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  • Hey guys, it's JR. Today I wanna talk to you about how to become a warm, thoughtful, caring, intelligent leader.

    嘿大家 我是JR 今天我想要跟你聊聊如何做一個溫暖 貼心 關心又有智慧的領導者

  • You don't have to be a boss, a CEO, a manager to be leader. You don't need a name card to prove it.

    你不需要是大老闆 CEO 主管才能當領導者 你不需要名片來證明 名片我一大堆 行不通的啦

  • I've got tons of those by the way. Doesn't really work.

    就算沒有頭銜 你也可以是領導者 事實上 你連這套西裝都不需要 瞧!反正穿著也太熱

  • You can be a leader even if you don't have a title to go with it. In fact, you don't even need this suit to go with it.

    你不需要職位 頭銜 權力 衣裝來證明你是個領導者 你活出一個領袖的樣式多少 你就是領袖多少

  • [Ding] Voila! It was getting too hot anyways.

    所以今天我列了7個關於領導力的點 這是第一點 做錯的時候要讚美 做得好的時候要指導

  • You don't need the position, the title, the power, the clothing to tell you you're a leader. You're a leader as much as you live up to it.

    我們都是人 我們都會犯錯 我喜歡一個耶穌阻止群眾石刑犯姦淫罪女人的故事

  • So today I put down 7 points about leadership, and here's the first one. Praise people when they make mistakes, and instruct them when they're performing well.

    群眾變得很暴力又喧鬧「砸死那個......」只見耶穌說「好 誰沒有犯過錯 可以先拿石頭砸她」[群眾] 可惡!

  • We're all human, we all make mistakes. I love the story where Jesus faces a crowd of people who are trying to stone an adulteress.

    人們做對做錯 但如果你只看他們做錯的部分就不公平 人在心情好的時候很自然地生產力和活動力就更強

  • The crowd gets violent and loud, "Stone that b****." And all Jesus says is, “Okay, so let anyone who's never sinned before be the first one to throw a stone at her.” [The crowd] "Dang it."

    相反地當人們感到沮喪難過挫折時他們就變得像是洩了氣的皮球一樣 [媽!果汁都喝完囉!] (意同:沒電了)

  • People, they do right, they do wrong, but it's unjust of you if you only see their mistakes. People are naturally more productive and active when they're in a good mood.

    所以當有人犯錯的時候他/她已經感到很自責了 就別再為難他們了吧!因為這時他們最不需要的就是更多的責怪

  • On the contrary, when they're feeling low, when they're feeling sad, when they're feeling frustrated, they become like a battery out of juice. Mom! We're out of juice!

    相反地 鼓勵他們!專注在他們做得好的事情上 稱讚他們做得好的部分 認定他們做得好的部分 幫助他們從跌倒之處爬起來 他們站起來後會做出更多的貢獻

  • So when someone's made a mistake, he or she's already giving him or herself a hard time. Well, let them off the hook 'cos the last thing they need is more blame.

    而當他們又開始重新做得好的時候 超越自己又開始對自己有信心了 這時候就可以跳進去 然後指導他們的工作並糾正他們做錯的部分

  • Instead, encourage them! Focus on the good things they've done. Praise them for that. Give them credit for that. Help them come back from where they fell and they will come back with more to contribute.

    下一個我想提到的是 尊重不同的意見 身為一個領導者最不該犯的錯就是忽視有其他意見的人 除非你覺得自己很完美 這樣的話 你八成是大錯特錯

  • And it's when they're starting to do well again, outperforming themselves, feeling good about themselves again. That's when you can hop in and instruct them on their work and correct their wrongs.

    讓我講得更容易明白 接下來短暫的時間中 我們來思考男生女生之間的差別

  • So the next thing I wanna bring up is respect different opinions. The last thing you'd wanna do as a leader is to neglect someone who holds a different opinion unless you think you're perfect which in that case, you're probably wrong.


  • Let me make it easier to understand. For a brief moment, let's just consider the difference between men and women.

    她們思考的方式 對事物的反應 她們是如何看待世界等 跟男生迥然不同 根本就是性別衝擊

  • I'm a guy, but I cannot deny that throughout the years I have learned so much from my female coworkers.

    更不用說我們每個人之間的差異何止性別 我們來自不同的背景 不同的文化 不同的家庭 我們上不同的學校 我們的人生經歷非常不同

  • The way girls think, how they react to thing, how they perceive the world is just extremely different form us guys. It's just like gender shock.


  • And need not to say that the differences among every one of us is not just gender. We come from different backgrounds, different cultures, different families. We went to different schools.

    這就是為什麼領導者總是保持謙虛 [保持謙虛 坐下吧] 是啊 坐下吧!因為謙虛某種意義上來說就是找個位子坐下然後繼續學習吧

  • We've been through very different experiences in life. It would be cocky and self-centered not to open up and listen to other people 'cos even the most seemingly trivial person just might have the answer to your impossible problems.

    要學習才能引導和教導別人 不是說你就得到處雞婆管別人閒事 但是當有需要的時候你必須確保你有足夠的能力來應對所遭遇的事情

  • That's why leadersthey stay humble. [Be humble, sit down] Yah, sit down 'cos being humble, in some sense, is to take a seat and keep on learning.

    一個我們常犯的錯就是 我們會陷入工作模式時停止投資自己 遲早你會因為這樣而燃燒殆盡

  • As a leader you gotta learn so that you are capable of building and teaching other people. Not that you outa go about poking your nose into everything that's not your business but when the need arises, you gotta be sure that you're capable of coping with whatever comes at you.

    所以 不斷繼續學習 繼續增長你的能力 我講的不只是你的職業專長 盡你可能的一切學習所有關於生活的事情

  • A common mistake that we make is that we stop investing in ourselves once we get caught up the work mode and sooner or later you will burn out because of that.

    引述我最喜歡的一句愛因斯坦的話 剛好有出現在我們以前的高中課本裡「專家是訓練有素的狗」但是我喜歡狗說

  • So keep learning, keep building your capacity. And I'm not talking about your professional specialities. Learn as much as you can about everything in life.

    你可以是你職業的專家但還是生活大小事的白痴 這樣就有點可悲 真正的領導者應該要對眾多事物有廣泛的了解

  • Quoting one of my favorite quotes from Albert Einstein, which happened to be in our high school text books back in the days, “Experts are just trained dongs.” I like dogs though.


  • You could be an expert in your profession yet still be an idiot in everything else in life. That would be pathetic though. A true leader should have a wide understanding of various things.

    當你是領導者 你的人生也不只是關乎你自己 當你是領導者你必須幫助人們解決他們的問題 你可以靠夢想過活 為了夢想做出很大的犧牲 超出本份付出多一份努力 但是跟隨你的人他們並不像你一樣

  • Why? Why can't I just do what I'm good at?Because life is not just about what you're good at and when you're a leader, your life is not just about you.

    他們有他們自己的挑戰 他們有自己要照顧的問題 他們有自己生活中的擔憂

  • When you are a leader, you also need to help people solve their problems. You can live on your dreams, make big sacrifices for them, go the extra mile, but the people that are following you, they're not like you.

    一個真正的領導者會超出自己該做的去照顧到他們的需求 幫助他們解決工作之外的問題 這讓我想起了琥碧·戈伯96年的電影“Eddie”

  • They have their own challenges to face. They have their own issues to take care of. They have their own worries in life.

    Eddie是個瘋狂的尼克隊球迷 她意外地被娉為總教練 但尼克隊正經歷一個很糟的球季 他們有各式各樣的問題 個人問題等

  • A true leader would go the extra mile and attend to their needs, help them with their problems outside of work. That kind of reminds me of the Whoopi Goldberg movie back in '96 calledEddie.”

    全隊亂七八糟 然而Eddie在不斷照料自己的球員之後 逐漸讓球隊起死回生 他幫助他們解決個人的問題 從自尊心到態度到甚至是婚姻問題 各式各樣的難題 Eddie照顧到他的球員們的個人需求 終究讓整個球隊活了過來

  • Eddie is this crazy Knicks fan, and she accidentally gets hired as the chief coach. But the Knicks, they've been going through a rough rough season. They've got all kinds of issues, personal problems.

    僕人領導這本書的作者羅伯特K格林夫說「僕人領導者先是成為人們的僕人 是從想要服事的自然想法開始產生先想到要服事 身為領導者就是為了服務」

  • The team's a mess, but Eddie, she gradually revives the team after she looks out for her own players. She helps them solve their personal problems from ego to attitude, to teamwork, even to marriage. All kinds of stuff.

    不是為了控制不是為了享受權力 不是為了得到讚賞 不是為了被高舉 是為了服務別人 領導是為了服事

  • Eddie attended to her players' personal needs and eventually the team came back to life.

    成為推動力 但是不要過度 在領導的時候必須要非常老練 知道什麼時候要大力推動 講求紀律 什麼時候該讓大家稍微休息 什麼時候該換方法 轉換方向 全操之在你手裡

  • The author of the bookServant Leadershipby Robert K. Green leaf, he said, “ The servant-leader is servant first. It begins with the natural feeling that one wants to serve, to serve first.”

    把它想成是跑馬拉松 如果太興奮就在起初開始衝刺 這樣就無法持久 這是場遠距離的比賽 訓練良好的跑者知道該如何控制和調節他們的速度

  • Being a leader is to serve. It's not about control. It's not about savoring power. It's not about being admired, not about being held up high. It's about serving other people. To lead is to serve.

    一個優秀的領導者則知道該如何管理他/她的團隊 創造好的氣氛 有趣好玩的帶領會幫助團隊團結

  • Next, as a leader, you need to be the driving force of the team but don't push too hard, too fast.

    我的大學同學們感情非常好 以前我們一起做過許多很讚的事 別班的同學都會羨慕到想要轉班過來 我察覺到背後的原因是因為我們有一個同學 他是一個真的真的真的很好笑的人

  • When you're leading you have be very sophisticated. Know when's the time to push hard, be disciplined. When's the time to give everybody a break. When's the time to switch methods or change direction. It's all in your hands.

    他總是在開玩笑 總是不正經 大家都很喜歡他 他做了一件事情讓大家凝聚在一起 他會主動靠近班上不同的團體不同的小圈圈 然後幫助所有人融入到一個更大的圈圈

  • Think of it as a marathon. You won't last long if you get too excited and start sprinting at the very beginning. It's a long run and well-trained runners, they know how to control and adjust their speed. And a good leader knows how to manage his or her team.

    就連班上年紀比我們大很多的同學們 他們都融入了 他們成為了我們的一份子就跟我們一樣瘋狂一樣年輕一樣好玩

  • Then, you gotta create a good atmosphere for the team, so being interesting, being fun, that way people would bond.

    領導者必須要能夠讓大家團結在一起 知道如何讓大家大笑出來有時是一個很不錯的方法

  • My college classmates were very close to each other and we did so many amazing things together back then.

    最後 記得微笑 不只是為了團隊而笑更是為了你自己 領導者背負的是最沈重的擔子 他/她不僅要負擔自己的重擔還需要背負團隊隊友的擔子 這並不是件容易的事

  • The students from other classes would envy us so much that they wanted to join us instead and I realized the reason why was because we had this one classmate that was really really really funny.

    但是記得我們影片最開始講的嗎?人們在心情好的時候 自然地會更有生產力和活力 這也包含你

  • He was always making jokes, always being silly. Everybody liked him and he did this one thing that brought everybody together. He would approach different groups, different little circles in class and help everybody blend into this big circle.

    不要只是在特定的場合或是當你聽到好笑的事情才笑 或者是看到好笑的影片的時候 或者是看見我的影片 每天都微笑 每個時刻都微笑

  • Even the classmates who were years older than we were, they blended into us and they become a part of us, just as crazy, just as young, just as fun.

    心理學家保羅·艾克在他的著作中寫到關於情緒和臉部表情之前的關聯 很有趣的是 事實上當你試著做某個特定表情時會有助於帶出你內心中相關的情緒

  • The leader needs to be able to bring everybody together. And knowing how to crack everybody up sometimes is quite a good way to do it.

    換句話說 當你感到無法的時候還是微笑吧 因為它會帶出心中的喜悅 甚至是在你無法感受到的時候 微笑同時也傳染力超強 它不僅會幫助你自己也會幫助到跟你共事的人們 也會有助於營造一個好的氣氛

  • Last, I would say, smile. Smile not just for the team but for you. The leader carries the heaviest burden. He or she not only carries their own burdens but also his or her teammates' burdens and it's not an easy task.


  • But remember as we said in the very beginning of this video, “People are naturally more productive and active when they're in a good mood,” and that includes you.

    順帶一提 名片我超多!行不通啦!

  • Don't just laugh on certain occasions or when you hear something that's funny, or see a funny video, or see my videos. Smile every day, every moment.

    事實上 你甚至不需要這套西裝

  • Psychologist, Paul Ekman, wrote in his bookEmotions Revealedabout the relation between emotion and facial expression. It's rather funny how trying to make a certain facial expression, in fact, helps bring out the relevant emotion inside of you.


  • So in other words, smile when you can't 'cos it'll help bring out the joy in you when you can't feel it. Smiling is also contagious so it won't just help you but also help the people that you're working with, and help build a good atmosphere.


  • So keep smiling. Keep the passion. And keep being a true leader. Peace.

  • I got tons of those by the way. Doesn't really work.

  • In fact, you don't even need this suit to go with it.

  • [Ding] Hey! Wrong shirt! Ha! Ha!

  • Dang it! Oh no! I broke it! I broke my soap.

Hey guys, it's JR. Today I wanna talk to you about how to become a warm, thoughtful, caring, intelligent leader.

嘿大家 我是JR 今天我想要跟你聊聊如何做一個溫暖 貼心 關心又有智慧的領導者

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