom dancer
Let's see if we gonna buy even more ad right. Let's get a bloodthirster going
I'm 200 dark harvest act I what I literally Autotech Nami ones and her entire health bar disappeared
Okay, let's see if you guys run into them now and kill them all
Actually let me add level 16 real quick really close
Okay level 16 dude at 23 minutes. I'm like 4 levels higher than anyone on my team
This is actually really crazy
It's not cool dude right will they check this bush that is the question?
Okay, they know
I'm going anyway even though. It's warded
My gosh there goes insane. Okay? How do I do this?
Just killed her with no health I killed two of them with no health left, dude
That was actually insane
Is this the master you buff? This is actually the street?
Right oh my gosh, this is insane, dude
Hi boys, let's get that bloodthirster now we are max items at 25 minutes
Okay, let me see how much from undamaged my new e does right. This is the new buff - boo - style ready
146 true damage dude poor Auto
Know my team's ending the game, dude
My teams end in the game. I'm coming. Okay. Let me at least end with you. Let me end with you oh
My gosh, did I couldn't see the full power of the build?
All right, whatever dude well buffed master you dude he's insane
I'm doing so much more damage than I was before Arkadiy boys this will be