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  • Hey, Im Hiper

  • A lot of you guys have asked me to do a video to help you improve with the Demoman

  • And i say Demoman, the guy with the bombs. Not that abomination besides him.

  • So today i bring you 10 essential tips to get better with the Demo

  • Despite the fact that people thinks Demoman is an easy class

  • you need to practice a lot with it in order to fight experienced players

  • This video is oriented towards beginners and/or people who want to get better with it in general

  • Some advices might help veterans aswell tho

  • So...

  • "What makes me a good demoman?!"

  • First: Practice your Aim

  • This is essential with all the classes, demoman included

  • The people who thinks that the classes with explosives don´t need to aim

  • never played against someone who destroys you unless you land 2/3 perfect grenades on him.

  • In fact, since both of his weapons are proyectiles, makes it harder to aim than the Scout for example.

  • Let me explain

  • With classes like the Scout, you only need to click on the enemy to do damage

  • but classes like Soldier or Demoman requires you to predict where the enemy will move before you shoot

  • This is easy to do against new players, but vs veterans it can be pretty hard

  • Normally, you want to aim at the enemy´s feet

  • with both stickys and grenades

  • Since you can make them fly if you do it this way, preparing them for an airshot

  • where his trayectory is easier to track.

  • You might be do i improve my aim?

  • There are many ways

  • You can fight bots in maps like tr_rocket_shooting2 and tr_walkway_rc2, for airshot practice

  • or you can also fight other players in 1v1, in something called MGE

  • This is a map made of parts of other popular maps, like viaduct middle, badlands spire,....

  • In which you have a duel against other player to see whos the first to score 20 kills

  • and the hp and ammo regenerates after every kill / Death

  • So its always a fair fight

  • and of course, no critical hits.

  • For more information on these maps and gamemode, check the description

  • Second: Use the arc of the proyectiles

  • Both grenades and stickies are proyectiles that make an arc with their trayectory

  • and this helps to attack the enemy from blind spots, or destroy sentries without taking damage.

  • The Demoman is the only class that can do this

  • and this is why he is the best vs the Engineer

  • Making good use of this its vital for any good Demo

  • Remember that the grenades come out faster than the Stickies, so the arc is smaller

  • that helps you taking out enemies from the distance

  • The stickies are useful to take out enemies that you cant hit with the nades

  • Or simply those objetives that are outsustaining your damage (people with medics / Sentries being repaired)

  • Its very important to practice with both of these weapons and get used to its arc

  • and you will get better at this when you practice your aim

  • Third: Charge your stickies

  • All of you should know that you can charge the stickies if you hold M1

  • but how many of you use this on a daily basis?

  • For some reason this is overlooked by a lot of people and its really useful.

  • It allows the demoman to have some way to of damage from long range

  • since in this range the grenades are way too easy to dodge, and not many people expect a sticky from afar

  • therefore, this is useful to finish off fleeing enemies

  • On top of that, charging the stickies gives them a lot of extra speed

  • Whereupon its all advantages in 99% of the situations.

  • Keep the arc of the stickies in mind before shooting

  • This is the difference between aiming to the horizon

  • and aiming 45 degrees upwards

  • The difference is quite massive, isn´t it?

  • In order to practice this, get used to charge a sticky everytime you are about to fight someone

  • this way it will be ready when you get to your objetive

  • Fourth: Be creative with your Traps

  • Everyone knows that the Demo is great for area denial thanks to the sticky traps

  • However not many of the demos use this outside of doors, control points and corners.

  • Zones where the enemy will probably check, since they are the most used to sticky trap

  • If you want to surprise the enemy you must be creative with the traps

  • hide the stickies under any object of the map that is in a zone where the enemy can walk on

  • There are many props that can be used to hide stickies in

  • for instance: Cones, buckets, stones, wheels and even plants

  • So experiment with the map and find the best trap for the given situation

  • Remember that the enemy will learn about its mistakes and (probably) won´t fall twice on the same trap.

  • I might upload a video showing many sticky traps of some competitive maps in the future, stay tuned

  • Fifth: Practice your Sticky-jumps

  • For me, this is one of the key abilities of any player who wants to master the Demoman

  • and you can surprise the enemy with it

  • since it gives you increased mobility and versatility both for fighting and fleeing from any problem

  • A good sticky-jumper can cause asspain on the enemy team, attacking from unexpected spots

  • on top of that, he goes pretty fast when he jumps, so its hard to hit him while doing so

  • In fact even the sentries have problems tracking you in open spaces

  • The downside is that the jump takes 60 of your health, so its good to have a medic healing you before the jump

  • If you want to learn or get better at sticky-jumping, i recommend that you check out my 2 tutorials

  • Click on the left for the basic stuff, or click on the right for more advanced techniques.

  • Sixth: Practice the Rollouts

  • I think its wise to separate rollouts from jumps in general,

  • since i believe these are the most used jumps in competitive play.

  • These let you reach the middle point of cp5 maps in mere seconds.

  • sometimes faster than Scouts or Soldiers.

  • Normally each map has 2 or 3 different routes, so be sure to at least know them all

  • and use the one you need the most given your team composition and the situation of the match

  • Remember that the Soldier Roamer can still be faster than you in some maps

  • so in those cases its better to play more defensive even if that means getting to the mid a bit later.

  • I have a 30 minute video explaining tons of rollouts for some of the competitive maps

  • Click on the middle of the screen to check it out

  • If you want to know a rollout for a map that is not in the video, leave a comment and i will help if i can

  • Seventh: Combine your weapons correctly

  • If you want to maximize your impact on the match you must use your nades and stickies both

  • Don´t listen to the people who cry about demos only using stickies and think its an op tactic, because is not.

  • These are the same people that cry over Pyro W+M1, little baby whiners

  • You cant defeat any enemy using only 1 of the demo weapons, since its easy to counter that

  • If the Demoman is abusing stickies simply get up close and he will be forced to damage himself to live

  • if hes using grenades, stay away and dodge them while shooting

  • You could say that the Demo has 2 primary weapons

  • since as opossed to someone like the soldier, the demo uses the secondary a lot more.

  • The only way to get better at weapon management is with experience

  • Eight: Don´t waste ammo

  • Both the greande launcher and the Sticky launcher have very long reload times

  • so you don´t want the enemy catching you without ammo

  • A demo without explosives is as useful as a meatshield

  • and the enemies can easily exploit this in his favor.

  • You must try to be efficient with the ammo

  • Having 8 stickies doesnt mean that you need to shoot them all at once

  • the same with the grenades, you don´t need to shoot them all just to spam

  • Reload as soon as you have a chance and try to keep 1 nade and 2 stickies for emergencies

  • In competitive is easy to run out of ammo in the middle points, since you waste a lot of proyectiles there

  • Be careful with that

  • Nineth: Be careful with Self-dmg

  • When you were a little kid im sure someone told you not to play with fireworks

  • Demoman´s bombs are not toys either, and if they explode on your face you will take some damage

  • In fact if you grenade explodes right on your face it can deal up to 74 hp

  • A sticky, on the other hand, can go up to 114hp, so be very careful when fighting enemies up close.

  • Don´t understimate rollers either

  • they can deal up to 64hp if you dont pay attention where you shoot them.

  • Keep the distance and try to fight at medium range, the Demomans best range

  • Always remember where you put the stickies, to avoid surprises...

  • Don´t forget that the bottle can be useful in a few ocassions where the enemy is on your face

  • Tenth: Postioning

  • Truth is, the demoman is a weak class if hes alone

  • a Scout and a Soldier can easily take a lone demoman out in open field

  • and he cant do ANYTHING if he needs to reload.

  • For this, its recommended to get help from your team in order to cover these weakness

  • With a Medic in your ass, you can play way morea aggresively

  • Allowing you to even a stickyjump anywhere without having to deal with low hp

  • but keep in mind that the Demo is not the best at protecting the Medic like the Soldier or Heavy

  • And a little mistake can cost you his life

  • If you are alone or without Medic you must play in a much different way

  • Changing between offensive and defensive play

  • When your team advances, help with your explosives and avoid being in the very first line of fire

  • (unless no one else can)

  • In defense, make traps and damage the enemy combo (medic-patient)

  • In competitive you must pay attention to your team composition

  • If you get the ubers, your objetive is to kill the medic or force him to use his uber as soon as possible

  • If the Soldier / Heavy is the one getting the heals

  • You should stay behind them and finish off all the enemies you can, since they will try to flank your medic.

  • I hope this video has helped you understanding some of the keys of our favorite black scottish cyclops.

  • Remember to check the description for the maps and gamemodes used.

  • If you have any questions dont hesitate to post it in the comments and i will answer asap.

  • I hope you enjoyed it, and see you in the next one

  • Adios!


  • You can check my other videos on the left or rate / Subscribe if youd like to see more!

Hey, Im Hiper

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    神 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary