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[hey], how's it going? I'm Gabby Wallace, and this is go natural English
Thank you so much for joining me on
YouTube and also on my Podcast which you can find at itunes or on stitcher radio?
Now in this English tip I'm going to answer a question
from a go natural
English Community
member Joan
Joan told me that his biggest challenge is how to think only in English...
So in this quick tip I'm going to give you my advice.
Now before I give you my top tips
I just want to thank my friends at verbling because they've offered to give the GoNaturalEnglish Community
a special free trial of their one to one premium paid
tutoring lessons with a native English speaking qualified teacher.
So you can take advantage of that offer to try it out and see
if verbling is right for you at
it's a great way to practice
I love practicing languages online myself
And I'll tell you in another episode about my portuguese lessons that I took in verbling
But let's keep it focused and not get off topic
Let's talk about how to think only in English, so take a look over here. I have written down on my whiteboard
First of all start small you don't have to think
Every single thought completely in English
Start with the words that you know for example. Let's see over here. I have a book
Do you know the word for book of course you do?
I just said it book right, but if I'm trying to learn another language for example, I'm trying to learn portuguese
I might think to myself
I'm going to read a 'livro': a book right? In portuguese. So you can think in your native language
but then add the words that you know in English so start small and imperfect.
00:02:11,400 --> 00:02:14,840 This is just your thoughts in your mind
Nobody else is going to hear your thoughts. So it's okay to make mistakes
It's okay if you think in bad grammar
Nobody's going to know
so think in
The best grammar and the best vocabulary that you can but if you know it's not perfect
It's okay what you want to do is
Note what you don't know and find out, so if you know that you're thinking in bad grammar, or if you're not sure
Write it down. Write down a note to yourself
is this correct and write down the grammar that you h ave a question about or the vocabulary?
Aware that you have a question about let's say, I don't know the word for book in another language.
I'll write that down. What is the word for book how can I say book in?
Portuguese or in another language I'm learning.
Okay, so then you find out
Now you can find out the right way to say things in a lot of different ways you could a sk a friend who speaks
English or studying English with you ask an English teacher
Look online Google it. It now when I've learned other languages Spanish portuguese French Japanese
And I love learning languages, so not I'm not trying [to] Brag
But I do love to find out how to speak other languages like a native speaker
And I have found it really difficult to find the answers
Online or I just don't have a friend around who speaks the language fluently
So what I recommend is to get online try an online lesson and you can ask your English teacher
How can I say this in a
Natural or native way. How do native speakers talk about this?
Whatever it is that you want to talk about. So again..
I would recommend trying verbling and you can find that special offer to try your first lesson for free
Only through that link can you get the special offer for the go natural English community all right? Now
Here's some other ideas for thinking in English
Id or identify objects? Oh, what's that?
It's a plant, right? So think in English ask yourself a question in English or in your native language
But just look around you. Where are you? What environment are you in? can you label items that you see?
That's a great way to get started, and you'll find quickly which parts of your vocabulary need developing
So identify plan I know that we all think about what we're going to do
In our minds, so ask yourself in English. What am I going to do today?
What do I want to do this weekend and make those plans in your mind in English?
make stories
Yes, I love this so if you have some free time maybe you're you know
on the bus, or you're just waiting for someone
Make up a little story. It could be while you're walking around. Let's say I go out to a cafe, and you know I see
Someone I could think to myself you know, I wonder what do they do
Oh, maybe maybe he works as a banker
Maybe he has a family so I'm thinking to myself in English. I'm creating some stories about
people that I see or I could completely make up everything in my mind
if you're a kind of creative person it might be easy for you to do.
And make up сonversations.
I want you to imagine that you're having the kind of conversation that you would like to have so you know
Imagine a person we would like to speak with what do you want to say to them him or her or them?
would you ask them questions of course you would because that's how we keep conversations interesting.
Think about what questions could you ask what information would you share about yourself?
So make up the conversation in your mind even imagine what the other person is going to say to you
Now these are all great ways to think in English, and if you keep doing this if you continue
to just start small
Imperfect is okay if you identify those around you if you make your plans in your mind
Or you know writing a to-do list in English make up stories make up
conversations and
This is where you're going to grow the most
Make a note actually it could be in your mind, or you could write it down or you could enter it in your smartphone
Send an email to yourself. Whatever you do to stay organized with your notes and
understand and realize and
Just make a note of those words or the grammar points that you're not sure about how to say
Maybe there's an idiom that you think you've heard people say in English
but you're not quite sure what it is or a slang word that you'd like to ask about save those notes and
Ask you can ask me you can contact me, but the best way like I've mentioned a couple times already is
to go to Alright now if you'd like to learn more from me and go natural English
I have an awesome new members video course that's called fluent in 15
because there's 15 minute lessons, so you can learn quickly and easily together with me and the go natural English community
With video and with our secret practice group online to find out more about that at
F L U E N T 1 5
Alright guys
Thank you so much for watching make sure that you subscribe
On YouTube or subscribe to the podcast on itunes and I'll be here to bring you free English tips
three times a week
Thank you so much. Love you guys, and I'll talk to you soon. Bye