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  • - Septic shock is a very serious condition.

  • About half the patients who have septic shock

  • will die within the first month of their diagnosis.

  • But what is septic shock?

  • Let's break down the two words.

  • Septic comes from the old Latin term meaning "rotten",

  • and the word shock, of course, means

  • decreased tissue oxygenation and low blood pressure.

  • So combined, it's decreased tissue oxygenation

  • caused by something that is rotten.

  • Now, this rotten thing is an infection,

  • infective material, that causes

  • some sort of inflammation.

  • So it's infective material that causes

  • decreased oxygenation of tissues.

  • So how does infective material do that?

  • Let's take a look at a blood vessel

  • and of course the blood is used

  • to deliver oxygen to tissue.

  • So here's some red blood cells, and

  • I'll put some tissues right here.

  • These little boxes represent cells.

  • So these red blood cells are supposed to

  • transfer oxygen, this little purple substance

  • right here, to these cells.

  • Delivery of oxygen to the tissues.

  • Now let's say there's some sort of

  • infective material in the bloodstream.

  • White blood cells will encounter this infective material

  • whether it's bacteria, virus, or a fungal infection,

  • that's in the bloodstream.

  • So now your blood vessels are like pipes,

  • septic pipes, containing this sewage,

  • this unclean material.

  • It's no longer sterile.

  • So this white blood cells, their job is

  • to find this and clean it up.

  • Of course when white blood cells encounter

  • this infective material, they activate.

  • When they activate, there are several things

  • these white blood cells do.

  • First, they're going to call on other

  • white blood cells to come and check this out,

  • because the idea is you want to recruit

  • as many white blood cells to wherever this

  • infective material is so you can eradicate it.

  • So first, white blood cells

  • recruit their buddies.

  • Now here comes a major point.

  • This infective material is normally

  • not in the bloodstream, in fact,

  • it's usually out here in the interstitial tissue.

  • So usually white blood cells have to get

  • into the interstitial tissue and eliminate the threat.

  • White blood cells do that by releasing molecules,

  • such as nitrous oxide.

  • The molecules that are released

  • interact with the blood vessels, and cause

  • the blood vessels to do a couple things.

  • First of all, blood vessels will dilate.

  • Or in other words, the diameter of the blood vessel

  • will increase in size.

  • So let me go ahead and erase some of this

  • so we can show the dilation of the blood vessel.

  • So let's make this dotted,

  • showing that it was this size,

  • and now, blood vessel diameter increases.

  • We've increased from this size

  • to a little bit larger.

  • This causes a localized decrease in vascular resistance,

  • systemic vascular resistance.

  • The blood, all of the blood contents, have more space

  • to move around, and there's less resistance that

  • they're bumping up against, because of this

  • widened diameter of the blood vessel.

  • So there's increased diameter

  • of the vascular space.

  • Of course, this makes sense if this is happening

  • locally, blood slows down in an area

  • where there is an infection.

  • Because remember, the immune system usually

  • encounters infective material in the peripheral tissues.

  • To be able to get into the peripheral tissues,

  • white blood cells need to make the blood vessels leaky.

  • So that's the second thing that's happening here.

  • Increase diameter and increase permeability,

  • or leakiness, of the blood vessels.

  • Here is actually the cause of shock.

  • You have this infective material

  • in the blood vessels all throughout the body,

  • so this happens everywhere,

  • systemic vascular dilation, or vasodilation.

  • This decrease in vascular resistance causes

  • a drop in blood pressure, because remember,

  • vascular resistance and cardiac output

  • equals blood pressure.

  • A large drop in this causes a large

  • decrease in pressure.

  • But also they have low tissue perfusion,

  • because the equation for tissue perfusion

  • is really the same, cardiac output and systemic

  • vascular resistance contribute to tissue perfusion.

  • But let me show you something else

  • that's causing low oxygenation of the tissues,

  • low tissue perfusion.

  • You've got these cells that are

  • receiving oxygen from red blood cells.

  • With the increased leakiness,

  • fluid will get into the tissues.

  • So you have all this fluid buildup

  • in the tissues, and this makes it really

  • difficult for oxygen to get to the cells it needs to.

  • It has to diffuse through all this fluid.

  • These cells become starved of oxygen.

  • This is primarily what causes shock.

  • There's a third thing that happens when these

  • white blood cells encounter this infective material.

  • They want to destroy it, right?

  • If you've got bacteria, or a virus, or fungus,

  • that's the job of the white blood cells,

  • to destroy this infective material.

  • These white blood cells release lytic enzymes

  • and reactive oxygen species that cause

  • damage to destroy this pathogen, but again,

  • this is happening everywhere.

  • So not only do you damage the pathogens,

  • but you'll end up damaging the blood vessels as well.

  • So that's number three.

  • You have damage of blood vessels.

  • Remember, this is happening everywhere,

  • and because of that, serious complications can occur.

  • First of all, when blood vessels get damaged,

  • there are things called coagulation factors in the blood.

  • I'm gonna make them this little lavender color.

  • They're a protein that helps cause clotting,

  • so when blood vessels get ruptured,

  • you want to create a clot to patch this up,

  • so that blood doesn't spill into the extravascular space

  • outside of the blood vessel.

  • Again, this is happening to blood vessels

  • everywhere in the body, I cannot

  • emphasize that enough.

  • So what ends up happening is these coagulation

  • factors end up getting used up.

  • They're trying to patch up all these blood vessels,

  • so clots are forming everywhere.

  • Some of these clots actually break off

  • into the bloodstream, so an interesting thing happens.

  • There's coagulation that's happening

  • in the vascular system, but the coagulation

  • can't keep up with the breakage of blood vessels.

  • So sooner or later, blood is spilling

  • out of the blood vessels.

  • This weird state of coagulation in the blood vessels

  • with simultaneous bleeding is called

  • disseminated intravascular coagulation.

  • Coagulation in the intravascular space,

  • inside the blood vessels, and it's everywhere.

  • It's disseminated everywhere.

  • This is a very serious complication

  • that can be seen in septic shock.

  • Another complication that can be seen

  • in septic shock is ARDS,

  • acute respiratory distress syndrome.

  • As you know, the lungs are highly vascularized,

  • they have a lot of blood vessels,

  • because they need to be able to take oxygen

  • from the atmosphere to saturate blood vessels.

  • Let's, again, return to our pathology of septic shock.

  • This is happening everywhere,

  • and the damaging enzymes and cytokines

  • and different immune molecules end up

  • damaging blood vessels in the lungs as well.

  • If you damage all of these blood vessels in the lungs,

  • then oxygen won't be absorbed properly

  • into the bloodstream.

  • So patients with severe septic shock end up

  • in respiratory distress,

  • because they can no longer pull in oxygen

  • from the environment into their bloodstream.

  • So that's acute respiratory distress syndrome.

  • A final point that I want to touch on

  • is the cardiac output.

  • Cardiac output will initially increase

  • to try to compensate for this decreased

  • vascular resistance, right?

  • It makes sense that if you increase cardiac output,

  • it will even out the blood pressure.

  • However, as septic shock goes on, the heart, too,

  • can become paralyzed and damaged by all these molecules,

  • these immune molecules.

  • If left untreated long enough, cardiac output

  • will start to be depressed.

  • Cardiac output will decrease.

  • Of course, if you decrease cardiac output instead,

  • then blood pressure will also decrease.

  • For symptoms, think about a very severe infection.

  • With a severe infection, you'll see things

  • such as fever, chills, and sweating.

  • But a major symptom of septic shock is warm skin.

  • As these blood vessels dilate in size,

  • as they increase in size, this happens in all organs,

  • and the largest organ in your body is technically the skin.

  • So the skin takes out a lot of the blood

  • from the rest of the body.

  • So initially, patients will have very warm skin.

  • However, as a patient is in shock long enough,

  • and their sympathetic nervous system tries

  • to increase blood pressure, it's going to

  • clamp these vessels back down to try to improve

  • the resistance, the systemic vascular resistance,

  • and maintain blood pressure.

  • With progression of septic shock,

  • patients will eventually have cooler skin,

  • and this is a bad sign, because, obviously,

  • it means septic shock has been occurring

  • for a long period of time.

  • And the clamping down of these blood vessels

  • doesn't necessarily mean that fluid can't escape

  • anymore, the blood vessels are still going to be leaky

  • from all these vasoactive molecules that are

  • increasing the leakiness and permeability

  • of the blood vessel.

  • So you'll still have this decreased tissue perfusion

  • from all of this fluid that's accumulating

  • in the tissues.

  • Also, you'll see other symptoms such as

  • respiratory distress, altered mental status,

  • and decreased urination.

  • As organs get starved from oxygen, they start

  • to lose the functions they normally carry out.

- Septic shock is a very serious condition.

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敗血症性休克--病理生理學和症狀|NCLEX-RN|可汗學院。 (Septic shock - pathophysiology and symptoms | NCLEX-RN | Khan Academy)

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    Hope Bai posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary