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Sperm whales are the largest predator that ever existed on Earth.
Larger than the largest dinosaur.
Our goal is to interact with them.
Fabrice Schnöller is an engineer, biologist, and founder of the DAREWIN Project.
His goal is to record and analyze sperm whale vocalizations.
DAREWIN Project, it raises the question: Do these animals communicate like us?
So, the idea is to see if there is information in sound.
Sperm whales communicate using a series of complex clicking.
Some clicks are as short as a thousandth of a second.
When we get into that sound, we see that there is a pattern.
It's not random.
Maybe it's not impossible that these animals have a very sophisticated language.
Fabrice's objective is to gather as many recordings of the whales as possible, to figure out if that language exists.
But sperm whales are not the easiest animals to get close to.
Maybe only 10 years ago, no one was going into the water with sperm whales because they are predators.
If you bother them, if you hit them with a boat, or if you try to kill one of them, they can be extremely dangerous.
By free-diving - diving on a single breath of air - Fabrice is able to get incredibly close to the whales.
They usually don't come to divers.
That's why we free-dive, and we try to get these very exceptional observations.
It's through these intimate interactions that Fabrice is able to capture the recordings he needs to one day unlock the secret of their communication.
With the sperm whale, when they decide to come to see you, you are the subject.
They are looking at you.
They are analyzing you.
And this is really something I've never seen with another animal.
For me, if there is an animal that has a chance to open a little bridge between animals and humans, it is a sperm whale.