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This video already contains subtitles but we'll subtitle the video anyway. lol
00:00:10,200 --> 00:00:12,160 啊~真是美好的一天
James: Ahhh! Such a beautiful day- uh- ( yeah!)
The sun's shining in a beautiful way- uh- (woo!)
gonna take a shower, brush my teeth and-
Dave: Life is ultimately meaningless...
James: ....uhh *coughs and clears throat* UUUHHHHH...
But I'll get out of the house
Get on the road, top down, hands out!
Put on my favorite song and nod to the rhythm
Dave: The planet's being destroyed by your carbon emissions...
James: Oh! But I- I- , I'll head to class try my best on every test til I pass
and my grades are screaming in my face - ayyyy!
Dave: 98% of what you learn is a waste...
那我就和我的所有的朋友們一起出去玩 我的朋友跟我感情最好了
James: I get to- hang out with all my friends YEAH! My friends are the friendliest friends
Can't think of a better way to spend my time
你的小腦袋真的很有問題 你的朋友也終將死去...
Dave: Your brain is flawed and all your friends will die...
James: Nevermind!
I'm alive in the greatest nation! So proud of-
Dave: The exploitation of natives...
James: This graceful bird means freedom for all!
除了那些奴隸 還有那些白頭鷹的頭也不是光的
Dave: Tell that to the slaves and bald eagles aren't even bald (True)
James: I can live in the moment, milk every second!
Dave: At any time you could get clinical depression...
James: But I'll just be happy, no matter what's in store!
憂鬱症大部分都是遺傳,而且我們也沒有處方 呃呃呃至少
Dave: It's quite genetic and we have no cure... James: uhh- at least
我們都還年輕(不會持續太久) 生命充滿樂趣(只會不斷走下坡)
James: We are young! Dave: Not for long... James: Life is fun! Dave: It only goes downhill...
我們一定要充實每分每秒、 充實每分每秒(不然你就會後悔)
James: We gotta make the most of it, Make the most of it- Dave: Or you'll regret it...
我們都還年輕(只剩現在) 生命充滿樂趣(只對某些人來說)
James: We are young! Dave: For now... James: Life is fun! Woo- Dave: For some people...
我們一定要充實每分每秒、 充實每分每秒(加油吧...)
James: We gotta make the most of it, make the most of it! Dave: Good luck... (meow)
今天我得到了全新的工作 我所做的都在幫助經濟
James: Woo! I got a brand new job today! YAA! Doin stuff that'll help the economy. UH-
我會把錢存下來再買東西 銀行隨時都有可能破產而且資本主義大有問題
I'll save money and buy things at the store! Dave: Banks can crash and capitalism is flawed...
這都是因為我努力工作 而你把你天大的好運都花在你的誕生
James: And it's all because of my hard work! Dave : And the thousand advantages you lucked into at birth...
我努力的把我的履歷表填滿 (你真該感到慶幸你沒有黑人的姓)
James: I put a lotta effort in my resume! Dave: Good thing you don't have a black person's name... (ohh)
我真驕傲我在社會中能成為有用的人 終於啊,我能成為我一直想成為的人
James: I'm proud to be a functioning member of society! Finally, I can be the citizen I dream to be
在社會中奉獻我的稅金,還有什麼能阻擋我? (中產階級正在消失)
Part of the community, contribute with my tax. What could possibly stop me? Dave: The shrinking middle class...
啊啊啊啊啊...至少我還有個穩定的工作 (你總有一天會被中國或機器人取代)
James: AHHHHH- I've at least got a nice stable job. Dave: Until it's outsourced to china or replaced by a robot...
喔天啊...那我想我這樣就終於能放鬆了 (你只會覺得滿腦子空虛,還無法從此分心)
James: OH GOD- Well then I could relax a bit! Dave: You'll be empty with nothing to distract from it...asmr
但老兄我可是個有熱忱的畢業生 我可不同於他人,而且我有各種職業可以選擇
James: But man I'm a passionate graduate I can be different and I have a career paths to pick from
我能是個饒舌歌手或是動畫師,如果我幸運的話! (相信我,不管是哪個職業都無法讓你開心)
I could be a rapper or an animator if I'm lucky! Dave: Neither of those will make you happy, trust me...
我能選我要追隨哪條道路! (你對比你有錢的人來說只不過是條奴隸)
James: I'm able to choose what I pursue! Yea- Dave: You're a slave to people born richer than you...
James: Then screw it, I'll keep going in then I'll party on the weekend and sing!
noooOOOooooOOO o OOOOOOO- Dave: Thanks to autotune...
我們都還年輕(不會持續太久) 生命充滿樂趣(只會不斷走下坡)
James: We are young! Dave: Not for long... James: Life is fun! Dave: It only goes downhill...
我們一定要充實每分每秒、 充實每分每秒(不然你就會後悔)
James: We gotta make the most of it, make the most of it! Dave: Or you'll regret it...
我們都還年輕(也都還是難逃一死) 生命充滿樂趣(直到你死)
James: We are young! Dave: We still die James: Life is fun! Dave: until you die
我們一定要充實每分每秒、 充實每分每秒(因為你終將死亡)
James: We gotta make the most of it, make the most of it! Dave: Because you'll die... (meow)
生命真是奇妙!(你永遠沒有正確答案) 大自然真是個奇蹟!(自然也是個災害)
James: Life is a wonder! Dave: You'll never know the answer... James: Nature is a miracle! Dave: Natural disasters...
活著真棒!(你有可能一起床就得了癌症) 但我很健康啊?(健康的人還是會得癌症)
James: It's good to be alive! Dave: You could wake up with cancer... James: But I'm healthy? Dave: Healthy people still get cancer...
我愛這個節目(這是最後一集了) 太陽真耀眼(總有一天它會爆炸)
James: I love this show! Dave: It's the last episode... James: The sun is shining! Dave: It's going to explode...
但每個物種都還是既美又獨特 (小孩因為蚊子得了瘧疾)
James: Every species is beautiful and unique though! Dave: Children have malaria thanks to mosquitoes...
我遇到了一為綁著馬尾的女孩! (統計上來說這段感情註定失敗)
James: I met a cute girl with a ponytail! Dave: Statistically that relationship is going to fail... (SCIENCE)
我有個獨特又完美的家庭! (你一點也不特別,而有天你會替你媽送終)
James: I have a wonderful family, it's like no other! Dave: You're not special and one day you'll bury your mother... James: geez dude...
不管怎樣,我都能找到歸屬! (我們...都將....孤老....而死!)
No matter what, I can find a home! Dave: We... Will... All... Die... Alone...
每個生活在這星球的人類都有無窮潛力! (如果這宇宙死亡,我們將無法逃離...)
James: There's amazing potential in every human on earth! Dave: There's no escaping the heat death of the universe...
我不用靠著陰暗面生活,不管那些想法有多糟, 那都只是想法罷了!
James: I don't have to live life based on negative parts. No matter how bad they are, they're just thoughts!
喔,那挺合理的(等等,真的嗎?) 對啊那聽起來很合理
Dave: Yeah that's fair. James: wait really? Dave:Yeah that seems reasonable.
等等等等等但你剛剛一直在說- (喔隨便你想怎麼過生活都沒關係啦,我沒有強迫你, 我只是說說而已)
James: wait-wait-wait-wait but you were just telling me- Dave: whatever man, I dunno, live your life how you want. I'm not forcing you to do anything, I'm just saying.
James: Oh...Well in that case... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
James: We are young! Life is fun!
我們一定要充實每分每秒、 充實每分每秒!
We gotta make the most of it, make the most of it.
We are young! Life is fun!
我們一定要充實每分每秒、 充實每分每秒!(盡你所能地好好享受吧)
We gotta make the most of it, make the most of it. Dave: Enjoy it while it lasts...
00:03:45,280 --> 00:03:47,760
Lyrics: James (TheOdd1sOut) & Dave (BoyInABand)!
00:03:47,900 --> 00:03:50,480
Animation by: Rushlight Invader, ToonCee, Anti-Dark-Heart, and Pajama Party Doodles!
00:03:50,480 --> 00:03:52,480
Subtitles by: A lot of people. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
00:03:52,480 --> 00:03:54,560
Production by: Oxygen Beats.
00:03:54,560 --> 00:03:56,960
Remember! Wear your seatbelt!
00:03:56,960 --> 00:04:00,360
Also Hi! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) How are you doing?
00:04:00,360 --> 00:04:02,360
You are epic! :D
Bye peoples