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Every time Jordan visits Italy he rents a red Fiat in Florence and drives south through Tuscany
He'd always driven alone until now. This is a Fiat, Cinquecento
1962 I've been in small cars in my life
This is the smallest car I've ever been in this car would fit in the glove compartment of my car in America
I don't think it's safe. It doesn't clearly have airbags
And it's a windbag
You see you've come into this with a predisposition
About what a car should be a light travel should be this is a road trip. This is the trip?
This is the high point of the trip. It's not about the destination. It is the journey you think you're saying profound things
But most of what you say is the kind of stuff a 15 year old girl
Writes into yearbook. I think Yoda writes half your dialogue
vacation begins in your mind it
Understand that this car may not have modern conveniences that you're used to but like I said as humans. We don't need much
Putting keep refer to us as humans
Only an alien talks that way
I think it's the value to step outside yourself and examine yourself from the objective standpoint outside. There's so too much static
What I like to do is drive around here
I have very specific
Music that I like to listen to them for example the second verse let's say a little Tamar a by a variable of jellyfish
Donna guess what I looked into it to play that music
Would cost us a lot of money, so I had the band
Making us up some music
It doesn't cost us anything
They see this sounds are very stereotypical to the old to the point of insulting when to the sound effects Department
I brought some sound effects you wanna listen to those
But we can also have silence as well
I'm sorry signore Jordan, but we don't have the exact kind of wine that you wanted is that ok?
You're gonna like this one
The car
That sound effects of a car peeling out you're presuming that peeling out would be superior
Keep the emergency brake on yeah, well the Mersey brakes on I don't even think that that's a brake lever, I think that's a breadstick
This car is a toy. It's a pastry. We're driving around basically in an old walnut
And we are stuck on a hill
Every time you try and start the car we roll backwards think about getting this car started and be very careful with your
valuable conan payload
Can you stop the car % stop it yeah, just one other thing yeah
Desiccated epidemic, you know and intellect and you're full
You know all your training has led you to this yes
Great I love how mellow they are their Torah emulate them. I'm trying to enjoy the simple life
I'm trying to bask in the Sun and enjoy the feeling of the looks on you. Just poured that dog
You started talking show that on replay you started to talk I
Could get out and push it I think the battery's dead
Yes, go go. Go okay. That was good you did well
Oh you see what happens when you put the sound effects down and you do something constructive
You have a memory we have an experience if you lecture me the parts are coming back