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Tom: If I'm honest, I have been asking for weeks and weeks if I can read the script Benedict: Excuse me
and every time they're like I "Nope, because you can't keep a secret" Benedict: They just know
he's gonna talk about it Interviewer: They literally won't let you read the script
Tom: Yeah, I don't know anything about this movie
apart from my bits, I know what I'm doing Benedict: He thinks he's in 'Dumbo' Tom: Yeah [laughs]
Interviewer: Do you know much
about in terms of
whose side you fall on, what kind of roll you play in it
Jeremy: I do, I do know some of those things. Interviewer: Good.
Jeremy: Yeah I know
Interviewer: What?
Jeremy: I know those things.
Interviewer: And they would be?
Jeremy: I don't know. Interviewer: What just happened? You knew a second ago
Jeremy:Yeah, it doesn't mean I'm telling you. Interviewer: [laughs]
Mark: It doesn't end well for the superheroes [shrugs]
Interviewer: Thats true in Marvel, it doesn't end that well. Somebody always bites, or gets really badly hurt.
Mark: Wait until you see this next one, everybody dies
Don: Dude! Dude...
Mark: Not everybody ... no
Tom: So as a joke I
suggested to Marvel
that I should go to a high school undercover
and it was completely a joke and Marvel took it completely seriously
I guess that didn't get my British sarcasm
Robert: Yeah they do that.
Tom: and, uh, yeah, so the next thing I was like had a backpack
with a pencil case on my way to Bronx School of Science
Robert: oh boy
Interviewer: And we all wanna see here a little bit of chemistry between the black widow and the hulk?
Mark: Y-yes there may or may not be a little bit of chemistry between black widow and the hulk ..
[Crowd cheers]
Interviewer: Oh thats all he's gonna give us.
Interviewer: Have you read the full scripts for both of the films?
Sebastian: No .. no [chuckle]
No, I only read .. I only read - *gets cut off*
Interviewer: Who gets to read the entire script?
Downey gets to probably? Sebastian: I'm sure.
Uhhhh I dunno I mean ..
I only read uhHh
the little you know whatever
they gave me on the day and it's usually like a day-to-day thing
Tom: I had one funny experience
I was sat at the back of a classroom next to quite a pretty girl and uh
eventually she was like, "So, dude, what's your deal, man?"
I was like, "Well, do you want to know my secret?" Interviewer: [chuckles]
Tom: "Okay?"
"I'm actually Spider-Man"
And she was like "Dude, you're NOT spider-man"
"You're nuts!"
Interviewer: Should we expect to see Rogers as Nomad next time?
Sebastian: But listen, I mean you can expect whatever you want
He is missing the star on his chest so I dunno what that means
but uhh-
Interviewer: You do actually
[both laugh]
Interviewer: In Infinity War, are you a freelancer?
I mean, do you go back to the Avengers?
Tom: Um that's a good question. Again. Benedict: I'll answer it. Umm.
He is really, really,
really fun to work with and um
Tom: Aw thanks ... like-wise
Benedict: it's nice to be on set with a friend
[teapot/kettle laugh from interviewer)
Tom: There is still a lot
of room for Peter Parker and Spider-man especially to
grow in the next two movies, you know? He's definitely
not the finished article by the end of Spider-Man Homecoming
Interviewer: That's almost a scoop because we knew about the second one but not the third one
Tom: Yeah well now you know. Now you know. Sorry Marvel, whoops! That's out!
Interviewer: Alright. Hey, Jeremy. I understand no spoilers here but we see
a different Hawk-Eye this time around. What can you tell us?
Jeremy: Uhhh I can't tell you anything about him
[all laugh] Interviewer: Come on!!!
Jeremy: Everything I do is a spoiler so I got to be careful
Yeah, no but no A lot of fun, interesting things are revealed
Tom: I got a parcel from none
other than Mr. Mark Ruffalo himself
and I thought I would open on live for you guys.
I don't know what it is. I'm quite excited.
It's quite thin.
So this is like an unboxing video on YouTube.
Today I will be unboxing a gift from Mark Ruffalo
Let's see what it is... okay
That's dope!
I guess this is the new Avengers.. Avengers: Infinity War
May 4th
That is so cool.
Let's see what else he put in here.
"Hi Tom, I'm so excited to be working with you on Infinity
War. I thought you'd like to be the first
to see the poster for the movie. Enjoy, Mark
Ugh! No! No! No! No! No!
Interviewer: Did you know that it was Spider-man when you auditioned? Because they keep very quiet
Zendaya: No I did not Interviewer: They don't tell you, yep
Zendaya: I knew I was auditioning for 'girl in movie'
Interviewer: Girl in movie? Yeah, that makes you feel good, yeah
Zendaya: Yeah, yeah. No. It was great to get into character, it really helped. Interviewer: [laughs]
Interviewer: How much do you help him? Peter Parker?
Tom: If I'm honest with you, I actually know nothing about this movie
I am not allowed to read the script because I'm so
bad at keeping secrets for this exact reason.
I would wanna tell you all the secrets and I just don't know them.
Me, I know I play Spider-Man
Who is a kid from Queens
Zendaya: And em, I didn't even know what kind of character I was gonna play until like I got
there and got to sign the non-disclosure and then
read the script.
Interviewer: Yeah, exactly .. oh and then you get the script
Zendaya: And then you get the script
Zendaya: then I found out and I was like "wow"
Interviewer: See you in the next Cap film right? Uhh ummm Civil War, yes?
Scarlett: Yes
Interviewer: You know whose side you're on?
Scarlett: Um, yes. I know whose side I'm on.
Mark: Whose side are you on??
Scarlett: [laughs] I'll tell you later
Interviewer: Thanks, Mark [laughs]
Tom: I was very passionate about making sure I did as much as I could.
There was a few things that I couldn't do. There's one...
There was like sometime where they dangled
my poor stunt-double under a helicopter and dunked him in
a lake.
Damn it!
Mark: I ended up shoving it in my pocket and sitting
down and um watching the movie. While
it was live.
Interviewer: So it's broadcasting? Mark: It's broadcasting
the movie basically free to millions and millions-
Interviewer: If I was a betting man should I put my money on, on you holding the shield at some point?
Sebastian: I .. honestly have no idea..
Like I- I really don't know what I would say to somebody.. uh
00:05:55,160 --> 00:05:57,040 Who would ask me that questi- like i
Interviewer: Well I just asked you
Sebastian: I know but your money is still .. ya know I dunno if... I-i-i-i-i- I dunno
Interviewer: The gorgeous, Cate Blanchett, is uh playing
your sister, Chris, and for a lot of the movie
your sister, she's trying to kill you, your brother...
Chris: You can't say this. You can't give that away.
Interviewer: Uh, I-I-i-i didn't..
Mark: ex-say on the ister-say. Chris: It's not live, is it? We can rewind and...
Mark: Is that a spoiler?
Don: We hadn't see any of it. Interviewer: wow. Mark: I got goosebumps. Interviewer:Really?
Mark: I did
I was like, 'They're all gonna DIEEE' [laughs] 'they're all gonna die'
Interviewer: Wait, you just gave us a spoiler. Mark: shhhhh. Don: He kinda did
Don: Just cut that part out. Mark:Shhh
Don: Cut that part out
Mark: i'm sitting there enjoying the movie with my family
a woman came up and just poked me on the shoulder and she said
"Your phone's on! You're Instagram-ing live this whole show!!
You've been Instagram-ing live for 10 minutes! Turn it off!" [gasps]