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Is there a supernatural dimension?
A world beyond the one we know?
Is there life after death?
Do angels exist?
Can our dreams contain messages from Heaven?
Can we tap into ancient secrets of the supernatural?
Are healing miracles real?
Sid Roth has spent over 35 years researching the strange world of
the supernatural.
Join Sid for this edition of It's Supernatural!
Sid: Hello.
Sid Roth here.
Welcome to my world where it's naturally supernatural.
Did you know according to the Bible there are books in Heaven
that have your entire life, I mean,
everything you're going to do your whole life.
It's your destiny and it's already recorded.
And God's greatest passion is for you to fulfill the destiny
God has for you, and everyone has a destiny,
and it's a good destiny.
I don't care what your age is, my guest has information,
revelation, if you will that will allow you to stop the devil
in his tracks of interfering with you fulfilling
your destiny.
Would you like to find this out?
Me, too.
Now my guest is Robert Henderson and he's been a guest before,
and he talks about going to the Courts of Heaven.
Would you briefly describe that.
Robert Henderson: I believe that there's a spiritual dimension
called the Courts of Heaven, Daniel 7:10,
where it says, "The Court was seated and the books were open."
And I believe it's called the third realm of prayer,
because when Jesus taught us on prayer in Luke 11,
he said we should approach God as Father and friend,
but then in Luke 18 he added, approach him also as judge.
When we approach God as Father or friend,
that's a very deep intimate relationship,
but when we come before him as judge that's
a very reverential place.
Sid: People are getting healed that never healed before.
This revelation is amazing.
How did God show it to you?
Robert Henderson: Well it came out of my own
desperation and necessity.
Initially, I had a son that was set in depression that was not
given to depression.
He was there for two years.
And I had actually battled in war on the battlefield in
prayer, to speak, but all of a sudden the Lord whispered to me
and said, "Bring him to my courts."
And when I did that out of the limited understanding that I had
at that time, according to Romans 8:26,
the Bible ways when we don't know how to pray he helps us.
And so he began to help me and he led me through the process in
the Courts of Heaven, and a week and a half later my son calls,
and says, "Dad, can I talk to you."
And I said, "Absolutely."
And he says, "I don't know what happened,
but a week and a half ago all the depression left."
And he was completely free, completely free.
Sid: You're hearing this all over the world,
really, from that revelation.
But this latest one is the one that really gets me.
But to understand it, tell me about the books in Heaven.
Robert Henderson: Yes.
According to Daniel 7, Verse 10, the Bible says that the Court is
seated, or comes to order, it's ready to proceed in session and
the books are opened.
And there's a lot of books in Heaven.
There's all sorts of books.
But one of the main books in Heaven is books of destiny.
We find that in Psalms 139:16, where David said,
"All my substance," which I believe is the DNA of who we
are, "was written in a book and all my days yet unfashioned,
they were all written down in book before time began."
And what people don't understand is we have to reach our Divine
destiny for God's ultimate purpose to be done in the earth.
When all of us has the body of Christ...
Sid: There's a symphony.
Robert Henderson: Yes.
When we get our destiny he gets his purpose.
Sid: Okay.
What's the problem?
Robert Henderson: The problem is,
is that the enemy uses legal things in the spirit realm to
stop us from getting our destiny.
That's why Daniel 7:10 says, "The Court was seated and the
books are open."
It's going to take courtroom activity to get what's in the
books fleshed out in real practical life.
Sid: What is the major strategy of the devil?
What does he use the most?
Robert Henderson: He uses there basic areas to work against us.
First of all, Luke 22:31, it says that,
"Jesus said to Peter, 'Satan has desire to have you.'"
Okay, that word "desire", it literally means he
demanded you be put on trial.
So Satan had an awareness that of what Peter's destiny was,
what was in his book, and he was going to use a trial or a legal
issue in the courts to deny him his right of having that.
In other words, he was saying before God,
I have evidence that would disqualify Peter
from his destiny.
And Jesus had to know how to go into the courts,
answer those accusations so Peter could have what God had
ordained for him to have when he could walk out the destiny God
had for him, and he's done the same thing for all of us.
Sid: You explain that there are curses through bloodline.
If someone has a curse, give me some examples of what might be a
tip-off there's a curse operating in their life.
Robert Henderson: Well the first thing I think that a curse does
is it creates wrong mindsets.
In other words, we think incorrectly about ourselves.
Maybe because there's a curse of poverty in our family line they
think with a poverty mentality.
They don't believe God wants them to prosper or there's
sickness in that bloodline, or there's depression in that blood
line, or there's anger issues in that bloodline.
It fashions and forms the way we see our self.
And so one of the first things that a curse does is it creates
a mindset, and when that curse is broken or is removed then
we're able to come free of that wrong thinking.
Sid: Give me your definition of a curse.
Robert Henderson: Well I call a curse a spiritual force that
will sabotage our future and our success.
I mean, I don't know how many times I lived my life before I
discovered this that it would seem like I would be on the
brink of a breakthrough only for it not to happen.
And I would see this pattern repeat itself over and over,
and that's always a sign of a curse,
a repetition of a pattern over and over, and over.
Whatever it may be, there is a curse that's operating
in that situation.
The Bible says in Proverbs 26:2, "A curse without
a cause cannot land."
It says it's like birds flying around looking
for a place to land.
So it says a curse has to have a cause.
That word "cause", it would imply that it has found a legal
right to operate against this bloodline.
And that's why you see certain types of attitudes,
behaviors, sicknesses and depressions,
or whatever being passed from generation to generation,
never able to come into the destiny ordained by God.
Sid: Briefly, you had a curse in your bloodline that if it hadn't
been dealt with the devil would have stopped you from sitting
right in that chair today.
Robert Henderson: Absolutely.
I mean, I realized that timidity was a curse.
It was in my family line.
My dad was very timid, my oldest sister was very timid
and on back.
I was so timid that when my wife and I were dating she would have
to order for me.
She would have to talk to the waiter or waitress for me
because I was do bashful and timid and
not wanting to do that.
And so I realized, I used to think,
well that's just a personality trait.
No, that's a curse.
If that hadn't have broken I would not be able to be a
minister, a spokesman.
Sid: You would not have achieved your destiny.
Robert Henderson: That's right.
Sid: When we come back I want to see that these curses,
these sins of the bloodline of iniquity will be broken
in your life.
Be right back.
We now return to It's Supernatural!
Sid: Now you teach there are four major effects of
inequities, these bloodline curses that pass down.
Robert Henderson: Yes.
When I start dealing with iniquity,
I say iniquity will do four things.
Number one, it will give the enemy a legal right to tempt us
in a given area.
In other words, if there's iniquity in the bloodline that
someone gave themselves over to you,
you will see that temptation come and begin to work in a
family line: anger, lust.
Sid: Will it work on addiction?
Robert Henderson: Yes.
In fact, all strongholds, I believe are connected to
iniquitous issues in the bloodline.
That's what makes them so strong.
And the second thing is, is that iniquity will fashion
our identity.
And just real quickly, see, Isaiah,
in Isaiah 6, he says the Glory of God,
he says, "I'm undone.
Woe as me, I ought to be destroyed."
That's literally what he says.
But then once his iniquity is cleansed,
he says, "Here am I.
Send me.
I'm a prophet."
His completely identity changed once the iniquity issue was
dealt with in his life.
And then the third thing it does is it detours us
from our destiny.
The enemy uses the iniquity to take us off course from what God
actually has written in our book.
And then the fourth thing is he uses iniquity to build legal
cases against us.
Sid: Okay.
You say there is a major key to undo these iniquities.
Robert Henderson: Yes.
I believe that recognition of revelation.
I actually tell people, when you're looking at your family
line, I say, you should look at your parents,
you and your siblings, and your children.
You will see iniquity and iniquitous patterns in those
three generations.
Sid: So you don't need a great revelation.
You just have to observe what's going on in your life and in
your family.
Robert Henderson: That's right and say,
Lord if there is anything else.
Sid: You've been upset about your family.
Instead, they are clues for you and the whole family to be free.
Robert Henderson: That's right.
But then after I have done everything I know to do,
then I say, Lord, if there's anything else that I need to
know, would you just reveal it to me,
which is what he did for me.
He actually has brought revelation to me of issues the
enemy was legally using that was stopping me from coming
into my destiny.
Sid: Well how about someone that says,
once I was born again, all those iniquities gone, finished.
You have no faith, Robert.
Robert Henderson: I hear that quite often.
But what I tell them is this.
When Jesus died on the cross it was the greatest legal
transaction of history.
That's what the cross was.
It was a verdict rendered.
But here's what I tell them.
A verdict that is not executed into place has a no power.
And in John, Chapter 16, the Bible says,
"When the Holy Spirit comes he's going to convince the world of
judgment because the ruler of this world is judge."
In other words, he is going to make us to realize that when
Jesus died on the cross there was a verdict against the devil.
But it is the power of the Holy Spirit that empowers us to
execute that verdict into place so that we get the benefit of
everything Jesus died for.
That's what we do in the Courts of Heaven.
Sid: There's an interesting story you share about your
You had a dream about him.
You didn't know him or know anything about him.
Robert Henderson: Nothing.
And see, I was in a real period of frustration because for
decades I had seen broken promises in my life.
People would promise me things and then not fulfill them.
And over and over, and over this happened,
and I was so frustrated.
Well in the middle of that I had a dream,
and the Lord, or in the dream, I was told that my
great-grandfather through negligence had injured somebody,
and that there was now as a result of that a judgment
against me.
So when I woke up I realized immediately what
the Lord was saying.
He was saying there's a verdict against you
in the Court of Heaven.
The enemy has a case against you because of the negligence of
your great-grandfather.
So I had to go and begin to repent for my negligence,
the negligence of my family, but especially the negligence of my
great-grandfather, and when I did that,
all of a sudden a new release came,
a new destiny started coming to me.
In fact, the Lord said to me, he said,
"The negligence of your great-grandfather stole someone
else's dreams away.
The enemy has used that as a legal right to steal
your dreams away."
Sid: Alright, if you hadn't had that dream,
could you have gotten rid of that iniquity?
Robert Henderson: I don't think so.
I think that in that case I needed Divine revelation from
the Lord.
Sid: And you were praying for that.
Robert Henderson: I was praying for that.
I was saying, Lord, why is this pattern repeating itself
in my life?
And the Lord gave me that dream to help me know why.
Sid: I can tell you, there's a freedom coming to you,
there's an answer coming to you and you're about ready to
fulfill your destiny.
I want Robert to briefly explain how to go to the Court of Heaven
and legally get rid of the charges against you
and those iniquities.
Be right back.
We now return to It's Supernatural!
Sid: Now your wife, she didn't need a dream or revelation.
It was obvious there had been attacks in her generations
on lives.
Robert Henderson: Well I was traveling,
as I always do, and I had a very vivid dream where my wife was
standing before me, but standing behind her was her aunt who has
been dead, gone for about 20 years.
And I knew in the dream that her aunt was a part of the crowd of
witnesses that the Bible speaks of.
And so no one was seeing her but me.
But my wife was saying, "I'm getting stronger and stronger."
But her aunt standing behind her had her arms folded and shaking
her head, communicating to me,
"No, she's getting weaker and weaker,
and is going to die prematurely."
And I knew that there was a scheme of the devil that the
devil was saying, I found a legal right to take your wife
out prematurely.
And so I knew I had to go into the Courts of Heaven and undo
that right that he was saying before the courts I have.
And so we did that and we broke that power of premature death.
See, her mother died at 58 and her grandmother died at 40.
Sid: So these curses give a legal right until you legally
break them.
Is this some mystical thing, I mean,
where when you go to the Court of Heaven,
or is this just an act of your will?
Robert Henderson: It's really an act of my faith.
I say, Lord, I know you're judge,
and so I'm coming before your courts.
And so what I do is I say this, Lord,
I'm approaching you as judge and I'm asking for
the courts to open.
So I'm saying, Lord, would you just open the courts,
and all of the sudden the atmosphere begins to change.
And then when I go in...
Sid: I heard you teaching on this and I felt
the atmosphere change when you did this.
Robert Henderson: Yes, it does.
It's amazing.
Sid: And I did it and the atmosphere changed.
Robert Henderson: Yes.
Anybody can do it because God gives us access by the blood of
Jesus into his place.
And so I said, okay, Lord, let the courts open and I come.
Sid: Are you fearful of this judge?
Robert Henderson: No, not in a terrifying sense
or a tormenting sense.
Sid: But you know, although you have reverence,
I think the fix is on with the judge.
I think the judge is his Father.
What do you think?
Robert Henderson: That's right.
He's looking for us to put faith in what Jesus did.
Sid: Right.
Robert Henderson: And bring our case on the basis of that.
And that gives him the right he needs to release verdicts
in our behalf.
And so I say, Lord, I'm just presenting my case.
One of the things I do when I go,
I say, Lord, I come before you according to Romans,
Chapter 12, and I present myself as a living sacrifice.
If there's anything in me that needs to be dealt with,
Lord, I humbly submit myself to you.
And I may need to repent before him for just a few moments if I
allow things in my life.
But ultimately, I am allowed to stand there because of the
righteousness of who he is, because it's his righteousness
that grants me access into that court.
Sid: Can you win every time?
Robert Henderson: I can win every time.
Sid: I like that.
Robert Henderson: I can win every time.
Sid: Would you take the whole television audience,
Internet audience and studio audience to Heaven and lead us
in a prayer.
Robert Henderson: Absolutely.
Okay, let's do that.
Sid: Would you like that, audience.
Robert Henderson: So Father, as we're here before you,
I just want to ask for your courts to open,
Lord, right now.
We come humbly before you and we acknowledge you as God the judge
of all the earth.
But we say let the courts open, and Lord,
by faith now, even as I see the doors opening,
Lord, we step into the courts and we come,
many times I'll see like a table that's before the throne,
and the throne usually, for me, it usually reaches very high.
I see us before the throne at this table,
and Lord, even as we're here we just say if there's anything in
us that's displeasing to you, would you just let your blood
cleanse that right now.
And Lord, even as we're here I want to ask that any sin
transgression, our iniquitous thing in our past that the enemy
is using to build a case against us,
would you according to Colossians 2:14,
"Would you cause every accusation against us that's
contrary to us be taken out of the way because of who you are
and what you have done on the cross."
Lord, I'm just thanking you for doing that and let all that are
watching right now, let every case against him I ask by the
blood of Jesus be dismissed and be removed,
and Lord, now let their request and their destiny be settled and
secured, and become reality for them in Jesus' name.
I thank you for doing that.
Sid: You know, Robert, it seems too simple.
It really does.
Robert Henderson: It does.
Yes, it really is.
I mean, when you're before the Lord and you have more time,
you could say, Lord, it's like you're in a fellowship with him.
Sid: But what if I don't see Heaven,
I don't see a desk, I don't see a courtroom,
will it work just as good?
Robert Henderson: Yes, because for a long time I didn't see
anything and I was getting major results.
It's just that as I said, Lord, I want to see.
I've heard and I've felt my entire spirit life,
but Lord, I want to see.
Would you just open that realm to me and would you let me see.
And as I posture myself in faith,
I become aware.
But I didn't have to have that.
I could just move there by faith based on what I see in the Word
of God.
Sid: You said Moses is a great example of this.
Explain briefly.
Robert Henderson: God said to Moses,
get out of the way, I've had it with Israel.
I'm going to wipe them out.
Sid: I remember.
I wouldn't here if it wasn't for Moshe Ebanu.
Robert Henderson: And Moses said to the Lord,
"Lord, you can't do that."
He said, "Your purpose is them, your reputation is them.
If you destroy them you can bring them,
but you couldn't bring them in."
And then he said, "You're a covenant keeping God and you'll
be accused of not keeping your covenant and
breaking your word."
So on a basis of three things Moses presented a case before
the court.
Sid: So just as Moses did this, we present a case
before the court.
Robert Henderson: That's right.
Sid: Okay, go ahead.
Robert Henderson: So Moses' case in the court was based on the
purpose of God, not someone's need.
And I tell people, when you go into the courts we need to
present cases as much as we can based on God's purpose in the
matter, not necessarily our need.
We may come become before the Father and the friend on our
knee, but when we're in the court we will present a case
based on God's purposes, Lord, that your purpose is locked up
in this person, in this child, in this situation.
Sid: Give me an example, someone is a child that's dying,
what would you say?
Robert Henderson: I would say, Lord,
this child has a destiny written in the Books of Heaven.
If this child dies then your purpose in that child is going
to be lost.
So I'm asking you, Lord, please rise and render a verdict of
this person's healing, this person's release from drug
addiction, this person's release from rebellion.
Lord, let these powers be broken or else you're going to lose
your purpose in this child.
That's the way Moses approached God.
Sid: I pray in the name that is above every name,
Yeshua HaMashiach Tzikanu, Jesus the Messiah our Righteousness,
that you will fulfill your full destiny and that no curse will
prosper in your life.
Robert Henderson: Amen.
Sid: Next week on It's Supernatural!
Bill Hammond: Hello.
I'm Dr. Bill Hammond.
Please join me on It's Supernatural with Sid Roth and
discover the key that unlocks the door to our spirit life and
all the attributes and manifestation
of the Holy Spirit.
Don't miss it.