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  • You're watching video vocab by Business English Pod dot-com. In this lesson we'll

  • look at vocabulary related to product management. In many companies product

  • managers help develop and promote a product. Companies conduct a market

  • analysis as well as competitive research in order to develop a business case for

  • a product. A product roadmap lays out the plan for developing a product including

  • the go to market strategy and the product launch.

  • Product management

  • Product management involves the planning production and marketing of a product.

  • product manager A product manager guides all aspects of

  • product management including the technical and financial

  • Tom is senior product manager for our entire suite of accounting software.

  • market analysis

  • market analysis is a detailed study of a products industry and customers

  • analysis helps determine the price forecast sales and develop a marketing

  • strategy for a product it sounds like a great idea but we'll

  • need to do a complete market analysis before we can commit

  • competitive research competitive research competitive research is the

  • study of other companies that sell competing or similar products this

  • research involves looking at the competition's strengths weaknesses and

  • product offerings

  • competitive research has shown us how our strengths will help us in the shoe

  • market

  • business case business case a business case lays out the reasons for

  • launching a new product or service

  • this includes information on the product the market risk finances and operations

  • this business case supports our plans to expand into the mobile games market

  • product roadmap product roadmap

  • a product roadmap is a clear plan for the development of a product

  • road maps timeline helps people understand the development process

  • with all the delays in development we'll need to have another look at our product

  • roadmap

  • go to market go to market

  • go-to-market is a plan for attracting new customers to a product and gaining

  • market share a go to market strategy includes decisions about pricing

  • distribution and marketing

  • in the toy industry pricing and packaging are a really important part of

  • any go to market strategy

  • launch launch a launch is a series of events or

  • activities supporting the official release of a new product

  • purpose of a launch is to create excitement and promote sales of the

  • product Apple does a great job of building excitement before each new

  • product launch

  • now it's your turn to practice some of the words we've looked at in this lesson

  • in a moment you'll hear a series of sentences with a word replaced with a

  • beep repeat each sentence including the missing word

  • for example if you hear we're planning a really big for our new electric car

  • you can say we're planning a really big launch for our new electric car

  • we'll provide the correct answer after each question ready let's give it a go

  • after three years as a business analyst I've been promoted to product

  • answer after three years as a business analyst I've been promoted to product

  • manager

  • if you can put together a good business I'll help you present it to the product

  • team

  • answer if you can put together a good business case I'll help you present it

  • to the product team

  • before I agree to your idea I'll need to see a detailed market

  • answer before I agree to your idea I'll need to see a detailed market analysis

  • that's all for this episode of video vocab be sure to check out our website

  • at

You're watching video vocab by Business English Pod dot-com. In this lesson we'll

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商務英語詞彙VV55 - 產品管理英語|市場營銷英語 (Business English Vocabulary VV 55 - Product Management English | Marketing English)

  • 165 21
    penghuiwen0 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary