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Okay, so I left her cage open like this
so she could get into the, um,
litterbox and it looks like she
scratched it up a bit, so she may have peed here.
um. And then she went (laughs) and hid
hid under the corner over there (light laugh)
She's been there. All this morning.
But what Jun found when he got up, which I didn't see,
Um, (laughs) ...was this. So, it looks like she had to poo, last night, and um.
Because we didn't have any litter, she came over and dug up one of Jun's potted plants,
and the pot here.
Um. I'm actually- I'm actually glad. (laughs)
Um, I'll clean it up later. It's not- it didn't damage the tree or anything. It's no- no big deal.
Um, but. I'm glad that she was able to have a bowel movement, because it means she's
at least got a healthy digestive system.
We fed her quite a bit yesterday and I was quite worried that...
if she had any problems, especially with blockages, that could've, um.
That could've caused her some problems, but. She seems to be doing okay, so.
[Poki hisses and Rachel laughs.]
(sweetly) ♫ We're going to the vet ♫ [Poki growls]
Aw, poor kitty...
All right, I'm gonna get her out now so we can...head over to the vet.
[car rumbling]
We're on the way to vet.
Kitty ♫ Meow ♫
Oh... do we have any tissues?
(soothingly) Hi- [Poki gives a displeased meow] Yeah,
[Poki meows again in protest] Yeah,,
Yeah, it's okay,
All right,
We'll be there soon ♫
Okay, so we just dropped kitty off with out vet,
I reeally, really like our vet, he's a really nice guy.
He's the one who figured out what disease
Hina had, even though he said he'd Never seen that in a cat before.
Um, but he still managed to figure it out even before we got the test results back.
Um, he's - Jun: He was also our private consultant Rachel: Yeah, he's (laughing) been our
Haku is such a troublemaker.
Like he , oh he gets into so much trouble.
We've had to call the vet a few times before to be like,
"Haku ate this, what should we do???" and
he always gives us lots of advice on the phone and tells us to do...
Jun: (speaking as doctor) What did he exactly eat, what did he chew, what was the material of the toy, (can you tell me?) how big it was,
and then you should do this, and that, and wait for this month and see what comes out when... Yeah. He's great. Rachel: Yeah.
The vet said he's going to examine her today, and like, try to figure out what all is, um.
going on with her, um.
Obviously he could see the tail...needs to be amputated,
Um. I told him that her leg, I think, her rear left leg is broken too.
so he's gonna check all of that. um.
He didn't want to move her too much while we were there, so we...
He didn't check to see if it was a boy or a girl right now, but he'll let us know, later.
We'll check up on her tomorrow, and they said that they can
keep her until we get back from America, if we need to.
Um, he said that he's...never had to keep a cat that long before (laughs)
We're a first, for him, for a lot of things.
He seemed quite surprised that we also brought in this cat that we found on the expressway in this condition.
But, um. He was happy that we brought her in though.
Um. But yeah, he said they can keep her until we get back from America if we need to and they'll give us a discount too because it's gonna be such a long stay
Anyway, we'll know more tomorrow so I'll update you guys then.
So we're on our way to the vet to check up on the kitty
Um this is Jun's family vet so it's kind of far away from us but we really like this vet and we really trust him, so
I wanted to go to him above anyone else
Um, so I'll give you an update in a minute!
So the vet let us take videos of everything so we could show you guys
First of all, he told us that the kitty is actually a boy
And he's only about six to seven months old, so he's still really young
Um... poor thing
Here are his x-rays
He....the vet said the whole front of his body is perfectly fine
Um, obviously his tail is broken and his rear left leg is broken - like I thought
It''s pretty broken in two different spots here
He also did a blood test and he said those results were pretty normal as well
And he also did the FIV test and our kitty was negative so he's perfectly fine there
He does have a stomach worm
He said that worm can be really difficult to remove with traditional medicine that you eat
so he said he's going to give the cat a shot which should get rid of it in one go
Um, but he'll have to check again.... in a couple weeks to make sure that there are no more eggs in kitty's poop
To make sure that the worm is completely gone
But that shouldn't be a big problem.
As for the broken leg, the vet thinks that because kitty is still so young, he should actually be able to heal that pretty well himself
And he showed us x-rays of some other kitty cats that had fractures that actually healed over themselves pretty well
So he thinks surgery is unnecessary for the leg, which would, um, save us a lot of money
and it might be less stressful for the kitty as well
But he's gonna keep an eye on it and if it doesn't look like it's healing then we may need to do surgery later
But for now, we'll just try to let the leg heal naturally
But the tail of course does still need to be amputated
We also got to see kitty for a little bit
He wasn't very happy (chuckles). Poor thing
We also decided on a name, I think
If it was a girl, I wanted to call it Kiki, but, because it's a boy, and getting another look at him, we decided to go with Poki, I think. Poki
We picked Kanji. The first Kanji is the Kanji used in aruku for "walk," so the first Kanji is Po - walk.
And then ki. The Kanji there means "live."
So it's kind of like he's our little wandering survivor kitty
I think it suits him well, and he looks like a Poki to me.
But, yeah, maybe I'm not good at naming cats. I don't know.
That's what I came up with
And we also got estimates for all of the costs for everything, so I'll go ahead and show you guys that now
Alright so, our vet is really amazing.
Um these are all of the prices for everything our kitty has to get done - which is really not as expensive as I was expecting
So, oh jeez (chuckles) Jun, I'm gonna need your help for translating these
The most expensive part is actually the pet hotel, because
with our Odigo trips and with, um, traveling to America
we are not gonna be home for the next 2 months, actually
So we have to find.... Someone else has to take care of the kitty for 2 months, and since the kitty has bones that need to heal
and treatments and, like, the, the vet has to keep an eye on his poop to make sure that he gets rid of all of the... um...
the worms and stuff. We feel much more comfortable leaving it with the vet
while we're gone. And, um, we've done that before with Hina and um
(Jun speaks in background)
Rachel: (Chuckles) The vet is actually cheaper than a pet hotel
and, um, like, there's no where else we could take him right now
and so I would rather just do it this way
And so, typically, it's $2,000 Yen a day
which is about $20 a day. Which is a lot cheaper than a pet hotel
And not super bad
But, um, he gave us a pretty big discount
So you can see the normal total would have been this for six months - $1, 200 basically
But our total that we have to pay is only one thousand one hundred and.... about $40
And that's everything. So the vet gave us a really big discount on everything
Um, which was super nice of him
And it's gonna help out a lot
The only other thing is if his leg isn't healing well, the vet's going to be checking on that while we're gone
And, um, if it looks like it's not going to heal well, then the vet may decide that it's better to do surgery later on
And obviously that would cost a little bit more
But, for now, he's going to try to let the kitty's leg heal on its own cause he thinks that'll be effective enough
This is a lot cheaper than I was expecting anyway
So I think it'll be really easy to get a little bit of help with this
Doing a small fundraiser
So we don't... we don't need to raise a lot. And even if we don't make all of this, I'm pretty sure we can manage the rest of it on our own
Because it's not as bad as I was expecting
I'm just glad the kitty is doing well
It seems like he's not really used to humans right now (chuckles)
He's really scared. I feel bad for him, but hopefully, he'll um
He'll get better with that now that he's getting lots of food and lots of love and care
The vet's going to wash him for us and, um
I think... I think he'll turn out okay
And, um. Yeah, there won't be any problems keeping him with Haku
I'm basically planning on keeping him
I know Jun wants another cat
He wants to... Jun really wanted to pick out his own cat too
(Jun in background) After I lost Hina
Rachel: And I still want to let him pick out a cat
Rachel: So it'd be kind of difficult for us to have 3 cats Jun in background: It's okay
Rachel: But I think we could do that (chuckles)
Jun: It's okay (chuckles)
But anyway, I don't have any plans of giving him up anytime soon
But, um
One of the biggest things to consider, I think, is after he's all healed up
How he's able to handle Haku
Because Haku's a bully
Haku's kind of a big bully. He's a really big kitty, and he's really powerful and has a lot of strength
And since he's still kind of young himself, he likes playing. But he plays a little too rough for a lot of cats
Like, we couldn't keep him together with Hina either
Like when we had both of them, we had to keep them separated at all times
Especially because Hina was sick
He seems like he could look out for himself after all he's been through
And how well he's doing now, but, we'll have to see how he gets along with Haku too
Because it wouldn't be fair
if Haku is just constantly bullying him, and like, picking on him
And if he can't watch out for himself. So we'll see how they get along together once we come back from our trips
And, um, we'll update you guys again then!
Hopefully he'll look a lot better then. He'll be all clean and healed up
Thank you guys for being so supportive and
If you wanna donate just like a dollar or something I... we don't... we don't need much for this because it was a lot cheaper than I was expecting
I'll put, um, I'm gonna put together a fundraiser before I upload this video
I'll put it down in the description box but...
If you wanna donate something, we don't need much
If not, it's okay because whatever....whatever else we need, I think we can... we can manage ourselves
So thank you so much, everyone. Um, I'll see you guys next time. Bye!
We came to visit Haku while we were in the area
He doesn't care about us, he just wants the other kitties
(Chuckling) He's so fluffy
(Japanese in background)
(Cat meows) (Chuckling)
(Japanese in background) Jun: Oho! Hah
(Cat thumps against window)
(Laughs) The kitty
(Cat thumps against window)
(Jun says something in Japanese)
(More Japanese)
I can hear her alien voice (chuckles)
(A woman speaks Japanese)
(All laugh)
(Woman speaking Japanese) (Rachel laughs)
(Jun growls)
(Jun speaks Japanese)