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  • [hey], how's it going? I'm Gabby Wallace, and this is go natural English

  • Thank you so much for joining me on

  • YouTube and also on my Podcast which you can find at itunes or on stitcher radio?

  • Now in this English tip I'm going to answer a question

  • from a go natural

  • English Community

  • member Joan

  • Joan told me that his biggest challenge is how to think only in English...

  • So in this quick tip I'm going to give you my advice.

  • Now before I give you my top tips

  • I just want to thank my friends at verbling because they've offered to give the GoNaturalEnglish Community

  • a special free trial of their one to one premium paid

  • tutoring lessons with a native English speaking qualified teacher.

  • So you can take advantage of that offer to try it out and see

  • if verbling is right for you at

  • it's a great way to practice

  • I love practicing languages online myself

  • And I'll tell you in another episode about my portuguese lessons that I took in verbling

  • But let's keep it focused and not get off topic

  • Let's talk about how to think only in English, so take a look over here. I have written down on my whiteboard

  • First of all start small you don't have to think

  • Every single thought completely in English

  • Start with the words that you know for example. Let's see over here. I have a book

  • Do you know the word for book of course you do?

  • I just said it book right, but if I'm trying to learn another language for example, I'm trying to learn portuguese

  • I might think to myself

  • I'm going to read a 'livro': a book right? In portuguese. So you can think in your native language

  • but then add the words that you know in English so start small and imperfect.

  • 00:02:11,400 --> 00:02:14,840 This is just your thoughts in your mind

  • Nobody else is going to hear your thoughts. So it's okay to make mistakes

  • It's okay if you think in bad grammar

  • Nobody's going to know

  • so think in

  • The best grammar and the best vocabulary that you can but if you know it's not perfect

  • It's okay what you want to do is

  • Note what you don't know and find out, so if you know that you're thinking in bad grammar, or if you're not sure

  • Write it down. Write down a note to yourself

  • is this correct and write down the grammar that you h ave a question about or the vocabulary?

  • Aware that you have a question about let's say, I don't know the word for book in another language.

  • I'll write that down. What is the word for book how can I say book in?

  • Portuguese or in another language I'm learning.

  • Okay, so then you find out

  • Now you can find out the right way to say things in a lot of different ways you could a sk a friend who speaks

  • English or studying English with you ask an English teacher

  • Look online Google it. It now when I've learned other languages Spanish portuguese French Japanese

  • And I love learning languages, so not I'm not trying [to] Brag

  • But I do love to find out how to speak other languages like a native speaker

  • And I have found it really difficult to find the answers

  • Online or I just don't have a friend around who speaks the language fluently

  • So what I recommend is to get online try an online lesson and you can ask your English teacher

  • How can I say this in a

  • Natural or native way. How do native speakers talk about this?

  • Whatever it is that you want to talk about. So again..

  • I would recommend trying verbling and you can find that special offer to try your first lesson for free

  • at

  • V E R B L I N G

  • Only through that link can you get the special offer for the go natural English community all right? Now

  • Here's some other ideas for thinking in English

  • Id or identify objects? Oh, what's that?

  • It's a plant, right? So think in English ask yourself a question in English or in your native language

  • But just look around you. Where are you? What environment are you in? can you label items that you see?

  • That's a great way to get started, and you'll find quickly which parts of your vocabulary need developing

  • So identify plan I know that we all think about what we're going to do

  • In our minds, so ask yourself in English. What am I going to do today?

  • What do I want to do this weekend and make those plans in your mind in English?

  • make stories

  • Yes, I love this so if you have some free time maybe you're you know

  • on the bus, or you're just waiting for someone

  • Make up a little story. It could be while you're walking around. Let's say I go out to a cafe, and you know I see

  • Someone I could think to myself you know, I wonder what do they do

  • Oh, maybe maybe he works as a banker

  • Maybe he has a family so I'm thinking to myself in English. I'm creating some stories about

  • people that I see or I could completely make up everything in my mind

  • if you're a kind of creative person it might be easy for you to do.

  • And make up сonversations.

  • I want you to imagine that you're having the kind of conversation that you would like to have so you know

  • Imagine a person we would like to speak with what do you want to say to them him or her or them?

  • would you ask them questions of course you would because that's how we keep conversations interesting.

  • Think about what questions could you ask what information would you share about yourself?

  • So make up the conversation in your mind even imagine what the other person is going to say to you

  • Now these are all great ways to think in English, and if you keep doing this if you continue

  • to just start small

  • Imperfect is okay if you identify those around you if you make your plans in your mind

  • Or you know writing a to-do list in English make up stories make up

  • conversations and

  • This is where you're going to grow the most

  • Make a note actually it could be in your mind, or you could write it down or you could enter it in your smartphone

  • Send an email to yourself. Whatever you do to stay organized with your notes and

  • understand and realize and

  • Just make a note of those words or the grammar points that you're not sure about how to say

  • Maybe there's an idiom that you think you've heard people say in English

  • but you're not quite sure what it is or a slang word that you'd like to ask about save those notes and

  • Ask you can ask me you can contact me

  •, but the best way like I've mentioned a couple times already is

  • to go to Alright now if you'd like to learn more from me and go natural English

  • I have an awesome new members video course that's called fluent in 15

  • because there's 15 minute lessons, so you can learn quickly and easily together with me and the go natural English community

  • With video and with our secret practice group online to find out more about that at

  • F L U E N T 1 5

  • Alright guys

  • Thank you so much for watching make sure that you subscribe

  • On YouTube or subscribe to the podcast on itunes and I'll be here to bring you free English tips

  • three times a week

  • Thank you so much. Love you guys, and I'll talk to you soon. Bye

[hey], how's it going? I'm Gabby Wallace, and this is go natural English

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如何只用英語思考--學會流利地說話。 (How to Think in English Only - Learn to Speak Fluently)

  • 239 21
    jqlts1 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary