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  • IELTS Writing Task 2 explained hi there my name's Ben Worthington in this video I will

  • show you my 7-step CTR method for writing strong clear coherent band 9 essays that score

  • high on the task response let's jump straight into it so step number 1 is to classify the

  • question you probably know in IELTS there are 5 types of IELTS questions now it's fundamental

  • that you identify which question you have to answer this is really important because

  • if you mess up at this point then you're going to be going way off track later on in your

  • essay so this is why it's really important to get it crystal clear before moving to the

  • next step it's really important with this step I cannot emphasize enough how important

  • this is this is why in my online course we have a full exercise developed towards training

  • the student into identifying a question and then moving on to the next stage step 2 assign

  • tasks to each body paragraph here we can write 3 body paragraphs and do the 5-paragraph model

  • or we can do 2 body paragraphs and write the 4-paragraph model I prefer the 4-paragraph

  • model and I always have the reason is it's because in the IELTS exam you do not have

  • a lot of time and to develop a strong coherent convincing argument that strengthens your

  • claim that's got evidence that's got examples you need to be writing quite a lot so if you

  • spread that time over 3 paragraphs you're only going to get 3 thin paragraphs whereas

  • if you focus that time and build 2 strong body paragraphs that present your case very

  • convincingly then you're one step closer to convincing the examiner and plus your points

  • are going to be much clearer which all goes back to cohesion and coherence now let's have

  • a look at a typical Task 2 question we're going to focus on the infamous question type

  • all IELTS students love discuss both views and give your opinion imagine we get this

  • beautiful question some people think parents are responsible for transporting their children

  • to school others think it is the government's responsibility discuss both views and give

  • your opinion so here we've identified quite quickly and easily what type of question we

  • are going to write now next stage is to assign tasks for each paragraph here this will probably

  • be my body paragraph number 1 and this will probably be my body paragraph number 2 and

  • it's here so I split it up now I know exactly what each body paragraph is going to be about

  • and because I have it crystal clear in my mind it's going to make it much easier to

  • write which will make it much easier to read so finally we brainstorm for ideas step 3

  • brainstorming for ideas now a lot of IELTS teachers will say that you read the question

  • identify the keywords and then brainstorm for ideas this is terrible terrible advice

  • setting you up for a miserable failure the reason is because back in 2014 I used to do

  • the exact same process but I quickly realized that I would generate lots of ideas but I

  • would only use half of the ideas in the essay and the reason was was because I was generating

  • ideas on the topic which is okay but I needed to generate ideas related to the topic and

  • the specific task this is why it's very important to extract from the question your key paragraph

  • ideas or your key paragraph idea which is the text from the question and then generate

  • your ideas on this specific idea and keep in mind the actual task so is it a 2-question

  • IELTS question or is it the discuss both sides and give your opinion let's jump into a real

  • question that's beingthat was seen on the exam recently and we'll develop this

  • process further here we have a quick brainstorm of ideas as I said before we have cut up the

  • question and allocated each part of the question to a certain paragraph this makes sure that

  • we're going to get full points for task response now we've generated quite a lot of ideas that

  • are very specific to this paragraph in this case as you can see my position my position

  • for generating my ideas comes directly from the question because it says discuss both

  • views this will be viewpoint number 1 and this is viewpoint number 2 and some good questions

  • to ask yourself when you're generating ideas is parents are responsible for school transport

  • ask yourself why are they response okay and that's going to give us the answer they're

  • responsible because it stops bullying they may live in a remote area where the school

  • bus can't get to and another way is you could say how are they responsible and each response

  • with each question will push you to developing clearer more coherent paragraphs now after

  • we've got these ideas the magic really happens let's go to step number 4 step number 4 is

  • organizing your ideas okay so as I said before your position in this case has to be that

  • of the question which is parents responsible for school transport as I said here we've

  • developed it a little bit further with our ideas you can see I've dropped a few ideas

  • by the wayside because I just wanted to focus on this specific part of the paragraph so

  • I just narrowed it down to one or two ideas I've put them into more coherent sentences

  • just for my notes and I decided that it's safer for children it's easier the parents

  • got more flexibility so this is why they should do it now I also need to give an example I

  • need to really develop my argument in favor of this point of view so I need to give evidence

  • and this will help me convey a strong and convincing argument and if it's strong and

  • convincing it's usually clearer to read which means it's clearer so it's usually clearer

  • to write which means it's clearer to read so you're doing the examiner a favor in the

  • sentence guide in the online course I have we go into this in much more detail and it's

  • very easy it's like a 3-step process and you've actually got the sentence structures you need

  • in order to drop your ideas in it's really really helpful now let's move on to step number

  • 5 now because we know exactly what we're going to write for our body paragraphs we can focus

  • now on our introductions and conclusions and we're going to do a very similar process we're

  • going to plan what we'll write for the introduction and what we'll write for the conclusion

  • but now it's much easier because we've got a very good idea about what's going in our

  • body paragraphs and this is another reason why this CTR method is really really strong

  • for cohesion and coherence because we've identified the ideas that we'll be writing about in our

  • body paragraph we've organized paragraphs around these but now we're also going to use

  • these ideas in our introduction and our conclusion then step 6 all we have to do is transfer

  • these notes into a strong coherent essay which is just basically a case of writing up and

  • transferring from here to there writing up and just following the plan that you have

  • made before here's a very important tip a very useful tip if a new idea pops into your

  • mind generally speaking ignore it keep to this strong coherent plan that you've already

  • developed and that you've already checked the task response and it already flows and

  • you've really organized it well do not risk popping another idea into your paragraph unless

  • you're absolutely certain it can work but more often than not it's usually better to

  • stick to the plan that you've already written and also this new idea will cost you time

  • and maybe you have to reorganize some sentences some ideas to really make it cohesive so at

  • this point we do not want creativity we just want to transfer it and write it now final

  • step stage 7 or step 7 what you need to do now you've finished writing and hopefully

  • you've got five minutes left check for mistakes this is really important hopefully as well

  • during your preparation you were getting feedback on your essays we can do this online at

  • go there and you can get your essay corrected get feedback see where you're making mistakes

  • and it's really important that you get professional expert feedback because not only are you going

  • to improve faster but going back to step 7 when we're checking for mistakes you're going

  • to know what mistakes you have made in the past so if you were smart and got your essay

  • corrected then you might realize that you make mistakes with articles the use of articles

  • or the use of prepositions now what you do is go through your essay and look for articles

  • and prepositions and try and self-correct them if you are self-correcting them the examiner

  • doesn't have to and obviously you're going to score higher also we're avoiding throwing

  • away silly points -- we're avoiding making silly mistakes and we're avoiding throwing

  • away valuable points so here's a brief summary about what we've just covered step 1 identify

  • the type of question step 2 assign tasks for each paragraph step 3 brainstorm for ideas

  • step 4 organize the ideas into coherent paragraphs step 5 plan your introduction and your conclusion

  • step 6 write it all up no new ideas transfer from a bundle of notes into a strong cohesive

  • coherent essay and then the final step check for errors so that's the 7-step CTR method

  • for writing strong band 9 essays now if you need more help or you need more feedback then

  • come and visit us at if you like this video make a comment on which step

  • helps you the most

IELTS Writing Task 2 explained hi there my name's Ben Worthington in this video I will

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雅思寫作任務二詳解-新-【7步CTR法回答任何問題】。 (IELTS Writing Task Two Explained - NEW - [ 7 Step CTR Method To Answer Any Question ])

  • 25 2
    ben posted on 2021/01/14
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